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Everything posted by Dalos

  1. a little on cruise control in Milton Basin bc i have plenty of food. Killed a bunch of rabbits and carved up some deer in order to get my clothes to 100% again after that wolf attack. i did sneak down to the muskeg overlook and placed the rope from the cave there for later on in this run. gotta think ahead. there was a nice looking moose grazing there but i let him go. plus there isn't a really good shooting spot. i do wonder if i will regret missing out bc a lot of times these moose appear for a day or two and then fade into the night. anyway, i did finally get around to cleaning the cattails in the Basin bringing my total up to around 80. this will be good when food isn't so plentiful. Also, hit sewing 4 which is good and now firestarting 5 which is great.
  2. to be fair though, i am not as worried about a loss of health (as long as it isn't life threatening) as i am loss of top end clothing. anywho, i had some cloth on me so i repaired my pants and undies. i killed the 3 rabbits that were close so i will have to wait for their coats to cure before i can repair my shredded hat and gloves. still, all in all a big success. That was a heavy deer. 44 KG, plus coat and 12 guts, all cooked up like Emeril.
  3. dammit. i arrowed that wolf and even heard him croak when i was taking an hour to sleep but his chum got me as i was bringing back a few more quarters from my catch. not terrible damage though, considering i left one bear skin coat at the cave in order to carry more.
  4. other than falling off the train trestle, the first dumb death that comes to mind was one of my first Voyager runs. i got a fire going at the hunting blind on Mystery Lake to chop up the dead deer there. Blizzard came on and i couldn't find my way back to camp office in the snow. Died of....exposure.
  5. Went from ML to Milton down to Milton basin, spending one night in the farmhouse. i thought i had been there already but apparently not. That's one negative about playing two runs at the same time. anyway, Milton Basin has a gift for me, and i made it happen without missing terribly or breaking some ribs. good spot to fall too. no wolves over here.
  6. day 108 - finally got fishing 4 and it's taken forever. Lots of empty lines and meager catches. anyway, my bear meat is running thin and despite having cooking 5, food is always a problem. I am lugging around as much expired ketchup chips and salty crackers as i can handle. Don't want to get stuck in a cave and lose my carry bonus. anyway, i headed back up through ravine into ML where i fished for 8 hours and caught two minnows. I think i will head all the way to trappers and then Milton and stay in the basin a bit. Cattails are the answer.
  7. and of course, making it to the cave, trying to light a fire and then getting to close to the fire. dumb dumb dumb stuff.
  8. one big thing between the deadman settings and interloper is that you don't fear going out in the cold as much for obvious reasons. Except for the day starve, eat before sleep mechanic, Loper is much more realistic. of course, sometimes it leads you to do dumb stuff like carve up a deer carcass in the middle of a peaceful night, come to in a blizzard and then lose your directions to the cave home.
  9. day 97 now. at the boat. went through crumbling, the light house and the whaling place without incident. I thought there would be a hacksaw there but no. Good thing i brought a ton of my own scrap and found a few extra prybars i can dismantle. I am still not sure if i want to make another knife or just the hatchet and arrows. Whetstones are a finite resource so it might make more sense to just keep repairing the hacksaw instead of crafting another knife. then i can use my whetstones to keep the hatchet fresh. not sure. anyway, i one shotted a deer at the little island bc he kamikazied right into me. Got all 8 KG from him and brought it back to the boat. Was going to cook it up while crafting but then i went up into the driver's seat and hey, why cook one deer steak at a time when you can cook too. Pretty nifty little place here. Out of the wind for sure and nice and toasty.
  10. ugh, nightmarish! i have a couple real stinkers of deaths too. gonna put them in the other thread.
  11. sheesh, 4 or 5 one shot bears this run. usually i wound them and then have to spend a few hours walking around in the freezing cold trying to find the carcasses.
  12. good bear killing spot, nestled right into a fishing hut. The only problem is if i get him, i'm out here on an island with 30 KG of beer meat that i really need. Fishing has been...unproductive so far.
  13. anybody ever fall off this trestle? i swear i only did once. a long time ago. and definitely not during a quality run. anyway, on to coast highway and then DP to forge again. can't believe it's almost 100 days and i have been to neither of them yet.
  14. ok, finally got the second bear skin coat made. took forrrrrrreeeeevvvverrrr. but well worth it. unless i find another ear wrap, this is about as much of a warmth bonus as i am going to get. you know, it'd be cool as heck for late game players if you could make up bear and moose skin pants, shirts, undies, etc.
  15. got him. not one shot though. also got cooking 5 which is definitely the #1 most important thing to get.
  16. sadly not much of a deer sniper. i need that meat.
  17. damn second bear skin is taking FOREVER to cure. got bow hunting 4 just now though. i am a rabbit sniper.
  18. day 82 now. oh and i got sharpening 100 because i realized that i am not going to be able to craft the bear skin coat with a 15% condition knife. Good thing i grabbed a whetstone and remembered to do it before the bear skins cured. dope.
  19. got harvesting 5 near the cave above the camp office.
  20. i was going to chance it and head all the way back to the camp office and then maybe trappers bc i could swear i left a heavy hammer there. instead i am just going to chill here and see if i can make up up bear coat #2. i actually started back but then had a wolf chase that lead into a deer suicide which lead to an arrowed wolf and 9 KG of dear steaks. too good to pass up. Tomorrow i go hunting for my one arrow. i think i will end up chancing it that there's a hammer on coastal. there's only a few spawn points so i know if it isn't at point A or B i'll need to rethink my strategy. i can always sharpen up my tools in the interim anyway.
  21. ok, took advantage of all that moose meat (got maybe 20KG out of possible 30) and a few choice cuts of bear while risky parasites. made up the moose hide satchel at the crafting table at TWM. finally headed out of of there and then spent just one day crossing PV on to the dam. Since i am riding high with a +15 weight lifting limit i could carry the bear skins, a ton of cured guts and a bunch of other stuff. Spent a night in the dam crossing, made up a bunch of water at the dam after carving up the two deer laying around. onto the ravine where the plan is to shoot any deer that appear and hopefully survive on them and cattails enough to make up my second bear skin coat before heading down to coastal. i did pick up a 3 sharpening stones but since my knife and hatchet are at 20% and 30% respectively, i think i am better off just heading on to DP to forge some new ones. the only problem is i left the heavy hammer at TWM. hopefully there's on on the train crash on the ravine or maybe at Coastal. I am not sure as i totally forgot which interloper loot map i am running. in the mean time. becomes
  22. pretty unbelievable. one shot for this guy too.
  23. nice weather so headed up the little stream from mountaineer's to get some cattails.