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Posts posted by UpUpAway95

  1. 1 hour ago, jeffpeng said:

    Well it protects your flimsy Ear Wraps. A bear won't just eat you Satchel as it does with the wraps. So yes, putting the satchel outside will protect them. But that it actually had defensive value of its own is kinda new to me.

    I had a wolfskin in Story Mode, and they didn't care at all. Iirc the effect of the bearskin and the wolfskin are the same coding-wise.

    Before the update I would have also put in the argument that moose are more safely and more reliably huntable than bears. Now I'm not so sure, and I wouldn't be surprised if moose now trampled you standing next to a fire. So now the bear is probably easier and safer to hunt, provided you have something to hide in around, like a car, a house or a finshing hut. Then again I don't trust fishing huts anymore.

    I think you've misunderstood my comment.  My bad for not being clear (I really have to work on that).  I was wondering if Timberwolves react to the bearskin coats alleged ability to scare them more reliably than regular wolves.  The bearskin coat being "scary" hasn't been a big consideration in the past, but if Hinterland made it the "magic bullet" for escaping timberwolves... I can see a lot more of us rushing to craft the bearskin coat in the future.  Has anyone tested it out yet?

  2. 11 hours ago, sierra 117 said:

    One other benefit for the coat is the higher chance to scare wolves.

    I personally usually don't bother with either, unless really late game for something to do.

    I wonder... has anyone tested out the bearskin coat against timberwolves yet.  It would be interesting IF they react to it more reliably than regular wolves.

  3. I personally think there are no 100% guaranteed spawns of anything.  Even before the update, I had a few Pilgrim starts in DP, for instance, where there was no rifle in the main building.  It would then be elsewhere in the zone (sometimes Scruffy's cave and sometimes at the Church).  I had started in MT where therre was no revolver under the bed in Gray Mother's house; and again, I would eventually find it somewhere else within that zone.  I was doing these starts in different zones just for the sake of trying to determine where the guns might spawn 100% of the time.  I had failures to spawn in all of them.  In Mystery Lake, I had one Pilgrim start where the only gun that spawned was in the Prepper Cache; but that is the only start I had where at least one of the guns did not spawn somewhere outside of a Prepper Cache in that zone.  In ML, I often find a rifle under the bridge that leads to the dam and I notice you didn't have that location in your list, so you might want to look there.

    I also think that the amount of loot in general (at least on Pilgrim) has been reduced in this last update, so it's not surprising there are also fewer guns lying around.

  4. Maybe consider this:  The coat is adding to your warmth bonus all the time you're wearing it.  The bedroll only adds to your warmth when you're sleeping in it, but its weight is with you all the time you're carrying it.  Personally, I seldom bother with either... just too heavy and they take too long to craft... but I've yet to go long enough in a Loper game where it is getting cold enough where it would really become necessary.  At the lower difficulties, the expedition parka is much lighter and plenty warm through 500 days... and there is always at least one on Timberwolf Mountain.

  5. 1 minute ago, ManicManiac said:

    No, that would be their purgative, and had you left it at that simple request I'd not have had anything to add.  However, you started citing things that I didn't see as being a developers responsibility... so I spoke my mind.

    You have privilege of expressing your points of view... am I not allowed to do the same?

    If you'd like to discuss it further please feel free to message me directly.  I see no need to pollute forum with personal speculations. 


    I"m not disallowing you from expressing your opinions about me or anything else.  You're wrong about what I was requesting, so I've re-explained my request.  I'm asking a simple favor... a single number added to the patch notes.  That's all.

  6. On 12/18/2019 at 11:24 AM, ManicManiac said:

    I don't think individual inconveniences should be Hinterland's burden to bear.  ¬¬

    It's not their fault if an individual has a slow connection.

    When someone in my neck of the woods say "It would be nice...," it generally means much the same as "If it's not too much trouble..."  I'm not asking HL to bear any of my burdens, but if it's not too much trouble for them to insert the size of the update into the patch notes, it would really help me determine if I'm actually up to date with the latest patch.  I'll appreciate if they can, but if they can't, I'll live without it.  I'm asking a favor... not making a demand.

    Is there a reason you object to seeing the size of the update appear in the patch notes?

  7. 8 hours ago, Makex said:

    After this very latest update 1.69 on PS4 when you have visited workshop you can not do anything other than bullet related stuff. No more wolfskin jacket for me.

    That's strange.  The patch notes for 1.69 are very clear on this:  " [Gameplay] Fixed non-interactive Workbench found in the cannery. It is now usable. "  So, there should be a working workbench somewhere in the cannery.

    • Upvote 1
  8. 15 minutes ago, Hestonworld said:

    I had Efficient Machine and Cold Fusion almost unlocked through Interloper and then grinded the last ~20-25% in Pilgrim very fast. So I agree with you, no need in removing feats achieving in Custom mode. 

    I also wanted to add that it is actually counter productive to prevent people from getting them in a custom mode because people who prefer to play a custom game that they enjoy are creating "throw away" Pilgrim characters just to get feats; whereas, they might be more inclined to get them while actually playing the game if they were allowed to do it in the custom mode they actually enjoy instead.

    • Like 1
  9. 2 hours ago, Lohaan said:

    Maybe the custom games you create are harder than Pilgrim, but if Feats were possible to unlock in Custom, many people would just make a game, set it up as easy as possible, and grind out all the feats in a short amount of time..which is not really a Feat at all. I've lost all my feats and badges, and although still able to access some of them though older save game...it still sucks cos I achieved all of them...even both years' 4DON badges are gone. 

    Got news for you... they are already grinding them out in the shortest possible time in PIlgrim.  Even though you can create an easier game than Pilgrim in Custom, it is not easier to grind out the feats nor is it any less time consuming.  Once you take the wolves and aggressive animals out of the picture and have lots of resources (which Pilgrim does), it just doesn't get any easier to, say, light 1,000 fires, or drink 250 coffees, etc.

    • Upvote 1
  10. 33 minutes ago, Willy Pete said:

    The RNGods aren't favoring me, it seems. I just found two Stump removers in MT so now I have an extra Stump Remover and my OCD is getting triggered. Anyone want to trade?

    Problem solved then.  It does appear in the old zones in random locations.

  11. Thanks in particular for the Workbench in Bleak Inlet and continuing to tinker with the lighting contrast in the game (my old eyes really have appreciated the easing of the strain on them you've done since I first mentioned having a problem with it).

    BTW, it's one hour since you posted these notes and Xbox is already updating.  Whatever you've done to get into Microsoft's good graces like this... big thumbs up!  (Unless what I'm getting now is 1.68 since the last update I had was 1.67... won't know until after this 4.2 gig download finishes).

  12. 27 minutes ago, ManicManiac said:

    This is a very thoughtful point.  Both (given this particular effect) are indeed possible "exploits" and no mater which you try to resolve would result in the accessibility of the other.  Good observation @UpUpAway95, though it seems like you were putting it in a positive light...  while I tend not to like either scenario: being able to get "cheaty" with the game to shake predators, or to get another crack at hunting.  I think both are detrimental to the experience, however, as always I think people can play however they want to.

    After all, it seems there is no such thing as a game that can't be exploited in one way or another... so I suppose in the end it's up to the player to choose whether or not to do those things.  :)  (However, I do support any method a developer might choose employ to help reduce exploitability)

    Well, I do see save scumming to retry something a person has failed at doing the lesser of the two "evils" so to speak.  Consider that some people have challenges that don't enable them to learn things (like aiming a weapon in a game) as easily as others.  It comes in handy to allow them more than one try sometimes so that they can eventually see some success and get some enjoyment out of the effort.

    However, I'm sure the devs will work it out to suit themselves eventually.  In the meantime, I think this is probably a bug... perhaps an extension of the "bleeding out" reset bug.

  13. You say "wincing," but was there a blood trail in the snow in the direction in which he ran?  If there wasn't, then you just grazed him and he won't bleed out even if you stay outside waiting.  If you get a good blood trail that you can follow for a ways, he should eventually bleed out.  However, if you go through a loading screen in the meantime (like you get when you go indoors), the bug mentioned by @MrWolf can kick in and cause the animal to reset in good health.  Even with a strong blood trail, bears can take a long, long time to bleed out, so I find it best to find a cave or fishing hut or a lookout where you don't go through a load screen to sleep.

  14. 41 minutes ago, ThePancakeLady said:

    I have no issues with 0% raw meat and fish not despawning. We can cook it back up to 50%, which, without Lvl 5 Cooking still puts it in to the "risky to eat" category of food. But store-bought foods and cooked meat and fish should be inedible or despawn. I would be good with that. IMHO, food in this game is not that rare, even in Interloper, if you make snares or fishing tackle, make a bow and arrows to hunt, and make it a priority. The strategy of killing a bear or moose, and e leaving the meat in a stash to cook back up after Lvl 5 Cooking would still be viable, but the strategy of killing everything, harvesting it in small pieces, and cooking everything to spam you Cooking Skill up quickly would be less viable.  Heck, even if they made Cooking Skill level up by weight, instead of by piece cooked would improve the Cooking Skill level-up system, IMHO. Cooking Skill is currently one of the "easiest" and fastest skills to level up in any experience mode. Perhaps a bit too easy. Granted, i do not play Loper often, so my perspective on it may not reflect how it works in Loper very well. But, my husband and daughter, who both are Loper vets are always chuckling about how easy t is to spam-level that skill up, and be able to eat anything in the world afterwards. I've never died from hunger in any any experience mode. I can't say i recall seeing many players griping over dying from starvation either. But many who use(d) the starvation method of rationing and extending food/calorie supplies, myself included.

    If 0% raw meat and fish despawned as well, it just means those that tend to store it for later have to get back to it a little bit sooner (like 1 day) so they catch it at 1% rather than 0%.  They should be to Level 5 long before the meat they store reaches 0% anyways.  It's just that they don't want to have any sort of time limit imposed on them to get back to it.

    Cooking 1% condition meat takes it to 51% cooked... not a big difference in the risk, but a difference that could make it worthwhile if not at Level 5 cooking.  (ETA:  Actually no difference in the risk between 20% and 75%, according to the Wiki.  Interesting, I always thought it was a straight ratio of loss of 1% condition resulted in a 1% increase is risk.)

  15. 1 hour ago, jeffpeng said:

    Pretty sure that is calculated on picking them up. As well as the condition probably is only calculated when interacting with them. I mean I could look up the code, but then again I'm not supposed to do that :D 

    So, it could have it despawn after you set it down again once it assigns it the Ruined flag (just not while you're looking at it - just like the moose we've been chatting about on the other thread).  After it's despawned, it shouldn't have to keep tracked of it... elsewise, the save is going to run into trouble as the player kills and harvests more animals creating more carcasses that despawn eventually.

  16. 59 minutes ago, jeffpeng said:

    I'm not sure it is intentional. It just might as well be some engine limitation or a straight up bug that just never got fixed. I'm just saying that I could imagine this being the case. Although I have to agree that this would be a rather poor way of doing it. But since I don't even know if that is the actual root cause on this I'll skip speculating on how this could be done better.

    I hope it isn't intentional.  I got to thinking about the other side of the coin.  If just going inside a nearby building or, worse just passing some time to cop a save and then exiting the game, was a surefire way of getting rid of that prowling bear nearby or that pack of timberwolves or that nasty moose guarding that deer carcasse in the pole barn (which was my case), that would be an even better exploit for players playing on the harder difficulties than the mere prospect of "trying again" to kill the animal(s).

  17. 3 minutes ago, jeffpeng said:

    Ruined food on carcasses despawns, ruined food in containers despawns, yes. It doesn't despawn lying around in the world, and pretty sure this is because the engine would have to track all objects in the current scene each n amounts of ticks to properly decide when to despawn an item. I'm almost certain loot in containers only "despawns" once you open them. Carcasses don't despawn until you actually left the scene - meaning entered a house or a cave. Then on the next load they are not spawned again.

    There are maybe 2 dozen mobs / carcasses on the map. But potentially hundreds or even thousands of items with people storing stuff in caves. Iterating all of them on each load might have been sacrificed in order to improve load times. So, I think it's a performance thing. Not saying this is ideal, on the contrary. And I think it would be fair that 0% food would "despawn" in your hands once you try to pick it up.

    The real bummer here that TLD is on a real low performance engine, and then it also has to acommodate consoles that have the computational horsepower of a smart phone (PS4/Xbox One). There are so many things wrong with the game that could be solved if it wouldn't have to run on a potato. :/ 

    The engine is tracking them anyways to assign them the "Ruined" flag.  Once they're gone, they're gone.  The engine at least doesn't have to track them any more.

  18. 2 minutes ago, jeffpeng said:

    I see your point, and actually it does despawn in containers, true. Probably.... it would be the more consistent way of doing it. Albeit there might be some issue with 0% items despawning in the world, or rather them not despawning. Probably too much things to track for the engine??

    Plus, now that I think of it .... if it's bad enough to give you food poisoning, the net calorie value of that stuff would be negative with the amount stuff your body would "eject" from its digestive tract, so it should at least not yield any calories. That's btw the one other thing that would .... feel reasonable: If you would actually lose n amount or n percent of stored fluids and calories to simulate this.

    Ruined food on carcasses despawns.  I'm really not sure why it just doesn't despawn if lying in the snow, cooked or uncooked.  It would also end the debate about people being able to cook ruined meat.

  19. 10 hours ago, jeffpeng said:

    Ah. That one. Yes, I've first noticed that myself, at the same spot ... ages ago. Also with the wolves in front of the Milton farm, or in front of Orca's. There are a few distinct spots for that. Apparently (some?) animals spawn into the world AFTER the player, but not while you are looking. Which makes for a few weird happenstances. Like when you look right you see no wolf. Then you look left and get barked at from 5 feet away from your right and ask yourself "how the fudge?" right before it jumps you. Very annoying. But it has been in the game for .... I don't know how long.

    Well, today I started my game after having slept in the Trapper's Cabin... not only is the moose gone, but the trees are no longer scraped; so another moose is not going to spawn in the area.  Seems like a rather harse penalty for people who are not save scumming the game, just to prevent some people from doing it.

  20. Another issue:  The stove bug is back (at least in Trapper's cabin).  I've tested it twice now.  I have 2 pieces of venison, each weighing 1 kg and 2 cooking pots.  I put the venison in the pots and the UI as I'm doing it says that the venison will take 45 minutes to cook.  A moment later, I check the pieces of venison and one of them will say that it has 53 minutes remaining and the other says that it has 41 minutes remaining.  The one adding time has appeared on both the right and left burners (i.e. the problem switched burners after I quite the game, reloaded, and starting the cooking sequence again).  I used this stove earlier in the playthrough (yesterday) and it was working correctly.  No updates downloaded in between, so I'm really not sure what has triggered it.  Right now, reloading is not correcting the problem... it's just causing it to randomly change burners.

  21. 9 hours ago, jeffpeng said:

    ^ This.

    And ^ this.

    Addendum: If @ThePancakeLady's suggestion is added, I literally have zero gripe with how the game is handling it now. If you make the punishment too high, the chance too high, or a combination of both, so much of the already scarce old-world food would get wasted. Depending on you settings contracting food poisoning can already be catastrophic.

    I can see how food poisoning can be disregarded as actually not that bad when you get it sitting at home and get sick from your dinner. Pop a Reishi, sleep it off. But let's say you are en route: For the 10 hours you are sick ... you don't recover health when sleeping. That's 10 lost hours. 10 extra hours you have to account for with food, water and, depending on where you have to cure your stomach, warmth. Snacking on the unsuspecting 49% can of sardines out in the wild with no shelter nearby and getting food poisoning can literally mean death if paired with just 45 minutes of freezing, or a stray wolf nibbling at your backside. Also: you rack up fatigue very fast, so if you still need to get somewhere and accept the condition loss as a neccessary evil, you will be suffering from fatigue as well in no time.

    In my eyes that's already pretty severe for a bit of mouldy food that would usually just upset one or - if severe - both ends of your digestive tract a bit and mostly be fine after "discharging" it.



    I think 0% Condition (i.e. ruined) food should despawn.  If 1% condition has a 99% chance of causing food poisoning and one really needs the calories to stave off losing the well fed benefit, OK; but at 100% condition loss and 100% chance of food poisoning, I think it's not a debate and having that stuff lying around the world is just more that the game has to keep track off.  I'd rather let the processor shed the load at that point.

  22. 9 hours ago, DaveMcD said:

    Even though I suggested it I was only half serious and tbh I can't really think the dev team would be interested in adding crafting explosives.... however I think having some sort of functionality for the gunpowder for interloper would be good, so perhaps I'll revise my idea to be that we could be able to craft flares (both red and blue ones) out of gunpowder. That way you have a somewhat renewable source of blue flares to protect you at least from the timberwolves. I did see one spoiler somewhere that the tool bench might have some extra alure for repairing so there might be some incentive for Lopers to venture into Bleak Inlet beyond the desire to explore or go thrill seeking.

    I don't really put a firecracker designed to make a little spark and noise to scare a pack of wolves in the same category as "crafting explosives."  I"m serious... I still think it's a great idea.

    • Like 1
  23. 10 minutes ago, jeffpeng said:

    I could imagine this being intentional to prevent load, try & quit exploting.

    That doesn't explain my disappearing and reappearing moose since I'm not exiting the game and reloading.  All I'm doing is entering the Trapper's Cabin and then turning around and going outside again.  Then, to make him reappear, all I'm doing is walking around the back of the buidling.

  24. On 12/15/2019 at 6:15 PM, hozz1235 said:
    1. Deer and and rabbits do not always run in a straight line away from you making "herding" them into wolves much more difficult
    2. If you do manage to herd, once you aim your <insert weapon here>, the wolf flees making  it more difficult to kill.  <SOLUTION> get close, crouch, then draw your weapon of choice.
    3. At BRR, I saw a moose so decided to do the "tried and true" method of shooting it with my rifle from atop a rocky outcropping I could drop down from to lose pathing.  NOPE!  I dropped down the the darn thing kept after me.  Luckily, I was able to back off a bit and get a head-shot in as it was charging me.  I haven't tested this further, but will.  IF they did "fix" this, hunting big game has gotten MUCH harder.
      1. Has anyone sniped from a tree yet?  Do they attack you in the tree?
    4. If you go to harvest a carcass you've killed with an arrow, you automatically retrieve your arrow (thank you!)
    5. If you quit and load a saved game where there were big-game about, the game are gone when you load (pre-existing issue?)

    About your last point, I've been playing hide and seek with a moose near the Trapper's cabin in Mystery Lake.  He's been standing in the middl eof the clearing next to the pole barn.  However, when I go inside the cabin and come back out, he's not there; BUT if I just walk around to the back of the house and then back out front to the door, he literally appears in the middle of that clearing standing in the exact same spot he's been for the last two days.  Is the game possibly having trouble rendering and/or re-rendering these large game animals?