New (positive) dialogue lines


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Our character complains an awful lot when he/she's hungry, thirsty, cold, injured, can't light a fire... Complains, always complains !!!!

It could be good to sometimes have positive lines, when everything's all right. For exemple, when entering a big pretty house for first time we can have something like "wow, it's cosy in here". When successfuly lighting a fire after several fails : "yes ! finally". Or when passing time in a cosy warm house "it's good to relax a little". Or even when all gauges are >90% and nothing going down fast, "I feel like I can take on the whole world !". Not each time, but occasionnaly.

That would be a (small) reward when we take good care of Will, and will change from him always complaining.  :)

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On a mountain peak (outlooks for example) in good condition: "What a view!"

After killing a deer: "This will keep me fed for a while..."

After cooking meat or heating cans: "Mmmmmh, smells good."

When you have travelled a certain distance, in good condition and fully warm: "I could do this all day."

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