past caring

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Posts posted by past caring

  1. The alternative, which might be a little more realistic, whilst not reducing the game's challenge, could simply be to make whetstones much less common but significantly more durable (I like to cook a lot and I'm still using my grandfather's - I don't have children, but if I did, there's no reason why their children wouldn't be able to use it).

    • Upvote 1
  2. Posting here - though it's potentially a separate issue/topic.....

    I've not had the chance to play a massive amount since part 4 was released, but with my old save, I did notice that in a couple of places where I had previously harvested maple saplings they have regrown. And I wonder, because the travois takes quite a bit of maintenace, whether this was a deliberate change - only I've seen no mention of it in the release notes?


  3. Apologies if this is already noted, but not seeing anything on a quick search....also been away from the game for the past couple of weeks so only experimenting with Pt 4 of Tales now...

    I suddenly cannot transfer items (e.g. guts, but it's the same with anything)  if the total amount I am holding exceeds the total available space in any particular drawer/cabinet/container. So let us say there is .50kg space left in a container and I am holding 1.0 kg guts, I cannot transfer any of them - but instead I need to drop the guts and then pick up .50kg before I can store them.

    Never used to be that way - anyone else experiencing this?

  4. @Raphael van Lierop - hopefully you will take what follows in the spirit it is intended - which is to be supportive, but also some constructive criticism.

    Hinterland has created a fantastic game in TLD. I think it is pretty uncommon to find a developer/studio that will keep on delivering installments and updates years after the game was released. OK, it was made clear from the start that Story Mode was going to be released and finished over a period, but those who are only or mainly interested in sandbox continued to benefit from the new maps and items and bug fixes.

    With TFTFT, people weren't obliged to purchase it and for those that wanted to, advance purchase wasn't the only option - you could wait until all the installments had been released and any bugs fixed. Of course, people were going to be disappointed when the original timescale slipped or expected delivery times were missed. People love the game, would be looking forward to the next stage, so a degree of disappointment when timescales slipped was only natural.  That said, I don't really see an awful lot of value in moaning and complaining and certainly not in the vitriol and negativity. Even when posts expressing disappointment aren't particularly unpleasant, I see little point - what do they achieve? On here - a discussion forum - how do they encourage any useful discussion?

    Every one is a bit disappointed when one of the release dates for Tales slips - I think one can take it as read, otherwise we wouldn't have bought the game. So I don't know what a post to the effect of "Oh I'm really disappointed/Hinterland are crap." is ever going to achieve in a constructive sense.

    On the other hand, whilst it is true that Hinterland has always delivered (and that is a major reason for the love) what it really hasn't done well - at least not consistently - is to communicate. Yes there are going to be delays, yes sometimes trying to introduce a new mechanic will result in unexpected bugs, there will be things that are unforeseen - and there's not a huge amount that can be done about that. But there have been times when Hinterland could have communicated better - just told us what is going on. And that has been particularly the case here, on its own forums.

    I think that does tend to irk a little bit because unlike the coding and bug solving issues, it doesn't really require an awful lot of effort.

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  5. Playing custom, TFTF. I'm in the gunsmithing room at Blackrock. I have two rabbits - I harvest one and at the end, the screen showing what is left to harvest shows a - 1 (minus 1) for guts. I click to harvest and get the kind of noise you get when a door won't open without a key....going back to my main inventory, there are still two rabbits showing to harvest, along with the meat, skin and guts from the first. I choose one of the rabbits to harvest - it's now showing -1/-1 for guts. I try harvesting - this time it allows me to do it. But the blurred background you get when performing any kind of harvesting or crafting action goes a kind of poisonous luminous green, the sun/moon icon whirls around at lightning speed - it's like I've advanced time for 3 or 4 days - and when I've finished harvesting I am tired and have hypothermia risk!! Yes the door to the room was open, but I'm fully clothed with good clothes and in the room itself - so well out of any wind when the 3 or 4 days passed (my food and water levels haven't dropped so I still have the well-fed bonus).

    Very odd indeed.

    It may well be just me, but I'll create a save in case - I think I can probably save the rogue rabbit in my inventory that is causing this.

    • Upvote 1
  6. Observations and a question....

    I've yet to find any tins of corn that are required for a few of the recipes - I am a 'slow' player, I don't rush-loot the maps, but still I've found reasonable amounts of all the other ingredients. Which brings me to the question....

    I've noticed that potatoes in particular seem to degrade fairly quickly. To the point I think they might be ruined by the time I find any corn. Is the process any slower if you store them/leave them in the potatoe sacks or vegetable draws that they are often found in? - i.e. slower than storing them outside? Anyone tried this?

  7. 34 minutes ago, thekillergreece said:

    I agree that the dev team has been quite quiet over the months if not years. The only things we hear from them are dev blogs and that's about it. I mean, that's nice, really. Raph is active on Twitter and, sometimes, on TLD reddit. I'm sure he periodically checks TLD wiki as well.

    But that's the thing.....I think it's reasonable to expect that anything of any importance that Hinterland have to say about TLD to be communicated here - on their own forum. I don't feel I should have to be searching round reddit and twatter for news....

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  8. Talking of bedrolls....

    The bearskin  bedroll damage issue has been around since well before TFTFT (it takes significant damage from a wolf struggle if not in your inventory but is somewhere in the vicinity - eg you leave it in your temporary cave camp and then encounter a wolf a few hundred yards away) and so far as I'm aware there's no news on that being fixed....

    But since TFTFT I'm noticing a significant amount of "ordinary" deterioration/wear and tear - to the point it's really not worth crafting given the effort involved in maintaining it.

    Anyone else?

  9. I expect that - at least eventually - there will be some sort of tie-in with story mode. 

    The introduction of Foresaken Airfield has already revealed how story mode is going to end once Hinterland gets to it; Astrid and Will are eventually going to hook up, they'll repair a plane and fly off Great Bear. That much is clear.

    Rather than introduce two entirely different mechanics with the additional work that entails, the trader will also fly into the Airfield with trade goods.

    As for loot? As things stand I'm not sure that there's an awful lot I'm going to actually need. The one real game changer for me in the stuff that has so far been introduced with TFTFT is the Curator's Rifle - the stopping power with that version makes a significant difference and is well worth the additional weight. 

    Maybe the Trader could fly in with a load of cages of ptarmigans that we can release in order to repopulate our custom saves? 😉 

    • Upvote 2
  10. 8 hours ago, Enigmaecho said:

    I’m not sure if this was intended and isn’t doing so but are we able to/could we reheat meals like we can with canned goods and hot teas, also I hope my above didn’t come off as insisting or nagging 

    Just did that this morning with a stew I'd made previously, so it is possible. 

    Doesn't appear possible with pies though. And whilst on one level that makes sense (once it is cooked, it is cooked) you can open, cook and then carry around in a backpack, tins of soup, pork and beans etc. And then heat them up again days later....

  11. @TwoFatCatz@Leeanda@RossBondReturns - when I posted previously, I had no ptarmigans on an existing custom. Given the information on this and the other thread, I've subsequently started 3 new custom runs - no ptarmigans in any of them. As I'm no techie/am a bit of a dafty, I thought I'd ask - is it possible that whether they appear could be affected by your choice of custom settings? I know there's no actual option for ptarmigans in custom, but does that fact alone rule out the possibility that it's the particular settings I am choosing is messing things up?

  12. I've

    7 minutes ago, RossBondReturns said:


    They have also been reported to show up at the ML Bunker and in front of Camp Office...I will be checking out the Bunker tomorrow in my Custom Save.


    I've been to all three locations and not seen them. That said, I am assuming they are like rabbits - sometimes they are there, sometimes they are not - so I'll do another couple of circuits.

    So far as I can work out, we're both on custom and both on PC, the only difference is you're on a new, post Part 3 run and I'm on an old run?

  13. @TwoFatCatz - I'm also playing custom and I'm getting the option to craft the down sleeping bag and insulation, also the new food items including all of the ptarmigan recipes. Obviously, I can't do any of those things as there's no ptarmigans, but the options do show up.

    Separately, I now cannot do anything with acorns,,,,,,

    And just pretend Astrid has decided to transition and is working on her man voice.

  14. Has a bug been introduced with part 3? Playing custom....

    They show up in my crafting menu - description says "Acorn grounds" and requires the heavy hammer, can be done anywhere but I'm told I haven't got the requirements as I have "0/4 cooked acorns". I've 15 uncooked acorns in my inventory, so it appears I have to cook them before grinding them? Only I can't cook them either.....

    Apologies, I didn't bother with the acorns when Part 2 was released - I've plenty of real coffee so had no need for ersatz stuff. Now there's more exciting recipes, thought I'd give them a go.....