Journal file?


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4 hours ago, boy_scout_kevin said:

I like to keep a personal log in TLD even more than I do IRL, but it looks like I just reached the end its capacity. The typing field simply stopped taking anything else. Is there a way save the old entries externally so I can clear it and continue? Anybody know where/how those notes are stored? Thanks.

Happened to me when I wanted to publish my journals during 4 days of Night. I think nothing can be done about it. I now double-screen an Open Office window.

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23 hours ago, Hawk said:

You could take screenshots of the text, then use an OCR (Optical Character Recognition) program to scan and create a text file. There's a free OCR program found here. I use it and it works fine.

I know, it's a bit of a pain but it does work.

Linux user here, but thanks. I have access to a few ocr progs I've used before, but I've suddenly realised that I don't like in-game journaling quite that much =) Maybe I'll suggest making the journal easier to transfer to the outside world to Hinterland.

Edited by boy_scout_kevin
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Guest Support

Hi @boy_scout_kevin , can you tell us what platform you play on? (Steam, Xbox One, PS4, etc)

For each Day survived, you should have a Daily Log, which you can add a Notes Entry to if you wish by selecting the Day and then clicking over to the Notes tab.

Each Note entry does have size limit -- something in the area of 10k characters -- but if you've survived for 20 days you should have 20 different entries you can add notes to, which can add up to a fair bit of space.

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@Support is there or is it even a possibility to extract daily journals from an existing run? Even in game it’s a Pain to open the journal and review notes. . It would be nice to be able to extract those entries as a way to share survival stories.

I have a Vanilla Loper run of 1363 with lots of journal entries but it’s tedious scrolling through the days to find my entries. 

Is OCR really the only way to pull this text?



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All I know is that I have journal entries covering the vast majority of 1,000+ game days in each of my three sandboxes. They tend to cover maybe a page, sometimes two for each day. It would be nice to be able to export them in some fashion.

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Guest Support

Thanks for your posts! Right now there isn't much in the way of tools for sharing or exporting Journal Notes, although it's something we've talked about. Thanks for letting us know it's something you'd be interested in!

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  • 3 years later...

Sorry to revive this... but as we approach the TFTFT update and the predicted save game losses.... I also tried to look into exporting the Journal of my largest save. It would be really nice if - at minimum - the game would enable copy/paste (highlight journal txt, hit Ctrl+C) so I could at least copy it into a text document. This might be an easier stop-gap before a full Export feature is built.

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6 hours ago, Sherri said:

Lamento revivir esto... pero a medida que nos acercamos a la actualización de TFTFT y las pérdidas previstas de juegos guardados... También intenté exportar el Diario de mi mayor guardado. Sería muy bueno si, como mínimo, el juego permitiera copiar/pegar (resaltar diario txt, presionar Ctrl+C) para que al menos pudiera copiarlo en un documento de texto. Esta podría ser una solución provisional más fácil antes de que se construya una función de exportación completa.

I totally agree that the diary and notes should be exportable in some way so that it is not necessary to open the game to consult them .

After read forums and comunity on Steam, I had to resort to taking screenshots and run them through an OCR but it is tedious and very laborious, in the end I opted to open simultaneously to the game a note editor (SublimeText) to go jotting notes and reminders, store locations, etc..

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I personally don't use the notes much because frankly alt-tabbing to Excel works better for me. The game pauses while not active so I can take my time writing down each item I have stored away, the quantity, and the starting condition. I can use formulas to display the expected current condition of items based on how much time has passed after the starting condition, I can search it, copy, paste, etc.

About the only time I use in-game notes is to leave myself a reminder for next time if I've been drinking and am not confident I'll remember what I was up to.

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On 11/24/2022 at 8:27 PM, Sherri said:

Sorry to revive this... but as we approach the TFTFT update and the predicted save game losses.... I also tried to look into exporting the Journal of my largest save. It would be really nice if - at minimum - the game would enable copy/paste (highlight journal txt, hit Ctrl+C) so I could at least copy it into a text document. This might be an easier stop-gap before a full Export feature is built.

This + expanding the size of the journal. With the number of regions and amount of notes I put in one of my longer games, it's been frustrating to continually come up against the max # of characters.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 11/27/2022 at 5:19 PM, ToAsT said:

This + expanding the size of the journal. With the number of regions and amount of notes I put in one of my longer games, it's been frustrating to continually come up against the max # of characters.

Ooo I didn't know there was a character limit!

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