How do you bring meat back


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How on earth do you guys bring meat back after harvesting? Like a full deer. Or even a moose. How do you do it without having every wolf on the map after you cause your scent bars are higher than the aurora? 

The scent bars have made me scared to really hunt animals that aren't right outside my door :wolf:

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There's a couple of methods - There's the run like crazy method.  This works well with deer, whether you harvest it all the way out or quarter it.  You may have to make multiple trips.  Depending on your encumbrance.  It helps to know where the wolves are lurking about since they'll tend to come from that direction.  The little bowl near ML Camp Office is a great place to hunt deer when the wolves are down around the corner.

There's the just leave the pile there method.  Harvest it out full, take some stuff back and  collect the rest later.  I mostly use this for the big critters.  I also use this for fish.

I also like to hunt near caves - you can leave the hide and guts curing in the cave, pile up the food near the cave, cook what you want right now, save the rest for later.

Also, don't forget you can use the scent homing trait to hunt wolves.

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They only want a piece.  Share a little. 

You can cut some small pieces special for them, but you have to go and drop them direct from your inventory because the UI is still not good.  It's hard to think Hinterland plays their own game given the control layout.

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  • 2 months later...

All great advice above...Like you we all welcome the chance to hunt near base camp. But you can manage the risk of attack.
- Crouch near the animal so wind is in your face.
- Note the direction home and listen for cries from wolf pack.
- Harvest meat into small steaks and make quick safety checks.
- Travel home walking and listening, (if too risky, travel empty and come back later).
First Alert – You hear a wolf moving closer, continue walking or light a campfire.
Low Risk – Wolf is close, drop a “decoy” and continue walking.
Have a plan – Wolf is close and Base is close…maybe sprint.
Wolf for Breakfast – Wolf attacks…knife + bandage and continue home.
You are wise to notice the scent-bars and wind direction.
Hunt only when your condition is high and have no worries my friend.

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Nice tips, but this one is essential: "Hunt only when your condition is high and have no worries my friend". Regarding the sprint method, I think one should only run when really close to base. If you starting running when in wolf's linesight it will chase and attack.

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Just now, Blackthorne said:

Nice tips, but this one is essential: "Hunt only when your condition is high and have no worries my friend". Regarding the sprint method, I think one should only run when really close to base. If you starting running when in wolf's linesight it will chase and attack.


On 20/04/2018 at 1:31 AM, s7mar7in said:

All great advice above...Like you we all welcome the chance to hunt near base camp. But you can manage the risk of attack.
- Crouch near the animal so wind is in your face.
- Note the direction home and listen for cries from wolf pack.
- Harvest meat into small steaks and make quick safety checks.
- Travel home walking and listening, (if too risky, travel empty and come back later).
First Alert – You hear a wolf moving closer, continue walking or light a campfire.
Low Risk – Wolf is close, drop a “decoy” and continue walking.
Have a plan – Wolf is close and Base is close…maybe sprint.
Wolf for Breakfast – Wolf attacks…knife + bandage and continue home.
You are wise to notice the scent-bars and wind direction.
Hunt only when your condition is high and have no worries my friend.


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1 hour ago, Blackthorne said:

Regarding the sprint method, I think one should only run when really close to base. If you starting running when in wolf's linesight it will chase and attack.

Agree totally; and it is surprising how much ground you can cover with a wolf snarling and tracking. Walking without turning to face a wolf is far safer than sprinting to increase the distance from a wolf that has been tracking you. Weave through trees to occasionally break line-of-sight and use decoys...but keep a walking pace.

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My experience is from just 25 days on interloper and I've learnt:

  • Scout wolf positions before hunting.
  • Hunt with daylight, wood and fire lighting conditions on your side.
  • Don't quarter. I don't like the weight and what it does to meat condition.
  • Harvest meat a little at a time, dropping it as you do (keeps scent down and meat condition up) and monitor the environment. Only take hide n guts if situation remains good.
  • If you encounter a wolf, use a decoy or build a fire. With fire, wait till it runs then move on, quick, with a lit torch.
  • If you encounter two or more wolves at once, you didn't do your homework. Good luck with that!

This has worked well and typically I'm chasing a deer into a wolf then building a fire by the kill to remove the wolf. If you do that,  make sure the fire pushes the wolf in the opposite direction to your walk home. 

Oneday I'll have the nerve to test if a wolf is more aggressive when I'm carrying more meat. They haven't charge me yet but I've watched wolves tracking my scent turn and wander off when I drop my cargo. So as ever, spotting them first is half the battle. Good luck!


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All viable methods, however the old trusty method is just to kill all the wolves in an area the day before you go after the big game re. bear or moose.

For deer, I usually push them into the wolves, then kill the wolves once the deer has been taken. I particularly like this method in Loper as you get two kills with one arrow.

Also, don't forget to leave a gut or .5kg of meat on the wolves to extend their respawn time and to create those much needed feather farms ;)

Finally, know your route home and always have an alternate site in mind. Harvesting big game will all to frequently turn into a 'how much can I get before the blizzard' scenario. Walking into the wind whilst carrying a full load of meat isn't fun in anyone's book. The alternate site should be in the opposite direction to your intended site so that you always have a 'walking with the wind' option. If hunting big game repeatedly in the same area over time (re. bear) then leaving a meat trail to follow home in case of blizzard is also wise. You can also use rocks if in Loper etc., but I like the meat trail!

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Yes. By hand if required. Use the warmth you have and then head indoors. Warmth is a resource like anything else (time, calories, rest etc.) in Loper. Many times I've been able to harvest out a fair amount by hand before either the carcass or the character gets too cold.

Importantly, faster harvesting times really pay for themselves when the weather gets colder and more violent - better off getting as many levels as you can before that point.

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  • 1 month later...

First off never try to cross the map with raw meat or skins or guts,  Cook/dry them at the nearest shelter.

If you do end up with a wolf between you and your nearest base, drop bait and back off.  Right after the wolf picks up the bait he will avoid you for 30-60 seconds so you can actually chase him out of your path the second he picks it up.  if you run toward him, he will run away.

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