Critter Sizes (meat yields from kills)...


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So, a question came up in a discussion on the Steam forums, about "Biggest Bears".  I'll link the thread here:

The question I had was if animals (not just bears) seem to have a size range (a meat yield range in kg. or lbs.), that is based on the Survival Mode experience mode you are playing. In other worlds, are deer, moose or bears fatter in Pilgrim than they are in Interloper? I did a few keyword searches here, and could not find any threads with this subject, though I may not have hit the right keywords to find it or them. I've lurked here for a long time, and have seen many "research studies" done by good people here. So, has anyone done a real, scientific study, of the meat yields from fresh, player made kills, on each animal type in the game, in all 4 experience modes? Or would anyone like to? 

I don't play Loper, so I can't and won't test that mode, I usually play Stalker, but I rarely do long runs, to gather a large enough sample size to get conclusive results. I think I could grit my teeth and survive the "boredom" of a longer Pilgrim or Voyageur run or 2 or 3. But if someone has already done tests on this, I will be honest, and say I would prefer not to do long runs. Life is busy right now, long runs may take me too long to do, and get too old and forgotten to get good study data from.

So... does anyone know of a study already done? Would a group of people w be willing to run this test, to satisfy the curiosity of myself, and others? Since it is just curiosity, and probably not something with any huge gameplay value or importance. Maybe.

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12 minutes ago, ajb1978 said:

I'm on it.  Give me a few days to gather data.

I'm just going to go with the two extremes.  Pilgrim and Interloper.  If those two are comparable, Voyageur and Stalker likely are too.

I knew I could (sucker you in) count on you aj.  :D You always are up for scientific studies. Life is crazy busy with the business right now, but I'll see if I can get the family in on this. Even if none of us have time for long runs right now, a shared family run on the XBone might work for getting data from one or the other mode, probably Voyageur, since I am the only one here who likes playing Stalker. 

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Interloper is me.  For some reason.  Spawned in Desolation, mild weather, found food, clothing that puts me in + temps in the afternoon, TWO boxes of matches, a flare, TWO prybars, a bedroll...and it's still day one.

Something tells me day two is gonna suck.  There's no way this luck can hold.  But if I can find a hammer and hacksaw, I should be ready to get this hunt experiment started.

I was planning on it taking multiple attempts before I found my footing.  I may have hit the ground running this time.

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Whoot! I will try to keep RNJesus distracted somehow, even if I have to sic him on my son, who is playing TLD on the XBone right now, lol!

See if you can kill a decent sample of the smaller critters, wolf, deer, rabbit. I'd say in Loper, those may be easier targets, and if their weight is significantly less on average in Loper than in Pilgrim, there may be a modifier in place that alters the range on different modes for meat harvest weights. If not, it's likely just RNJesus having tons of fun. ;)


I'm interested to see what you find, and will try to get a test running here when I am done working, if I have energy left to play. 

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Well so far I'm at 40% health, but I made a successful retrieval of the Quonset hacksaw and Heavy Hammer from the floor of a car.  I'm about ready to start crafting a hatchet, knife, and handful of arrowheads.  I basically threw myself at the mercy of the cold and accepted the damage, while gathering food and toilet water, threw myself off a cliff to evade a wolf, lit a flare to scare a second, then retrieved it and used it to light a fire to take a break in an ice fishing hut to make some tea and cook up a few cans of peaches.

I have to say, I'm impressing myself with how well I've made the transition from Pilgrim straight up to Interloper.

I mean to clarify I've played Interloper before, shortly after it was introduced, but I've been playing Pilgrim and Voyageur for several months now.  To return to Interloper and be doing THIS well, this early, I'm pretty surprised.

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Yeah interloper tries to kill you the moment you get too comfortable /cocky. 

That's how I ended my last 67 day run, had got into a bad routine sleeping all night in the fishing huts(With a fire) ended up thinking I could do the same in the ravine cave. 

All that hard work gone in seconds.

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OK I've recovered for the most part.  Still haven't been at 100% condition for a while, but doing alright for the most part.  I've killed a couple rabbits, and so far the meat seems identical to Pilgrim.  Got some saplings and scavenged hides curing.  I should be in hunting shape sometime tomorrow, then assuming I don't botch up, I will have some additional info.  Preliminary results show that there is no difference in meat quantity from carcasses.

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OK, so 7 wolves, 3 deer, and 2 bears in, meat yields appear to be about equal to what I would expect to see on Pilgrim.  Wolves 3-5kg, deer 7-10kg, 1 bear 27kg, second bear 37kg.

I suppose if I really wanted to be extremely thorough, we could check if meat yields per animal decrease later in the game, but I have no reason to think that it does.  I'm sure someone would have said something by now, somewhere on Steam or here, if they started seeing 1kg wolves or 10kg bears.  If meat yield per animal is consistent in both Pilgrim and Interloper, that's proof enough for me that meat yield is consistent across all experience modes.

I feel kinda bad about shooting all those animals and leaving the bodies on the I'm wasting meat.  Even though this run was only intended to get me this far, and no further.  I'm shelving it in case I need to test some other Interloper related stuff, but as far as I'm concerned this survivor has done his duty!

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Yep. I am doing a Voyageur run, and seeing similar results to what you and @Gazbeard are reporting, though I have not gotten a bear yet. There seems to be a decent range in meat yield weights for each species on fresh kills, whole animal. And the yield seems to be random, bunnies having the smallest range in size. Which makes sense... they are the smallest nommable critters we have. And yes "nommable" is a word, even if I just made it up.


I appreciate you good people who checked some numbers, to help satisfy curiosity. Small sample size, so not really a scientific study, but the immediately obvious similarities between modes is there. RNJesus likes to muck with us all equally, lol!  Thanks folks. :)

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