Newbie says hello and loving TLD Survival Mode


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So just saying hello and how much I am loving TLD. I am not much of a gamer and so have quite the learning curve in general for gaming, and so then for TLD. I started in Story Mode-- was not aware the survival mode was a sandbox mode. It sounded hard. So I avoided it--until reading about the game realized it WAS the sandbox mode and went to try it out as I was struggling with the story mode. And I have never looked back. I am slowly but surely getting better about finding my way in the landscape, understanding about figuring out a survival strategy, as well as silly ways my char has died--walking into a fire! or plunging off a cliff-- silly because they are operator error (me). I am bored of looting--though its necessary. I like fishing for some reason! and figuring out the snaring and harvesting of rabbits, crafting the rabbit fur and mitts. I need to figure out bow hunting and the rifle soon. Just for fun, I had my char living awhile atop the Forestry Outlook in Mystery Lake. The views are so amazing! It was worth the struggle, but in the end, too hard to keep it up. My favourite spots so far: obviously the Forestry Outlook in Mystery Lake, the fishing cabins in Coastal Highway, Hermit's Cabin in Mountain Town/Milton. My favourite map so far is Coastal Highway. I have dabbled in Pleasant Valley and in Bleak Inlet, but not ready for those yet. Still just wandering about in Pilgrim mode, figuring it all out one step at a time, and enjoying each step of the way. The game is beautiful--the graphics are stunning.

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Welcome to a lush paradise! I'm on pilgrim at the moment cos I got fed up of being mauled by the bears especially in coastal!the scenery is awesome especially during the aurora and the music is outstanding if not sometimes eerie! Enjoy the experience!

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Welcome. Currently I'm not playing TLD ( right now im all about Phoenix Point and various 4x games) but I invariably come back. Even after all these years there are things I haven't achieved or new experiences. I feel a TLD session coming on as I have yet to visit ash canyon or complete story mode.


As neat as the game is, the best part of the experience for me is the character of the developers and the quality of the community here. Where other game communities are often lousy with toxicity, these forums are well moderated and there are rarely arguments, at least few that are not in a good faith effort to improve the game or community.

There are several game developers who I like, but for some reason the people at Hinterland strike me as people of great character. They seem decent to their employees too.

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Thanks all for the replies and information. I have just made my first successful transition from one map to another--hooray. From Coastal Highway to Pleasant Valley. Totally a newb achievement, but still really pleased. :)

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Well, Pleasant Valley... wasn't. The constant blizzards made the game play a bit dull and I could never get the rabbit groves to actually put rabbits into my I am back in Coastal Highway. Home sweet home... to see what my next moves will be!


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On 5/31/2021 at 4:26 AM, peteloud said:

It's good to hear you are enjoying it so much.  I think it is the best game I have every played, in spite of its poor graphics. 


I've wondered what TLD would be like with more realistic graphics. Although sometimes, the game as is provides a bit of serenity :)


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