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Posts posted by UpUpAway95

  1. I would like to see an animation that shows the pages of a book being turned rather than the "passing time" circle we now have.

    One issue I have with the skill level-up scheme as it is currently is that any Level 5 skill can be achieved without reading any of the books (rendering the Booksmarts perk basically useless).  Regardless of the order in which skill books are read, I would like to see 20 points needed to reach Level 5 of each skill to be obtainable only by reading books.  That is, no matter how many fires you light in the game, the best you're going to do towards getting to Level 5 is 80% unless you read at least two book on the topic.  Rather than just add a 1 point (10% bonus), I would change the feat to give an additional 10 points per book read (cutting the requirement to be able to reach Level 5 from two books to one).  I would get rid of the caps some of the books have (e.g. Frontier Shooting Guide, which only gives points if read prior to reaching Level 3 Rifle Firearm).

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  2. 1 hour ago, Stinky socks said:

    An easier solution would be to have a circle loading bar with a message, " your cabin is in the process of burning down". Then, the cabin is being replaced by a burned down building😁👍

    In other words... an RNG event... not caused by the player and not avoidable in any way by the player... which players generally seem to abhor in games.

  3. I'd like this.  While I can understand the reasons giving for HL not doing it, I still think it would be an appropriate way for HL to allow players to make rational decisions about how to maximize the use of their time in the game by deciding to keep a book around to read or keeping a crafting project "in progress" at their base to work on while recuperating from an injury.

  4. Programming the changes to the game world setting (i.e. background uninteractible artwork as viewed from near and far) would be a challenge though.  There would have to be an animation for the base burning and triggering a permanent change to the setting showing the area after being burned.  The whole thing would have to trigger while the player is there.  For other disasters, they would have to trigger after the player has already been there and given the open sandbox that the world is, there is no telling when or even whether or not the player will be in a location or for how long.  You're only scratching the surface with the "what constitutes a base?" question.

    Also, players seem to abhor "RNG accidents" - i.e. the game telling you that the lamp oil spilled when the player isn't at that moment interacting with that jerry can... or what if, at that base, the player doesn't actually have a jerry can stored there?  I'm pretty sure my Xbox One would not have the power to account for all the variables that would have to be built into the programming to accommodate this with any sort of realism.

    An easier "solution" for the custom gamer would be to add options to have any and all ruined items (including meat) despawn from the game world and add an additional settings to current menu items that further increases the decline in respawn rates and how much the world gets colder over time.

  5. On 4/30/2021 at 10:23 PM, Dancewithknives said:

    Well, just thinking off the top of my head: 

    Compared to a torch, it can scare off animals but it does not provide light or warmth. Also, i’m not sure if torches scare off bears. 

    faster to equip and deploy than starting a fire.

    high risk weapon, has close to no range but can save your life.

    Causes no damage to animals when used,( i found a bear corpse i killed after winging it in the foot once with a revolver and hiding in a cabin.)

    lighter than firearms

    with its addition, they could lower the spawn rate of firearms while still enabling the player to protect themselves. 

    I would prefer they keep the firearm spawns, TBH... for the same reason I prefer to use a knife or hatchet to fend off a wolf attack rather than using a heavy hammer.  The former results in the death of the animal enabling me to take meat, hide or guts, as needed from them.  One generally gets to know where bears can potentially spawn and patrol, making them easier to avoid.  That, along with torches, are generally sufficient.  From what I see online, most established interloper players are not having much difficulty protecting themselves early game (before they acquire a bow) using avoidance.  They are certainly not getting attacked very frequently anymore.

    Over the time I've played this game.... rifle, revolver and particularly ammo and gun cleaning kit spawns have been reduced significantly.  When I first started, I used to be almost possible to get to ones rifle skill to Level 4 or even 5 while staying within a single zone like Coastal Highway or Mountain Town.  I was finding that much ammo.  Now, most zones seem to now average only about 10 to 15 bullets for the rifle in total (although it has been admittedly awhile since I've attempted to fully clear all loot sites in Coastal Highway.  My last two runs clearing Mystery Lake, however, yields 15 and 17 bullets.  I have done several 100% clearings of Broken Railroad with Baseline Resources set as high as they will go just to see what sort of loot would be the maximum for that small zone.  On average, I get 11 rifle bullets and 25 revolver bullets.

  6. Be cognizant of how close your meat supply (raw or cooked or in quarters) is being placed next to a place where you make a fire.  For example, if you're harvesting bags from quartering next to a fire, be sure to place the unharvested bags well away from the fire and likewise, drop the harvested pieces of meat well away from the fire.  Also move any cooked pieces of meat that you do not eat right away well away from the fire.  The rise in the air temperature around the fire will cause the meat to spoil/decay more quickly.

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  7. 10 minutes ago, hozz1235 said:

    Watchtowers are exterior locations whereas most other buildings are interior.

    Good observation!  I never thought about it before, but I wonder if they could get rid of a lot of the loading screens and give us see-through windows and more accurate lighting through those windows if they changed the way the game autosaves (which now uses those transitions).  Perhaps they could put in a manual save feature that uses a bed or bedroll without burning up a full hour of game time.  If they insist, they could still leave the "Pass Time" save as requiring a full hour of game time to execute.  Interior vs. exterior temperature isn't the issue since we have that variance already in open caves.

  8. 2 hours ago, Stinky socks said:


    I do agree, but on the other hand, what else is there to do in the wilderness if it doesn't involve hunting and crafting clothes?

    One will have to resort to collecting plants, walking a lot and eating left over food. On occasion, fixing a sprain from bandage that she crafted from harvested clothes...

    So, it becomes a different game... more like Fallout 4 perhaps... hoards of animals rushing the player at every turn as he mows them down now with an AK and a rapid-fire crossbow instead of an old rusty WWI-era hunting rifle and a hand-made survival bow.  If they give me the custom options I need to turn any or all of it off, perhaps then I can recapture the old feel.  BTW, trying now a predator only run... no deer or rabbits.  Still have moose.  Everything set to low spawn rate.  I gave myself a rifle and medium starting gear (bedroll and matches).  Enjoying it so far.  May actually starve a little.  Still wish hunting actually required hunting (i.e. actually having to search for an animal to shoot).

  9. The obvious downside of adding a whole bunch of different animals and in making them "huntable" is that the game loses its identity as a game about surviving harsh conditions.  Players are less and less in peril of starving and have ample supplies for crafting adequate clothing and whatever other "supplies" might be had from whatever animals are introduced.  Even if the animals are not "huntable" (e.g. as the birds are currently), the world starts to really feel less stark, less lonely, and less threatening to one's well being.

    If that's where other people want to go with this game, then I no longer have any objections... just give me an option to disable any or all of it in order to create whatever atmosphere and level of actual survival challenge that I find enjoyable.

  10. 5 hours ago, Stinky socks said:

    That sounds like something I'd want to disable in my custom game😋

    ... and of course there would be an option to turn cougar spawns to "none."  What would be missing, in my vision, would be options to increase cougar numbers in the game... keeping it to 1 alpha predator and a unique item reward (through crafting) vs. killing off 200 of them in a run. 

    Right now, and for some time, shooting bears and wolves in the face as they charge towards the player has seemed rather cheesy... for the long-term players at least who have it down to a science.   Timberwolves are slightly more interesting, but people tend to avoid them by just not going into Bleak Inlet.  An  alpha predator that follows you around the map (once it spawns in)... well, at least players would have to work a little to avoid it.  However, I agree it would not be for everyone... so definitely an option in custom to turn it off just like there's an option to turn T-wolves off.

    ... waits for comments about how one can't earn feats in Custom... (which is a catch-22 at the moment).

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  11. The sort of courgar addition I'm envisioning is an extremely smart and tenacious animal.  Only one would ever spawn somewhere/anywhere in the world and it would, if the player ever crosses its path, pursue you as tenaciously as the bear in The Hunted Challenge.  If it ever gets you in its claws, you die.  You absolutely must kill it before it can pounce, but it's wily and quick and evades arrows and bullets with great dexterity.  The zone it which it spawns is entirely random (excluding the "beginner zones" of Milton, Mystery Lake, and Coastal Highway... so the player would not be able to predict at what point in their run they'll first see cougar signs... tracks and scat.  Successfully killing the cougar would reward the player with the ability to craft a one of a kind item (up to HL).  It would be a sort of end game (much like the Enderdragon in Minecraft).

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  12. 1 hour ago, oplli said:

    But why are you talking about cougars we are talking about new  healing methods. can you do a specific thread for it it is not the place

    How it relates is in my first post... rather than extended healing/pain/agony... a predator that is avoided or it outright kills the player, ending the run.  To me, dragging in "different" healing methods that are largely imaginary anyways (without animation) is pointless.  I'd leave the bear as it is now.


  13. 1 hour ago, Stinky socks said:

    Well, even if it were first person with feet and body added, it would become a lot more immersive. Imagine Astrid looks at her hand and only four fingers are present, instead of the usual five. Or perhaps a hole in the bloody leg as she gets blurry vision and passes out for a few minutes, then upon wakeup starts frantically mumbling to herself(aka player) what to do as she's a doctor. Will should just die I guess. He's a pilot who didnt even bring much survival gear and is the reason their both in trouble.

    @oplli, in the game. I run naked in the game. Longer sprint bar (circle, but a bar. Circle bar)

    A view of hands consistent with what the player is wearing for mitts would be a start, but they haven't even managed that yet.  I don't think the third-person animations I'd like to see are reasonably within HL's ability to alter this game as it is.  I really like the 3rd/1st person toggle in FO4.

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  14. 30 minutes ago, oplli said:

    many more things could be added for  the example of a broken leg: you can craft a wood prosthese to hold your leg while it is healing (it dosent have to be 20 or 10 days) without it you walk slower and you cannot run, with it you can walk normally and run but cannot have more kg than what your pack let you have. so this is a real change to the gameplay.

    What does the game do when you try to exceed your pack weight?  A pop-up forbidding you to do so?... Sounds familiar (re fire reflector).  Again, what's different?

    Perhaps, Will/Astrid just states"can't move" 20 kg sooner?

    I'm pretty sure I'd rather have a cougar added that jumps me from the drak and kills me instantly... and finding a strategy to avoid it at all costs rather than being able to just shoot it in the face as it rushes me head on.

    If they add third-person animations, then things get more interesting...  but that's a tall order for revamping the entire game.

  15. 52 minutes ago, oplli said:

    I dont think that having a broken leg "breaks" the fun, its quite the opposite i think. First lets say in situation one, i get attacked by a wolf I loose 50% of my health I have a couple of lacerations and my two ankles anre sprained. I will apply a couple of bandages, swallow some painkillers and apply a anti infection bandage. all of that happens in a couple of seconds and are all done inside a menu. Then i will come back to a safe cave or house, sleep a couple hours to recover then i will fix my clothes.

    Then lets say that a more complex wound system exists : I will get attacked by a wolf bla bla bla, Then i have to apply a bandage but my wound isnt healed, it is only a temporary solution i still have to get to my safe place (its not the time to apply antiseptic its -45 outside) Then i will have to sew my leg in order to then start recover (note that in situation 1 i still need to take the time to recover, repair clothes etc the only difference is that i cannot run a marathon or just... run until it is done !) 

    So, would a more complex healing system would break the game or simply be annoying to watch on stream or play ? My answer would be an obvious NO beacause it only adds a layer of realism and more actions to achieve in the game wich is something i would love ! 

    Maybe when it is time to stitch your two ripped leg's meat together you could have final stitch quality witch at 100% would have no chance to reopen (for example)  

    and when you run the first time after a wound you would have a broken stich chance and the more you run the more little bar climbs up to 100% like a frostbite risk.

    to conclude, we already have to stay and not do much when we get wounded so adding a better healing system wouldn't change much on that point !


    As was stated... Sewing your leg = pass time screen same as for sewing your coat.  So, you're basically saving 1 more of those screens each time a wolf attacks you is more fun?  I disagree.  What's the penalty if you forget to sew your leg, say, infection?  Equals pop-up to take an antibiotic or watch your health bar go down until you do... same as food poisoning.  More fun?  I disagree.

    On another thread, we were discussing your disapproval of a pop-up notice forbidding putting fire reflectors in multiple locations.  What's the difference here?

  16. 37 minutes ago, Old Hermit said:

    Maybe i've used wrong words, sorry

    When i say broken, i mean the insta-heal mechanics seems doesn't fit to the "not sci-fi, not magic" atmosphere of TLD (just to not saying the "realist" word), and it makes the game a lot easier. I think it would fit better in titles more full of action, like shooters as @odizzido mentioned above.

    About the other crippling wounds (beside broken ribs), i'm sure if it would be implemented, it would be a very well planned feature, and not just dropped ingame. Maybe it should be a very rare to happen, in given circumstances. 


    @Stinky socksok, no need logic. So let's continue with the magic healing system ^^

    (using google translator)

    It's not magic insta-heal... It's insta-stabilize (for a sprain) and a pain killer to alleviate pain because that's what pain killers do.  If they wanted to increase our usage of cloth, they could have us continue to bandage for a few more days and take more painkillers, but what would be the point, really?  A perceived lack of cloth in the world is already a common complaint among players; and without a third-person view, how does one perceive wearing the bandages we put on for multiple days.

    Broken ribs do take longer to heal, but is there any sort of animation for it?  No.

    The current state of bears and wolves can be explained.  Bears lose interest in us before they kill us outright because we aren't really their prey... then are omnivores and survive largely on berries and scavenged carrion.  Wolves give us little nips that can bleed out if not bandaged.  Sorry, they aren't the lethal killers you want them to be in this game, but I believe the healing for the injuries given is reasonably realistic for a game.  Food poisoning takes a dose of medicine and 10 hours of sleep to heal, which is reasonable for an upset tummy.  Parasites take a long time to heal and many doses of medicine.  I don't think it's "magical."

    Furthermore, the game has never been 100% "realistic" nor will it ever be as long a "aurora" animals exist and power magically comes on whenever there is an aurora in the sky.

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  17. 29 minutes ago, Old Hermit said:

    I think that realism is not the issue, but simple logic. Ok, it's a game, but this argument can't sustain a broken mechanic (yes, i think the insta-heal a broken mechanic, in comparison to other better elaborated mechanics, aligned to the game's proposal). Because of that, a lot of immersion is lost.

    Yes, a crippling injury like that (can't use rope climbing) would break a lot of fun, but hey, it already exists (not leg, but ribs).
    Just plan your trips carefully. Isn't that what they say?

    You call it broken, that's fine.  I disagree.  I think it prevents the game from getting needlessly bogged down (which also, BTW, breaks immersion by becoming overly tedious and causing people to lose interest).  For the most part, moose spawns are placed where you can't get stranded on a small plateau due to broken ribs.  In Ash Canyon, it's the bear that spawns up top, not a moose.  Thankfully, IMO... although watching people try to wobble across those bridges with a broken leg without falling off might be entertaining for a few seconds.

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  18. 1.  This, AFAIK, has always been the case... likely the air temperature dropped further due to a weather change or time of day change while you were sleeping, extending the duration of the fire beyond the estimated one when you checked before going to sleep.

    2.  I've not noticed this, but then I don't normally heat canned foods in a pot.  I normally just set them beside the stove or fire and use the pot on the stove to make water.

  19. On 4/25/2021 at 6:07 PM, Stinky socks said:

    Ah poor fluffy. Even she gets axed when spawns to none. Thank you for up heads!

    No, why not at all. Perhaps a fire reflector is just not going to work here. Thank you.

    What is a naked run? I mean I do it all the time IRL, but how does it pertain to settings for the difficulty? I am intrigued, is this a survival game without wearing anything? Thank you. Ps- Astrid wears bra and panties when 'naked', I checked, so it can't be faithful naked experience, there's certain warmth bonus already present by default.

    Different Twitch streamers make up all sorts of different challenge runs.  I think Atheenon did what he called a naked run a year or so ago.  I think Kimiota has also done one.  Basically, normal play, but you can't wear any additional clothes.  I'm don't think the bra and panties actually give a warmth bonus, but I'd have to check the in-game stat screen while not wearing any clothes to be sure.  You can check it out yourself also if you're really interested.  Deadman began its life as a custom code challenge conjured up by a streamer... and is why I say they know that standard Interloper is not the most difficult setting to play the game.  There are many ways to make custom setting games more difficult than standard interloper (but I digress... back to fire reflectors).

    It's an interesting idea, but unfortunately an exploitable device in-game that could be used to disrupt animal pathing and create artificial "safe" areas for the players or artificial "hunting blinds."  HL would have to work out a solution... obviously, anything I've suggested is not acceptable.

  20. On 4/28/2021 at 3:45 AM, foreverlost said:

    How do you find animal that you killed? I know to track the blood but in two cases now that track disappear. Tracks have disappeared when I updated the map and when I was following a trail. I read an post about going the next day to get the animal but I can never find any of them, unless it was the bear but it is dead now (what a scare that was). :) Any suggestions?

    Depends a bit on what animal behavior difficulty you have set.  For example, when "passive" is engaged, wounded animals will generally start making laps around the perimeters of their regular patrol zone (if you don't chase them).  That is, they'll panic and run off in a direction for a ways and then double back.  If you stay out of sight, they should eventually reduce to a walk and then eventually drop dead... often close to the point where you shot them.  If you pursue them, you will usually cause them to resume their panic and start running again... which can cause them to run out of their zone.  Again, if left alone, they will try to eventually double back to their regular patrol zone... but will sometimes die before they get back.  On higher difficulties, you are far more likely to cause them to attack again if you're pursuing them when they have stopped their initial panic and are doubling back to their patrol zone.  As you play the game, you'll learn what the extend of these patrol areas are for many of the animals on the map.  This distance, however, varies as each standard difficulty has different settings for animal detection range and smelliness.

    Following a blood trail is tricky in that you have to maintain a fairly short distance between yourself and the animal or else the blood trail despawns.  It also will disappear and reallign itself when the animal encounters a pathing obstacle (e.g. a tree).  The animals can also do some unpredictable things when they encounter such obstacles (for example, my video of a bear that climbed a tree he encountered while I was following his blood trail)


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  21. 11 hours ago, xAnAngelOfDeathx said:

    Maybe a glitch (?) but I find that after wounding an animal if I quickly pass an hour of time the animal that I wounded will be dead not far away.

    I wouldn't say this consistently works, but I have had it work particularly well recently where I seem to encounter more wounded animals that seem to get "stuck" in their panic animation and wind up frantically running and doubling back and running for literally hours in-game.  If this behavior starts, I've found I can just pass an hour to cause the animal to almost immediately drop dead (i.e. I don't even have to allow the hour of passing time to complete).  There must be a glitch going on here though.

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