Does anyone else do this?


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Whenever winter rolls around, so do all the holiday themed scented candles and their associated sales/promotions. I picked up a balsam wood scented candle and I light it whenever I play The Long Dark, for me I feel little more immersed when I get the sights, sounds, and now smells of whatever I am playing to align just right. Not sure how it is for everyone else, but sometimes when I associate a particular scent with a memory it can really trigger that memory when I smell it again later on.

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I live in the southwest and I'm probably where @deathbydanish goes to get some real winter in.  I absolutely agree with you on smells.  Pine, wood smoke, cold crisp air - where you can see your breath when you exhale, juniper, the sound of icy frozen snow crunching beneath your feet, the snow plow racing by, a cozy fire burning in the wood stove all those things make me think "winter".

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6 hours ago, hozz1235 said:

Unfortunately, my dog farts a lot when I play, so that's my associative smell.

You beat me to this idea @hozz1235:)
My German Shepard was rolling in the wet pine needles after catching a small bird. So in game I was harvesting a wolf as my dog enters the room smelling of wet, frozen dog fur...epic moment, (my wife was far less impressed). :coffee:

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I have done that before. Not even during holiday season - I saw Christmas scented candles on sale during summer, I got em and I played with the smell of holidayish forest.

I also have a little round can of pine pitch at my room, sometimes I would cut off a little bit and put it into a normal candle to get it to smell like somewhat burnt pitch foresty smell. I wonder if I can make some makeshift candle stand where I could only melt the pitch, not burn it, to get it really smelling like the forest...

Anyways, a looong time ago, during the days of ML and CT being the only locations, I tried my hand at recording YT videos for a while, TLD included - and with webcam, I would put on the same gear like the character... in the middle of summer. I remember playing TLD with pants down while wearing a sweater, parka, a rifle, hatchet, knife... all kinds of stupid crap. And a funny cotton toque with two "googly" eyes. I miss that beanie... BTW, bad idea, dressing up the same as your character. Not comfy at all.

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