Hygeine or Cleanliness


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So after having a bear chase me around Timber Wolf Mountain, because I was carrying a lot of raw meat, and I smelled REALLY good to him.   Not to mention all the dang wolves.  I seriously started to wonder what the Mountaineers hut smelled like on the inside.  With all the drying guts and Hides scattered around.  Then what my character would smell like, living and sleeping there.

Having had dogs my whole life, I know that they like to go and find the nastiest thing to go and roll in to cover their scent.   After 100+ days of well living and killing animals, dressing animals, and carrying their guts and skins back to dry, and then living in the same house/room with them, its my belief that my dogs probably smell better than my character does even after they went and rolled in something awful.

I would like a cleanliness bar added to the status page, and as you get progressively dirtier you could be subjected to some of the diseases like (I spelled this wrong) dysentaria, or food poisoning, ect...   Possibly add some soap, shampoo and possibly detergent for clothes, along with the ability to use the bathtubs or some large pots/bowls for yourself and clothes (think sponge bath). 

It would add more stuff to do while you wait out a storm, not to mention affect that huge stash of water we make up just for something to spend our time on.   Your stink alone should/could attract animals (wolves/bear) or even drive some away if your upwind (deer/ rabbits) not sure the Moose would care unless it just charged you for smelling like a 2+ month old carcass.

I mean honestly, how many folks actually change their clothes while in game that is not because of an upgrade or something wore out?   I will probably hate myself if this gets implemented, but at least I will be less bored while I'm waiting for my food to run low so I can go do something.

Yes, I think Stalker is too easy, but Interloper is Insane.


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The idea to introduce hygiene has come up from time to time here on these forums. I'm against it, just as I am against introducing washing my dirty pants and hanging them out to dry. There needs to be a balance between simulating tedious but necessary survival activities and entertaining the player. The survival sandbox should generate a survival story, not a story of managing dirty laundry. The new cooking mechanics have increased realism but also micromanagement. I like the new cooking mechanics, but would not want the same degree of micromanagement for hygiene. I would rather see hunting mechanics improved now, since that is something I do not do in real life. 

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It was just a thought to get something else to do for when you have a weeks worth of firewood, water for a month or more and more food than you can eat in the time before it expires.   I mean sure, I can go get more wood, but why?   And playing solitare all the time you have free time gets old.  Why not take a bath or do your laundry?   Besides, survival is tedious, repetitive, and you need to micro-manage if you want to stay healthy while staying alive. 

 I've never seen or experience dysentaria, (spelled wrong again) from drinking non-potable water.  I'm pretty sure its in the game, but I might be wrong, otherwise why have non-potable water?   And why make non-potable water to begin with?  Just boil it a little longer and its good.   With the bath/laundry option, non-potable water might actually have a use.   As for why I keep bringing up dysintaria (sigh) as I said I've never had it happen, and how many folks have had it happen?   This might be a way to get it back in the game.  (assuming its in that game already)

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The idea about cleaning I believe is being worked on.  The V1.33 update has brought us waterfalls that are much more realistic.  The waterfalls are now a source of wetness and possibly a source of non potable water.  When standing near a waterfall the mist makes you clothes become progressively wetter.  The player is hosed when standing inside a waterfall.  Considering that you and your clothing can also get wet by falling through weak ice maybe this is an early mechanic to rinse the blood/soap off.



Cake of Soap

This looks suspiciously as a something that is used for washing. Its model has been around since the beginning.

Also consider the buckets that could collect and hold water.


Maybe there is a yacht mop out there too?

Image result for yacht mop



Clean Your Room 

The broom was added into the game from the previous update.  Do you think its only purpose will be just for breaking down into reclaimed wood?

Your mom told you so many times to clean up and now you are forced to if you want to survive in the Long Dark.


When the Well Being system is implemented then understand that being in and around filth would slowly twist the psyche and cleaning up will alleviate this condition.  The character might not want to rest in a dwelling that is noxious because this is where the guts and hides are curing and don't forget about that small piece of rotten meat you have lost under the shelf the last time you carved quarter of a deer.   Blood soaked from butchering or just dirty from weeks of no shower is going to affect the character.  Maybe even other NPC's will not interact with you because of your stank. but the cougar will hunt you down

Certainly a dream of mine can be realized when we can move light weight crates and cardboard boxes.  Having being stuck inside a cardboard box made me feel almost useless.  The only way out was to break it down.  Breaking branches by the campfire would be awesome.

The torch is already pushed around when placing a campfire and serves as a physics based 3d model.  If you leave items on the floor then when walking over them the result would be kicking them around the place.  Searching via cleaning with a broom you are able to find small loot items.  For example a small chance of finding: single wooden match, feather, cat tail stalk/tinder, rosehip or pill.  Loosing stuff is something real and using a broom to find it could be an interesting method for searching.

Seriously lets clean up the Long Dark!

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  • 9 months later...

Just a Random Off Topic Question here; I am planning to spend the earth day this year with my family. I would like to let my children know that what are the steps that we have to take in order to save the planet and save our future generations as well. For this, I and my children are going to plant a tree in our garden. I need a suggestion if any of you have even a little bit of knowledge about gardening, let me know which plants should I grow this 22nd of April on the occasion of earth day.

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21 hours ago, creativehamza15 said:

For this, I and my children are going to plant a tree in our garden. I need a suggestion

Help the bees too and get a flowering tree! My suggestion is a Magnolia tree, in the northern US where I live it is one of the first flowers they get at after winter.


Plus they have beautiful flowers of course!

Image result for Magnolia tree

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