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Всем известно, что в игре есть военная одежда и обувь не так ли? Да и есть сухпайки там есть, но что, если бы можно было создать новое место, где была бы Армейская база, был бы шанс найти оружие и необходимые инструменты для выживания, ну, была бы техника, но из-за аномалии было бы непригодно, но просто выжить, да.
Как правило, такие базы хорошо укреплен, не так ли.
Но было бы трудно добраться до этой базы, например, через горный волк, через ущелья и пещеры.
Кроме того, погодные условия создадут трудности, чтобы добраться туда, кстати, это хорошо в тестировании.
Под названием Выжить любой ценой.
Ну, почему бы и нет.

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Hello @AlexandraRussia, glad to see you round the forums again :) 

My russian is a bit rusty, but there was just recently a topic on an Army camp by @DarKube where I pretty much mentioned my opinion on this similar subject :) 

Yes, there are army things in the game - combat boots, coat and trousers. But, if you take a notice - the description says they are "old" - one can safely assume it is a gear from some old army surplus store which is no longer actively used by the canadian army. So, the presence of it on Great Bear doesnt really indicate that there has to be a military base around. Not saying there cant be one :)

My opinion is that because we know from the Story mode that there is a prison, or rather Blackrock Penitentiary on the island (that is a prison for the worst kind of criminals) - I think it is safe to assume that there could be a small military (possibly military police or canadian rangers) base on the island, where a skeleton crew of soldiers would reside in case of an emergency in the prison - like a major break up, a riot, etc. But given the state of the Great Bear island, I would wager that such a military base would have been abandoned even before the lights went out. 

So, I think your idea would be pretty cool - to have some sort of new region feature a military base - assuming it would be small, the supplies there would be limited and similar to the supplies around the entire game (meaning there wouldnt be more then 10 rifle rounds to be found, a rifle, maybe distress pistol case...) - and the area would be sufficiently difficult to loot - lots of wolves, a bear or two patroling the area... I imagine the base would have fences which would be torn open in some places, and the wildlife would be moved in.

I imagine this base would be in the same region as the prison itself. In the past when the base would be active, they would have to be able to react fast in case of some emergency in the prison. 

I didnt understand the whole text entirely, but I think you mentioned some technology or equipment that would be sort-of unique - I wouldnt really want to see that, honestly. I have nothing about unique items in certain locations, but in moderation. This doesnt seem like a place you would have to climb like the summit - so the reward should appropriate to the difficulty. Unless there would be a special kind of "containers" inside that would spawn predominantly army items (and such containers would have to be rare, like no more then 2 or 3 per the whole location) - I wouldnt like to see the place spawning much of military-grade equipment. I like that this equipment is rare.

5 minutes ago, SneakySquid said:

This topic has already been brought up Here

You are close but not really - that was an idea for a "camp" as in tents. This is about an actual base - buildings, perimeter, fences, those sort of things. Also, I think it was meant to be considerably larger, which I wouldnt agree with - wouldnt really make sense lorewise.

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14 minutes ago, Mroz4k said:

You are close but not really - that was an idea for a "camp" as in tents. This is about an actual base - buildings, perimeter, fences, those sort of things. Also, I think it was meant to be considerably larger, which I wouldnt agree with - wouldnt really make sense lorewise.

Yes but @Mroz4k its the same kind of idea and both of these ideas could be in the same thread .

The proof of this that your comment in @DarKube thread and in this thread have mostly the same ideas in them.Even if the one this thread is more developed.

No offense meant.  

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7 minutes ago, SneakySquid said:

Yes but @Mroz4k its the same kind of idea and both of these ideas could be in the same thread .

The proof of this that your comment in @DarKube thread and in this thread have mostly the same ideas in them.Even if the one this thread is more developed.

No offense meant.  

Believe such a base would be able to protect from a bear, but why there’s no defense there, for sure, God forbid everyone, maybe she’s old but efficient, but at the expense of provisions, it would be difficult there, because the locals would practically carry it there.

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1 hour ago, AlexandraRussia said:

Believe such a base would be able to protect from a bear, but why there’s no defense there, for sure, God forbid everyone, maybe she’s old but efficient, but at the expense of provisions, it would be difficult there, because the locals would practically carry it there.

That is kind of my biggest worry - that people would use this military base as a "base" of operations, because it would be big and protected from wildlife... I also imagine that such a place would have almost anything inside - big indoor cooking place in some kitchen, a workbench, beds, lots of containers... that would be way too good of a location to set up a base. That is why I think it would be better if the fence was ruined, and the predators were roaming inside - to discourage people from living there.

It would also have to be at the edge of the map. Kind of like the Hunting lodge at Broken Railroad. If it wasnt remote and there werent predators all around, it would be the perfect place to set up main base.

1 hour ago, SneakySquid said:

Yes but @Mroz4k its the same kind of idea and both of these ideas could be in the same thread .

The proof of this that your comment in @DarKube thread and in this thread have mostly the same ideas in them.Even if the one this thread is more developed.

No offense meant.  

The concepts are similar but not quite, and I dont think its a bad thing we have more threads coming out then usually. But I understand it may bother some people - if you feel that way, message the person with a kind request - that usually works the best :) sometimes, people get too excited. Heck, I feel like I am dominating these forums lately with my comments on everything... almost feel ashamed for it, too :D 

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14 minutes ago, Mroz4k said:

That is kind of my biggest worry - that people would use this military base as a "base" of operations, because it would be big and protected from wildlife... I also imagine that such a place would have almost anything inside - big indoor cooking place in some kitchen, a workbench, beds, lots of containers... that would be way too good of a location to set up a base. That is why I think it would be better if the fence was ruined, and the predators were roaming inside - to discourage people from living there.

It would also have to be at the edge of the map. Kind of like the Hunting lodge at Broken Railroad. If it wasnt remote and there werent predators all around, it would be the perfect place to set up main base.

The concepts are similar but not quite, and I dont think its a bad thing we have more threads coming out then usually. But I understand it may bother some people - if you feel that way, message the person with a kind request - that usually works the best :) sometimes, people get too excited. Heck, I feel like I am dominating these forums lately with my comments on everything... almost feel ashamed for it, too :D 

Well, it's wonderful, any forum needs a leader, so it turned out that it was you:)

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4 minutes ago, AlexandraRussia said:

Well, it's wonderful, any forum needs a leader, so it turned out that it was you:)

I am hardly a leader here on forums. :D As you may recall in the past, some 9 months ago... I wasnt very nice person around these forums. I acted arrogantly, mocked others and their ideas, and was abusive with my words. And I was banned for it, quite deservingly so. If I am trying to do something here, it is to encourage others to use the forums more, discuss their ideas and feel safe to do so - because in the past, I did the exact opposite - completedly missing the biggest point, which is: The more ideas people discuss, the more people discuss the same ideas over and over again - the better sample of what the community wants is available for the Hinterland. Those are the things that will eventually make it into the game.

If anything, I want to make things right for my awful behaviour in the past.

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1 hour ago, Mroz4k said:

I am hardly a leader here on forums. :D As you may recall in the past, some 9 months ago... I wasnt very nice person around these forums. I acted arrogantly, mocked others and their ideas, and was abusive with my words. And I was banned for it, quite deservingly so. If I am trying to do something here, it is to encourage others to use the forums more, discuss their ideas and feel safe to do so - because in the past, I did the exact opposite - completedly missing the biggest point, which is: The more ideas people discuss, the more people discuss the same ideas over and over again - the better sample of what the community wants is available for the Hinterland. Those are the things that will eventually make it into the game.

If anything, I want to make things right for my awful behaviour in the past.

That's nice, it's never too late to change, and you're done.
 And even so in the world too much aggression to be honest.:):(

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Maybe it will be a small base. Training camp for special forces. Without a warehouse, but with a barracks, a classroom and destroyed hangars. Broken military equipment will contrast beautifully with the dead world. All human power is useless because nature will take away its own.

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1 hour ago, k0s0ff said:

Maybe it will be a small base. Training camp for special forces. Without a warehouse, but with a barracks, a classroom and destroyed hangars. Broken military equipment will contrast beautifully with the dead world. All human power is useless because nature will take away its own.

Yea, the biggest problem with that is if it would feel "immersive" in the contrast of the game. If there is a good reason to have RCAF training camp on Great Bear, I would have no issue with it. I still think it would make more sense if there was a small (even smaller then you suggest) outpost with quick deployment team of canadian rangers on standby in case there was a prison break.

I don't think the Royal Canadian Air Force would train at an island like Great Bear. Sure, it would be remote so better for secrecy reasons, but it would also be a logistical nightmare. For a secret base, it would make sense. For a training camp, not so much - they could train just as easily train at the mainland, and have a lot easier logistics there.

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6 hours ago, Mroz4k said:

Да, самая большая проблема заключается в том, будет ли он чувствовать себя «погруженным» в отличие от игры. Если есть веская причина, чтобы тренировочный лагерь RCAF на Большом Медведе, у меня не было бы проблем с этим. Я все еще думаю, что было бы более разумно, если бы был небольшой (пусть даже меньший, чем вы предполагаете) форпост, с командой быстрого развертывания канадских рейнджеров в режиме ожидания в случае перерыва в тюрьме.

Я не думаю, что Королевские военно-воздушные силы Канады будут тренироваться на острове, таком как Великий Медведь. Несомненно, это было бы настолько удаленным, что было бы лучше по соображениям секретности, но это было бы также логическим кошмаром. Для секретной базы это имело бы смысл. Для тренировочного лагеря не так много - они могли тренироваться так же легко тренироваться на материке, и там было намного легче вести логистику.

A reasonable view of things. 

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