Take me to Church!


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Day 4 : Voyager : Mountain Town

It's my fourth sandbox attempt, and the first time I've made it to day 4.

I spawned almost right beside "the arch" and walked down into Milton. It was my first time in town and I couldn't believe the resources. I actually stopped picking up food!

I spent my first day exploring Milton and stockpiling supplies in the big house. At the end of the day I had plenty of food, meds and clothing, but no rifle and no hatchet. (At his point, I have yet to find a rifle in the game).

I set off for the farm on day 2, and found plenty of goodies there (a heavy hammer, quality tools, a climbing rope) but still no hatchet and still no rifle. So I spent the evening repairing my best clothing (harvesting the rest) and decided to head back to town in the morning.

Day three I came back to Milton house, dropped off my new heavy goodies, and had a quick meal. The plan was to head north to find the church - another place I've heard there could be a rifle - but when I set out there were at least two wolves between me and the bridge, and I could see more beyond it. 

I went back inside and read a survival book on cooking for a couple hours, hoping they'd move on in that time. They didn't.  I had almost decided to give up an head south, figure out how to get to mystery lake (sounds like it involves climbing) and try there. But I knew that the chances of coming all the way back up here to check out the church if I did that were slim, so I decided to wait and try again in the morning. 

I passed time reading the cooking book, breaking down chairs with my hammer, and fixing clothes til it was late enough to sleep.

So here it is, Day 4, and I'm heading for the church again. As I start down the road, I see a wolf near the bridge. Just the one though, and he's walking a to the east side of the road. Maybe if I creep slowly through the snowbanks & trees to the left I can sneak by...

I get close enough to the bridge that I need to creep out of the woods now. I'm also getting cold (it's been windy). So I decide I'll start a fire, warm up, and grab a torch to take some warmth with me before continuing. As I'm crouched by my fire, the wolf (much closer than I thought he was!) comes out from behind a tree! Feet away from me!

To my surprise, he runs away yelping! 

Fires! Right! Fires scare wolves! I'd read that on the Wiki but I assumed it just meant they'd go out of their way to walk around them. I didn't realize it would send them running!

I carry on, encouraged by knowing a new wolf-avoidance technique, and boy does it come in handy! Another wolf spots me as I near the bridge and I start a stick fire just in time to send him scurrying. Another passes by shortly after - while I hide behind a snow bank - and happens to wander too close to the same fire that had scared the previous one! I can't believe my luck!

I finally cross into the logging area with no wolves in sight (but a flare still in hand, ready to light in case of a surprise charge). I almost skip by the cars parked there, aiming to warm up in the church as soon as possible, but decide to check one anyway. There on the floor by the stick shift: a hatchet! Finally! This alone makes the excursion worth it.

I make it to the church, start a cozy fire and warm up as I look around. I pick up a few books for fire-starting, and am pleased to find a hunting knife (another key tool I was missing so far). And then I see it. Leaning up against the piano. The rifle. Yesss!

I love how this game - even on my relatively easy difficulty setting - builds you up to be *so* excited at any stroke of good luck. I almost gave up on visiting the church, and now here I am with a hatchet, a hunting knife and an empty rifle, feeling like a super hero!

There's a survival book on shooting, a rifle cleaning kit, and 7 measly bullets waiting for me back at Milton house.  It's time to go learn how to hunt. 

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1 hour ago, RossBondReturns said:

Awesome story and good luck surviving!

Also welcome to the game and community!

Thanks! Glad to be hear!

Having bought the game fairly recently, it's ridiculous how much of the time I'm not playing is spent searching for other folk's survival stories. ; ) 

So of course I had to share mine. Hopefully even more exciting (or heartbreaking) moments to come.

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1 hour ago, romerabr said:

This is really great, I miss this feeling... 

Such a good feeling,...

I've noticed a lot of people point out that a lot of the payoff in TLD comes from the way it forces you to make decisions. I definitely feel that. When a decision I thought was good turns bad, it stings. When a decisions that feels risky gets a payout.... man is it exciting.

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On 4/13/2018 at 3:31 PM, the3rdc said:

Such a good feeling,...

I've noticed a lot of people point out that a lot of the payoff in TLD comes from the way it forces you to make decisions. I definitely feel that. When a decision I thought was good turns bad, it stings. When a decisions that feels risky gets a payout.... man is it exciting.

Its part of the reason why the game is still interesting for me - even after so many hours spent playing.

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On ‎4‎/‎13‎/‎2018 at 3:31 PM, the3rdc said:

a lot of the payoff in TLD comes from the way it forces you to make decisions

So true. Sometimes a simple decision you made early in the day will help/hurt the situation you experience much later in your journey.

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