About modes

Guest Marcurios

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Guest Marcurios
1 hour ago, UpUpAway95 said:

I really enjoy having the flexibility in a game to adjust the game modes myself without having to resort to using mods.

i agree on that, the custom mode let's you mod and tweak the game to your preferred playstyle, that's a very good thing.

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3 hours ago, Marcurios said:

Go and play Fallout New California (A.K.A. project Brazil), i worked on that with a bunch of friends.
Also working on Fallout The Frontier
few more examples of what i have made, but just like 2% of my entire work, otherwise i have to spam the thread with links;


And before you go and say...ohhh, but they are not games but mods, then no, they are games, both bigger then the entire game New Vegas.
i wrote scripts for that regarding survival mechanics in The Frontier, yes, it had cold weather and protection from freezing with clothes and fire even before The Long Dark existed, even though it has'nt been released yet, we have some money from donations, but not a kickstarter amount of money, so developing takes time, not to mention to rig up all those vehicles Fallout lacks vanilla that you can fly and ride, even in space..
And i merged all mods into the main master for Frontier, and made the weather (scripted and made entirely new 360 degrees cloud system), and a bunch of terrain textures.

i also made assets for Unity games that are used in a few games, but i don't actually keep track in the exact amount, but there are quite a few..

And yes, The Frontier will still be a year away from releasing, but if you ever played Fallout NV you will be stunned from what The Frontier will add in terms of mechanics and new driveables and flying contraptions and rideable animals and more.

On top of that i made hundreds of scripted mods and weather mods and texture and model mods for Fallout 3, Fallout NV, Skyrim, And Fallout 4, Doom 3, STALKER SOC etc..

I also helped out with a bunch of big selling assets on the Unity store like GAIA and more..

Let's just say i did enough programming and scripting mechanics to be able to determine what works and what doesn't from a fair gameplay perspective.
Even if you could not find any clothes and would freeze to death every single time, that would be more fair then a wolf spawn on top of the player.
It's just a big nono in the game industry.

@UpUpAway95 i agree with what you said, suggested game modes would make more sense, then you could just disagree with their suggestion.
As it is now they say with Voyageur it's the way the game is ment to be played, i don't think such a statement is correct.
The way it is ment to be played is the way someone wants to play it, so in that regard, custom is the way to play it.

Lol! Okay. I did not ask for a lengthy defense of your experience as a Modder, or a game dev. or, your personal opinion on game balance, or what is "fair" or "a big nono in the game industry". I can find all sorts of opposing opinions on any game's forums on Steam, or official online forums, where any and all parties (gamers and devs) are all sure their opinion is "the right one".  Opinions are subjective. :)

I simply asked what you had made, and what engines you were experienced in working with. 

I do agree having a wolf spawn in directly on top of you is not good. I have only had it happen once in this game, quite some time ago (~2years, I think?). Wolf spawned in right in front of me, and yes, I mean right in front of me, and- instant struggle. Haven't had it happen since, though I have had them spawn in just at the edge of my detection range, which is not that far in Stalker Mode. And which led to several situations where I had to think fast, really fast. I do think that if the player is standing on or near a spawn box, and the life cycle timer on the game spawns in a new wolf, or bear, or deer, or rabbit, or moose... there should be a buffer zone around the player, where any new spawns would not be allowed within the player detection range. If the player is in a certain distance from said spawn box, the game should deny that spawn location, and spawn the new animal into the world at the next closest spawn box in that area, giving the player time to react or retreat.

And as a side-note, I own FO:NV. Never did get into it. My taste for shooter-RPGs has waned over the decades, as well as my ability to pay them well, with my ever increasing arthritis. But I have heard good things about New California, and I may try it, if my new meds work well, and relieve some of the pain and stiffness in my hands. I may even play a bit of FO:4, since I recently won the game in a giveaway, and have not touched it yet. Which is a shame. :( And we can agree to disagree on opinions about game balance, in this game, or any other. :) 

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Nice, I admit that's an impressive resume!  I'm always skeptical when people on any forum claim to be a game developer, because it seems like more often than not they actually have zero experience at all, or have greatly exaggerated something.

Heck shortly after high school one of my friends had us all fooled that he was building all these Doom WADs, but I eventually found every single one on a BBS.  He'd been downloading them, using a WAD editor to change the author info, then claiming the work as his own.  Dude lost a looooooot of face that day, and thus my skepticism was born.

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Guest Marcurios

@ThePancakeLadyWell it's pretty normal these days that you have to defend yourselves online, so i did.
but i only do that to a certain extend, cause like you say opinions are subjective, and therefore not interesting.

The engines i worked with i haven't seen you ask, but they are Unreal, Cryengine, Unity , X-Ray and Gamebryo lightspeed.

In Stalker you can survive a in your face wolf spawn, in Interloper that chance is 1% in the first days.

And yes, you should give New california a try, it has a pretty good story, and good replayability, you can choose a lot of different ways to play it with different outcomes.

@ajb1978, thanks, yeah i'm just a enthusiast in 3D and game developing, but i have been at it for 20 years non stop now, so in some things i'm actually very good, i have actually been in contact with people at EA for work.
Sadly i don't really like to work for big companies, maybe stupid, but i like my freedom..would look very good on my resume though,
but i guess i just have to be online friends with them for now..
Also had some contact with Mike from Obsidian and guys at Bethesda to help me out with some problems i've been having with the Beth Gamebryo engine, was pleasantly surprised to hear that they follow us (The Frontier) at every step to see what we are doing with their game..

I know for sure that they will be impressed once it is released, it has stuff you couldn't imagine possible in this old engine.
the guy we have for special FX is legendary (Weijiessen), he can do things with those nif files that are crazy..

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1 hour ago, Marcurios said:

well yes and no, i agree with you that playing this game right can only be done custom imo.
but i still think that the way the modes are set up are based on bad decisions.

aand i wasn't really complaining, although i understand it will be seen like a complaint.
it became a complaint the moment people started to reply, forcing me to elaborate on those underlying decisions that created these modes.

it all begun with this question;

then when i played Interloper some more i noticed some unfair gameplay elements, mentioning that, together with the reactions i got it became a complaint more or less.. that in it's turn led to the conclusion that none of the regular game modes are thought out very well, but the mechanics to make them perfect are present in the custom mode. that made me change my mind about custom mode.
but i still don't like it that it is this way.
i'd rather have good, well thought out modes to begin with.

And no, i don't want the devs to customize the modes "to my liking", i'm not important, the well thought out mechanics are..

the voyageur equivalent of the story mode says it is the way it's ment to be played.
i mistakenly translated that back to survival mode, my bad.

i didn't notice any positive effects with the feats either, the buff you get from it is neglectable.

And my comments are not ment to downplay the devs, nor ment to say the game is bad, they are ment to provoke some further thought on the mechanics, i know they're still working on the game, someone might just think again about certain gameplay elements, if they need tweaking or such...but i'm noticing that people always need to disagree and tell me their opinion on what i said, i'm really not interested in anyone's opinion other then the devs opinions on how they came to these decisions.

Cause i know that in the end, the last thing a dev wants is to frustrate people, even if you make one of the hardest games around to play.
like i said, i don't mind freezing to death, i lowered the cold in custom, but put it back again, cause i can see that you can't hold out for very long in -40 celsius with no clothes, that's certainly not unfair..

i just like logic in games, no matter how wacky the game is..

For the record, my impression of your complaining about things in this game stems directly from your multitude of original posts that end with comments like "Fix this" or, as in this one, "this needs to be addressed."  Nothing else.  Furthermore, iMO, it also cumulatively leaves the impression that you do actually want them to customize this game to your liking... mostly because it's logic (and it is, IMO, a fairly logical game) doesn't jive with your logic. 

The "logic" about how game modes shift from easiest to hardest and that playing on a custom mode is "bad" because it allows players to make things "easier" is something that started early on when games were simpler overall and difficulty progression meant changing just a single element.  For example, never-ending games like Tetris got faster and enemies in shooter games just got more "bullet-spongy"  and games were meant to be "beaten" not just enjoyed.  However, just because it's a notion that has is embedded in game culture, doesn't make it necessarily "better" or "more logical" than a game being structured to counter those notions and to try to free players into seeing "custom" modes as being a means to enhance the playing experience in variety of different ways.  I'm not saying this game executes that difference in game philosophy perfectly or that it isn't going to encounter players still locked into that old "leaderboard" mentality, but, IMO, it has made a great start in that direction.  As I said earlier, I would prefer we hit a point where the standard game modes are relabeled as "suggested templates" and feats are also allowed to accumulate regardless of whether the player uses one of the suggested templates or devises their own.

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Guest Marcurios

That's because i genuinly feel that the game needs a lot of work.
I had almost as much bugs with it as i had with Fallout New Vegas, and you and i know Bethesda's track record.

And yes "bad" is my opinion, you may safely ignore my opinions.

you know very well what i mean with logic, don't tell me it's my logic.
Not in the case with a npc spawn in your face, it's silly..no matter how you defend it.
Not in any game, not in any difficulty, something isn't supposed to come out of nothing.
maybe in Quantum mechanics, not in a game.

Now i'm sorry, but i have to stop replying now cause it's going to take too much time, time i need for making my treepack
which i'm currently working at..

i asked a question in my first post, i think i can answer it myself now, since i have lived for a week in Interloper now.
I am wondering when the magic wolf is going to end my run though..



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5 minutes ago, Marcurios said:

That's because i genuinly feel that the game needs a lot of work.
I had almost as much bugs with it as i had with Fallout New Vegas, and you and i know Bethesda's track record.

And yes "bad" is my opinion, you may safely ignore my opinions.

you know very well what i mean with logic, don't tell me it's my logic.
Not in the case with a npc spawn in your face, it's silly..no matter how you defend it.
Not in any game, not in any difficulty, something isn't supposed to come out of nothing.
maybe in Quantum mechanics, not in a game.

Now i'm sorry, but i have to stop replying now cause it's going to take too much time, time i need for making my treepack
which i'm currently working at..

i asked a question in my first post, i think i can answer it myself now, since i have lived for a week in Interloper now.
I am wondering when the magic wolf is going to end my run though..



So, now we're down to just talking about a rather obvious bug with the buffer around the player regarding enemy spawns... since the size of that buffer is changeable in the custom settings.  I'm no programming expert, but I've experienced similar bugs with enemies spawning in unusual places in most, if not all, other games I've played.  (Shrug).  It's something I tend to laugh off and overlook.  When I play a game that does this bug-free, I'll let you know.

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2 hours ago, Marcurios said:

In Stalker you can survive a in your face wolf spawn, in Interloper that chance is 1% in the first days.


True. But, lol, in Stalker there is usually more than one wlf. They are polite though, and line up in queue, waiting for their turn to make you into a chew toy. Which can really suck sometimes. 🥴

When we get Timber wolves, I am definitely going back to Voyageur, to see how they act, and what their attacks are like. I suspect they may be able to kill in one attack (on Voyageur and Stalker, Lopers beware...), even after you are wearing more than rags, and have more than only fists to fight them with. Looking forward to it, with some trepidation. 😓

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Guest Marcurios
2 hours ago, UpUpAway95 said:

So, now we're down to just talking about a rather obvious bug with the buffer around the player regarding enemy spawns... since the size of that buffer is changeable in the custom settings.  I'm no programming expert, but I've experienced similar bugs with enemies spawning in unusual places in most, if not all, other games I've played.  (Shrug).  It's something I tend to laugh off and overlook.  When I play a game that does this bug-free, I'll let you know.

buffer around the player regarding enemy spawns, no, you're obviously not a programmer..
spawning wolves on top of the player has nothing to do with the variable that holds the amount of wolves to be spawn (that's what i would call a "buffer" if anything).
it has to do with the proximity to the player that the npc's spawn, the coordinates derived from the players position.
so if player is at X-10.920 Y-500.430, you don't spawn a wolf at X-10.930 Y-500.420 in the game worlds coordinates.
and it's not a bug, it's a decision the devs made to spawn enemies in to close to the player at random.
So close infact, that the audio of the wolves to alert you (the bark) isn't even played cause it's on top of you and already chewing you up..

The player is a capsule that slides through the world, you can "get" it's position and make NPC's spawn near it's location.
Some games do this, and usually behind the player capsule's camera.
If they do it in your face, that's the biggest mistake you can make, cause people will insta complain.
Devs that want to scare you to death do it behind your back, but good devs don't make it a death sentence in a bloody hard gamemode.
So if you want to do that, the wolves that spawn on top of you (the unfair ones) need to be somewhat more squishy then the ones that spawn at a distance.
That's what i mean with logic, give the player a goddarn chance atleast to survive.

That's what i called unfair, cause it is..but i really like to move on now with other things instead of having to repeat myself over an over.

you haven't played to many games then, i know lots of games that do this bug free..
don't go asking next which games, just play a few more..

58 minutes ago, ThePancakeLady said:

True. But, lol, in Stalker there is usually more than one wlf. They are polite though, and line up in queue, waiting for their turn to make you into a chew toy. Which can really suck sometimes. 🥴

When we get Timber wolves, I am definitely going back to Voyageur, to see how they act, and what their attacks are like. I suspect they may be able to kill in one attack (on Voyageur and Stalker, Lopers beware...), even after you are wearing more than rags, and have more than only fists to fight them with. Looking forward to it, with some trepidation. 😓

yep, though on like 4 occasions i fought three in succesion and came out living (with 30% health), wolves bleeding out and i had three pelts and a load of meat.
and i'm a beginner when it comes to The Long Dark.

Timber wolves are actually going to make Stalker interesting again lethality wise, although there a a bit much wolves in Stalker, i liked the idea of Interloper, less wolves, but more deadly, but i didn't expect 99.9% deadly though..guess it all comes down to expectations.

i do think that if they are going to add more variety in wildlife, that they also need to revise the fight and shoot mechanics, especially if there will be even more species after the timberwolf. Cause i found the revolver to be nothing more then a gadget, it hardly ever scares or kills a regular wolf, so it would never kill a Timberwolf, you'd need a rifle or bow for it, ofcourse it all comes down to how many they're going to throw in, but i think if they get added on top of what is already there, some changes in mechanics are again needed. Maybe craftable bullets, but finite as well like the other stuff so death will come eventually..

I balanced out fallout 4 with a damage mod that makes it extremely hard, but still playable, balancing a game out is extremely difficult cause there are so many variables used to calculate what is going to happen before damage to the player is applied, a mistake is easily made.
That took me 2 years to get everything right by the way, on a finished game..
That's why many games that are made on a deadline will never get really finished after release, they get the gamebreaking bugs out, but almost never care to really make balanced gameplay, most games you can become so good at, that you'll never die anymore, even on insane difficulties.
This is where this game shines so far, that's why it bothers me if there are a few things not quite right.
And it's not my opinion, it's just what i must conclude from playing it.

But i'm purely talking about the configuration of the built-in modes, cause the mechanics to do it right are there.
That just bothers me, it's kinda like almost the perfect game, i have seen this before, but it never gets really perfect cause either devs listen to their player base too much, or they need to device a trick to fix leaderboards, or they have their own reasons to do it like they do it.

i always keep revising my script so not a single error can occur, and that everything is thought of in the most elegant and simple way possible to not destroy performance.
But i guess that is a luxury you can afford when you're not working for a gamestudio with deadlines.

Since Hinterland seems less concerned about this, i have good hopes that they will change unreasonable mechanics (read- decision implemented in built-in modes) in the end.
That's also why i say what i say, i'm hoping that IF they read it, they'll atleast think about it again.

I won't hold my breath though, cause only moderators will read prolly, but i can try..


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Please your best to keep this conversation focused on the original topic and ensure that we're treating each other in a fair and empathic way. Everyone in this conversation has a valid point of view and it's just as important to listen (or read) what they're saying as it is to put your own view forward.

Conversely if you share your opinion on the forum expect that not everyone is going to agree and that's okay as well.

A few posts have been removed to (hopefully) get us back on track.

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4 hours ago, Marcurios said:

buffer around the player regarding enemy spawns, no, you're obviously not a programmer..
spawning wolves on top of the player has nothing to do with the variable that holds the amount of wolves to be spawn (that's what i would call a "buffer" if anything).
it has to do with the proximity to the player that the npc's spawn, the coordinates derived from the players position.
so if player is at X-10.920 Y-500.430, you don't spawn a wolf at X-10.930 Y-500.420 in the game worlds coordinates.
and it's not a bug, it's a decision the devs made to spawn enemies in to close to the player at random.
So close infact, that the audio of the wolves to alert you (the bark) isn't even played cause it's on top of you and already chewing you up..

The player is a capsule that slides through the world, you can "get" it's position and make NPC's spawn near it's location.
Some games do this, and usually behind the player capsule's camera.
If they do it in your face, that's the biggest mistake you can make, cause people will insta complain.
Devs that want to scare you to death do it behind your back, but good devs don't make it a death sentence in a bloody hard gamemode.
So if you want to do that, the wolves that spawn on top of you (the unfair ones) need to be somewhat more squishy then the ones that spawn at a distance.
That's what i mean with logic, give the player a goddarn chance atleast to survive.

That's what i called unfair, cause it is..but i really like to move on now with other things instead of having to repeat myself over an over.

you haven't played to many games then, i know lots of games that do this bug free..
don't go asking next which games, just play a few more..

yep, though on like 4 occasions i fought three in succesion and came out living (with 30% health), wolves bleeding out and i had three pelts and a load of meat.
and i'm a beginner when it comes to The Long Dark.

Timber wolves are actually going to make Stalker interesting again lethality wise, although there a a bit much wolves in Stalker, i liked the idea of Interloper, less wolves, but more deadly, but i didn't expect 99.9% deadly though..guess it all comes down to expectations.

i do think that if they are going to add more variety in wildlife, that they also need to revise the fight and shoot mechanics, especially if there will be even more species after the timberwolf. Cause i found the revolver to be nothing more then a gadget, it hardly ever scares or kills a regular wolf, so it would never kill a Timberwolf, you'd need a rifle or bow for it, ofcourse it all comes down to how many they're going to throw in, but i think if they get added on top of what is already there, some changes in mechanics are again needed. Maybe craftable bullets, but finite as well like the other stuff so death will come eventually..

I balanced out fallout 4 with a damage mod that makes it extremely hard, but still playable, balancing a game out is extremely difficult cause there are so many variables used to calculate what is going to happen before damage to the player is applied, a mistake is easily made.
That took me 2 years to get everything right by the way, on a finished game..
That's why many games that are made on a deadline will never get really finished after release, they get the gamebreaking bugs out, but almost never care to really make balanced gameplay, most games you can become so good at, that you'll never die anymore, even on insane difficulties.
This is where this game shines so far, that's why it bothers me if there are a few things not quite right.
And it's not my opinion, it's just what i must conclude from playing it.

But i'm purely talking about the configuration of the built-in modes, cause the mechanics to do it right are there.
That just bothers me, it's kinda like almost the perfect game, i have seen this before, but it never gets really perfect cause either devs listen to their player base too much, or they need to device a trick to fix leaderboards, or they have their own reasons to do it like they do it.

i always keep revising my script so not a single error can occur, and that everything is thought of in the most elegant and simple way possible to not destroy performance.
But i guess that is a luxury you can afford when you're not working for a gamestudio with deadlines.

Since Hinterland seems less concerned about this, i have good hopes that they will change unreasonable mechanics (read- decision implemented in built-in modes) in the end.
That's also why i say what i say, i'm hoping that IF they read it, they'll atleast think about it again.

I won't hold my breath though, cause only moderators will read prolly, but i can try..


The variable setting I'm referring to is in the Custom Menu.  It's entitled "Wolf Spawn Distance" and can be changed by the player from Close to Medium to Far.  The description reads:  "Affects how far away wolves may spawn when you enter or exit an interior.  Closer means they are more likely to catch you unawares."  In the templates for Voyageur, Stalker and Interloper, this particular setting is "Close"; on Pilgrim it is set at "Medium."

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Guest Marcurios
12 hours ago, UpUpAway95 said:

Closer means they are more likely to catch you unawares.

ofcourse, that's logical..if the Wolf drops on your head it will most likely detect you rightaway.
but from a logic perspective, there is no organism that does that other then people on a parachute.

if i myself would have to calculate the distance for 'close" spawns in Interloper, i would atleast make "close" the minimal maximum detection distance, meaning the wolf would atleast do it's bark thing first.
That's not the way it is now in Interloper, i was killed three times in a row by a wolf out of nowhere, while i was constantly looking and turning in a pretty much open field.

i did manage to live for 10 days now without being surprised eaten, so i guess it's just bad luck, but i read on the internet that a lot of people have this complaint, and i mean a lot, on reddit there are quite a few understandable rants about this

i think it would even be better if wolves move faster and detect you from a little further then to spawn them in too close.
if the devs want them to be relentless they could solve it another way, they'd be more scary too.

i was stalked by 4 wolves yesterday in Interloper, and i survived by making a fire, luckily there was no wind and i found three boxes of matches this time, very lucky run.
So if they don't spawn on top of you, and you had the luck to find enough matches to be able to do that, you can survive in Interloper.
And that is how it should be..always..

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8 minutes ago, Marcurios said:

but i read on the internet that a lot of people have this complaint, and i mean a lot, on reddit there are quite a few understandable rants about this

Ehh take reddit with a grain of salt.  It's true that people complain, but in a vacuum that's an incomplete statistic. People that have no issues don't complain.  So if you see 100 complaints, what does that mean?  Does that mean 100 out of 100 have had an issue?  If so, it's pretty serious.  Does that mean 100 out of 10,000 had an issue?  If so, that's negligible.

I think if you were to take a poll on whether Interloper is fundamentally broken, the results would indicate that is not a popular opinion.

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Guest Marcurios

first things off, i take everything with a grain of salt..

but, it was just a few dudes complaining they died from a unanounced wolf attack, sounded pretty much like what i have experienced.

they also said like me that they where constantly on the lookout, crouching often when they where on high ground to scout the terrain,
and they still got ambushed atleast so many times that it got frustrating.

it's simple, if you can't keep yourself alive by constantly traveling highground and constantly strafing and looking 360, if you can't rely on that, something is wrong.

But i'm really stopping to respond now, cause i literally have repeated myself ten times over.

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3 hours ago, Marcurios said:

ofcourse, that's logical..if the Wolf drops on your head it will most likely detect you rightaway.
but from a logic perspective, there is no organism that does that other then people on a parachute.

if i myself would have to calculate the distance for 'close" spawns in Interloper, i would atleast make "close" the minimal maximum detection distance, meaning the wolf would atleast do it's bark thing first.
That's not the way it is now in Interloper, i was killed three times in a row by a wolf out of nowhere, while i was constantly looking and turning in a pretty much open field.

i did manage to live for 10 days now without being surprised eaten, so i guess it's just bad luck, but i read on the internet that a lot of people have this complaint, and i mean a lot, on reddit there are quite a few understandable rants about this

i think it would even be better if wolves move faster and detect you from a little further then to spawn them in too close.
if the devs want them to be relentless they could solve it another way, they'd be more scary too.

i was stalked by 4 wolves yesterday in Interloper, and i survived by making a fire, luckily there was no wind and i found three boxes of matches this time, very lucky run.
So if they don't spawn on top of you, and you had the luck to find enough matches to be able to do that, you can survive in Interloper.
And that is how it should be..always..

... and all I was suggesting is that it seems to me to be a bug in that setting.  You say you found both Voyageur and Stalker easy.  It's just on Loper, you're having an issue with it.  Yet, the setting is the same for all of them, but still changeable and indeed set differently on Pilgrim.  Perhaps the other settings - something that changes between Stalker and Loper is interfering with it.  I'm not a programmer, so I don't know the technicalities of how they programmed this setting, but clearly they did something to put a "buffer" distance around the player regarding wolf spawns... at least as far as them spawning when entering or leaving interiors (what programming would set the interiors apart in this way, I don't know).

Regardless, you do have an option to make a change that affects it in custom by moving that setting from "close" to either "medium" or "far."  I don't think I have ever had wolves spawn in close to me on Pilgrim, so I think the setting is probably working as intended in that case (that is, with the other settings that Pilgrim uses in it's template).

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Guest Marcurios

i'm not looking for a neverending discussion about what i said, enough has been said.

my point should be plenty clear by now.

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