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Posts posted by Serenity

  1. 5 hours ago, UpUpAway95 said:

    single rose hips (which are worthless since you need 8 of them to contribute to a tea and I've never found 8 loose rose hips in a single run). 

    The most annoying find in the game 🤬

    Also, who puts stones in trash cans?

  2. On 12/21/2019 at 12:29 AM, MarrowStone said:

    That doesn't sound fun

    Don't generalize from your playstyle to others. I've always done that. It makes cooking much more immersive for me. I see my meat on the ground and can just drag it across to the cooking surfaces and off of them. And don't have to mess around in the menus which I don't find fun at all

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  3. On 1/2/2020 at 6:42 AM, JAFO said:

    @Loonsloon reports that knife condition is crucial to struggle defence with a knife. 

    That's not the issue. The knife is good at making things bleed out, but it doesn't do much upfront damage. You notice that even on lower difficulties, but it's acceptable there. On Interloper a knife fight just takes too long

    The hammer does even less damage, but it ends a fight quickly. That's much more important for not taking lethal damage

  4. 7 hours ago, Makex said:

    I made rabbitskin hat because i thought i need it and i had the skins to do it.

    It's not bad thing. Especially if you have the skins anyways. Only takes a few hours to craft. And you can wear a rabbit hat and a toque.

     Feels like you need fire every time you do something outdoors

    Generally yes. Try to time your activities around sunny weather so you can use the mag lens instead of a match. However, matches aren't *that* rare and the first skins is something that's worth burning some matches for. In case you haven't noticed it already: Interloper is all about stocks and coal. Always pick up sticks and you should easily have enough fuel for shorter fires here and there

    Also, the warmest time of the day is from late afternoon or evening on. With good clothing there are some days in the first month where you can be only one arrow down or even completely warm outside. Same in the end game with a bear skin coat. At least in the warm regions like ML. One arrow down gives you a long time outside without freezing even on Interloper.

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  5. Yeah, the hat isn't that important at the beginning if you have a toque. It's quick to craft though. What's easy to miss is the deer hides from the carcasses. Don't assume you need to hunt deer for their skin. That puts you way behind. You just need 5 hides for the boots and pants. You can easily get that in ML. One in the hydro dam yard. Two in Winding River (+another one in the transition cave). Two in the Ravine (one at the bottom). One at Alan's Cave. One at Lake Overlook. As you can see the hydro dam is a really good early base. Harvesting can be done with the hacksaw or even by hand if you thaw the carcass. Ideally you have a fire anyways, but it's also possible to just rip off the hide if you can take the condition hit.

    With the bunny mittens, deer pants and deer boots you're in a pretty good situation in the first month. But the temperature keeps falling...

  6. 21 hours ago, Makex said:

    And holys... weather is harsh compered to voyageur. I am at day 22 and bearly moved away from Mystery Lake.

    That's your problem right there. The weather at the beginning is the best you'll get. So keep moving. Loot most of PV, ML and CH in the first days. Don't stay anywhere long and just move from place to place. You don't have to rush through all the maps, but I like to hit those three before settling down anywhere for crafting. You need a hacksaw, heavy hammer, mag lens and a bed roll.

    At the same time work towards getting some bunny and deer skins. Hit the deer carcasses early on. It's an easy hide and you get a deer steak on each one. Things like the rabbit skin mittens are easy to make and really help. For a while you can actually be relatively warm in the late afternoon. With that I mean one arrow down. That allows you be outside for a long time without freezing.

    I think i don't get past day 30 because i can't get to the forge fast enough.

    Forging can be done early on too. I used to do it on the Riken too and it's not too hard. But Spence's is definitely easier. DP isn't that interesting otherwise.

    In my last game I only got knives and arrows at Spence's and skipped the hatchet. Then I went to the Riken later on in the run to make the hatchet before I visited HRV.


    Mystery Lake isn't a bad place. There are tons of cat tails there. And I love crafting in the dam, hunting in the ravine and having a nice cave there. But you can't hole up in a single map that early. There just isn't enough loot for that so you need to cover a wider area.

  7. I was thinking "Hey, isn't that the Fluffy cave? Is there no wolf?". And then it happened. But a first day wolf struggle with the prybar? Wow. Those never go well for me even when properly equipped. I hate the thing in struggles

  8. Going in blind the first time you really wouldn't carry another rope down there. Moreover, early game you don't have the equipment to deal with the Timberwolves. So a normal gameplay loop could be:

    1.) Go the ravine to get the flare pistol and the door code

    2.) Play the game for a while to get better gear

    3.) Later on travel to BI via FM


    Though I agree that they should get rid of the climbing spot

  9. For me it's that I often use camp fires for harvesting or to scare of an animal when hunting it. After a while you have camp fires cluttering up the whole landscape and the carcasses are long gone. It's especially annoying with the long sight lines in CH. You may see a dark speck on the ice when looking for a new carcass, but it's just a camp fire from weeks ago

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