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I wish the radios were louder.  Like...a lot louder.  Loud enough that if I'm organizing my shelves in the Quonset garage, I can listen to the radio at a reasonable volume from nine to eleven.  OK, Office Space Milton joke notwithstanding, in order to enjoy the radio in the current state I have to crank my speakers, which means the howling wind and creaking structure are CRAZY loud, and sometimes scare my cat.  My cat has claws.  My lap does not enjoy scared cat claws.

Also, wider variety of music.  I would love to hear some more variety.  Licensing music might be cost-ineffective for such a low priority item like this, but maybe grab something from a royalty-free site?  I don't know.  I'd just like to have more variety on the radio, while being able to hear it :)

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On 7/24/2018 at 10:32 PM, ajb1978 said:

I wish the radios were louder.  Like...a lot louder.  Loud enough that if I'm organizing my shelves in the Quonset garage, I can listen to the radio at a reasonable volume from nine to eleven.  OK, Office Space Milton joke notwithstanding, in order to enjoy the radio in the current state I have to crank my speakers, which means the howling wind and creaking structure are CRAZY loud, and sometimes scare my cat.  My cat has claws.  My lap does not enjoy scared cat claws.

Also, wider variety of music.  I would love to hear some more variety.  Licensing music might be cost-ineffective for such a low priority item like this, but maybe grab something from a royalty-free site?  I don't know.  I'd just like to have more variety on the radio, while being able to hear it :)

I agree, the volume of the radios could/should be a little louder. But not too much. They appear to be old transistor type radios, not known for having the greatest speakers. I do love the music when they turn on during an Aurora, but the low, kinda creepy "distant" sound feels more appropriate. Pleasant music, yet creepy as all get out, if your survivor wakes from sleeping, and music is playing, like a waking dream.

As far as other music, yeah. I would love to have other choices, but... we are on a remote island. Are the radios AM or FM? Either way, we are probably too far away from the mainland to pick up anything being broadcast from there. I think we hear whatever track the gal at Signal Hill had queued up, on loop, when The Event took place.

Though, if there is any alien interference taking place here, it would be kind of fun for Hinterland to include some of the songs sent into space over the years, either on a disc, or beamed into space by humans or our machines-

Or... creepy... if the words "Hello, from the children of Planet Earth." came out of the speakers.... or any of the other messages on the Voyager Golden Records-

Though, the music from the soundtrack of the movie "The Day The Earth Stood Still" may be a hint, and has more meaning than we may realize? Perhaps?  ;)


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how about an emergency transmissions, given the state of Great Bear Island, probably the only actually radio transmission that would happen locally are from short wave operators and automated services along with whatever comes in from the mainland.

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A cool story event for writer Raphael: 

Charater wakes up to the sound of someone on the radio at Signal Hill (possibly while in the Farmhouse). It’s someone’s in trouble (maybe a Forrest Talker or someone) and they detail a location of a cache or a hideout or whatever. 

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Another random thought related to this, how cool would that be if a talk radio program was available between the songs?  Functioning like buffer memories, where a random 5 minute discussion between the DJ and a resident of Great Bear plays, providing additional lore and backstory.

"Hello, this is Sarah Easton, from CGRB.  I'm here in the studio with Ted Wallace, from the Carter Hydro Dam.  How are you this evening, Ted?"
"Well I'm a little freaked out to be honest, Sarah."
"Oh...really?  Why's that?"
"Well we hired a contractor to handle pest control--we had a bit of a wolf problem a while ago--and this guy...what's his name, Jeremy I think, well I found him standing outside the fence just staring at me.  Staring.  Like this here, like I'm doing."
*chuckles* "That looks like Samuel L. Jackson in any movie he's ever been in."
"Right?!  This other guy MacPherson saw him inside the fence line poking through some debris a couple days ago too.  I mean I think he was just digging through the garbage looking for scrap metal or something usable, but still.  Those eyes..."

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