1.12(PC) You Are Missing Loot When Playing Live (or There's Additional Loot Available Playing From Save Data)


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1 hour ago, Quarbani 79 said:

i did notice that on each new game the trappers cabin has different container arrangements. I want it to be my base so I kept starting a new game and checking it until it had two boxes under the bed and a backpack on the chair. Sometimes it was one box and no backpack. 

this is normal otherwise the game would be too predictable. What's not normal is the described behaviour after reloading a save. Loot shouldn't change because of that, I guess it's a bug that will be fixed soon.

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This is a big bug and it is working opposite of how it was described in the OP.  Loot is not being added it is being taken away.  I witness the event when I walked into the lighthouse.  A book was on the right side on top of the table and then half a sec later it was gone.  I reloaded and the book was back.

Loot is being swiped by The Great El Swipo right under our noses and in front of your eyes.  We should reload the game after entering to stop this menace or plz fix.

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7 minutes ago, togg said:

Anyway yes I've stopped my interloper run-try because of it. Unplayable untill it's fixed.

Not true.  On day 18 in my interloper play with a start in TWM. Just crafted the knife, hachet and 10 arrowheads.  For the first time on a interloper play I went to Scruffy's cave.   Scruffy was there to meet me. I was successful to distract Scruffy and then made a major acquisition. 

It has been tough though.  No jacket just a down vest.  No mittens either, got close to 99% frostbite.  Slept in the bed at the Riken and did not realize exposed hands still freeze.  The feels like temperature was above freezing but the air temperature was below.  So I figure my character refuses to sleep with his hands tucked beneath the covers or between his thighs.

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1 hour ago, Farrgin Ice Hole said:

No mittens either, got close to 99% frostbite.  Slept in the bed at the Riken and did not realize exposed hands still freeze.  The feels like temperature was above freezing but the air temperature was below.  So I figure my character refuses to sleep with his hands tucked beneath the covers or between his thighs.

I'd report that as a bug.. (wonder if the same thing would happen if you had no head protection?)

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1 hour ago, JAFO said:

I'd report that as a bug.

The "bug" might be local only on the Riken.  I just had risk of frostbite(rabbit mitts almost ready) and an air temp of -4 in the fishing village cabin CH.  The frostbite healed.  Going to have to test again at the Riken.

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10 hours ago, Farrgin Ice Hole said:

Not true.  On day 18 in my interloper play with a start in TWM. Just crafted the knife, hachet and 10 arrowheads.  For the first time on a interloper play I went to Scruffy's cave.   Scruffy was there to meet me. I was successful to distract Scruffy and then made a major acquisition. 

It has been tough though.  No jacket just a down vest.  No mittens either, got close to 99% frostbite.  Slept in the bed at the Riken and did not realize exposed hands still freeze.  The feels like temperature was above freezing but the air temperature was below.  So I figure my character refuses to sleep with his hands tucked beneath the covers or between his thighs.

I've got frostbite on first day because of this :/ Should be changed imho. Hands so fragile is weird.

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I had a few moments and was thinking of you all so I tried starting a fresh game on Timberwolf Mountain to try this on a different map with possibly a different save condition.  

After two attempts I got a start in front of the cabin.  First group of shots is the cabin's loot fresh of the start.  Second group of shots is after I quit and reloaded from the "brand new game" save point.

Note addition of 3 arrows, a magnifyer, 2 logs, and a fishing line in second set.  I believe a sharpening stone also appeared in the reloaded game, but its not pictured.

screen_(890, 162, 345)_b0496cf4-e1dd-4286-9b34-c80c0f211e6f_LI.jpg

screen_(890, 162, 345)_f5071990-8799-4bfb-9698-d1aec3bd76d9_LI.jpg

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1 hour ago, selfless said:

After two attempts I got a start in front of the cabin.  First group of shots is the cabin's loot fresh of the start.  Second group of shots is after I quit and reloaded from the "brand new game" save point.

I had just looked at you last post and was wondering how you reloaded the save file.

Looks to me until this bug is fixed I will be reloading right after spawning in.  My current interloper run started at TWM and now I can blame the missing loot bug for all my problems. :)

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5 hours ago, Patrick Carlson said:

but hasn't reproduced any unexpected loot behaviour during playtesting.

Very easy to reproduce this issue. 

On 6/13/2017 at 3:25 PM, selfless said:

I had a few moments and was thinking of you all so I tried starting a fresh game on Timberwolf Mountain to try this on a different map with possibly a different save condition.  

After two attempts I got a start in front of the cabin.  First group of shots is the cabin's loot fresh of the start.  Second group of shots is after I quit and reloaded from the "brand new game" save point.

Note addition of 3 arrows, a magnifyer, 2 logs, and a fishing line in second set.  I believe a sharpening stone also appeared in the reloaded game, but its not pictured.

I followed these steps and after a few restarts spawned directly in front of the hut.  Checked loot and took screen shots.  After reloading the missing loot was returned.  After reading the 426 patch notes and not seeing this listed got me a little disappointed.


I will try this as soon as 426 is downloaded

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It is strange to think that this behavior could be expected.  I tested again tonight since you dropped a hotfix and it seems to still be a thing.  But I did see something new happen.  A repeat of TWM test that was done above for simplicity.  Spawn in at cabin.  Pic's labeled with a 1 were taken during live play.  Pic's labeled 2 were taken after first quit/restore.  Pic's 3 and 4 were taken after second and third quit/restore (for reasons that will become apparent.)

As seen in previous tests, more loot showed after reloading (an additional arrow, fishing line, and hacksaw).  But this time something that was there in the live start also disappeared upon reloading.  Then it reappeared on the second reload.  Then it disappeared again on the third.  Note the logs coming and going in the pics below.  Everything else was consistent between plays 2 and 3 and 4, so the second restore (group 3) ends up delivering the most loot since it had everything any of the other plays had plus every log.


Strangely (?) all the restored games had two hacksaws in the cabin.  I had to doubletake when I saw it the first time.  Intended?


Bonus arrow in all restores.


If you think you might want more playtesters, I'll need directions to your studios B|

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6 hours ago, togg said:

someone took and sent on atlassian the log file out of each reload? (I can't at the moment)

I did it during the test branch.  But apparently they have thrown all that information away.  Hard to get motivated to action just to be repeating myself.

But I'm happy to try and keep players informed about just how wonky the game really is ?

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Guest Support

We didn't throw out the information, we move bugs from the public database to our private database after a major release or exiting the Test Branch. This keeps the public database relevant to the current release. We also archive the Test Branch forum as it's not relevant to the current release.   

The best thing to do is to attach your save files so we can look at your specific saves as this is not something that is occurring in test, and is not occurring for everyone. Some of what is described here is expected though. For example reloading save when first entering a region or interior can change the spawned loot (this accounts for items being different between spawns.) The spawn is determined on load. Either way I'd like to see your saves so I can see exactly the same thing you're seeing. 

I would like to note something - If something is not noted in the Hotfix release notes as fixed, then it's safe to assume we haven't fixed it yet. Please don't feel an obligation to re-test if something is not listed. If it's been reported, we still have that information. 

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@Support You are welcome to them.  But bear in mind I cannot show you the live game performance since that disappears as soon as I quit.  And that is where all the problems are observed, comparing the live experience to that of playing from this restore point.  Results have always shown more loot available using the restored data than in live play (for me).

Here you go:





Graphics are customized from Low to have all sliders on lowest possible setting and 1/4 texture detail.  1366 x 768, full screen.  Music and voice volume set to zero.

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