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Everything posted by APixelatedLemon

  1. Day 4 - Evening - Broken Railroad - Train Tunnel to Forlorn Muskeg As I kept walking, the snow was falling more and more, the wind was getting stronger and stronger. Yeah, a blizzard was surely on its way. I wouldn't be able to make it to the lodge today at this rate. I remembered some sort of abandoned car maintenance garage that was a bit closer, it would still be a tight timing to get there with how close this blizzard seemed, but it was better than heading straight for the lodge. So I picked up the pace the best I could and kept going. However, soon I came across a rockslide that blocked the path further down the railway. I forgot that this was here. I quickly tried to remember how I got past it for the first time. After a minute of thinking I remembered there was a way to cross to my right. Above a frozen river there was a fallen tree that acted as a lucky bridge. As I approached the fallen tree the wind grew furious, the blizzard was practically here now, so I needed to hurry before nightfall. My new parka was doing a far better job at shielding me than my old coat would have, but I still needed a real shelter. As I made it back to the railway line on the other side of the rockslide, I soon came across a derailed locomotive engine, another reminder of just how poor this island is doing. I didn't stay to look at it for long. I needed to get to that garage.
  2. Day 4 - Late Afternoon - Forlorn Muskeg - Poacher's Camp After about two hours I finally made a new and improved sling for my rifle. At least I hoped it was improved, only way to figure out was to try it. I tied on the new sling, and tugged on it, seemed much better than the previous one I had, should hopefully last until I get to the lodge at least. So I attached the new sling, and held the rifle on my back. I also took the box of rifle ammo with me. Stealing, yeah, but if the guy here was a poacher he kind of deserves his ammo to be stolen. And judging from my marksmanship skills earlier today I needed some more ammo. 5 more rounds were inside the box, making my ammo count 3 to 8. I also looked at my cans of melting snow on the fire barrel, a little water remained, and it looked clean enough to drink, so I poured it into my waterskin. I peeked outside to see if it was clear, it was so I continued on to the lodge. As I walked I kept looking around. I wondered why someone would set up a camp out here for poaching. I didn't see any animals, and with the weak ice it seemed to be a hazardous place to travel around in, I don't even think most animals would like it staying here. Maybe the guy went off a fair distance away from camp? But why didn't he take his bedroll? Maybe he just liked the challenge of little animals and weak ice to walk on. I didn't hear anything, no gunshots, no howling, just the wind, and ice cracking. It didn't seem like anybody else was out here. But I guess a poacher would like to remain hidden. Eventually I made it to another train tunnel, it would take me out of the muskeg and on the last leg towards the lodge. Good, I was ready to leave this place behind. So I stepped inside, and continued on. Once I reached the other side I noticed the snow was starting to pick up again, I knew right away that a blizzard was likely approaching.
  3. Kind of depends what you look for on there honestly. Most political and real world stuff that is talked about there is... Argument hell is the best way I could put it, and not healthy arguments, mostly just toxic garbage. Anywhere else is a fairly mixed bag.
  4. Day 4 - Afternoon - Forlorn Muskeg - Mystery Lake Train Tunnel I exited the tunnel, and was now in 'Forlorn Muskeg', at least I remember the people at the lodge calling it that. I kept following the railway line, the ice here looked weak, thin, and with a lot of cracks, very different from what the ice at the lake looked like, so I didn't dare to step on any of it. Just thinking about falling through was horrifying to me. I just imagined falling inside, and not being able to find your way back out, desperately trying to break an opening, but failing because the cold water is hindering your strength, than running out- God I should stop thinking about that, I'll be home soon. While walking I felt my rifle fall off my back, sadly that sling I made last night wasn't that good, so it fell apart. I picked the rifle back up, I needed to remake my sling. I had an idea, but it would take some time, and I would need some shelter. After a little more walking I found another derailed train car. It was a red box car, same as the one where I found my rifle and that dead guy. This one didn't have a body thankfully, but it had a barrel that was used for a fire, and some supplies inside, so someone had to have been here. I didn't remember any of this being here the first time I came across this place on my way to the lake. So either someone set this after I made it to the lake, or I just wasn't paying attention to it. I stepped inside and looked around. It seemed like some hunter, or a poacher stayed here. Both rifle and handgun ammo were inside some boxes. Also a blue bedroll in rather rough condition, can't imagine it being very warm anymore. If someone was staying here they must have been close by, otherwise they would have likely taken the ammo, and the bedroll. I looked over the fire barrel, this is a decent spot to make an improved sling, so I gathered some sticks, and cattail heads to start a fire. As I lit the fire I placed my rifle on the ground. My new parka was excellent, but it was nice to get some warmth from a fire again, and starting a fire was fun, I really hope that doesn't become an addiction... I took out a sewing kit I had and sewed together a better sling. While doing that I was getting thirsty, and that gave me another idea. I took some empty can I had on me that used to be filled with pinnacle peaches, scooped up some snow outside and started melting it over the fire. Wouldn't be much, but I needed all I could get. I still had a journey ahead of me.
  5. Day 4 - Noon - Mystery Lake - Lone Cabin I spent some amount of time staying inside my cabin. I gathered up my things, but when I grabbed that photo of us at our new house... I just.. stared, and thought about the last few days. You convinced me to go on this vacation, and here I am throwing it away because things aren't going well. It's not your fault, you didn't know any of this would happen. But... Well I'm sorry. Right now I just need to come back home, see you again, and figure out a new plan from there, okay? Anyways.. After that I put our photo inside my pack, and headed back outside to continue my journey. Across the frozen lake, past the cabin office, and onto the railway line yet again. As I walked I heard my howling to my right side, I sounded pretty far away, but I still took out my rifle in preparation of another attack. I was still unsure of why the wolves were so aggressive towards humans. Part of me was hoping it would be a one off occurrence, but I've seen two dead bodies with wolf bites, and I've my first hand experience that day. I wonder if other animals have been behaving strangely as well. I've seen some deer from that tower, they seemed normal guess. There was also that fish I caught, it didn't seem off, but how was I able to tell if a fish is acting different? I just don't get it. While pondering I made it to the train tunnel that led to the muskeg. It was almost sealed off from more derailed train cars, these were carrying lumber. I remember there being a lot more of these derailed cars along the railway when I first traveled here. Odd that the lumber was still here, you would think they would have at least recovered it by now, with how long ago the derailment seemed to occurred. This island seems to be in poor shape, I mean outside of the power being dead, and wolves acting up. I squeezed my way past the derailed cars and entered the tunnel, and I was on my way to the muskeg.
  6. Day 4 - Morning - Mystery Lake - Train Loading Area As I continued down the railway line I kept thinking about my encountering with that wolf. I didn't like the fact that I left the thing wounded, but.. Well I didn't have much of a choice. My only other option would have been try to track it down and finish it off so it wouldn't suffer. But there wouldn't have been a guarantee I would have found it again, my tracking isn't that great, and it didn't leave much blood to follow. Plus the snowfall and wind was starting to pick up, a blizzard might have been on the way, and it's pawprints would fade quicker. Even if I did catch up to it and finished it off, what then? I would have just left it's carcass to rot, not using it at all. No tools or skill to properly harvest a wolf carcass. So I just continued on hoping I made the lesser evil of the two choices. It would heal eventually anyways... As I approached the lake I made my way over to the cabin I rented to grab somethings I left there. Just some personal belongings, stuff I didn't want to leave behind. As I walked on the frozen lake I remembered that polaroid photo that guy was carrying, and I looked to where that picture was taken. It was on an overlook, rather high up. Wonder how someone got up there to take a photo, there didn't seem to be a way to climb up. Maybe the photo was taken a long time again, and an earthquake destroyed the route up there. Some more walking and some more thinking and I eventually made it to my cabin, I went inside and grabbed the things I wanted, then took a bit of a breather.
  7. Day 4 - Morning - Mystery Lake - Prepper Cache I woke up a little later than I would have liked, guess staying up and making that sling for my rifle had to come with some sort of price. Oh well, time to get out of here. I looked around the bunker one last time to make sure I had enough for the journey ahead. I packed some extra canned food, and put on a better pair of boots, and some gauntlets for my arms and hands. I then reloaded my rifle and slung it over my shoulder and climbed the ladder outside, which now had some snow pilled up around it, guess it snow pretty hard last night. When I made it outside I looked over to the body of the guy that led me here and nodded, as sort of a thank you for the supplies. My journey would take me along the railway line yet again, something I seemed to be doing a lot of lately. But first I would make one last stop to my cabin, I had a few things there I didn't want to leave behind, it was one the way so It wouldn't consume too much daylight. When I reached the train cart I stayed in yesterday, I began to hear howling, I took out my rifle and crouched down behind some logs. I took a peek towards where the howling was and saw a wolf, I needed to scare it off somehow. But as I was considering my options It looked towards me and let out a sharp bark. I jumped back a bit, and that bit of fear seemed to be enough to convince the wolf I would be easy enough prey, so it started walking towards me aggressively. It was snarling with pure furry, and hunger, I had no choice but to take the shot now. I aimed my rifle at him, which caused him to make a mad charge towards me, it was then do or get eaten. I fired, the bullet grazed the back of the wolf, which thankfully was enough to cause it to flee. I let out a huge breath, picked up the bullet casing, and continued along the railway line.
  8. My personal favorite is Zaknafein He's more on the hardcore side with a lot of his videos being walkthrough of Interloper, harder custom mode challenges, and even speedruns. But he also has a fair amount of guides, montages, and videos talking about updates, and other things.
  9. This cabin is Coastal Highway I named "Rabbit Lovers Getaway" due to it being a spot with plenty of rabbits around, and also rather far from the main town area.
  10. Day 4 - After Midnight - Mystery Lake - Prepper Cache I woke up early this morning huh? Like very early. I woke up because... The lights in the bunker turned on, just barely, they were flickering like crazy. I thought I was dreaming, but a quick pinch to the arm reassured me that this was really happening. I got up and tried the light switch to see if they turned back off at first, they didn't, like something was forcing them to be on. I then looked at they hatch that I left open over night, because I feared the possibility that it could freeze shut over night and lock me in here. There was a strange glow coming for outside, so I climbed outside to take a look. The sky was glowing green, the northern lights. Is this why the power has been shut off everywhere for the past few days? I recalled my first night here, when the lights in my cabin were flickering and I saw that strange glow from outside through my window. So that wasn't a dream after all, an aurora shut off the power my first night here. And now it seems like it's forcing the electricity to turn on again. Funny, I was coming up with all these possibilities in my head why the power was gone, and the answer all along was shown to me my first night here. I felt stupid for not realizing that sooner, but at least now I know. I stared at the sky for some time, it was beautiful. Eventually I would have to cut my aurora watching short, it was getting cold, even with my new parka. I went back inside, since I doubt I would get much more sleep with how much noise the lights were making, I decided to look over my gear for the journey ahead in the morning. My rifle lacked something, it was getting cumbersome holding it in my hands the whole time. I looked around the room, and found some more clothing that I wouldn't need, ripped off some longer pieces and tied them into a makeshift rifle sling, so I could hold it over my shoulder. Good enough I guess. I'm going to try and sleep now, I need all the energy I can get for tomorrow.
  11. Day 3 - Dusk - Mystery Lake - Prepper Cache It didn't take long for me to find why this guy came up here. Just a little more up the hill and I found a hatch, some sort of doomsday bunker concealed from the trail by some large rocks. It took some effort to open it, but fortunately it wasn't frozen shut. I looked inside, a ladder led down downwards, it wasn't too deep into the ground, I could see the bottom with the little daylight that was left. I dropped my pack inside, unloaded my rifle to prevent it from accidently going off and dropped that inside as well. After that I climbed down to take a look at what was inside. I first tried to turn on the lights, no power. Honestly wasn't surprised at this point. Hell I would have been more shocked if the lights did turn on. I ended up inside a small room, a hallway just in front of me. I looked around the initial room, some shelves heavily stocked with food and water. Another shelf had stump removal, and dusting sulfur. Funny, both of those things had ingredients to make gunpowder from what that gunsmithing book told me. I saw a shinning glint coming from a small vent, I opened it and found a knife. Hidden supplies in a hidden bunker? Maybe my paranoia isn't that bad... I took the knife, then went into the larger room through the small hallway. It was too dark to see anymore, so I pulled out my lantern. There was a combination of food, and warm clothing inside the larger room. Food to last for months, clothing that could withstand a nuclear winter. One coat looked to be especially high quality. A bright orange parka, looked much warmer than what I was wearing, much more protective and durable as well, so I made an exchange. That poor guy wouldn't need this anymore anyways, and I would need it for what I planned on doing tomorrow, that was to get out of here, a days travel through the muskeg. I was going to stay here tonight, there was a bed, and I don't think there is a much safer place to spend a night than a hidden bunker out in the middle of nowhere.
  12. No the huts don't run out of fish from what I know. It's purely dependent on your skill level, fish spawn amount, and good old RNG.
  13. Day 3 - Late Afternoon - Mystery Lake - Train Loading Area For some reason I hate to admit it, but that was actually a decent read. I might take it home with me, if I don't need to use if for fire fuel that is... I took a better look inside the train car, because the blizzard was still going when I finished it, and I had nothing else to really do. I found a box of ammo, but not for my rifle. They looked like .32 S&W rounds, ten of them total inside the box. They seemed to be for a handgun, or revolver. I didn't have one, so I left them behind, I didn't want to take anything else that wasn't mine. It just fueled my theory that this train at least partly transported ammo. But to where? Maybe the rangers? To supply hunters? I sat down and waited for the blizzard to end. By the time it did, it was already getting late, so I headed back out and continued on with a quick walk. I was getting close to where that orange square was marked, but I had to leave the railway line and head off and onto a trail. I was still paranoid, not so much as yesterday, but I was still looking over my shoulder and keeping my ears open for wolf howling. I swear, when I get back I'm going to need to see a chiropractor to check my upper spine with how much I been moving it looking in all directions. I didn't see anything or anyone yet, but I could hear some distant howling, and some gunshots, sounded like the came from beyond the mountains. When I got to viewing distance of the marked spot I noticed something I wanted to see, and something I didn't. First I saw I orange spot on a tree, I got closer to get a better look at it. It was an orange square, exactly the same as on the map, so I know I'm in the right spot now. But now the thing I didn't like seeing... A dead body, I recognized who it was instantly. It was the guy from the cabin office, so he really did come out here. I took a closer look to see what did him in. The snow pants he was wearing were soaked in blood, I'm guessing a wolf torn his legs open with their gnawing teeth. That or maybe he fell someplace and tore open his leg with a nasty landing. In his hand was a polaroid photo. It looked to be of Mystery Lake from a cliff, he really seemed to love this place. I left the photo with him. I mourned him quickly, I still needed to figure out why he came out here, and why this place was marked on a map he had.
  14. Day 3 - Morning - Mystery Lake - Forestry Lookout I woke up this morning to another blizzard, it seemed like even Mother Nature was against me making progress. This time I wouldn't be staying inside waiting it out however. I said yesterday I would 'leave first thing in the morning', and I wanted to keep that true. Also I had a map this time, and I knew how to get to where that orange square was on the map, I just had to follow the railway line for the most part. Worst case scenario if I got lost I could just follow the railway back to the cabin office, assuming it doesn't get covered in the snow. I grabbed my rifle off the wall, and a spare bullet laying inside the tower, making my total ammo 4 rounds. Stealing, I know, but if the wolves were still angry, I would need to extra bullet. Plus the guy probably doesn't even know it was here. With some new found confidence I stepped outside and climbed down the hill to the railway line. I didn't really know why I wanted to get to that 'orange square spot' so badly, but it was my only clue as to where "Cabin Office Guy" was, and I wanted to warn him about the power situation, and the dead guy in the train car, and the possibility of the wolves craving our flesh. If there was a possibility that guy was still alive, I wanted to help him as best I could. After that I plan on heading back to the hunting lodge where I first got here and driving out of here back home. I was getting cold from the blizzard, this was a bad idea. But as soon as I though if heading back to the office, I came across another derailed train car. This looked a lot different from the first one with the dead guy. It was yellow and had windows. It actually looked to be decent shelter from the blizzard. I stepped inside, even being sheltered from the window was a huge improvement. The only thing noteworthy was a book titled 'Practical Gunsmithing'. It was about manufacturing guns and ammo. Why is this in here? Was this train transporting guns and ammo when it was functioning? Why would a train out here be transporting that? Was there some military base out here? Whatever, I don't think this book would be much help to me other than for fueling a fire, but I didn't have much else to do while I waiting out here, so I began to read while I passed the time.
  15. Day 2 - Early Night Time - Mystery Lake - Forestry Lookout I climbed the stairs that led into the towers living space. Nobody was here, and my hope fizzled out once again. I looked over the place and it seemed like someone was here recently. Some canned food was stocked up on the shelves. Seems like this guy really liked pinnacle peaches, can't say I blame him. My short time here and they already grew to be a favorite of mine as well. I noticed that this place had a rifle holder against a lower wall. No rifle, my guess was the guy here took it with him. I put my newly acquired rifle in the holder, I was staying the night here. I know I'm squatting in a place I shouldn't, but I felt much safer up here than in my cabin, and I doubt anyone is returning tonight. I would be gone first thing in the morning. I spent the rest of daylight looking down at the region, I couldn't see much without binoculars, all I saw where some deer here an there. I looked back at my map to hopefully conjure up a new plan. That orange square is really gnawing my curiosity. Maybe it's where the cabin office guy headed? God I really wish I knew his name, I'm getting tired of calling him "Cabin office guy" or whatever. I might head there tomorrow, I really want to warn at least someone about what's happening here, and about that dead guy in the train car. Once it became dark I tried turning on the lights, no power up here either. It just doesn't make sense, my theory about a saboteur is falling. I looked over the lights, their battery powered, makes sense because the only electronics up here are the lights, and a radio, which yes was didn't work either. I instead started a fire to provide some light so I can write all this. I honestly felt a little better knowing that there might not be a saboteur out here after all. But why is there no power? Even up here? Maybe the batteries are just dead, but that seems a bit too coincidental with what happened back at the lake. I'm getting tired, hopefully stress won't keep me up too much. I know I said I wish you were here yesterday, but I take that back. I'm really glad to decided to stay home. You always had better luck than me. I hope I get home soon so I can see you again.
  16. Day 2 - Late Afternoon - Mystery Lake - Forestry Lookout It was wrong to loot off a dead body, but I was on full self preservation mode, so I took the rifle anyways. I ejected the mag to look over how much ammo I had to work with, there was three bullets. Even though I never used a real rifle in my life, I felt a little bit safer with one in my hands. I stayed inside the train car until I felt like it was safe enough to climb up to the tower. As the time past I kept glancing over at the body, and I wondered how long he's been here. I'm guessed from the amount of snow that covered him he's been here since before the blizzard yesterday, Which would mean he's potentially been here since before even I got here. How come he hasn't been noticed before? I guess he's been too isolated out here for anyone to find him yet. It made me fear if I were to die out here, would I be found? I sat inside for hours, clutching the rifle against my chest, anticipating a wolf to show it's head at the door. I wasn't even sure if I would be able to hit anything at such a close distance with how much I was shaking with fear. Eventually some time past without any howling, I stood up and peeked outside. The coast seemed clear enough, so I climbed out and went up the hill to the tower in a hurry. The climb was short, but still cumbersome with the rifle I just got in my hands. I hoped that the ranger or whoever worked there wouldn't question why I had a rifle, and just assumed it was mine. After a short climb I saw the tower, and at last I felt some measure of safety. I crossed the wooden bridges and head up inside.
  17. Day 2 - Late Morning - Mystery Lake - Derailment I was looking over my shoulder every other second as I was heading towards the tower. I should have just gone to a tropical island for this vacation, sipping coconut milk on the beach somewhere getting a sun tan. Too late for that, instead I came here and let my paranoia drive me out on my second day. I followed the old and abandoned railway line which was the most direct route to the tower. I assumed it was abandoned at least since there was a derailed train car on it. It seems to have been here for a while, as a lot of the paint on it was faded off at this point, and there was a tree fallen which created a perfect ramp to climb inside. As I approached the train car I got this very bad feeling, like I didn't want to go inside, but something was really tugging me to take a look inside anyways. Then I heard howling coming from the opposite side of the car from where I was, that forced me to climb inside the car using the fallen tree. I knew that wolves didn't typically attack humans unless you give them a reason to, but paranoia was dictating all my actions at this point. When I got inside I froze solid, not from the cold, but with pure terror. A body was sitting against the wall of the car. He looked like he was here for a while. It took me what felt like hours to compose myself someone to look over the body some more. I wasn't a forensic, and I know you shouldn't tamper with a potential crime scene, but... Well I wasn't thinking straight. His left arm was soaked in blood. I roll back his sleeves and saw rather poorly bandaged bite marks, bite marks that looked like they came from a dog, or wolf. Looks like I may have made the right choice about hiding in here from that howling. There was something else near him that caught my attention, and that was a rifle.
  18. Day 2 - Morning - Mystery Lake - Cabin Office I followed the prints for a few steps further before I made a final decision. After I saw just how narrow the passage way was I decided against following them and headed back inside the office. It may sound cowardly, but I just didn't feel safe out there anymore. I mean, all of the generators out here are buster, no way one blizzard could have done that. The only explanation that makes sense to me is someone must have damaged them purposefully. If there's some lunatic out here vandalizing generators, well ambushing random strangers inside narrow passage ways isn't that much more of a leap. At this point I was done waiting for that guy to get back, hell there was no guarantee he would come back at all. I decided I should go and let some of the park rangers know that there's possibly someone vandalizing property, after that I would be out of there. I looked around the office for a map of the area, and I found one. It had the location of a watch tower, which fortunately was pretty close by. However as I looked over the map there was one thing that stuck out to me, and it was this weird orange square. It seemed like it was hand marked, so it must have been an point of interest to someone specific. No idea what it was, and I didn't really care. I walked outside and stared to where I was heading, and I already saw my destination.
  19. You really want to spoil your food that badly?
  20. Day 2 - Early Morning - Mystery Lake - Cabin Office I woke up much earlier this morning, likely because I didn't hike for miles in the snowy wasteland yesterday. I decided to go back to the office to see if the guy returned yet, if not than this would have been my last day here. I headed outside, but the first thing I do is look at all the other cabins to see if they had working generators. As I expected their gens were busted as well, all of them. I started to get scared, this looked almost deliberately done by someone, or something, no way a blizzard could have done this. I wanted to head home right then, but I still wanted to talk to the guy at the cabin, it was on the way out of here anyways. I headed to the cabin office, but as I was about to open the door and head inside something just barely caught my attention from the corner of my eye. Footprints, pretty fresh from what they looked like. They head along a trail enclosed by two cliff edges. They weren't mine from yesterday, I didn't head this way, I didn't even notice the passage way before. I took a quick peek inside the office, nobody here. I even looked at my note that I left yesterday, It was in the same spot I left it, so the guy didn't come back yet to read it. I looked at the footprints some more and contemplated weather I should follow them or not. I didn't have a weapon of any kind, so if this was some ambush I would be toast.
  21. Day 1 - Early Night Time - Mystery Lake - Fishing Hut It's time for a bit of fun, like what a vacation is suppose to be about. I went over to one of the huts, and it already had the tools necessary to break a fishing hole, and it even had some fishing tackle. Someone also left behind a book on how to ice fish. It was titled 'The Frozen Angler', and even though I did do some research online about ice fishing before I came here, it wouldn't hurt to brush up on some basics. I sat down on the dresser inside I began to read. It took a few hours to finish it, by then the sun was tucked away behind the hills, and it was getting late. My belly was rumbling, which I though was a good thing as it would motivate me to catch a nice fish even more. I break a hole inside the hut and drop my line inside. I soon began to regret trying this. I have went normal fishing before a few times, and while not the most exciting activity, at least you get a nice view of a lake and get to see the fish, but not here. All I had was a hole, and this hut that was the size of a public bathroom stall. I say about half an hour went by, and I was about to give up and head back to my cabin. But then I felt a bit of a nibble, and a second later a full on bite. I yank the line and pull up a what I think was a Lake Whitefish. I jumped around in excitement, and nearly bump my head on the huts ceiling like a jolly idiot. I bonk the fish on the head so it wouldn't suffer, and began to gut it. I dump the fish guts into the hole. I lit the pot belly stove inside the hut with my firestriker I brought with me. I used cattail heads as tinder, and some sticks and fir wood that was left inside the hut. Right now, as I'm writing this entry the pot belly fire roars with my dinner cooking atop of it. Half an hour of boredom for 5 seconds of excitement, it was actually worth, and it's nice that I will get a warm meal tonight. I think you were right, I think this is good for me. I just kind of wish you decided to come with me, but I know you have your reasons for staying home.
  22. Day 1 - Afternoon - Mystery Lake - Cabin Office Eventually the blizzard ended. Well I use the word like 'eventually' like I've been waiting for days, but it was only a few more hours. Time sure does pass by slowly when all you have to do to is write in a journal and count how many time the blizzard causes your whole cabin to creek like it's about to collapse at any moment. I came over to the cabin office the moment the storm ended to let the guy know about my busted generator. He wasn't here, typical... Why would he leave during a blizzard? Maybe he left before it? I was about to leave a note or something for when he got back, but I noticed that the offices power was out as well. I took a look at the offices generator, and it was in the same state as mine. Still had fuel, wires were not cut or anything, yet it won't work. How did this happen? It was working yesterday, I remember when I was here talking to the guy that stayed here. Was it the blizzard that knocked them out somehow? It's the only thing that makes sense to me, but wouldn't the generators be a bit more resistant to poor weather out here? I'm starting to consider heading back home, I didn't want to deal with this weirdness on my vacation, and certainly not on my first day. I decided to leave a note anyways, letting the guy know about the offices, and my cabins generator. I will give him a couple of days to let me know what he plans on doing to fix them. Until then I might as well have a bit of fun, I don't need electricity to try my hand at ice fishing for the first time. And there are some huts placed around the lake just for that purpose.
  23. Day 1 - Late Morning - Mystery Lake - Lone Lake Cabin So I've been out of bed for about 20 minutes now I already have two problems. First is I think the generator outside is busted somehow, I can't get the lights working. I took a quick look at it, and it still has fuel, it's actually pretty much full. Nothing is wrong with the wiring either from what I've seen. Since it's neither of those things I have no idea what the problem is, or how to fix it, and even If I did I imagine I would need tools and parts for it. I sort of recall waking up late at night, and the lights inside my cabin were flickering, while there was this strange glow coming from outside through the window. At the time I just chalked it up as a dream and closed my eyes to drift to another dream, and I'm still unsure of weather that was real or not. If it was real, was that a sign of the generator giving out? And what was that strange glow? All I know is that generator needs to be looked at by someone more qualified than me. I would have gone and let the guy in the cabin office know about the generator by now, but that leads to the second problem. There is a blizzard outside, and I can't see more than a few feet In front of me. I don't feel like wandering near aimlessly through a blizzard to get to the office, I might get lost. It's not like my life depends on it, at least not yet. I have plenty of canned food that doesn't need any preparation by a stove, and I have this kerosene storm lantern to provide light and a bit of warmth. If it wasn't for that I wouldn't able to write, and I would be bored out of my mind. I should have brought a book with me, a book that isn't my journal. I'm just going to wait out this storm so I can get to that office, hopefully it ends before nightfall, I would like to do something today.
  24. Day 0 - Dusk - Mystery Lake - Lone Lake Cabin After an exhausting hike I finally made it to my new home for the next couple of months. I just got my cabin keys from the cabin owner over by the his office. We had a little chat, and I admit I kind of tuned him out for the most part since I was half asleep when I was in the office on account of the long travel, but he was talking about how I'm the only visitor there currently. Suits me fine, I'm a rather introverted person, so I don't mind the lack of company, and part of the reason I'm here was for the alone time from general life. I said goodbye and made my way across the frozen over lake. The cabin is rather small, and it's messy. it's like someone left the window open during a blizzard with how much junk is around the place. Oh well, I will certainly have plenty of time to tidy up tomorrow. Not like I have much else to do, other than explore, and ice fish. Oh and write, someone said it would good for me to write about my time here. I never really liked writing about myself but I suppose I need something to do, so I got this journal before I came here that I'm writing in now. Who knows, if my time here is good, it would be nice to read about it in the future. Anyways time to get some much needed sleep, hopefully I don't sleep the whole of tomorrow away.