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Posts posted by Serenity

  1. Quote

    Break down cans - convert unused, empty cans to 1 metal

    I used this once. It makes sense but I don't think it's great for balance reasons. There is tons of scrap metal in the game, but you need to invest some time to saw it up. That's how a lot of mechanics works. Spend time. Get something. Breaking down cans made getting scrap too easy


    Show map location - I mainly used this when making guides and/or showing my location on a screenshot

    Only as an option. I really dislike the map arrow in Wintermute. Makes things way too easy

    But a big yes to most the rest :) I especially want remember break down items and proper fuel management

  2. There is no need to cut down wood. Besides sticks and coal you can break down boxes. Plus there is lots of fire wood in the prepper caches. Do that side quest. It also gets you tons and tons of food. One of the prepper caches has several fire logs even.

    You can also use a hacksaw to saw limbs. Takes quite long though

  3. It's one thing to distract a wolf with a decoy to stop him tracking you. But you could place decoys while standing right next to them and they would completely ignore you. Whereas without a decoy they'd immediately charge you.

    That said, wolves taking decoys from great distances is nonsense too. The better way would be to have them still charge you if you are too close to them. So the wolf sees you as a better meal if you're close enough. It shouldn't be tied to you drawing a weapon, since that would still allow you to bait a wolf and then shoot him as he walks away.

    That could also increase the value of the distress pistol. You can decoy wolves when they stalk you from a certain distance, but if he is already next to you you may have to resort to using a flare

  4. Mostly it's used as a last resort to scare off a wolf or bear you didn't see in time. Works well at short range.

    You can hunt with it too. It causes a lot of bleeding, but sticking the shell to a bear is hardly guaranteed. A wolf can be killed in a single hit if you hit the head. Or you could drive a deer into a wolf and then scare the wolf away with a flare shot.

  5. 3 hours ago, kristaok said:

    I know in real life I wouldn't consider it an exploit to bait and kill something that was going to attack. 

    Leaving aside for the moment that real life wolves aren't really all that aggressive and accepting that wolves are murderous beasts: in the game context it's not all that believable that the wolf is laser focused on the meat and ignores you just standing there with a bow. When otherwise he immediately charges you when you draw the bow.

    I don't think that wolves should be able to be tricked like that if you stand right next to them. I'd make it about distance. So you could drop a decoy and then shoot a wolf from further away. But if you get too close he ignores the decoy.

    I haven't played survival mode since the update, but from what I can gather some people have seen meat teleporting to distant wolves. I hope that that is a bug. If that's the solution to prevent you from getting close to wolves it's a bad one

  6. 6 hours ago, Martin Prchal said:

    Not to mention being able to stop at Draft Dodgers, Burned Ridge Cave, the plane and Skeeters for loot fairly easily.

    You could do that before. Before the update you could go west from Draftdodger's and when you hit the regular road go sharp right up the hill (instead of following the road to hit the edge of the map where there may be wolves and a bear). At the top climb over some rocks and you were at Burned Ridge Cave. It was never necessary to go the long way around. They really just made that route official.

  7. That was during an aurora hopefully. It obviously doesn't work any other time. Zombie wolves hate the light. They also don't enter areas lit by the various lamps

  8. Skeeter's Ridge has always been approachable from both sides. And that rope is a complete noob trap. The climb is way too long and tiring. You're completely exhausted after it. It's far smarter to go around. The rope is fine to go down, but that's it.

    There used to be a shortcut from the wooden bridge to Burned Ridge Cave so you never had to go the long way around, but that's blocked now. But it's not really needed anymore. The connection between the plane crash area and Skeeter's Ridge is only blocked in story mode. In survival mode that bit with the tree blockage in the back is open. Meaning you can very easily walk from the farm to TWM now. 

  9. There is a very simple route up towards TWM now. There a burned cabin near Draftdodger's Cabin (and the river intersection) with a straight path up towards Burned Ridge Cave. I always took a similar shortcut, but it required climbing a bit over the rocks up there. That path is now blocked.

  10. You probably didn't look everywhere. Using up all the lamp fuel would be very hard. What do you need that much fuel for? There is far more than you need available. And they aren't in obscure locations. There are multiple jerry cans and small containers.

    Doing the bunker side quests gives you one or two cans. Another one is that new burned out hut near Draftdodger's Cabin

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