Vitamin Drink Mix

Willy Pete

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I've been drinking a lot of this stuff called Zipfizz for some time now. It's got a buttload of vitamins and a hint of caffeine and I wonder if something similar to it might fit into the world of TLD. 

The way it would work is similar to how water tablets work, clicking "use" on the item uses up the vitamin mix and adds X Liters/Gallons (probably something like 0.5 L) of vitamin drink to your inventory. When drunk it gives you a small amount of energy back and gives the effect: immune system boost for anywhere from 24 to 72 hours. During this time, you have a reduced chance of getting illnesses, and illnesses that you do take require only half the time to recover from.

Obviously tweaking could be done for game balance and the vitamin mixes would be rare, but just a thought for a potentially powerful medical item.

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@TheHunter280 Food poisoning and the like are 100% illnesses. The boost provided would decrease the likelihood of you getting sick from eating low quality food/intestinal parasites/etc as well as decrease the time it takes to get over them. On lower settings, sure, they're not that big a deal, but on higher settings these sorts of things can be far worse. 

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Seems to me that the system is fine the way it is.  I don't see any good reason for this change.  Also, seems to me that Zipfizz (along with most things like it) rely more on the placebo effect than any actual proven benefit.


So, I'm not in favor of this.


Before anyone gets their dander up... I'm not going to be arguing with anyone about this.  I'm just offering my opinion of the idea put forth.  If people want to believe in "bad science" it makes no difference to me.  It's kind of like those people who whole heartedly believe that being "cold" makes you sick :D
It's silly but people can believe what ever they want.  I'm not going to argue with anyone about it. 

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19 hours ago, Willy Pete said:

I've been drinking a lot of this stuff called Zipfizz for some time now. It's got a buttload of vitamins and a hint of caffeine and I wonder if something similar to it might fit into the world of TLD. 

The way it would work is similar to how water tablets work, clicking "use" on the item uses up the vitamin mix and adds X Liters/Gallons (probably something like 0.5 L) of vitamin drink to your inventory. When drunk it gives you a small amount of energy back and gives the effect: immune system boost for anywhere from 24 to 72 hours. During this time, you have a reduced chance of getting illnesses, and illnesses that you do take require only half the time to recover from.

Obviously tweaking could be done for game balance and the vitamin mixes would be rare, but just a thought for a potentially powerful medical item.

We are on a deserted, remote, abandoned island off the coast of Canada. The island, the industries there, and the settlements there were in a state of severe decline before we ever got there. I can't see this item being plentiful on the island before it was abandoned, let alone after it was. Most of what we find seems to have been picked over fairly well. And we do have the GO! Energy Drink in the game already, if we are lucky enough to find a few. I really do not see a point in adding an other items that would be so similar to it. As for the immune system boost- I don't see how that should be a thing. Unless you already have a Vitamin B12 deficiency, drinking a shot of it isn't going to do anything for your immune system, or make you less likely to get food poisoning from eating rotten food. And we would be getting it from the meat, fish, and canned foods we are eating in the game already.

I think the GO! Energy Drink, coffee, and emergency stims in the game are enough, and a new "energy booster" is not needed. Just my 2¢.

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  • 3 weeks later...

It might be interesting to find some of that bodybuilding protein powder as a real emergency type food. Or something like a slimfast meal replacement shake. Again, as a last resort food.

Not sure how often we would need to use it tho. If you carry some cattails, you won't starve in the next few minutes, while you wait for your rabbit to cook.

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