Military Camp


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Hello I think its great to add a military camp in TLD. It could be a grouping of tents.

The loot could be a hunting rifle, rifles ammunition, MRE, maybe adistress pistol and his ammunitions and MAYBE, a flack jacket(this is content it could add in TLD).

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Hello again. I see you mentioned a flak jacket - would you mind telling us more about what it would be like? How heavy, how warm, and what would be the purpose of it? I have to admit - I dont see much of a use for a flak jacket in TLD. Unless it was an item to increase the inventory space, in which case I would argue that it would add less of an inventory then would be its weight, making it a bit pointless. A flak jacket would be of very little use against the protection of animals, I am affraid.
Now, having Binoculars instead of that, your other idea, would be great, I think!

As for the loot - with the exception of the summit in TLD, there is no "quaranteed" loot in the game anywhere. I see no point to change that - maybe adjust it so that upon spawn, there could be a rifle spawning here, OR a distress pistol, and some of the ammunition for either (1 box of 5 rifle rounds plus 2-3 single ones on the ground, 2-3 flare rounds) - some canned foods or an MRE, some higher end clothing (Combat boots, pants or coat), maybe a book on guns. 

Seeing as how that is very nice loot - the area would have to be appropriatedly dangerous - let say wolves directly in the camp, and a bear spawn close by.

The camp would have to be old and possibly even abandoned, could even be some sort of military small base/checkpoint in some new region. I like this idea a lot... we already know from the Story mode that there is a prison for major criminals (Blackrock Penitentiatry) on Great Bear. Makes sense there would be a small military outpost in the area in case of a break out.

I like this idea a lot. No need of the new content, but could be a fresh new area-to-loot that makes lorewise sense to be in the game.

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