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I canned some jalapenos today, and I got to thinking, this would actually be pretty fun if we had something like this in the game.  Of course, there are no fresh veggies to be found, and you can't safely preserve meat using only boiled water.  So...what if we had a pressure canner in the game, as a rare item on par with emergency stims.

My thinking is this: It's basically a very heavy (5kg) piece of cookware, capable of cooking meat or canned goods just like a pot, boiling up to 20L of water, or its special unique property: Preserving meat in jars.  Now for sake of not micromanaging the heck out of everything, maybe these jars can just appear out of nowhere like the water bottles do, and mysteriously vanish when empty.  But the idea is you can preserve up to 1kg of meat using this pressure canner, which would never lose condition or generate scent bars when carried.  (i.e. cooked bear meat becomes canned bear meat, same calories, weighs .25kg more due to the jar.)  2 hours for the jar to be ready, and just like cooking if you leave it on the stove too long, you ruin the meat.

I can't even count the number of times on the Steam forums I see people requesting some way to preserve meat.  This would satisfy that frequent request, while synergizing with the new cooking system.  (2 hours to can something = plenty of time to sew up those boots.)

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I agree, it would need to be even more rare than stims though. Maybe only 1 or 2 in the entire world. Slow decay rate with use, but it will decay, so you need to maintain it and keep it repaired. I do think glass canning jars would need to be added to the game though. And since modern Ball (choose your other brand name favorite) jar lids with replaceable lid inserts would be finite, and possibly hard for islanders to get, old fashioned domed lids, and old fashioned canning wax. Which would be a tie-in for candle making, a dual use material. Lots of other uses for wax as well, but that's for another Wish List thread, lol!  

But I would expect to find canning jars in homes with kitchens, but not tourist or industrial buildings, along with the rare chance to find that pressure canner. Rural Store, Orca and QGS could be possible spawn locations for a box of canning jars, lids or a 1lb box of canning wax., with singles (jars and lids) or partial boxes of wax found in some homes.

Possible name for the brand of canning jars? "Glass Houses". Just don't throw stones, in them or at them, okay? Just give that Coho a nice Glass House to live in for a while. ;)

**Dreams of mixing Summit Soda and a ton of rose hips to make a runny rose hip jam, to spread on those dry, salty crackers**

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1 hour ago, ThePancakeLady said:

Slow decay rate with use, but it will decay, so you need to maintain it and keep it repaired.

Well I meant the canned meat would never decay.  Just like cat tail stalks, coffee, or tea, it would start at 100% and stay at 100% from day 1 to day 1000.  The pressure canner itself, should follow the same rules as cookware; if you lose track of time and ruin your batch, the cookware takes a condition hit in addition to you ruining the food.

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5 minutes ago, ajb1978 said:

Well I meant the canned meat would never decay.  Just like cat tail stalks, coffee, or tea, it would start at 100% and stay at 100% from day 1 to day 1000.  The pressure canner itself, should follow the same rules as cookware; if you lose track of time and ruin your batch, the cookware takes a condition hit in addition to you ruining the food.

Gotcha. I blame lack of Pancakes for generating confusion in my mind. ;)  

It would be a way to store meat/fish indoors without the rapid decay rate of the food. Not sure how much work it would be for them to write and code in new rules for meat and fish (or rose hip jam... *drools*) decay rated indoors and outdoors, if stored in a canning jar. I suppose they have to add those rules for any new item added to the game, just not sure how it would work for cooked fish/cooked meat in a type of container, when containers have never been part of the decay equation AFAIK, just indoors/outdoors. 

Sorry, overthinking it here most likely. Getting too detailed, I should let them worry about it, if they decide the idea needs consideration. 


Did I mention Pancake deprivation here? :/

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I think it's a system that definitely could use fine-tuning, and when you go down the rabbit hole of meat weight, it can get rather dicey.  For example, you can easily harvest 1kg of meat from a bear, wolf, deer, or moose.  But what about salmon?  Those are beefy fish.  So maybe for now, just limit it to turf, and exclude the surf.  Any cut of land-sourced meat requires 2 hours to can, maybe reduced according to the size of the cut of meat.  If you really, really want to can 0.1kg of meat, sure, reduce the time to 12 minutes.  But salmon, which is easily 2kg or more when cooked...maybe for sake of simplicity, let's just not allow that for now.  Just to make it easier on the devs.

Edit: Oooh and what if canning were an effective way to eliminate intestinal parasite risk at low cooking levels?  Maybe bear meat could be made safe to eat on all experience modes, if you can it?  I mean it has to get to over 115c to safely eliminate botulism spores.  There's no way a parasite could survive that.

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15 hours ago, fauxjargon said:

It would make more sense to be able to make jerky out of meat.  It could take large amounts of fuel and still produce some smell so that you couldn't carry as much as you wanted - just more than raw or cooked meat.

That's one of the more common food preservation requests.  Pemmican comes up now and again too.  I've also seen some pretty elaborate suggestions for how to smoke meat.  But in the case of smoked salmon, jeez that stuff would have like 90 scent lines attached to it.  Fastest way to clear out the break room is to open up some smoked salmon.

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