Tents and a house location


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I think that it would be awesome to have tents as a movable shelter because there are really light weight tents out there. It would also be nice if there was a cabin overlooking the ravine by the railroad tracks bridge connecting coastal highway and pleasant valley because it is a very scenic location below are some pictures that I took on a foggy day.IMG_1240.thumb.JPG.ea6f7092230ff76e06f1bIMG_1239.thumb.JPG.bece678f85b8beed25468IMG_1238.thumb.JPG.2cda65318fe39a38f2841leasant valley because it is a very scenic location

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Depends on the type of tent really - I own a very lightweight one-man-tent that is quick to set up and can be stuffed into a bag the size of my arm, which can be easily fastened to the bottom of my backpack. However, it's cheap, lightweight material and quite frankly doesn't offer much protection from the elements. Correct me if I'm wrong (I don't exactly have a lot of camping experience), but wouldn't people who regularly spend their holidays in TLD conditions prefer heavy-duty tents? 

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10 hours ago, MarrowStone said:

Yeah, snow shelter is best bet, I dont wanna be blown away in a blizzard. "Weeeeee!"


I am now picturing a TLD survivor flying at the edge of my Survivor's field of view in a tent during a blizzard screaming at the top of his lungs. Thank you, I needed that laugh, that made my day! :D 

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3 minutes ago, Wastelander said:

I am now picturing a TLD survivor flying at the edge of my Survivor's field of view in a tent during a blizzard screaming at the top of his lungs. Thank you, I needed that laugh, that made my day! :D 

*Cozy in snow shelter*

*Sees and hears that*

*Sips warm coffe with a tired look*

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36 minutes ago, MarrowStone said:

Can you get back up?

Yes but I recommend very warm clothing since it's a long way back up with no houses.

But there is good quality items down there. Flare guns, research book and about 1-2 days of food. 

Bring a bearskin bedroll or 10 cups of coffee and +15C clothing.

Also you will need ropes.

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14 minutes ago, Rifleman said:

Yes but I recommend very warm clothing since it's a long way back up with no houses.

But there is good quality items down there. Flare guns, research book and about 1-2 days of food. 

Bring a bearskin bedroll or 10 cups of coffee and +15C clothing.

Also you will need ropes.

Lol Nevermind, i thought you meant AT the raven falls trestle bridge. Ive been there :P

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I wish they had dugout version, little to no roof but does not take sticks and cloth. Ether that or a reusable cloth and/or deer hide blanket that loses durability when used but can be pick back up when it's all disassembled. Cloth being lighter and cheaper but decays faster. Deer hide is more heavy and costs more to make but lasts longer, and more reparable over time.

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On 2016-09-21 at 6:38 PM, chanster115 said:

Speaking of which how can you make a blanket like the one used in the shelter out of 5 1ft squares of cloth? And where do 3 of them go once you take it all down?

Some mysteries cannot be solved :silly:

I do like your idea of deer hide though. Makes for some interesting choices.

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On 21.9.2016 at 0:38 AM, chanster115 said:

Speaking of which how can you make a blanket like the one used in the shelter out of 5 1ft squares of cloth? And where do 3 of them go once you take it all down?

My money is on quantum tunnelling.

As for the house atop the ravine - sure, that'd be cool, but... who would willingly live there? I mean, that is sort of dangerous especially when you have kids with you. A ranger station maybe? Another outcast? In my opinion, every place needs at least a bit of backstory.


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