Wood cutting using a hatchet?


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Those of you who have tried to cut wood with a hatchet know how much of a pain in the ass it is unless it is small branches. The usual method of cutting wood by hand is to use an axe to cut logs and use a hatchet for kindling or smaller logs. The other week for fun I tried to cut logs using a hatchet (it was kinda blunt but anyway), it was a pain in the ass, just couldn't get enough force onto the axe head to get through. I was cutting a hard wood (jarrah) but still...

Would be great to be able to craft or find a proper axe, plus using an axe is a bit of a skill, perhaps the player could rank it up?

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Would love to see a proper two-handed axe for wood chopping. I expect it would be very heavy, thus I feel like it would be more of a "base" item rather than something to carry around. 

I also like the idea of the woodcutting skill, or in fact just a skill with tools in general. Besides shorter wood chopping times it could also provide some bonus during the wolf struggle if one was using that particular tool, as well as maybe reduced "strain" on the durability of the tools when working (you do get better at that over time, more experienced woodcutters take great care of their tools because they know how important care for tools is.)

(would also love smithing skill which would improve the improvised tools but that is a bit off the topic)

Another thing I wish was in game was some "recipe reward" for getting to a certain rank at multiple skills - for example, if there was smithing and woodworking skill, if player achieved certain rank for both of them, it would unlock some better craftable tools, for example proper axe head which could be then turned into a proper axe afterwards, rather than some "bent pipe". (additionally, for example, expert smith could craft an axe head, expect wood worker could craft an axe handle, and those two things could be combined into a quality axe - meaning only an expert in both crafts would be able to finish the final product. This would encourage people to train their skills by giving them some goal)


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9 hours ago, Renegade30 said:

The other week for fun I tried to cut logs using a hatchet (it was kinda blunt but anyway), it was a pain in the ass, just couldn't get enough force onto the axe head to get through. I was cutting a hard wood (jarrah) but still...

Hey! A fellow Aussie! G'day! And yeah, trying to cut Jarrah with a blunt hatchet would be a huge PITA.. :D

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Personally, I prefer to use an axe and a portable saw. The axe fells the tree, the saw cuts the trunk to burnable chunks, and then you split the logs. 

Using a hatchet to cut down a tree, even a dead softwood, is way too much work! O.o

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Two things I might want to see stipulated if axes were to be added:

- Double-bladed. Short of maybe a fireman's axe, a double-bladed axe is one you would more likely see in the Canadian wilderness.

- It should weigh as much as the rifle if not more, likely causing you to choose between one or the other to carry with you.

And no, it isn't going to be a great or effective weapon. I've handled enough decent axes to know you are going to lose against a wolf. At the most, you might at least jam the handle in their mouth.

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Sounds too strainious :D  I have a 55 CC Stihl chainsaw works very good. Would love to see a chainsaw added to the game but it would be very heavy and required fuel and 50/50 oil , chain oil and a chainsaw wrench / file to keep  sharp. But you wouldn't take 1.5 hours to cut up a fir limb ;) 

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