Help killing moose


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Hey guys,

I have been playing interloper for the first time. I have a little hunting camp set up in Pleasant valley. Early today i spotted a moose nearby the lake and would like to hunt it down. I have currently 5 arrows plus bow. Can you give me any tips how should i approach this giant and where to aim at? I have never tried to down a moose or bear with bow. 

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I'm on pilgrim but I make it my mission to kill as many moose as possible! The PV moose is actually very convenient because of the fishing hut! I use it as a kind of hide ,standing just at the open door and waiting for just the right time! And of course if you miss just duck inside and close the door!

I'm not sure that it has a particular kill spot but I either aim for head or chest area! Hope that helps!

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If you can, try to get to a point where the moose cannot get to your (or that you could do something like go down a bit of a slope that it cannot negotiate) location.  This has its own risks, i.e. sprains, but you're hunting something that if it gets its hooves on you will take you about a week (was it 120 hours?) to recover and requires bandages and pain killers to effectuate the heal- the broken ribs will limit what you can do or the extent you can do them - it would be an idea to take that into account. 

You would want to try and hit the moose's head.  Neck would be second best and the chest area third.  The head has the best chance for a critical hit which would drop it on the spot.  It does not bleed out like every other animal so you actually have to shoot it.   If it does not drop and then runs away, rather than stomp you into mush, listen carefully.  Listen anyway.  If it is making sounds (the moose previously would routinely be silent unless provoked) that indicates that you scored a shall we say "serious" hit and another arrow that hits it - the head would be preferable or the neck or chest at least - has a good chance of taking it down on the spot *. 

* I play Pilgrim so routinely don't have to worry too much about being stomped but I did notice that a "wounded" moose seemed to make sounds and a second well-placed shot tended to be reliably successful in taking it down. 

YMMV. Good luck. 

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I'm gonna assume you mean Pensive Pond that has the little fishing shack with the door on it.   right?  
I 've had a few moose battles there, some successful and others not.  You've been given some good advice from some veteran players, so ultimately what you do is up to your.  That being said, first question I have is do you have a flare gun? and if so have you ever used it to hunt with?  The reason I ask, is that actually hitting the animal with the flare gun can be pretty tricky in itself but in a pinch comes in really handy if you happen to be out of arrows and those that aren't broken in your backpack are sticking outta the moose's backside and your gonna want to get those back.  

At any rate a sound strategy that I've used is to crouch and climb up on the mound of snow covered boulders to the right of the dock.  There you can often sneak up on the beast as he is close to the tree rub and you can get a relatively good shot off from there without fear of being trampled.  What I do is to first collect enough firewood nearby to stock up the fishing shack and I start up a 12 hour fire.  It gets pretty cold out there as your stalking the moose so every once in a while you can retreat to the shack to warm up and rest.  Also helps to keep you going in case things go awry and you get stomped.  your gonna need a place to retreat to in order to tend to your wounds in that case.

I've found that a well placed head shot either into the eye or skull or snout may sometimes drop the moose with one shot.  Hit those antlers though and you'll draw his anger and probably break your arrow as well.  If your luck holds out and your aim is true, hopefully you'll drop him before you either loose or break all your arrows.  I've taken him on with 5 arrows only to realize that I have to finish him off with the flare gun.  Last time I tried that I shot 7 flares before finally bringing him down.  Out of the 7 flares fired, only three hit him.  That encounter took 4 arrow strikes and 3 flares to finally bring him down.  I was only able to recover 2 arrows in the aftermath, so that was a net loss of 2 arrowheads but the harvest yielded approx 45 kilos of meat.  Came in handy to be able to quickly quarter him and retreat to warmth of the fire and immediately starting grilling some moose steaks!

Good Luck in your endeavor and please let us know how you fared!

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Hello again, 

Thank you, everyone of you. It has been a pleasure to read about your stories and tips <3.

19 hours ago, Leeanda said:

I'm on pilgrim but I make it my mission to kill as many moose as possible! The PV moose is actually very convenient because of the fishing hut! I use it as a kind of hide ,standing just at the open door and waiting for just the right time! And of course if you miss just duck inside and close the door!

I'm not sure that it has a particular kill spot but I either aim for head or chest area! Hope that helps!

Alright I need to consider the hut strategy. Maybe  I can lure him closer to hut somehow. 

18 hours ago, peteloud said:

In such a situation I would not attempt to kill the moose.  Many times I have used more than 5 arrows on a moose.  You could lose all of your arrows and still not kill the beast.

I understand and that is very wise advise. I have a trapping trail that i check every morning and also couple of kilos deer meat in storage so killing a moose is not on the *must do* list haha. Although it would surely be high reward but high risk. 

10 hours ago, UTC-10 said:

If you can, try to get to a point where the moose cannot get to your (or that you could do something like go down a bit of a slope that it cannot negotiate) location.  This has its own risks, i.e. sprains, but you're hunting something that if it gets its hooves on you will take you about a week (was it 120 hours?) to recover and requires bandages and pain killers to effectuate the heal- the broken ribs will limit what you can do or the extent you can do them - it would be an idea to take that into account. 

You would want to try and hit the moose's head.  Neck would be second best and the chest area third.  The head has the best chance for a critical hit which would drop it on the spot.  It does not bleed out like every other animal so you actually have to shoot it.   If it does not drop and then runs away, rather than stomp you into mush, listen carefully.  Listen anyway.  If it is making sounds (the moose previously would routinely be silent unless provoked) that indicates that you scored a shall we say "serious" hit and another arrow that hits it - the head would be preferable or the neck or chest at least - has a good chance of taking it down on the spot *. 

* I play Pilgrim so routinely don't have to worry too much about being stomped but I did notice that a "wounded" moose seemed to make sounds and a second well-placed shot tended to be reliably successful in taking it down. 

YMMV. Good luck. 

Thank you, yeah the injure requires a lot of effort to be fixed. Thanks for explaining the target area. I try to practise aiming a bit and then go for neck/head area. I never knew about those sounds though... very interesting need to focus on that too. 

6 hours ago, piddy3825 said:

I'm gonna assume you mean Pensive Pond that has the little fishing shack with the door on it.   right?  
I 've had a few moose battles there, some successful and others not.  You've been given some good advice from some veteran players, so ultimately what you do is up to your.  That being said, first question I have is do you have a flare gun? and if so have you ever used it to hunt with?  The reason I ask, is that actually hitting the animal with the flare gun can be pretty tricky in itself but in a pinch comes in really handy if you happen to be out of arrows and those that aren't broken in your backpack are sticking outta the moose's backside and your gonna want to get those back.  

At any rate a sound strategy that I've used is to crouch and climb up on the mound of snow covered boulders to the right of the dock.  There you can often sneak up on the beast as he is close to the tree rub and you can get a relatively good shot off from there without fear of being trampled.  What I do is to first collect enough firewood nearby to stock up the fishing shack and I start up a 12 hour fire.  It gets pretty cold out there as your stalking the moose so every once in a while you can retreat to the shack to warm up and rest.  Also helps to keep you going in case things go awry and you get stomped.  your gonna need a place to retreat to in order to tend to your wounds in that case.

I've found that a well placed head shot either into the eye or skull or snout may sometimes drop the moose with one shot.  Hit those antlers though and you'll draw his anger and probably break your arrow as well.  If your luck holds out and your aim is true, hopefully you'll drop him before you either loose or break all your arrows.  I've taken him on with 5 arrows only to realize that I have to finish him off with the flare gun.  Last time I tried that I shot 7 flares before finally bringing him down.  Out of the 7 flares fired, only three hit him.  That encounter took 4 arrow strikes and 3 flares to finally bring him down.  I was only able to recover 2 arrows in the aftermath, so that was a net loss of 2 arrowheads but the harvest yielded approx 45 kilos of meat.  Came in handy to be able to quickly quarter him and retreat to warmth of the fire and immediately starting grilling some moose steaks!

Good Luck in your endeavor and please let us know how you fared!

Yes that is correct location. No i have not found flare gun in interloper. Neither have i used it in hunting ever :D. I did not know you could actually hunt with it hahaha. Alright I will do a little hike and see if there is a good place to climb up.  


Once again, thank you all! I will play The Long Dark later on today and try your tips! I will reply this post and tell you how it ended up hahaha. Have a nice day! 

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You'll want more arrows. Seriously. The point made earlier about losing all your arrows is definitely a real thing that can happen; if you get all your arrows into it and it doesn't drop then those arrows are just gone and you'll need to get more. If you're in PV at Pensive Pond you should do the mine -> Winding River -> Mystery Lake -> Forlorn Muskeg trek to go to the forge at Old Spence's with a bunch of scrap metal and make twenty  arrow heads; you don't have to make arrows out of all of them right away but you will suffer attrition of them over time. I have hunted many moose with the bow and have pumped over a dozen into one before it dropped. I've also one shot moose before. Point is that if you are unlucky then you could find yourself in a bad bad spot.

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Moose are scared of fire.  Get the moose to charge at you.  Retreat to your fire.  Shoot him in the face at the last moment.  He will spin and flee; if he doesn't drop dead right there.  Repeat until dead moose lies next to your fire.

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Hi all again,

thank you. I crafted few more arrows and when i had total of 10 arrows i went to caves to get some coal. Later on i built a fire nearby the pond that lasted about 10h. I stalked the moose and got 2 hits to its neck. He chased me down to the campfire and just as he stopped and turned i shot him right to the eye. The third arrow dropped him nright around the campfire. 

Now i have some good meat for the future hahaha 😂 once again, thank you all!

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2 hours ago, Topppsam323 said:

Hi all again,

thank you. I crafted few more arrows and when i had total of 10 arrows i went to caves to get some coal. Later on i built a fire nearby the pond that lasted about 10h. I stalked the moose and got 2 hits to its neck. He chased me down to the campfire and just as he stopped and turned i shot him right to the eye. The third arrow dropped him nright around the campfire. 

Now i have some good meat for the future hahaha 😂 once again, thank you all!


I love a good success story.  I wish you would have taken a screenshot of your moose carcass near your campfire.  It sure made quartering him easier I bet.  

Here's a prize for the newest moose hunter on GBI


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3 hours ago, Leeanda said:

Only 3 shots is very good going! Hope you have many more successful hunting trips!

Thank you so much!


37 minutes ago, piddy3825 said:


I love a good success story.  I wish you would have taken a screenshot of your moose carcass near your campfire.  It sure made quartering him easier I bet.  

Here's a prize for the newest moose hunter on GBI


 Oh NO I TOTALLY FORGOT THE SCREEN CAPTURE 😭 I was so full of adrenaline and hands were shaking as i quartered the moose and transported the meat that i forgot to take pics... 😂😂 thank you for the prize haha so sweet! 

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On 7/27/2021 at 5:47 PM, Funguy said:

Moose are scared of fire.  Get the moose to charge at you.  Retreat to your fire.  Shoot him in the face at the last moment.  He will spin and flee; if he doesn't drop dead right there.  Repeat until dead moose lies next to your fire.

OOPS!  Maybe....  

I just tried this because I wanted to make sure they hadn't changed anything in the recent updates that didnt seem to do anything and it didn't work with the bow.  At least not for me.

Works with the revolver and the rifle and the flare gun, but my moose had no reaction to getting shot with an arrow.  After six years of development there's so many versions of the game now in existence, I never know exactly what behavior to expect.  Just gotta keep trying them all over again...

Glad you had success regardless, but be careful out there. 

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  • 4 months later...

Oh man, I gotta try take a moose down with a bow. My first moose was at Broken Railroad. I was too cocky. Thought I'd take it down with a few rifle shots... And got trampled. Twice, as it came back at me as I tried to slink away. Two broken ribs is something I never want again. TBH, not even one. Grabbed all my rifle ammo (didn't have a bow) and climbed a bent tree and shot the moose from there. The feeling was great, but I lamented all the ammo spent. Good thing it was only on voyageur so it wasn't that big of a deal, but still.

Congrats on the kill.

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