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Posts posted by UpUpAway95

  1. Wouldn't it be simpler to just add an overriding setting for Tools (Yes/No) and Top-Tier Clothing (Yes/No), similar to Rifles and Revolver settings now... and leave the Baseline Resources setting alone?

    Also, I thought the "Loose Item Availability" setting already controls the amount of loose loot one finds in the world separate from the Baseline Resources setting.  Am I mistaken?

    • Upvote 5
  2. 11 hours ago, UpUpAway95 said:

    Further update on my lantern decay test... Interloper Custom - Item Decay Rate left as set in Interloper at Very High, Baseline Resources and other loot settings set to Pilgrim levels (to make finding a lantern quicker), Passive animals to ensure I survive longer than a week.  Found lantern and repaired to 100% on Day 2, now on Day 8 and lantern is still a 100% (same as on the other file, I am carrying the lantern in my inventory at all times and using it when necessary, but making sure I never run it out of fuel.

    Addendum:  Now on Day 22 of this test with the Item Decay Rate set at Very High.  Lantern is still at 100%.  I'm concluding the test now.  As far as I can see, the lantern does not decay.

    • Upvote 2
  3. 45 minutes ago, turtle777 said:

    The issue to consider is cabin fever. 
    Not having a bed roll means sleeping in caves is not an option. 

    In later interloper games, you can get days and days of blizzards and extremely cold weather, where you can not possibly spend enough time outside to avoid cabin fever risk. Every now and then, you need to spend a day and night in a cave to “cool off”.


    Which can be spent in a snow shelter instead of a cave.  One just needs to figure out the most sheltered spots where one can be placed with a sheltered fire also next to it.  There are several places where there are hollowed out trees that will shelter the fire on three sides and building your snow shelter in front of the tree helps to shelter it a bit on the 4th side.  Sometimes you can place a snow shelter near the mouth of a cave and build your fire just inside the cave, which keeps it relatively sheltered.

    • Upvote 2
  4. 48 minutes ago, Unfortunatemutt said:

    Unfortunately I've never had that kind of luck 

    Yes, critical hits are a matter of RNG-generated luck, but certainly possible to get on a bear with the .303.  There would be no guarantee that Hinterlands would implement the muzzle loader with any higher chance of getting a crit than the .303.  If they did implement it, I doubt I would ever use it... weight is a big thing in this game so the more I can do with a single weapon and the lighter that weapon is, the happier I am because I stay more mobile that way.

  5. @Joe Buckley - I had a thought though... Since knives and hatchets are most frequently found as loose items, turning the Loose Item Availability to Low should make them rarer than on medium... and if you're really determined to play with only improvised tools, then you could simply immediately harvest any knives or hatchets that you do happen to find... turning them into scrap metal (as a workaround in case Hinterlands decides to leave the settings as they are (although I imagine they will eventually get around to at least tying the ammo to the rifle and revolver setting rather than the base reosurces one).

    • Upvote 1
  6. Further update on my lantern decay test... Interloper Custom - Item Decay Rate left as set in Interloper at Very High, Baseline Resources and other loot settings set to Pilgrim levels (to make finding a lantern quicker), Passive animals to ensure I survive longer than a week.  Found lantern and repaired to 100% on Day 2, now on Day 8 and lantern is still a 100% (same as on the other file, I am carrying the lantern in my inventory at all times and using it when necessary, but making sure I never run it out of fuel.

  7. 31 minutes ago, Joe Buckley said:

    I guess one consequence of this is that if you want shell casings, you have to accept hatchets and hunting knives, so the usual loper push towards the furnace is altered... (I guess you still need arrow heads)

    It looks that way, yes.  With Baseline Resources set to medium and the rest to Loper level, I did just now find both rifle and revolver ammo... and a hunting knife.

    • Upvote 1
  8. 1 hour ago, Joe Buckley said:

    okay that's helpful. I am 30 days into a loper run with loose item availability set to medium, and no bullets, so it must be one of the other settings...

    Ran another test:  Baseline Resources set to High, Looose Item Availability set to Low (i.e. left as in Interloper), Empty Container Chance Modifier set to Hihg (as in Interloper), and Reduce Container Item Density set to High (as in Interloper).  I did not actually find either the Rifle or the Revolver, but I did find ammo for both of them.  I think this pretty much verifies that the issue is with the Baseline Resources set to Low (as in Interloper).  I'll try another test with it set to Medium.  If I find ammo that should prove the issue.  If I don't, it will leave open the possibility that Baseline Resources have to be set to High or Very High to get ammo, but it won't be definitive since it could always be that I just missed finding it.  I'll let you know as soon as I find ammo (if I find it).

  9. 19 minutes ago, Joe Buckley said:

    okay that's helpful. I am 30 days into a loper run with loose item availability set to medium, and no bullets, so it must be one of the other settings...

    On Pilgrim (and on my custom) the Loose Item Availability is set to Very High.  The Empty Container Chance Modifier is None and the Reduce Container Item Density is also None, and as mentioned the Baseline Resource Availability is Very High (although I think before Errant Pilgrim this setting on Pilgrim mode was just High, not Very High).

  10. On 1/12/2020 at 7:25 PM, Joe Buckley said:

    So have we got consensus on the settings that affect the amount of shell casings in the world? I thought I'd read somewhere that its not just about the "code" you use but also depends on the difficulty level you start your custom settings based  off of.... I just don't really understand how it works. I am currently trying a loper game but with loose item spawn rate raised to medium (and no condition recovery and low harvestables) and I haven't found any shell casings yet... I wonder if it would be different if I had started with a stalker game setup and then changed all the settings to loper... (Not sure if its faulty logic, but I read somewhere it changes the base "loot tables"....

    Can anyone give clarity?

    Your post intrigued me so I ran a quick test.  I started a run using the Interloper template and switched the rifle and revolver settings to Yes and the baseline resources set to Very High, along with all the other loot-related settings to be like Pilgrim.  I started in Mystery Lake and found both a revolver and a rifle and a box of ammo for each.  I've also found a few casings for the revolver (I'm now just on Day 2).  In conclusion, I don't think the starting with an Interloper template is what's blocking the ammo spawns on custom runs where the rifle and revolver are turned on.  It has to be one of the other actual settings (e.g. baseline resources).

  11. I like the idea.  Perhaps it could even be the mystery in Mystery Lake... perhaps tucked away in Dave's Quiet Clearing (and growing there because of some underground hot spring)... turning it into a warm place... but one that is unsuitable for staying in because of the toxic gases that accumulate in the cave from the sulfur in the spring.

    • Like 1
  12. Yes.  There are lots of alternatives.  With enough cloth, one can build snow shelters  to fill in the gaps where beds, beds in caves can't be accessed to sleep .  The player can also catch 1 to 2 hour naps in cars without freezing to death (depending on their condition when starting their sleep).  There is also the option of using coffee and Go to extend the duration that one can go without sleep.  With the new feat, the effects of the coffee and Go drinks are even extended.

    IIRC - I've even seen Atheenon survive for 20 days or so in HRV without a bedroll (he was doing a Loper-based challenge where he had to stay 20 days in each zone whenever he first got to that zone and spawned in HRV.

  13. 7 hours ago, wizard03 said:

    I actually think I checked them, got nothing. x.x

    Boy, the RNG Gods really don't like you, do they?  Maybe consider sacrificing your firstborn (joking).  I've also come up empty on those boxes, but I have also scored once or twice.

    Once, long time ago... I remember breaking down a cloth rug hanging over a box or a rail in the Carter Dam... and underneath it was a box of rifle ammo.  It hasn't happened again since.  Like the visors, I still check them every time and someday, I'm going to get rewarded with another box of ammo... or maybe not.

  14. On 1/7/2020 at 5:13 AM, Ich9210 said:

    Hello everyone,

    I played TLD since Steam early access on PC and took a break two years ago. The Episode 3 release in october last year made me to take a look back into The Long Dark :) No regreds, the game growth very well since I last played it! I'm a little bit of a trophy hunter on PS and I like to have my favourite games in my trophy collection. So I decided to buy it for PS4 an replay all the game.

    I didn't touch the story on console yet but I am on day 300 on survival mode with 100% world exploration. Bevor continuing to the 500 days trophy I desided to do challenges first. This was the moment I noticed that the game in survival mode takes much more time to save the game as it takes in challenge mode. I checked the size of the savedata but there is barely a difference. The fakt that I didn't noticed it earlier seems to be because of the slow changing of the duration. Something is slowing this down like crazy and when it continues I am scared of the time to save 400 days and counting^^

    Is there anyone that have the same issue? Is there a fix for that problem? I would appreciate any kind of help!
    At the end, sorry for my bad english. I tried my best but I'm not that good at it :D

    Since the Errant Pilgrim update, I've been getting a noticeably longer "freeze" of the game whenever I go through a load screen; that is, the load screen ends, but there is now approximately a 5 second delay before I can move my character again or, say, extringuish or light a lantern.

    • Upvote 1
  15. 23 hours ago, UTC-10 said:

    That's interesting.

    I recall (a long time ago) there was some thoughts and discussion about depletion of rabbits if over hunted. I recall (back in early access I think) where I put out three snares on Jackrabbit island and took three a day for quite a while then the visible rabbits seemed to disappear and the snares started to turn up empty. I went to another zone, Desolation I think, for a month, came back and even then the rabbit population didn't seem to have recovered.

    That experience had always affected how many snares I would put out (only one to three and take them down after several days of snaring). I did find that throwing stones was easier to get rabbits than snaring but I am working on getting my badge. I may lay more snares now. 

    I think it's a case of whether or not that particular "grove" (i.e. area of the map) is an active spawn point for rabbits at the particular time in the file that you're setting traps.  I recently had a file where I wasn't seeing any rabbits spawning in the grove along the river just past the Southern Access.  I set up 6 snares.  I've caught several rabbits there on other files, but on that particular file it never did yield a single rabbit after several days and several re-placement of my snares.  It just was not an active rabbit spawn point in that particular file.  As the time goes on and fewer animals are to spawn overall, I believe the game shuts down random spawn points... so those areas probably would cease to yield rabbits in snares once that happens.  I would also expect it to affect the number of rabbits you might snare each night, but I think that would be difficult to test since snare resutls are affected by RNG right from the start of a run.  I also think it would take many long comparative tests to determine if the new feat has much of an effect on improving those numbers.  In some pilgrim files, I have no troulbe snaring 4 to 6 rabbits a night for many nights in a row and in others I've had the traps go empty for days (and the snares often wind up ruined).  It's just mostly RNG-generated "luck."

  16. On 1/9/2020 at 8:15 PM, XLWatercube said:

    Awesome I appreciate it.

    Just an update on my lantern decay test... Standard Pilgrim difficulty (not custom), 20 days since repaired to 100%, lantern carried in inventory the entire time, several uses (usually to find way to the bed after dark) but never allowing the lantern to run out of fuel, condition is still at 100%.  Test continuing.

    Note: Pilgrim difficulty eliminates the chances of a wolf attack damaging the lantern while it is being carried.

  17. 1 hour ago, wizard03 said:

    I do agree with you there. Been multiple times I half ponder what is going on....Every so often, even during clean sky's, Ill just come to a near crawl in the wind. But then I resort to sticking up against the walls again.

    I often play on loper and I could not imagine changing my fast stamina and cold fusion perk for this.....I like to recharge my stamina meter as fast as possible so I can cook from one place to the other, and to climb longer, or the cold fusion perk to get those preciouses degrees against the cold. Sure, that one won't matter once I get the clothing together, but until I do, its next to impossible to survive without throwing down fires left and right.

    My comment had nothing to do with whether or not Lopers would use the perk... it just said they should have no trouble obtaining the perk because blizzards are more frequent on Loper AND it can be obtained while being sheltered outside.

    • Upvote 1
  18. The advantage is that it is passive... meaning that you can be out hunting deer or whatever or looting whatever while your snares may catch some rabbits as well.  I've never caught anything if I've set them in locations where rabbits were not already spawning.  Rabbit spawn chance on PIlgrim is set to "very high"; which is the easiest setting and they are set to just "high" on Voyageur.  The reduction in wildlife population over time on Pilgrim is set to none and on Voyageur is set to low.  So, on Pilgrim I would not expect the snare rate of rabbits to decline over time, but I would expect a slight decline of the snare's effectiveness over time on Voyageur.

  19. 5 hours ago, wizard03 said:

    Honestly I haven't had much to inspire me towards that feat....if there is a blizzard, I get out of it. Windy conditions, stick along some rocks, or snow walls.....Ontop of that, 25% isn't much of a gain against the wind. Maybe if it was more 40 -50% id go for it, but otherwise, meh.

    With that said, will probably pick up a fishing pole next time one blows through. :P

    I don't think it's going to be a problem for most lopers to get this one given the frequency of blizzards at that difficulty and the necessity that they spend some time outdoor camping to prevent cabin fever.

    Any of the feats can be obtained more quickly by grinding, but any of them will be eventually obtained by just playing the game normally... however, you play normally and on whatever standard level you play.  The only people who may never get them are people, like myself, who prefer to play with custom settings.

  20. As long as you are outdoors while a blizzard is raging, that time gets added towards getting the feat.  So, you can sit inside a fishing hut with a fire going during a blizzard and that time will count because you are still in an outdoor area.  If in a cave, as long as you are in the front part of the cave and it isn't a cave with a loading screen, you are outdoors.  You can also stand outside a house with your back sheltered from the wind during a blizzard and that time will count as well.

  21. 10 hours ago, dbmurph22 said:

    Two nice heat concepts are that outside temp can more affect shelter temp and that after fire is out shelters retain some of that heat for a bit.  What are your thoughts on those alongside your above ideas?

    I absolutely support a slower decline in temperature inside a cave or outside sheltered area (e.g. fishing hut and partially destroyed houses) after the fire goes out.  I also think the sort of shelter should also influence the temperature rise.  It was jarring to find myself in a large, open-style cave (at Marsh Ridge) in the middle of a blizzard waking up to embers on the fire and a temperature of plus 65C that declined to -23C the moment the embers died.

  22. The issue I have is how the game is going to be balanced.  Increeases in variety will result in lessening of the spawn frequences of the animals/plants we already have in the game in order to prevent an associated decrease in difficulty resulting from an increase in overall availability,  If, say, pine cones become edible and provide calories, then it's likely that fewer  birch bark, cat tails, rose hips and reshi mushrooms will spawn in order to assure that the player has to work as hard as they ever have to feed themselves from plant sources.   The same holds true for any new animals that might be introduced as sources of meat.  Fewer numbers of the animals we already have... deer, rabbits, moose, bear, and wolves will spawn.  If the new plants don't duplicate the medicinal effects of some of those planets, there will be a reduction in the availability of pain killing and antibiotic agents in the game.  If the new animals required different specialized tools to hunt, then the availability of the animals we can, say, hunt with stones will be fewer.

    While I like variety, I hope that Hinterlands carefully considers the effects on game balance each introduction of a new plant or animal will have on the game at all stages and at all difficulty levels.

  23. This is something that depends on loot settings.  On Pilgrim equivalent loot settings, I've found lots of interesting things in the trashcans... includiing items of clothing.   Sticks, charcoal, stones are common, along with the mentioned tinder and, frustratingly, single rose hips (which are worthless since you need 8 of them to contribute to a tea and I've never found 8 loose rose hips in a single run).  On Interloper equivalent loot settings, the trashcans are usually empty... just like most of the cupboards.

  24. On 1/6/2020 at 5:50 PM, wizard03 said:

    Ah, ok....well even on stalker, never had that happen. I was always on the lookout for something/anything....Think Iv hit those crates 3 or 4 times, nadda….Might throw down a pilgrim run soon, my last loper just died. x.x

    Just as proof that I've not been lying, here are ear muffs (and gauntlets) found on stalker loot settings this morning (i.e. Custom - Used Stalker template and turned passive animals on because I don't do wolves):


