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Posts posted by UpUpAway95

  1. I don't see it happening either.  Personally, I wouldn't want to waste my matches lighting cigarettes anyways and the PC should get serious facial burns if he/she tries to light them from a campfire.

  2. 39 minutes ago, stratvox said:

    That's because they created one... but, those dams are not built throughout the marsh they created; they are built around the edge where the water flows out.

    So... whose to say Forlorn Muskeg wasn't created by dams built around an edge of a slight slope where the spring run-off once ran.  If you link from the first article to this page:


    you'll find this:  " No surface water drainage can be seen. Water moves down the very slight sloping wetland. The (relative thin layer) of organic material of the wetland works as a sponge . The flow is slow and over a wide area of wetland which requires the building of very long dams. Many dams can be found in areas like this with lengths of 500 meters. Any dam over 600 meter remains exceptional. "

    I don't think they necessarily have to plunk them just beside waterfalls or along the current rivers/creeks in the game.  IMO, one along an edge of the FM would be appropriate given this information.

    I wouldn't put one at the base of Hat Creek, which is an ingress to the swamp, because the dam then would be causing the creek to back up the slope, not be causing the creation of the muskeg.

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  3. 1 hour ago, stratvox said:

    There's another slight issue with putting them in FM. It's a muskeg, which means it's a swamp. Beavers build where there's running water; more to the point, they build where you can *hear* running water (this has been tested and verified by Science!-ence!-ence!) You're not going to find beaver dams in FM because that's not the kind of terrain where you'd find them. A beaver dam blocking the outflow from Monolith Lake into the river that runs down towards the waterfall is the kind of place where one'd find a beaver dam. There's no obvious egress for the water in FM, but if there was that'd be the other place where one might find beaver dams. Hmmm, I guess you might be able to create a beaver dam micro-environment on Hat Creek in FM; that spot where the rocks narrow seems like it'd be a good candidate for damming and creating a beaver pond up in behind it. Down in the ravine in Ravine, or somewhere on the various rivers in HRV, or along the western side of TWM where there are rivers that flow down towards Crystal Lake, or any number of places in PV where the waters flow into the "square of rivers" from elevation would also be good candidates.

    Having that kind of environment would be a cool addition, but... retrofitting them into appropriate places on existing maps would be a big job. I could see it being pretty cool to introduce them into the game, though.

    Speaking as a dyed-in-the-wool Canadian, I personally don't have a big problem with the idea of hunting, killing, eating, and wearing beavers. 


    /me is having a hard time restraining himself from getting all up in the innuendo on this topic.

    I think that depends on how old the dam is...


    Looks like a lot of muskeg to me.

    Then I found this article that explains how the beavers do build dams even without flowing water.  Hint:  It has to do with spring run-off.


  4. On 12/7/2019 at 9:54 AM, Moll said:

    This is even more Canadian:



    And Hat:


    Nah, I associate the Coonskin cap more with Davey Crockett and Tennessee (i.e. American imagery, not Canadian).  Beavers are  Canada's "national animal."   This may be what would make Hinterland perhaps hesitate to portray it in game as a food and hide/fur resource.  As I said above, though, I personally like the idea of adding it to the game.

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  5. I rather like this idea.  An alternative whetstone (strop) would be a welcome addition to the game.  I think I might be misunderating, but just in case... I wouldn't want to have the player collect branches in order to build dams.. I'll leave the building of dams to the beavers themselves (i.e. the devs could insert a few into the Forelorn Muskey zone.  They could also insert one or two into Mountain Town Regions (i.e. in the pond area behind the church or in the swampy area near the one wood lot and perhaps one in the Milton Basin.  There could also be another in TWM on the one end of the lake in the area beneath the Moose Overlook in Hushed River Valley.

    A snare for catching the beavers could be added to the crafting menu.

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  6. 3 hours ago, Cr41g said:

    achievements and trophy resets I would think would be outside Hinterlands purview... and under the control of the platform constructor...and yes people would get mad...especially if it had been years since they completed it... I realize you are proud of your progress, but don't inflict it on the rest of us

    I am not inflicting anything on anyone.  If the achievement stays in as is then new people can obtain it by mapping the same number of locations I did to obtain it.  A new different achievement would be granted for doing the additional locations.  You'd be one inflicting a redo of all the locations I've already mapped onto me to reacquire an achievement I already have.

    As for their ability to add achievements, other games have added achievements when they've added content.  Minecraft, for example, has many more acheivements now than when I first started playing it.  All the old original achievements are still there and I have never had to reacquire them, but they've added more new achievements with each big update... and the updates were free as well.  I honestly can't see why TLD couldn't make the same sort of arrangement with their platform hosts (Xbox, PS, and PC ones) as Minecraft.

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  7. 14 hours ago, stay puft said:


    I know most people would get mad if Hinterland did this but I feel when all the zones have been released everybody's Faithful Cartographer achievement should be reset.

    I'd prefer they just the current achievement as it is and add an additional achievement for doing the additional mapping of the new zones... Faithful Cartographer as the lower level achievement and then something like the Relentless Cartographer as the higher level achievement.  I wouldn't want them to go with just a "discovered" system unless they take the word "Cartographer" out of it... so, Relentless Explorer might be a better term for the achievement if it doesn't actually required mapping.  IMO, Achievements should never be arbitrarily reset when game additions occur.  It's a badge for completing a specific requirement at a specific point in time.  New achievements should be added when additions are made to the game after release.

    As for the compass idea, I probably wouldn't carry one anyways due to weight limitations.

  8. 5 hours ago, ManicManiac said:

    I do adhere to my own advice, there is no hypocrisy here.  If you had asked me to message you personally to continue the discussion I would have.  However, I asked you three times, and you still do not...  Instead you seem to want to make a public spectacle.

    Also, you don't get to tell people how and when they may comment.  You don't have that right.  You don't get to decide what other people think is relevant to the conversation either.

    ... so let's be done now.  :) 

    Telling people they should play another game or pointing out that the game is still in development, etc. never was on topic... I originally only posted my suggestion for resolving this issue and, from you, I got this lecture about how the game was in development and how I should play another game, etc. etc.  You always had the option to stay on topic in this thread and, if you felt compelled, to private message me with your "off topic" suggestions about how I should play another game, etc.  You're the one who took this off topic discussion publicly onto this thread in the first place... and you've continued to respond on this thread, so I am not the one who is going to suddenly take this to a private message... that's up to you. 

    I have asked "please" several times in the past to spare me your lectures, yet you persist.  I am not telling you how to comment on the topic, but don't expect me to suddenly appreciate your lecturing me and telling me that this game may not be for me or that you assume I just want to make life easy for the survivor, or now that I have no understanding that this game is still in development, etc.  So, I will ask you again PLEASE spare me your patronizing lectures and respond on topic... and we'll get along much better in the future.

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  9. 10 hours ago, ManicManiac said:

    (This seems to be going in circles now, so as of this post you and I are done with this particular conversation here)
    ...and again... I don't have any issue with accessibility options that folks can opt in or out of, but I do take issue with things that will change my experience to suit someone else's playstyle, skill levels, or personal difficulties.  So, we're done now right?

    As to Deseoso's suggestion, I don't agree with that because it again changes a the game for everyone... Also, I will point out again that there is already an option to get easily get rabbits, and that's by using snares (so easy in fact that it's completely passive).

    *If you would still like to continue this line of conversation, please message me directly. :) 

    Please note that the option to restrict your comments about such things as whether or not people should be playing a different game to private messages applies to you as well.  I'd appreciate your adhering to your own advice in future and restrict your comments to the actual suggestions... leaving your theories about how different are motivated to play their games out of it.

    I would also like to point out that you don't have access to a snare when doing the Wintermute tutorial that asks the player to stone a rabbit on their way to Milton.

    Back on topic, again and addressing the issue (not directed towards you specifically).  There are several varieties of aim assist used in different games.  This is not an uncommon feature either as an adjustable option or as something directly tied to difficulty level.  My preference for TLD would be an adjustable option since "difficulty level" in TLD is something more ambiguous than in other games.  The difference between Stalker and Interloper is not that one is universally harder than the other, but that each is harder than the other in a different way.  That's why I think it should actually be a part of the Custom menu and not necessarily set out in the accessibility menu (although I'd be perfectly happy with it in the accessibility menu because I'm flexible).  My point always was that the oscillation between making aiming harder and then easier and then harder is what needs to end.  I've only been playing this game for less than year, and I've seen at least 3 changes to the aiming mechanic over that time.  It's frustrating to learn one way and then 2 months later have to forget everything learned to adjust to another new method of aiming... not to mention that making it universally "hard" gets really, really discouraging to less able players.  Also, there are a multitude of reasons why some players are less able to aim as accurately in games than others - vision issues, motor issues, arthritis, and even just whether they play on a console or a PC or with a controller or a keyboard and mouse.  At the bottom line, it seems impossible to "balance' aiming to suit everyone with just one setting... so I'm suggesting they give us a variable option that we can set ourselves to our own liking.

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  10. 6 hours ago, ThePancakeLady said:

    Yeah, like I said it was a quick test (with many restarts to get a rifle close to a place I knew a gunrack was), so I can't speak to other locations in the world being affected. 

    I did also find I could not place the rifle horizontally on the sofa, and the table next to the sofa would only allow me to place it to the very back, against the wall. Placing it on the floor was no problem, though. 

    That's been my experience with several objects, not just guns.   I've encountered objects sinking into the places I've been trying to place them.  Right now, my rifle is resting half inside the trunk in the bedroom in the Paradise Meadows farmhouse... making it look like the trunk has been skewered by the rifle itself... looks cool, but definitely not right.

  11. 3 hours ago, MrsHoneypot said:

    I'm sorry that a scumbag chose to get behind the wheel of a car and that the result was your son's injury.

    Alcohol didn't do that. Human choice did that. An incredibly dangerous choice. 

    Once again, I'm sorry for your family's pain.

    I know how alcohol and addiction can destroy lives. My aunt was an alcoholic, she died of liver failure, thankfully she never had a driving license. My cousin, by a different aunt, died of a drug overdose, he had been using for 20 years and developed schizophrenia because of it.

    I personally drink very little these days, maybe one or two beers at the weekend (one on Friday, one on Saturday). When my husband and I go out, we choose who drives home and that person doesn't touch a drop.

    Getting back to alcohol in the game. I'm still on the fence. But, leaning towards, it doesn't do anything for gameplay.

    Thank you for your kind words.  I realize that it was the person that made a bad choice.  The fact is, though, that drinking in TLD would be a poor choice.  While the subject feels warmer, they would be colder in their sleep since alcohol dialates the blood vessels and the body loses heat more quickly.  So, if the person drinks a alcohol laced tea  before retiring to improve their rest and their fire goes out, the game should reflect that they actually freeze more quickly AND be less able to wake/respond to that drop in temperature.

    I honestly cannot see a way that it should be made to "enhance" gameplay while being frank and honest about what it does... as opposed to propagating age-old myths about it.

  12. 4 minutes ago, ManicManiac said:

    Well, it's difficult to derive tone from text... I have no control over what "voice" you read my text in.  I'm not patronizing you... I'm just reminding you of your options.  As most of your posts here seem to have a pretty negative bias.  It's always bewildering to me to see folks constantly subjecting themselves to something they know upsets them.  It just seems odd to me.

    Again though... if you want to have this sort of conversation, I urge your to message me directly.  There's no need to pollute the thread with this kind of talk... this is supposed to be a conversation about hitting bunnies with rocks.


    ... and again... I am suggesting a variable "aim assist" that can be set by the player when they start the game to their own liking.  Other games, some dating back many more years than this one, have this sort of thing, so I don't see any reason why TLD can't.  Where you set yours then is your own business.   It doesn't affect the difficulty of YOUR game unless you want it to. 

    Alternatively, as Deseoso suggested, the hitbox size could change automatically with the difficulty setting... larger in Pilgrim and smaller in Interloper.  I think this would also be a perfectly satisfactory solution.

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  13. 10 minutes ago, ManicManiac said:

    Right, I'm not hindering you from doing that.  I just don't agree with you all the time, and that's okay... we don't have to agree.  I don't mean you any hard feelings.

    Like I said, I have no issue what so ever with accessibility options (as people can then opt in or opt out - I'm all in favor of that).  Since it's single player I've always been a big proponent of, "Let people play however they want to."  I've been very vocal about that too.

    I do tend to dig in when it seems like folks are trying to push for Hinterland to change my experience, because they are unhappy with theirs... that's were I draw my line.  Does that make sense?


    Then change your tone and spare me all the patronizing lectures about playing something else, etc.... because you habitually do that every single time I bring up any "accessibility or custom option."

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  14. 38 minutes ago, ManicManiac said:

    Well it's a game that is still growing and changing... folks need to be willing to embrace that.  If it frustrates a person to such a degree, they are free to play something else they like better.  I never understood why people continue to do things that they know frustrate them. 

    Some people where, sure.  However there were also some people who though it felt really cheap.  I think a game like this is supposed to be challenging... if things are scaled down so it's easy for literally everyone, then in what would it still be challenging?  (my point is if we removed all the challenge from the game then it just becomes a walking simulator... and I don't think that's what this game is)

    I don't think anybody is dictating anything to you... it seems weird that you take it that way.  All I see is a person who gets very aggressive when people dare to not agree with them.  Just because you have an opinion doesn't mean everyone is going to rally around it.  Just like it's your right to express your opinion, it's also the right of others to express theirs.

    To be clear... I'm all for accessibility options, I have no issue with things I can opt out of... but I'm not in favor of things that change what I feel is the fundamental core, feel, and essence of the game. :) 


    I'll echo what I mentioned in another post:  I find it funny that this game is already more customizable and has more ways to vary the experience than a vast majority of other games on the market... but we still have folks all the time wanting more and more because the game isn't tailored perfectly to their personal tastes.  It goes back to what I talked about in the past.  I think part of the problem these days is that we are spoiled, nothing is ever enough, and every time we're given something... folks just seem to demand more instead of trying to appreciate what they have.  Having such variable adjustments doesn't make the game any easier for you if you don't want it to be.  I don't know what satisfaction you get out of making the game so difficult for everyone else but you.

    Which is why there is Story Mode (with three distinct difficulty levels), Survival Sandbox (with three distinct difficulty levels, and a CUSTOM mode where you get to tailor your experience and difficulty yourself).  In short that's 6 different flavors between Story and Survival... Plus with all the possible settings in CUSTOM, there are thousands of different combinations (likely much more but I don't know all the variables to calculate all the possible combinations for this one post) to add to the total number of variable experiences you can have with the game.  That being said, I don't understand the idea that it's not customizable enough, when it's far and away more customizable than most games on the market (yes I know I said that about your last point but it's relevant here too)

    And I respectfully disagree.  I don't think hitting a rabbit with a stone should be easy...  The reason I feel that way is because there is an easy way to get rabbits, you use snares.

    umm... Deseoso... but that's literally in the game as you described it. :D 


    At this point folks, I've invested all the time I'm going to on this conversation for now.  If you'd like to message me directly and talk about any particular point, please feel free.  I would just rather not pollute the thread with an argument... you said your peace, and now I've said mine.

    As you keep telling people... this is a forum where people are free to express their opinions and make suggestions for improvements to the game.  As you say all the time, I'm just stating my opinion.  I am frustrated with the oscillation... the changing back and forth from harder to easier to harder.  Make a variable aim assist and be done with.  Then you can set yours as hard as you like and I can set mine wherever I like... and you won't even have to know whether that's harder than yours or easier... and the people I'm trying to convince to become interested in this game can set it wherever they like as well... so maybe they don't quit and throw their controllers at my TV the moment the tutorial in Wintermute tells them that Will needs to stone a bunny.  Having such variable adjustments doesn't make the game any easier for you unless you want to use such a setting.  People who having difficulties should be allowed to enjoy their games as well without continually being blocked by people who make issues of such things when it need not affect them.

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  15. 50 minutes ago, MrsHoneypot said:

    hmm. It seems to me that the biggest problem people have with this idea, is introducing the concept of over-indulgence.

    What if it was only available in miniatures, like you might find in a hotel or something? Or, what if there was a limit of 1 shot to be consumed in a 24 hour period?

    I agree that alcohol should not be glorified, but neither should it be demonized. 

    I also agree that alcohol shouldn´t be used in the game as a "strength potion". However, when a small amount is added to a cup of herbal tea, and provided you happen to be in a safe place with enough fuel for the whole night, you would have a very restful night´s sleep.

    I´ve only known 1 person who might get drunk from 1 shot of alcohol and he happened to be allergic to it. I, also, don´t know of anyone who would have a hangover from such a small amount of alcohol.

    I´m sitting squarely on the fence with this one. I can see the ups and the downs. If, and it´s a big IF, the devs decide to include alcohol. They would have to have a very good reason, and they would have to be extremely careful with implementation.

    I really don't see a good point for adding it.  My son was very recently in a car accident caused by a drunk driver.  He's lucky to be alive.  IMO, it should absolutely be demonized.

  16. 44 minutes ago, MrsHoneypot said:

    There are plant pots with soil dotted around the place. 

    You would just need to keep it watered and near a window, maybe herbs or something?

    Sorry, with no heater or continuous fire inside the home, placing the flower pot near a window would not be sufficient to keep the plants alive at the average air temperatures indicated in the game.  Even the hardier herbs go dormant in the winter unless kept somewhat warm and, as a result, not be usable as a food source.


  17. The Faithful Cartographer Achievement is associated with the mapping task, so I think it's fair that it be completed within a single run.  That said, not everything has to be mapped (the achievement description is somewhat misleading in this respect).  There is a list of locations in the thread discussing this achievement (pinned thread in this subforum) that needs to be carefully followed to ensure the achievement unlocks.  (It may need an update with the map changes made with the last update, though).

  18. 1 hour ago, past caring said:

    That makes sense because I think (only think, mind - this isn't definite) I've noticed the same as you but in reverse - i.e. no moose the first 5 or 6 times I've been to a location and then it pops up the next time.

    Also - and I am sure of this - in my current game the two possible spawn areas in Mountain Town have only one tree with scrapings in each location. Whereas, in the two more recent games where the moose spawned there were far more trees with scrapings. So I wonder if the number of scrapings signifies anything?

    All that I've noticed is that moose only spawn if the scrapings are there.  If you start a game and that location spawns without any scrapings, they don't appear later in the game and a moose never spawns in that location.  If you have scrapings, there is no guarantee a moose has spawned there every time you go through the location.

    Now, I say that with a bit of a caution... the longest I've played a single run is 500 days as I have my characters habitually jump from TWM on the 500th day (if they survive that long).  I just don't have any desire to take a single run longer than that, so if things change or reset after that point, I wouldnt know.

  19. 4 hours ago, Hestonworld said:

    It is possible to set up Hypothermia level but not other diseases. I'm playing on the nearly hardest custom settings and would like to make diseases as much painful as on the Interloper. 

    Check the template for Interloper inside custom menu and leave the diseases settings where you find them... changing only what you want to actually change.  Some of the settings actually get easier the higher they are set (like recovery rates) and also work in conjunction with other settings in the menu, this fools people into thinking they are playing on harder settings when they aren't.  So again... call up the interloper template in custom mode and then change ONLY what you deliberately want to change.  So, if you want Interloper with a rifle, change just the rilfe from no to yes.  If you want interloper with more wolves, just change the wolf spawns to a higher frequency.  Read the descriptions carefully to determine whether sliding the bar to the left rather than the right makes it harder (because somethings that's the case).  For diseases, most can be turned on or off, so if on, the odds of getting them are the same regardless of the other settings.  Conversely, hypothermia cannot be turned off.  The only adjustment is how quickly you will get it.  Obviously, in interloper the weather is colder and continually colder, so you'll be more susceptible to it based on the weather.  With food poisoning, the chances of getting it are the same in Pilgrim as in Interloper, but food decays faster in Interloper... making it more likely that you'll be compelled to eat lower conditioned foods.

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  20. 1 hour ago, past caring said:

    Apologies if this has been covered - I'm a relatively new player and I have looked but found nothing.

    I am after obtaining a moose hide satchel - for obvious reasons, given the benefits. But first I need to kill a moose.....

    I've not been able to locate one in either of the two possible locations that I know about in Mountain Town. Which then has got me wondering about the spawn mechanics for less common animals such as the bear and the moose. Is it the case that the 'dice roll' for moose is done just once at the beginning of a new game? And if so, is this done just for the start map or for all maps in the game? Or is it that there is a dice roll every time you visit a possible spawn location? Another possibility would be that there is a dice roll at the start of the game for a particular map, but there is then another dice roll if you leave that map and then return to it.

    Does anyone know how it works? Will leaving Mountain Town and coming back a week or two later increase the chances of a moose spawning? Or is it that if there's no moose now, there never will be one in my current game?

    Thanks for any help....

    I believe the game initially sets possible spawn points for moose at the start of the game (designated by the scrapings on the trees).  If there are scrapings, then a moose can spawn in that spot.  If no scrapings, moose will never spawn there.  Then I think it is a dice roll each time you visit the area.  For example, I've had a moose spawn by the hunting lodge and then not be there the next time I visited the area even though I did not kill it or leave the region at all and then come back a week later.

  21. I'm fed up with the oscillation of it all.  People were appreciative when they made stoning rabbits easier.  It helped beginners get into the game more easily... but then you get the "it's way too easy" crowd that can't resist exploiting such a thing and so now we're back to where getting started into TLD is a real frustrating chore.  IMO, there should be a variable "aim assist" in the game (at least in the custom settings or accessibility options) so that people can alter this difficulty to suit themselves.  People of differing abilities should be able to enjoy the games they buy... not have their enjoyment continually dictated to them by the "git gud" crowd.

    Lighting contrast and brightness should also be individually adjustable settings.  People should also be able to play a game they buy, particularly a single-player game they buy, without undue eye strain.

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  22. They would have to change the weight vs. movement speed formula to allow the player to move at all while carrying a whole deer.  As it is, it would just serve to plant the player in place... and then I can just hear the discussion taking this sort of turn:  "If I can moved with 70 kg deer on my back regardless of the additional 30 to 40 kg in my rucksack, why can't I carry that much weight just in my rucksack/"  I would prefer they shorten the time to quarter a deer to make it quick enough that more people would use that if the weather is threatening.