James Hickok

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Everything posted by James Hickok

  1. The first time ever i got parasites was in Milton and I only had 4% if risk. Unlucky. 20 days of drinking teas. Cook it well than 😀
  2. Darn parasites... hope ull be fine.
  3. Not taking hides ? 😲 Although there are 5 (i believe) spawn points for rabbits in BI i would defo take them for fixing gloves and hat - their condition goes down so fast but understand you dont need them on Stalker anyway Good to hear You are doing well in BI but to be honest i was hoping for some wolf struggle action 😜 Take care survivor !
  4. Its all about making goals to yourself: Hunt x amount of y type animals, gather xxx amount of coal / wood etc., fish x amount of fish, survive 100 days in each region without leaving it (im doing it actually right now 3rd try current day 456, did ML, MT, CH, PV currently day 20ish in FM and overall finished takes 1200 + days). Also when i played first on lower difficulties i got bored quite fast as well bcoz there is no real threat after some time and the amount of gathered supplies and weapons is insane. On Loper and Super Loper, not to mention NOGOA you wont be bored bcoz of the fight, struggle to survive with minimum amount of loot, crafting is essential when tools break or arrows end etc. Everyone that tries the hardest difficulties gets in love and will never play below loper. The game is intended that way and gives most joy out of it. I aslo think that they are to easily progressed and give too much advantage except sewing. Im on day 450+ loper run and sewing lvl 4 & 3/5 ...getting there As much as i understand the logic with the chair and ur right - in real world it would take much less time, its a game still and needs to be "balanced" in some way. I think that the times of harvesting are increased bcoz (what i said before) it would be too easy to gather wood. I would say yes tho to Your idea of them beeing faster but consuming much more calories and energy 👍 That is why i would like to see frozen/unfrozen mechanics with food and water. Imagine an old sardines can or one ear old raw fish that was sitting indoors for a in game year to be cooked and eaten without getting sick. I mean i doubt that there would be any fish - all rot. Ruined food should remain ruined thus uneatable. Sorry for my english - its not my native language.
  5. Maybe. To be honest leveling skills in TLD go way too fast. Cooking skill lvl 5 you can have on day 50 and it breaks the game imo - eating rancid meat ? no problem. If the leveling process would take 750 ingame days i would really feel like i earned it and my skills are that high BUT it would never explain how i can eat rancid fish and not get sick or break a big piece of furniture (especially made from wood as it seems) in minutes with a small hatchet getting crazy amounts of firewood. Im a hardcore player in every game i tend to play or played over my years and every idea that makes the game easier (we called it "dumbed down") will be criticized by me. As much as i understand the logic behind the "there should be tools present while destroying certain pieces of equipment" i dont understand why you want the harvesting process to be faster thus easier. The only way this would work for me (and maybe it was your intention and i didnt think of that) if it would be implemented but only when you level it to max the times of harvesting will be same as they are now. So we would start with even longer harvesting time untill we reach sthe skill maximum. I would say yes that is a good idea @Ghurcb
  6. Right ! I always thought that having a infinite amount of plastic bottles is stupid.
  7. I keep my thumbs up for You @Glacia ! Moving from one region to another (the ones that matter the most in the first 50 days) is essential. Gather that gear, clothing and move on so yeah ur absolutely right. I would go PV first then ML (mostly maglense), then Forlom for crafting and food (you find the hammer in pv or ml by this time) then Railroad i think. Yeasy to say than done on that difficulty boy oh boy you have ruined my work day - i think i will take a day off work , leave now and go play The Long Dark Keep warm up there @Glacia !
  8. As much as i understand the logic i think that this feature would make the game less demanding. I think that times of breaking things down, specially wood are set this way so you couldnt gather insane amounts of materials in a short period of time. It is bcoz it takes long and eats a lot of calories you do this only if it is necessary. I think cutting those time 2 or 3 fold would make a great impact on the game difficulty. Freezing of water and food on the other hand - this is what i would like to see. Its stupid that water or meat both cooked and uncooked does not freeze on temps below 40 degrees.. Food that is stored outside and water should freeze and be unfrozen before consuming. The only amount of unfrozen water that you could keep close to your body under the clothes would be 2 L max, rest that you carry should be frozen.
  9. Oh boy. I too have some experience in NOGOA - getting better and better thanks to @Zaknafein and his NOGOA episodes (absolute gold for learning how to change playstyle from loper to nogoa). I have to say ive been tempted to try nogoa with slow regeneration turned on but it feels like SUPER Interloper rather than NOGOA for me. However the twist you made with the dead world makes this challenge super hard mostly bcoz no clothes and no food supply, leveling cooking is going to be a pain and first few lvl's of fishing will take a lot of guts... I have my thumbs up for you but i doubt you will get till 50 day mark. i also think there is no way of living indefinately on this setting - you will run out of fishing line/guts sooner or later (yesterday i broke 3 fishing lines on lvl 5 fishing....RNG is a b**ch!) Brutal ! Good luck
  10. Ok survivors ! Another region complete. Mystery lake was quite pleasant without any scary moments at all as suspected for the easiest region out there. The 100 days went so fast and smooth. Unfortunatelly i didnt have any moose spawn (not even the rare spawn) and the bear near trappers was not there. In fact i got only 2 bear spawns - One in mystery lake near fishing cabin and 2nd at pond, north of trappers. Managed to kill them twice so 4 skins for me for repairing coats and bedroll. Ofc i looted entire map , every corner. I chose Camp office for my base this time (usually its trappers) and when i got settled with food and everything i began to gather wood, sticks and harvested limbs with hacksaw (takes more time but can be repaired easier than crafted tools) for fishing purpouses. I did two fishing marathons : one lasted for 211 hours and the other for 420 so time flew nice and i got me some nice fish stacks. I got about 800+ kg of fish and stored it outside of the cabin + some cooked fish inside the cabin. When i finished my 2nd fishing trip it was already day 95 so i spent the last days on repairing all of my stuff, packed what i could and would need (mostly arrowheads and tools) and went for another region wich i chose while fishing - Pleasant Valley. Was thinking about going to Forlom but decided i will go there after pleasant valley and from there to broken railroad. Currently on my 10th day in PV, killed some wolves and deer and stabilized with food. Chose farm for main base - unfortunatelly the bear that comes here is not up this run so ill have to go to birch forest to look for one and i hope moose will be there as well. Here are some pics from ML. Oh and i finally read all 4 guns guns guns that i found (i waited with them until i read the normal books first) and my rifle skill went up to 4 and ~ 1/3rd so now i know that it is impossible to max out those skills on interloper using only books. Cya later survivors !!
  11. Nice one. Would be pretty hard for the first days on Loper. Cant imagine how hard it would be on NOGOA.....dang !
  12. Yes that is true - a lot of wind. That is why i never use flares untill im in that regions (BI & BL). I keep all of them that i found just for that. Always carry one red and one blue with me and rest at base in that region.
  13. Ok. I get your point there. The more bears the better. More food and pelts. Just my opinion but i get your point there as well. Some ppl find hrv hard and they dont like it. Me i love it.
  14. @ManicManiac I understand that you have your playstyle regarding killing animals etc but i really dont understand why you left the most powerfull weapon in the game for the 2nd time -=> I mean the flare gun - capable of oneshooting anything in the game. 🤔 @LeeandaMuskeg one of most feared? Srsly? Dont understand why, warm caves, coal cave, tons of cattails, forge and open terrain where you can see predators from far away. I woul rank it 3rd or 4th easiest region (not sure if pleasant valley is easiest but i think it is)
  15. Ok i finally got myself to post an update. I've successfully finished Milton Town (Mountain Town) region. Soon after i started Milton my archery skill reach lvl 5 and hunting / killing wolves went much easier then before. I chose the farm for my base (hopefully key was there this run) and almost immediatly i started to gather food supplies and skins and guts. In the meantime i looted the whole area, checked every corner everywhere. As always i use the food that i find for my kitchen base - i always make a supply in each region. I tend to save "human" food from the start of each run bcoz i like to have food stored in bases just to act as eye candy - Its easy to kill rabbits and eat cattails before you have the bow so food is not that important to me. I was lucky to have an early moose spawn so i took care of it right away (moose gave me some hard time, wasnt a clean kill) and stored the meat in a cave nearby which i anected for another base later in the run. I also made a cave base in the milton basin and stayed there for some time - the amount of deer and wolf is insane there, a looooot of food i stored in that cave plus there is a birch forest there for teas. There is only one bear in Milton that can spawn and almost imediately after i got to the region i went for the kill to have skins for repairing my coats. On day ~60 i became a little bored - all looted, food everywhere, fire fuel stored in bases in large numbers including coal and no fishing huts to pass some time fishing. I went for the 2nd bear spawn and that was when it happened - i was feeling too sure of myself again and got my ass mauled by the bear ( i thought he will run in str8 line but he circled around the car and i missed 2nd shot). This was my first mauling of any sort in this run and how unlucky it was !! It ruined my bedroll (first time it happened to me ever) and i was pissed as hell bcoz finding another so far in the game will most likely be ruined. I was forced to make a bearskin bedroll (i dont like it bcoz its heavy and i am warm in 2x bear coat anyway) but i only had one bear skin cured and one fresh one. I had to get back to farm bcoz i was unable to sleep in caves now. Had to stick around farm base for 12 days untill the skin cured - couldnt get down the ropes to basin cave base bcoz i would be stranded there with no way to regen stamina to climb. In the meantime i was killing time hunting wolves near the church and then it happened - first wolf mauling. At this point the game was set to kill me , the wolf jumped me from the corner of the church - see it on video. The rest of the run went smooth - i made my bedroll and could live my last days in Milton in my basin cave with 50+ kilos of deer and 20 + wolf meat stacked there. When it did hit day 100 i made some pictures of the base and went to Mystery Lake for another 100 days. Currently yesterday finished day 100 there (will post later) and today heading for Pleasant Valley. Below footage from mauling, moose kill, and wolf hunting with tire 5 archery. WOLF HUNTING BECAME EASY WITH TIER 5 ARCHERY Bear mauling - bedroll ruined Moose gave me a struggle this time Wolf wanted to end me the cheezy way My farm base food supply One of my cave bases (near moose spawn) Workbench If i make it too the end of challenge and live for 100 days uniterrupted in each region the ammount of supplies i leave in each base will have a huge impact on later gaming - I will be the king of Bear Island - every region i will go there will be tons of supplies in each base. Nothing to do really than w8 for other regions to be implemented and perfecting N.O.G.O.A. runs. Cya later survivors !
  16. Yes i am Polish Haha I aint scared of Bleak Inlet - i've learned how to deal with the wolves as long as i dont play drunk or something Actually they are pretty easy to avoid and when You enter Cannery you can just shoot em all from above perfectly safe. I also learned that they can be kept at bay with only a torch ( as long as there is no wind) - You just kite em facing towards them when they come close and afterr a while they break the morale. I learned this from @Zaknafein video. It was scary at first few tries but worked every time - Tested in Blackrock multiple times. Here is the video :
  17. Im pretty sure there is a hacksaw inside the worlshop if you could open it. At least a big big chance to get it there. I remember i once waited for 9 nights w8ting for aurora to hit and enter workshop. i waited in a small room with the fire barrel just before the workshop code doors. I had to hack all those wooden pallets outside to keep fire going but its easy bcoz of how much wood is there to harvest and you can shoot wolves from the pier without them beeing able to attack you. Just kill em all and jump down to harvest. I hope ur luck turns !! I would suggest trying to go inside workshop when aurora hits. The wolf is easy to kill anyway if it spawns - hacksaw most likely will be there if you havent found it in BI yet. Take care survivor !!
  18. Greetings survivors ! I wanted to share my 3rd attempt to finish the 100 day in each region challenge on interloper. It is a challenge inspirated by Zaknafein in one of his interloper videos about his main 1000+ days run ("try to live 100 days in each region"). There are 12 regions that count in the menu/journal so 1200 days + days that you were in transition zones will give about 1300 days or so overall. So the rules are simple: 1. Start a interloper survival run 2. Craft bow, arrows, tools as fast as you can (10-14 days is good) 3. Loot the main areas of the world (Gold mine - backpack, Summit - earwraps, wool socks, signal pistol, PV crashsite - thermal underwear and clothes) 3. Craft rabbit mitts and hat, one pair of Deers pants. 4. Take everything you need and start by choosing a region - i pick the easiest regions first and move to more difficult. Last 2 are Bleak inlet and Blackrock. So as i mentioned this is my 3rd attempt. First finished at 748 day eaten by wolves in Broken Railroad, 2nd finished at day 300 while opening crates in Milton crash site (got carried away opening the boxes and froze to death while doing it ). So far my current run goes well - i try to not get too sure of myself and do stupid things, play it safest i can. Currently on 2nd region (milton) on day 36 out of 100 after that moving to Forlom Muskeg or Pleasant Valley or Mystery lake , didnt decide yet. So at the start i spawned in Pleasant Valley and looted the crash site and farm, farmhouse, and the little town with the community hall, then moved to Mystery lake , looted stufff there and collected the mag lense for fire, hammer and went to forlom to craft my tools, and arrows. After that i returned to Mystery Lake Hunters Cabin and stayed there for some days crafting bow and arrows, and getting first hunting going on. After a few days i began the trek to Ash canyon to get the backpack and crampons and returned via summit to gather stuff on the crashed plane. After i did all that i started the challenge - Chose Coastal Highway for starters. Got there from PV thru coal mine and took 46 coal pieces with me to CH. I chose the house on rabbit island for my base. Its situated in the middle of the region, you can see everything from the hill and there is a fishing hut with door always near it, rabbits outside of house to snare - overall good place. My 100 days went really smooth. I was happy for early moose spawn that i killed and several bears, did some fishing and ofc looted the entire region. In that time i was able to craft most of the clothes and get my survival skills up. After 102 days i packed my backpack to the max and went out to Milton for another 100 days. Here are some pictures of where i was when leaving Coastal. I will update the post when(or if ) i finish Milton. Milton seems to be easy this time , warm weather , looted the entire map and currently stacking wood, food, and water in hot spots. Going well day 36 - shame the is no fishing hut in Milton would be nice to pass some time fishing. Take care survivors !
  19. Hoping for new animals and new clothing from those animals as well. What animal do You think Hinterland will add first? Do you have your pick?
  20. Indeed it makes it look like that
  21. Keepers pass almost killed my longest living character (managed 748 days loper) when Blackrock was introduced. I was stranded in a canyon situated high up near builder's bridge. The game fixated to kill me then and there and hit with insane blizzard that lasted for 10 hours or so, changing wind direction constantly and after the blizzard ended i had aurora (couldnt risk going further in bcoz i had like 3 arrows on me and half of my health), then again blizzard during day and aurora in the night for 3 str8 days. Insane. I remember when it finally stopped i was out of fuel, health and food so i decided to run back to pleasant and went to Blackrock other time via TWM cave.
  22. Oh i wasnt aware. I understand everything now. Im a type 'if u stand in my way ur dead' type plus its more meat for me. Im not saying i always kill everything and trust me playing on loper and nogoa is challenging enough. To a point i wouldnt risk wolves and/or bear roaming around. Anyway its fun to read ur story. 😀
  23. Why not just kill them all ? You have guns and all. Easy peasy even with just bow and arrows. In fact i prefer bow and arrows over guns. It doesnt scare the animals away (sound) and you can bag and tag pack's of animals, then just make fire, skin em and gut them. On my current run i lured a bear in CH that roams near the Quonset Garage clos to the moose that spawned and killed them both very close to eachother. Could strip them off everything using just one fire. Now i have a big stack of meat @ Quonset garage where i do my crafting. I think ill hit 100 days in coastal today - moving to Milton next.
  24. I think its possible with carabine if you have luck with the guns guns guns book. Dont really remember if guns guns guns book affects revolwers as well. I was so close to checking that on my last run - i had carabine lvl 4 and revolver lvl 3 and 3 guns guns guns books to read but i died by my carelesness. Im picking up books on my current run bcoz i want to see if its possible to have guns lvl 5 on interloper (where there is no guns at all).
  25. WoW i've never been to the summit on lower than Interloper and the amount of stuff that is there is insane. 3 trips you say? I packed all it was on the summit and i didnt even got heavy. Its like a bag of chips and beef, box of crackers, 2 cans of soda, 2 maple syrup (if ur lucky) wool socks, wool sweater, wool earraps, some green teas and a box of coffee, 1 cured rabbit fur, 1 cured wolf fur, firestarter, fire enhancer and pistol with flares. Thats about it.