past caring

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Posts posted by past caring

  1. @Stone - whilst I am sure you're right about Interloper being awesome, at current progress we're some way off from the same being true of me. 

    More seriously, are you saying that only works (mechanically) with Interloper - or is it that the lack of firearms and the need to craft bow and arrows in Interloper makes that strategy viable/necessary? 

  2. @ManicManiac - yeah that's definitely what seems to be happening. I can pick up 3 charcoal from a fireplace or stove inside a house when looting and the stove in the Milton house always gives me 3 - even when the previous fire I set was a two hour one. But if I camp outdoors and set a 10 hour fire or longer, I only ever get one. 😮

  3. Hmm - that is wierd. I will sometimes do a long fire* if I am up at the plane crash or down In Milton basin - because I know I cannot get back home until the following day. So I'll throw as much wood on the fire as the game will allow - but I have never got more than one charcoal afterward and I am religious about picking it up.

    * I am probably doing it all wrong, but what I try to do is light a fire and get it just over the two hour mark, shove a couple of pots of water on, cook something and then go to sleep knowing that at just over two hours, the water won't boil away and will be ready in the morning....

  4. @ManicManiac Not sure I quite follow - I understand the long fire = more cooking/more boiled water potential, but isn't it the case that you only end up with just the one charcoal regardless of how much fuel you've put on the fire? (unless it's one of those big stove in the house fires where you get three - but you get three with those with only a short fire).


  5. I'm not wedded to the idea myself.

    But I'm also assuming the fact that the player can - unlike a lot of games, though that is perhaps changing - choose between a male and female character is a recognition by Hinterland that the gaming world is a little more diverse than it used to be and something to perhaps encourage female gamers? That said, as a male and starting off playing Will, I'm now playing Astrid more.....But that isn't really the point.

    Thing is, it just seems a bit pointless having two different 'characters' when essentially, there's no difference at all - just the avatar. And as I suggested, I wouldn't want to impose it on anyone - hence a possible custom option.


  6. Newish to the game and new to the forums so apologies if this has been suggested before (I have done a bit of a search but didn't see anything.....).

    As the male and female characters in survival mode are obviously loosely based on Wil and Astrid was wondering whether there might be said for giving them differing traits/skills from the outset? This so it feels like you're playing a different character rather than simply a different avatar.

    The way I've imagined it, such traits would not be based on any stereotyped 'male' or 'female' characteristics but on what we know about Will and Astrid. So 'Astrid' has better doctoring skills (maybe doesn't waste as much anti-septic when treating wounds and can craft medicinal plants quicker) and her knowledge of anatomy results in her being able to harvest carcasses more quickly.

    By the same token, we know Will has some skills as a navigator (resulting in quicker mapping) and probably has at least some rudimentary mechanical skills (resulting in quicker mechanical repairs).

    These are just examples. Could possibly be a custom option for those who don't want it....

    Obviously no biggie and not a priority - but if you don't ask, you don't get... 

  7. Thanks all. Makes sense now. Also explains why after killing three wolves and a deer (yes 3) in the immediate vicinity of Milton house and in the few hours before sunset - I think it's got to be safe to go outside in the dark to harvest the final carcass - and then get chewed up by another wolf. 😂😂

  8. I am new to the game and I am crap at it. I die in the way that newbies die and I do it every couple of days. And this is on custom settings - Voyager-ish (some things a bit tougher, some things a little easier). So I'm properly  crap at it.

    But a few weeks ago I had a lucky start with the lootables which gave me an advantage (couple of rifles and revolvers and a reasonable amount of ammo, the right books to get my skills up more quickly, plenty of whet stones and gun cleaning kits) so I ended up getting past the two to three day wall I'd always hit previously. Worked out how to snare the rabbits and shot a few deer. Even managed to bag a couple of wolves, though more by luck than judgement.

    I got to the point where I could make the deer skin leggings and boots, then got a couple more wolves for a wolf coat. Moved out of Mountain Town and into Mystery Lake - and did pretty well. Got to the point where I stopped being terrified of wolves and would go out of my way to hunt them (ok, yes, the coward's way - look for deer, look for wolf in vicinity of deer, wait for wolf to kill deer, approach wolf from cover, wait until I can hear wolf growl, move to point where I have line of sight on wolf, crouch - and pop wolf. Two kills for the price of one). Before I know it I am on 80 plus days and moving to Coastal Highway.

    Got myself well set up in the garage, even killed a bear, though again more by chance than planning.

    By now I must have killed 20+ wolves and I have started getting a bit cocky - even if I don't actively hunt them, they will rarely stop me going where I want to go. I get jumped by one but mortally wound it in the struggle. I follow it and take the skin, guts and meat. But now there is another between me and home - and I have too much stuff and not enough light to go around it. So I plow straight ahead. The worst that can happen? I'll miss with the revolver but the wolf will take second prize in the struggle. Which is how it plays out. But I am still far from home and coming back this way tomorrow to collect the skin isn't in my plans. So I follow the second wolf and take the skin - even if I can only wear one wolf coat at a time, I still need to repair the things, right?

    Cue a third wolf - one that I could have avoided, like the others, but they hold no fear for me now, so let's do this thing.......all the time forgetting that even if you win a wolf struggle it does affect condition/health - so I go into this one on something like 10%. You know the rest.....

  9. On 7/25/2019 at 8:31 AM, bush_amb said:
    • hunting
      • luring the wolf with a bait and shooting with bow/rifle seems the most reliable way to hunt them
        • chasing a non predatory animal is also a viable tactics
      • when scaring off a wolf with revolver do check the ground for blood trail to know if it was hit

    I am new at the game and fairly rubbish - but my best success at hunting wolves is waiting around in the vicinity until a wolf kills a deer or rabbit. Then sneak up and pop the wolf - two kills for the price of one. Advantages are that a) you can get that much closer to the wolf and b) best of all - the bloody thing stays still. 😂

  10. OK - thanks, that's sorted it. Think what it was is that in my previous runs which were longer I wasn't getting into wolf struggles until I had a full compliment of weapons (hatchet, knife, crowbar, revolver) so even without consciously selecting a weapon I was hitting them with something effective. Which made me a bit cocky this time round when I only had one weapon - so was just mashing the A button on fists even when I could have selected a better weapon. Cheers.

  11. 5 hours ago, UpUpAway95 said:

    Wait a second for the UI to come up and then you have to scroll first using the left or right button.

    Thanks - but which is the left or right button, that's what is confusing me. Is it the same button(s) I use to switch between wearing clothing items of the same type or to increase/decrease the number of hours I read a training manual - i.e. the left and right shoulder buttons on the controller? Or is it the button I use to move between the different types of clothing items I am wearing and to increase/decrease the number of hours sleep - i.e. the left analogue button?

  12. Hi All - new(ish) to the game. I've had a couple of decent custom runs (60-80 days) but after getting killed yesterday I now cannot remember what button to press to select a weapon in a wolf struggle - playing on the PC with the Xbox360 controller. And I keep dying because I'm doing no more than punching the bastards even though I have knife, hatchet, crowbar etc in my inventory. Any help gratefully received (and yes, I know I'm an idiot). Cheers.