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Everything posted by Swippity_Swappity

  1. I gotta be completely honest, I'm surprised that this is still somewhat going. Completely forgot about it tbh.
  2. I'm having a lot of fun with this, really neat idea to make a group fan-fic like this.
  3. "I was gonna head off to one of those hotels. Quite a number of them, no doubt some people left some useful stuff." Erik said. His boots crunched in the snow, leaving a trail of footprints. As they walked, Mocha seemed to get more and more uneasy. Erik suddenly stopped. "Is that... a wolf?" Amy asked somewhat uneasy. "Looks like it. It hasn't noticed us yet, so walk away, s l o w l y." The group slowly walked backwards, and then turned around and moved more quickly towards the van. "Well, that was an unexpected setback." Erik said, breathing heavily. "Glad I thought of a backup plan. There's a camping goods store about not too far. Should be able to get some better warm clothing there."
  4. A small little town, mainly used as a rest stop for travelers on their way back to the mainland. Maybe it has a couple of small hotels? Wouldn't be a bad place to find some supplies tbh.
  5. Erik stroked Mocha's neck fur. "All I could tell is that that aurora caused some very... unusual effects. The wildlife seemed a bit more aggressive while it was going on, along with the power screwing itself." Erik said. "I'm fairly certain that this one wasn't a normal aurora borealis. Maybe divine intervention? I wouldn't know, I'm not a religious type." "What do you mean, more aggressive?" Amy asked. "Well, I saw a couple wolves get much closer to town than they normally do, but not really attacking anything, but they did look somewhat different. Eyes glowing white, sort of a... reflection, almost on their fur." Erik explained. He looked around. A heavy fog had set in, blanketing most of the town in a shroud of grey. "I might head out looking for some supplies soon. Can't live very long on a can of pork 'n beans, and a soda." Erik said, getting out of the back of his van. "Want to come along? It's somethin' to do." Erik asked.
  6. I preferred to stay at the camp office too, but I like to hang out at the Orca Gas Station in Milton.
  7. You're dying of exposure? That wasn't an issue for me. Granted, I haven't gotten more than 4 pages, but still. I think you're spending too much time doing other things. My method was to make a path, and follow that path, to the T stopping only when absolutely necessary.
  8. Sounds cool. Just to clarify, Erik is kinda like Methasulah appearance wise, except younger, and shorter beard.
  9. @Catlover Oh, did I make it seem like the mother and Amy were the same person? Sorry.
  10. Erik sat in the back of his van, looking around at the desolate town. It was once bustling, with many residents, but then the aurora cause all the power to go out, and everyone to leave. He ate some tomato soup he cooked over a trashcan fire. This wasn't his first rodeo. As a kid, he would commonly go camping. He knew how to survive. Erik saw someone walking along the street with her dog. Wait, is that a child? "Hey! Over here!" Erik shouted towards the group. They started walking over to Erik, noticing the trashcan fire. "Used a trashcan as a firepit?" Amy asked. "Yep. Couldn't find much else." Erik replied. "Took a few survival courses when I was a bit younger, but this is something that's more creative." "Hm. The name's Amy. And this is Emma." Amy said, getting a little bit closer to the fire. "Erik." Erik replied, just before going into a coughing fit. "Don't worry, I'm fine. Used to smoke, but I quit a few years ago. Still did a number on my lungs though." He said coughing a couple more times. Erik got up, and walked over to the passenger side door of his van. He opened it, and looked through the glovebox. Shit. No more matches. "I have a bit of a problem. I'm out of matches." Erik said with a slight hit of panic in his voice.
  11. I tried out Escape The Darkwalker, and it was fun, for a bit until I figured out that it was basically just Slender. I gave up and set down a lure, to kill myself. I waited for like 15 irl minutes while passing several in-game hours, multiple times, and he took forever to get to me. And then when I died all I get is a black screen and some audio. The idea is really neat, this invisible predator, hunting you down. All you have to defend yourself is a can of spraypaint. This could have been really fun, but the execution was just lackluster. Anyone else agree? I am open to changing my opinion if people give good enough arguments.
  12. I mean, I guess but it's in a really hard to get spot, Gold Mine in The Ash Canyon, so It's a reward for traveling that far and getting to that point.
  13. You make some valid arguments, the quests do feel very... linear. However, get this, you don't have to play Wintermute! Wintermute was part of the deal with backing the game before it came out. Hinterland said they would finish Wintermute, and so they are.
  14. Rules are to spawn in the Ash Canyon or some other difficult area, and survive as long as you can. [EASY] Ozow-A8BQ-QMAM-r+gQ-Q2II (Higher loot spawns, passive wildlife.) [HARD] 8I3s-aRUF-WYUf--ZJ+e-hOIA (Less passive wildlife spawns, lower spawn rate for loot, higher hostile wildlife spawnrate.)
  15. That's what I've been doing so far, as far as the marker part, but I didn't know you can write in your journal. Neat.
  16. Wow I am very bad at videogame

  17. Thanks! I was wondering where you put that sack. The crampons seem really useful, being as I like to hang around areas with lots of frozen lakes.
  18. I see the 2 accessory slots all the time, but I've never been able to find anything that goes in them. What do you put in the accessory slots? Can you?
  19. I heard somewhere that gunshots scare off wolves, but yeah I should check around my storage to see if the wolf is around somewhere.
  20. I play on what's effectively a modified pilgrim. Same settings, but higher loot spawn settings. (I'm new, shut up)
  21. If you attack a wolf, and then hide in a building, will they stick around to attack you once you leave, or will they run off? I shot a wolf because they were sticking around the only entrance to my main storage, and it ran off but started coming back, so I ran inside. Has the wolf despawned? I'm playing on the easiest difficulty btw.
  22. We need a spraypaint marker for like, "come back later." I don't know how many times I've found a neat location to loot, but my pack was full so I had to go away to drop off my stuff and I forgot where it was. I whipped up a quick example in MS Paint.