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Posts posted by BareSkin

  1. BareSkin32- D31 [Cinderella ]

    - I just found two snaring spots on a test run, so let’s dive into Cinderella fight for life!


    - Also discovered on test run that Cloth Bedroll sleep-heal curve is actually shifted from the bed one by -2% ratio


    - I fire up my strategy plan: it’s not aurora night: I use my hands in the dark to grab 1 hook, 1 prybar, 3 coals inn the small crate, 1 soda, 1 book, 12 wood matches.


    All my wealth = 2.91 kg

    - The mine AT +1, so the warmup bonus from my romantic tea will actually not be needed

    - Since I want to try my one-match-technique (long time I didn’t practise in Sleepwalker), I go for some sleeping to get me to morning.

    - Oh, my! The bearskin bedroll is a +12°C bonus?!!? Daf*q?

    - Since I’m full health, I sleep in 1h chunk in case an aurora decides to show up. 3 chunks, no aurora. It’s now around 4AM, time for the fire and navigation

    - I checked on test run about the coal countdown, it’s realtime, not nominal, so I don’t need to spend calories braking a crate, I light up the 100% chance fire only with the book. 11 matches left.


    - Thanks to Fire 5 and the power of Science, it brings me to the coal time thanks to the 5 minutes embers (book is 27’, coal countdown is 30’), I drop 1 and pull torches. That was short, but that's how hardcore is played: borderline, always.


    - I am lucky, torches are 45% ones. I pull 7 on them, I should be fine for a long time about 1-match firestarts. Plus that makes 7 sticks (49’ nominal) from a coal (1h nominal), which is only 10% loss in fuel (but+0.5L water), the best spent coal in my run so far.

    - I leave the place, 5 reclaimed will be waiting for me here on next aurora / coal run

    - At the other end total loot: 27 coals, 1 scrap, 21 stones, sewing primer, storm lantern, 1 reclaimed, 0.36L loil lamp, 1 newspaper, 1 more lantern fuel bottle (0.47L total), 44% work gloves, 1 flare, 16% fleece mittens, 45% work boots, salty crackers, another flare, 1 cloth, another newsprint, 1 accelerant


    You can protect me from being eaten? Love you!

    - I hastily equip the boots and gloves, and immediately head outside, bringing my fire.


    - The night is wonderful and I'm on time (before 6AM), but as soon as I’m outside I hear footsteps- wolf or rabbit? My heart wants a rabbit, my cortex knows it’s a wolf.


    I've been thinking about you...

    • Like 4
  2. 6 hours ago, Czhilli said:

    @BareSkin I’m pretty sure you are guaranteed three deer carcasses: Cave near Road Collapse, The Arch and in the dip between the Harris Homestead and Coastal Highway exit.

    Well on my test run for snares there were ony 2 deer carcass, above the Arch (still on upper level) there was a human corpse. Anyway if there are 3, even better, I'll be able to put something on my butt chicks :D

    17 hours ago, LkP said:

    FYI I did a try-run and no wolf spawned the first 2 days (didn't go further, on a good path to die of hunger)

    That's always the case with any Voyageur start it seems. My test run had 2, one 3 different patrol routes (near DP mine, between Harri's and Arch, between Arch and DP on lower level). AKA you're safe nowhere.

  3. On 2/18/2019 at 7:14 AM, muoz said:

    Have you considered programming randomized loot tables?

    I think this has been addressed in MMB#22 already:



    We use loot tables in the game so I think they are great. :) I don't think people sharing them is great, but that's up to the community. All items that appear in containers are determined using loot tables, and all items that spawn in the world (ex. placed on shelves, laying on the floor, etc.) use individually tuned spawn values. There are very few 100% spawns, so if there are guaranteed matches they are either there for a specific reason or their spawn % is bugged. 

    I think refreshing the loot tables could be a fun idea, although I suspect some players would find it irritating. 


    What we call loot tables are 100% guaranteed spawns of key-items in Survival. I would also like a new answer to that especially about randomization. Refreshing the loot tables wouldn't fix the problem, since it would take what, 24h to the community to find out the new ones?

    I love the items spawn in relation with context (bedroll in Camp/caves/blinds, tools in industrial places, clothes on beds etc). But the certainty is actually killing the game a bit for the long time players who know them: spawn somewhere, go to the nearest big loot place, find any of the key items (hacksaw/bedroll/hammer/maglens), you know on which loot table you are, then go find what you need where you know it will be. It's like playing with a Crystal Ball, it removes from the players the "surprise" thing you have to adapt to.

    It's just the same with the Emergency Stims when playing a Deadman: you just know where to find them for sure.

    I would actually love it to be truly randomiz-able at least in Custom Settings, not only 4 tables.

    • Upvote 2
  4. While I look for snare spots in OIC on a test run, I'd like some feedback from readers of this thread about my plans:

    Here's my raw notes, I've decided not to cheat the fire, as you probably guess given Day 30 entry :D. The aurora on first night is already ruled out too.




    Cheating possibility: start a fire inside the mine before midnight :D . Rules are: not leaving items

    Cinderella - Old Island Connector :

    Prereq. in priority order: 1can/1bedroll/Fire5/Cook5/+-Harvest5

    0/ Pray the weather gods.

    1/ Enter Mine n°3 with all prereqs on day 30 midnight, rested, full stomach and water (campsite in front of the entrance).

    2/ If lucky, aurora night: wait/use the lights, loot everything, sleep at the other endpoint until 5AM (bedroll=positive FL)

    General case: Get the matches, the book (nominal 18’ =27’ w/ Fire5) wait/sleep for few hours, don’t brake crates, it’s calories. We’ll come back later for that. Start a fire in the mine (can’t go outside) around 3AM (spend first match) for making a torch + unsafe water. Basic result: 1match+1book= 1flame+1torches.

    Depending on torch condition, 1 torch might not be enough for my fire-bringing plans: spend a coal (1h nominal) and make 6 more torches. Check on test run if the minimum time for coal addition is nominal or real. If realtime the 27 minutes from the book are enough, if nominal, need to brake the small crate before starting the fire for using/adding the reclaimed (and then no need for coal to make torches anyway)

    Navigate the mine with the torch, take everything Hoover-style (coals, stones), don’t switch to storm lantern (keep fire). Don’t run, but don’t stop.

    3/ At the other end, grab the outside OMBL. Start another fire outside with the found reclaimed if no sticks nearby (+- 1 coal = 3h total), launch watermaking, drop all stones except 10 for wolf driving. While waiting for water, hear and locate the wolves howlings.

    Ideal alternative: if clear night maybe go directly to Moutain cave and make fire (with local fuel) there near the potential carcass and switch to #5 directly?

    Harvest cloth from 16% fleece mittens (work gloves 44%) don’t make bandages from cloth until the map loot didn’t give some bandages, use flares to avoid bleeding in the meantime.

    4/ On next temp bar, find some sticks and check if there’s no huntable rabbit nearby. Maybe take some sticks near the road barrier. Can lose some health to cold for getting a rabbit (=gut), cause we’re gonna sleep on calories. Don’t run.

    Don’t lose calories braking crates or harvesting rabbits until starved.

    Result of night1: 1 match+1book+1reclaimed+-1coal = 2 fires, xxL water (enough until next morning), 1 or 2 torches. Nice start. And a lot of sorrow from the betrayal. Human Nature is awful.

    4/Start Day 31: morning1, when daylight is available and wolves’ zones somewhat known (7AM?): make at least 3 new torches, take a lit one, go start a torch-fire near a deer carcass (Mountain cave?). Constant water-making+full harvest no matter the calorie cost, need the guts and pelt. Be careful not to spend sticks more than necessary, can’t start a fire with a coal and reclaimed are for snares.

    Kill the first match (+-Run) back inside and start curing the 2 guts.

    5/ Late morning 1: time for rabbit hunt! Snap nearby rabbits (near blue pickup or Junction) and harvest only the guts in the nearest inside place (will take pelts and meat later for free, we already have deer meat), drop the guts for curing.

    There are usually 2-3 free rabbits (found 5 total on a Day5 Voyageur). Minimum total of 4 guts curing (2deer +2 rabbits). These 4 should go for snares on day 36.

    6/ Early afternoon1 (~1PM): start looting the map upside map (sticks+stones), Moutain cave, blue pickup, Harris, red car, +-corpse. List branches places.

    7/ Late afternoon1(~6PM): go loot the Arch cave, and back to the indoors nearest to a second dear carcass (possibly West Harris, guaranteed carcass?). If still daylight next tempbar (6PM?), go for some branch.

    Now that the map is fully looted (except branches and wolf territory), make a decision about making bandages with the cloth or keeping it for mending when tackle is available.

    8/ Don’t eat for sleeping Night 2, except if suffered high hyporisk and/or struggle (but bleeding=death anyway)

    9/ Restore Rest until morning2 (5AM) and start Day 32: go for the second carcass. Same plan: torch-fire (2nd match) constant water, full harvest. Spend all necessary coal. +-Run back for starting curing the 2 additional guts (1 for tackle, 1 for hat).

    If/when starved, finish harvesting the rabbits meat/pelts inside

    Afternoon2 depending on health status: sticks run near Coastal Highway exit (many branches near West Harris)

    10/ Depending on where is cooked meat, prepare for a 10h sleep-heal on Night3. Should have at least 6 guts curing (+3 rabbit pelts) : 4 snares, 1tackle (already have hook), 1hat. Next craft deerskin boots/mitts depending on clothing loot so far. Will need 1 more tackle also.

    11/ Plan calories spending until snares become available. No rabbit respawn before that day (5 days). Do the maths about affordable dehydration.

    Switch to routine mode: morning for fire (water+-cooking), afternoon for fuel hunting. Plan/check the matches spending. Check the cloths status: enough for a Shelter?

    As soon as possible (day36), run on snares for calories. Make a new run for coal with the storm lantern found in the cave on snare-crafting day.

    <exhaustive loot in the mine>: hook, prybar, soda, book, 1 scrap, 3 coals in a small crate, storm lantern, sewing primer, 1 reclaimed, some lantern fuel, 2 flares, work gloves, 5 crates, 1 cloth, 1 accelerant, work boots, salty crackers, fleece mittens, many stones and 19 coals on the floor.

    Work gloves 44 %

    Fleece Mittens 16 %

    Work boots 45 %



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  5. BareSkin32- D30 [Cinderella ]

    - Spent the whole day crafting the bedroll, I finish it just before daylight goes off

    - I try to keep my stomach full, in preparation. Butterflies in my belly, I meet Prince Charming tonight.

    - Transfer near the mine entrance around, 8PM, light up a fire, eat and drink full

    - To make sure I convince Prince Charming to join me in the bearskin bedroll, I get naked and start waiting for him, sleeping 1h chunks until midnight




    - Bearskin Bedroll, Midnight moon, a nice hot fire under snowflakes, everything is perfect for this romantic Voyageurs rendez-vous. Barry White comes in my head. Let the music play...

    - I even prepare 2 teas, I'll have the mushroom one and he'll have the rose hips one. Because we don't like gender stereotypes.



    The perfect romantic setup. Who knows, maybe we're even Feb 14th?

    -Just before midnight, I hear footsteps crunching the snow. I hide my shoulders in my fresh bedroll that still smells quite a bit, but at least it covers my own scent.

    -We smile to each other, he has nearly no equipment, said it's been stolen from him last night. Walking in the dark night, he got frozen.

    -I invite him to take his frozen clothes off and warm near my fire draped in the cloth bedroll. After few moments he's warm again, we speak a bit.

    - At midnight the winds turn and fire is killed to embers.

    - @Raph+DevTeam *blink* *blink* *blink* I light my crafted candle the last Survival update has given me {1 can+ 30cL fat/oil + 1 cloth/curedgut, workbench} and bring the fire inside

    - We’re forced to enter the Mine naked in a hurry, he helps me drag the heavy bedroll inside the mine

    - We get to know each other a bit closer and as they say, what happens in the bedroll stays in the bedroll

    - Our meeting gets a bit messy, and my candle gets spilled on the floor, the flame of course dies.

    - Few moments later, Prince needs some privacy for natural needs, he exits the mine and I laugh imagining him freezing outside. Assbite might no be far.

    - I hear metallic sounds from the door.

    - I realize only after a few minutes of him non getting back, that I have been locked into the mine from the outside. This bastard just took literally everything from me, except my smelly bedroll and an now-empty can.

    - I also realize that 30 days before, it would have made me cry. Tonight, no. I changed my mind about Human Nature since I'm a survivor.

    - I lock this door from the inside. At least this b4st4rd will die in Desolation Point.

    - Justice passed, it's now time for plans. I'll survive.

    • Like 4
  6. 9 hours ago, tulkawen said:

    If I ever spawn at DP on Loper, no way hose am I going near that truck within rifle bow shot

    Since there is no living deer nearby, you could here it without any doubt before being in any danger range.

    9 hours ago, tulkawen said:

    Interesting statistic. It seems the temp is coldest between 6 and 8 am. I'd have thought it would be during the night around 3am.

    It seems that the baseline temperatures is divided into 2 chunks of 12h, I often see disruption (lack of continuity) around noon. The mornings see a lot of variations, while afternoon seems pretty much always the same.

    • Upvote 1
  7. BareSkin32- D29 [Cinderella ]

    - Only two days before the big night! I hope it’s gonna be as sweet as in a Disney.

    - On my way to the Church, I have no father. But I meet a moose. I’ll have to go there via the mine.

    - Never seen this Moose before, no wonder he’s killed @tulkawen before, he chose the only chokepoint of the map, the Bridge.

    - Bear near the mine, it’s big-game-day today…


    -It’s actually respawn day, since I find 5 coals that weren’t here yesterday evening

    -4 rabbits on 6 snares, I replace the 4 snares but I know I’ll probably never see them again

    - harvesting 1kg rabbit barehands takes 15min (+56calories) with harvest5: I can pull 2 rabbit for every complete cycle of watermaking

    - Begin crafting the bedroll

    - temperature science during the day while sharpening knife


    It seems that Voyageur actually doesn't drop the temperatures over time that much. In Interloper, that's brutal.


    Seems there's a baseline, modified with "cold morning" option. There's also a "blizzard" modifier (this -24°C right in the afternoon)

    - The snow shelter option seems like an always-possible solution in Voyageur, just need to sleep in the afternoons, and away from patrolled paths.

    - Since the last Milton Dispatch, I pronounce Voyageur correctly, with my very nice french accent :D

    - I remove all my clothes, for mental training. And for washing a bit before the big day, it's been 28days I didn't wash.


    - craft and cook some tea, I leave it near the fire for night 30 to brake the ice with my lover.

    - Cook rabbit in the evening for tomorrow's romantic dinner 

    - When I can't craft the bedroll anymore, I go for my last lonely night

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  8. On 2/15/2019 at 11:42 AM, stratvox said:

    I see your guy is hanging out in the same place my guy is. I used to hate DP (I've croaked there lots) but I've come to really like it now. Mind you, on day ~650 those snares are a LOT less productive; I've got four out in the exact same spot you do and I'm only pulling a rabbit every three or four days.

    I think there is another mechanism in place for you, i.e. resource exhaustion for a given map. I should not have this problem *fingers crossed*.

    BareSkin32- D28 [Cinderella ]

    - Next morning: 3 rabbits for 6 snares since last morning.

    - Efficiency is enough to maintain a Cinderella in OIC if all snaring spots are created equal

    - The 3 rabbits, as expected, give me Harvest5


    - Around noon, last travel to Hibernia for taking some tea to warmup before Prince Charming meetup

    - I take the reishis, and the wolf pelt. Yes, the one who killed my lil'bro Bareskin27. I’ll put my skinny ass on it while waiting for midnight.

    - Can’t believe I leave so many matches and some much food.

    - Can’t believe I’m actually repairing clothes just for practising Mending

    - I tear down 2 thin wool sweaters, and 2 military coats, crying on them.

    - Eat some canned food before my last big sleep-heal back to 100% health.

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  9. 2 minutes ago, tulkawen said:

    Have you given up on crafting the bearskin bedroll? I thought it would help tremendously since you can take the can and another item.

    Not at all, but it'll become craftable only just before I have to leave, the second bear hide isn't cured yet. But don't worry, I did the maths, and it's gonna be ready for when I leave. The last problems is finding a good snares spot in OIC, cause I can live only so many days on deer carcasses.

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  10. BareSkin32- D26 [Cinderella ]

    - Next morning , 6AM, I go check the snares: nothing

    - Back in the nearby mine, I brake crates for 2h, go check snares: 3 rabbits. (~3.5kg meat)


    - I’ll need 2kg/day minimum after meeting Prince Charming.

    - It seems there’s a 12h minimum time check on the snares since I put them here yesterday at nightfall

    - Efficiency today is 50% (6 snares)

    - I’m back from a test run on OIC (to find snares spot), I do want harvest 5 before going with Cinderella to be able to harvest 100% frozen carcasses, It’s important for the first days there.

    - I for once cook the rabbit pieces, to fight boredom


    - Now I’m waiting day 30 while collecting some science on snares efficiency

    - 2 coals have respawned since day 23, that’s still around 1/day.

    - Comparing with previous Harvesting screenshot, I estimate reaching Harvest 5 after 5 more rabbits fully harvested, it should be OK before day 30

    - I run in the cave to build enough Fatigue to go to tomorrow morning.


    My new waiting place: mine entrance near the Church

    BareSkin32- D27 [Cinderella ]

    - Next morning 5 AM: 4 rabbits in 6 snares, that’s great.


    - Grab them back for harvesting. Maybe 3 more rabbits needed.

    - I shoot wolves to fight boredom and protect my deer friend. I’m so bad with a rifle I barely even manage to scare them.


    • Upvote 2
  11. BareSkin32- D24 [Cinderella ]

    - Water and fire training

    -At 7 AM it’s +7°C compared to yesterday same hour, what should I conclude about it? Yesterday was a shitty day from weather viewpoint, and today chose to be nice.

    - temperature science through the whole day

    -prepare a campsite in front of Mine #5 for D-day evening

    - try an 11h-sleepheal once more, for science’s sake: from 23% to 90%, I find the 67% again, and not the 88% the theory predicts.

    - not that I will ever have to deal with such lengths anyway...

    BareSkin32- D25 [Cinderella ]

    - When I wake up on day 25 at 8AM, game says I survived for 24 days and 2h, which means 24th day of survival started on day 25 @6AM, the 30th night should theoretically occur at the end of day 31.

    - all snares are empty, I won’t be harvest 5, no big deal

    - I wonder if OIC will have enough food for me

    - The skies clear up around 11AM: fire training till Fire 5!


    - The fires don’t feel like they start twice as fast. The description might be wrong now that all fires have seen their starting times boosted up.

    - Archery training on a rabbit


    - I start a fire to hunt the silo wolf for archery practice and for the fun of it to be honest (it is so rare): yes, fires definitely start faster.


    - In the evening, back to the church: 1 rabbit has been snared. I moved all remaining snares to the spot for science


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  12. On 2/1/2019 at 8:23 PM, Czhilli said:

    I’d certainly go to Mystery Lake via Pleasant Valley and Winding River. Leave the Ravine for a finale should you make it that far.

    That's exactly how this Challenge should be played, Ravine is the Final Boss. A TLD boss, one you can't win.

    BareSkin32- D22 [Cinderella ]

    - I hope today will be sunny, Fire 5 is crucial to obtain.

    - Weather is fog and snow, there are deers at the Riken and I would like Harvest5, but as a Disney Character I refuse to shoot any deer.


    -Harvest 5 is so hard to get I wonder if it doesn’t need a little bit of tweaking. Can you really harvest fully 2 bears, 5 deer carcasses, tons of rabbits for 20 days and not get expert at it? Plus this “can’t harvest/quarter-frozen-carcass-even-with-hacksaw/hatchet-because-it’s-on-a-slope-and-you-can’t-make-fire” is really too stupid as a gameplay tactic, a real flaw in design.

    - I manage to score my first bow-shot rabbit at Little Island.


    - At noon sun is here, so that’s firestarting practising until too much wind (= 5 fires)

    -Craft 5 snares and process the saplings to gain some archery training, until dusk

    BareSkin32- D23 [Cinderella ]

    - Clear morning? Firestarting. 3 fires, then it snows.

    - To the Church via mine (17 coals resspawn after 20days, around 1coal/day), and drop the snares.

    -No sun today, I record the temperatures: they’re compatible with snow shelter today, there are several hours above -15°C

    -Sleep in the Mine 5 entrance, near the rabbits traps.


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  13. BareSkin32- D20 continued [Cinderella ]

    - Set up a snow shelter near the Riken for testing purposes


    -Grab the last 2 bear bags for harvesting training, and the 10 guts for the fun of it

    - The bags are a 18%, man that decays fast

    - At around 19PM, there’s a snowstorm, it’s-24°, -9 naked in the shelter. That’s warm hours you’re supposed to sleep…


    BareSkin32- D21 [Cinderella ]

    - Passtime starved+dehydrated until I’m 12% health, go find some food, sleep it back to 32%, then passtime awake with 4 needs OK just to make sure the recovery is 2%/h

    -from 32% to 39% in 6h, recovery rate confirmed at +2%/h

    - for the first time, I try to shoot a rabbit with an arrow. After 3 fails I go back to stones, much more efficient.


    - Who would use a bow if not on Loper, and if on Loper why would you make your hard-earned bow and arrows decay for rabbits?

    - spend the evening in Mine harvesting and eating, enjoying my so-far-easy life


    • Like 1
  14. 2 minutes ago, tulkawen said:

    In that case, do you propose attaching it to one of the other maps?

    Can't be done, it connects to Coastal Highway and Mystery Lake, which are arguably to two easiest maps to survive. Definitely, Ravine is the last map of the challenge, where you struggle for your life. Might be doable, but naked I doubt it, since you can bring only 1 snare (no workbench). Taking the Rifle is useless since there's a pistol that gives you a deer, but do deers respawn quickly enough to feed on it? Anyway, you sleep outside in a makeshift bed outdoor in the cold, have to climb a steep rope at least once every 2 days for getting sticks... good players might survive a week, who knows?

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  15. 4 minutes ago, tulkawen said:

    Ravine (or which other zones considered 'transitional?) as well.

    The Ravine is another matter, there's no indoor places and no workbench to craft clothes. Sure there is no wolf and more sticks, but that's a sure death, I won't go there. Winding river is manageable since the Dam can be attached to it (it's clearly not needed to survive Mystery Lake).  I just checked the temperature on day 20, it already goes down to AT-24 at 7PM, FL-9 when naked in a shelter.

  16. @Czhilli Honestly if I'm very lucky:

    -I wait nearly 18h before warm hours (I enter mine at midnight), which means I need to make the first fire even before leaving the mine, for water

    -with good weather in warm hours, I run naked and loot all sticks of the map on day 1 without freezing and not being wolfed (it's just not lucky, it's miraculous), I may get to 30-40 sticks in exchange of a lot of hypothermia, and may snatch 2 rabbits.

    -In any indoor place, I'm now exhausted and get the 2 guts to cure: it's 6-7 day countdown (with craft and snaring) I need to spend eating only non-renewable food

    -I sleep, next morning, get out and set a fire for cooking the rabbit: I spend half my sticks reserve (+water), the other half for sleeping a bit

    -If I'm lucky and wake up alive (no fire killing), I'm now in a cold morning, back in an indoor place with nothing to do until warm hours, no more sticks.

    I can see it basically stretched with coal/deer carcass plus some loot, and maybe even dying frozen in the car at the first morning blizzard, but that makes it only at best, a few days.


    I have no doubt a free can + chosen item would make it doable, not saying I am able to reach day 60 tho, didn't say it would be easy. I'm still contemplating the snow shelter variation, but it takes time to get a survivor to day 60 temperatures, unfortunately. Still, that's a gamble on how much cloth you find. Don't find 5 cloths? Dead.

    Anyway, the idea of a challenge is that it's doable independently of loot tables. It would be like trying to Snowball in TWM on a loot table that doesn't give a hacksaw: it's pointless.

    Keeping clothes isn't an option for me and too hard to track, that's the basic of what makes the challenge hard. The number of days shouldn't matter because again that would be a gamble about starting resources (namely number of coals), and I like the 30-day kinda-moon-cycle idea in a Cinderella challenge.

    Would it be OK, @tulkawen if I take a can and an item of my choice? I could pay with 0 item on next transfer :D

    I will welcome any data from those playing post-day50 Voyager about Air Temperatures at different hours (snow shelter is wind-shielded). Maybe in PM in order not to flood the thread.

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  17. 14 hours ago, LkP said:

    You already went to the mine, but maybe it could be considered part of the Connector and not DP ?

    That's already in the rules and in my plan, the workbench is nice once you get at least 2 cured guts: once for fishing tackle, one for rabbitskin hat, and the coal produced is around 20. It also offers a nice indoor near the rabbit grove, and the way to the car is protected from the wolf (he can't shortcut on the rock).

    12 hours ago, Czhilli said:

    but you can put a snow shelter at the mouth of the cave at The Arch and it appears to be wind proof location

    This is a great find, since the main problem of not having bedroll is the fire exposition since it needs to be near a car. That makes a possibility if I ever find 5 cloth, but I doubt I can find 33 sticks everyday (even with 20 starting coals and respawn), and I would need to go naked everyday to the snares place which I can't move, and come back unwolved to the shelter with 3 bar scents. It's still a possibility as long as the shelter is not near one of the wolf patrol routes.

    12 hours ago, Czhilli said:

    With a snow shelter you could take the risk on warmer afternoons for some multi hour sleeps without a fire to regain condition.

    I'm not sure about that. It'll need more checking, but naked in a Shelter you need constant AT>-18°. Not sure it happens on late Voyager. Plus that make the blizzard problem the same, since temperatures drop during your sleep and force a fire on you since you're far from any indoor place. I will look for a sheltered place near the rabbits, near an indoor (where I will spend most of my time). Maybe the dead end of the road, the wolf doesn't patrol this place.

    10 hours ago, tulkawen said:

    @BareSkin :D Perhaps this challenge can be modified based on what more experienced players say. It's possible to reduce these smaller maps timer to 20 days and allow the can + any other item of your choice when you're moving. Would that be more doable? :)

    I have a philosophical problem with that (changing the rules), but I also have one with trying the impossible. Deadman is very hard, but I tried several times because I though I could make it, that's not the case here (I wouldn't re-try such a Cinderella), mainly because of the fuel I need to find everyday (running naked) on such a small map (it just doesn't exist). The coal will make it doable for a few days but that's it.

    The snow shelter is a nice option when you have clothing. To me it all boils down to having a bedroll (= being granted a free can). The bedroll removes the need of fuel for sleeping, and I would need only half of the sticks for cooking/water. 20 coals for a 35 sticks/day lifestyle sleeping outside is a mere help (~30h of fire, that's what, 5 days?), 20 coals when you need only 15/day and are quite assured not to get your fire killed cause you can make it in the cave in case it's blizzard, that's a save.

    On a side note, I've always though it's a huge failure in the game not to be able to sleep anywhere (of course with penalties compared to bed/bedroll). Like I'm completely exhausted, I'm in a mine, I can't lay down?

    I will do the maths with a bedroll and check Voyager afternoon temperatures and come back with my findings.

  18. 21 hours ago, tulkawen said:

    By the way, I once have taken a Star Wars characters quiz and got Qui-Gon Jinn. :D A noble character indeed, but no Master Yoda to unlock the shrouded Force mysteries.

    That's actually Qi-Gon that taught Yoda how to live after life as a Force Ghost, but he was better at Force science than in combat... I was Han Solo in that test, btw. I shot first.

    16 hours ago, LkP said:

    no cooking pot in DP ?

    To my opinion, transition maps shouldn't be part of the challenge (still leave DP, ML, CH, TWM, PV, FM, BR - 7 months of fun)

    I double checked just to make sure I was not stupid (can happen), and no I have no cooking pot. Not a big surprise since they're usually found in houses, and there's none in DP, no place has a stove. I thought just like you at first about the maps, then I checked the rules carefully, and it said "transition mines" and not "transition maps"... My first thought was "How can I ever survive in HRV without a craft table and a visitor in my ice cave"? Then I launched the game, ended in DP, thought about Old Island Connector just before switching my mind to "I'm screwed"

    11 hours ago, Czhilli said:

    The statement implies that he must be making water whenever he sleeps and hence can never sleep for more than one hour at a time. It’s that calculation that is unclear that me. Or maybe I’ve misunderstood.

    The fuel is the main problem, if I don't make a fire at the best time, I need more fuel. If I don't sleep when the fire is on (in a car since I have no bedroll), I die frozen. Even without making water, if I sleep more than 1h and my fire gets killed during my sleep (it's not protected), I die. Even 1h chunks are a gamble, if the fire gets killed in the first minutes, I freeze for 1h = -20% health+ frosbites at Torso and Legs, at minimum (If I ever manage to craft a hat).

    With the best option and when everything works well (no blizzard), I need 30 sticks burnt everyday. Honestly I've launched a test Voyager, I found 30 sticks upon arriving in OIC, got frozen in the meantime even with killing the wolf with a rifle I won't have, but of course the next morning there was no more fuel to find.

    8 hours ago, cullam said:

    Sounds like the science that's really needed here is data on the voyager loot tables. 

    Even knowing what I will find in Harris, that wouldn't change a lot of things about the fuel problem. Except if a bedroll spawns but I doubt that, launched a dozen of test and never found one (in Harris you mainly find tools and sometimes a tshirt or socks)

  19. Guys and gals, I got a problem. I tried to focus on what science I needed more before I meet Prince Charming, and it ends up I don't see how I could manage to survive in Old Island Connector bringing 1 can. I did the maths in favorable conditions (Fire5, cooking 5, enough snare efficiency, didn't take blizzard into account), here's where I am down:

    - With no bedroll (this is the critical point), the only place to sleep is one of the cars, or a snow shelter (provided I find cloth, which is unsure at least). Both these solutions require a fire burning when I sleep in order not to die frozen.

    -Even if I was lucky enough for not having my fire killed by weather, I need to sleep in 1h chunks to make water. The break-even point in such favorable conditions leads me 6% health margin to: 1/ to finding 33 sticks every day, running naked on the map 2/ picking up rabbits and not being wolfed

    -Plus we all know the difference between theorycraft and actual gaming: there's no margins in this scenario

    - The kill wolf option is not here, I only have a prybar


    Adding 1h sleep gets the health margin to 15% a day but asks for 39 sticks, not even taking into account killed fire and freezing damage in case of a blizzard while sleeping. There is coal in the mine but still, that only reduces the fuel quantities to find marginally compared to what blizzards will take from me.


    In the snow shelter variation, provided I find some cloth to build it (work boots and work gloves give leather), it's not much better, and since inside the snow shelter you can be attacked, my life would be short anyway, before the maths go wrong. Plus it gives +18°C bonus while sleeping/passtime, which is not sufficient when you have a naked body on late Voyager. If I make a fire in front of the shelter, it goes back to the previous problem.


    Since I can't figure out a way to have the least chance in this challenge with leaving without a bedroll, I will take any advice. Even tough I'm dead sick right know, I still think my brain capacities have been at their maximum on this matter!

    Please don't propose ideas that rely on pure gamble (finding a can/bedroll/Expedition parka/hatchet/knife...), I can do this alone :D

    • Upvote 2
  20. 20 hours ago, tulkawen said:

    So, that's how you hide from the wolves. You're invisible. I want to know how to do that. :D

    Only Interlopers know how to do that, there's this secret recipe:


    eating nothingness, and you'll become nothingness.

    or play a "supported" linux platform

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  21. BareSkin32- D17 [Cinderella ]

    -Fire 4

    -Harvest 4

    BareSkin32- D17-D20 [Cinderella ]

    - Took saplings at Broken Bridge for archery training



    I'm the invisible man
    I'm the invisible man
    Incredible how you can
    See right through me

    -Forge arrowheads

    - More fire training

    -some sleep science, weird results for a 11h-sleep... For some reason the theory doesn't hold in such a long stretch: I've repeated the measure three times and got 3 times the same result of 67% recovered (6.1%/h), while a 10h sleep gave 75% back...

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  22. BareSkin32- D15 [Cinderella ]

    -more science about different needs privation, and combinations of them.


    -Hear the bear, shoot it. Its brother’s hide is finished curing, what a good joke.


    -Kill my second wolf, who didn’t attack me. For Justice. He’s the one that killed my little brother Bareskin27


    I kept this empty cartridge and made a necklace with a cured gut. I won't forget you, lil bro.

    - I do harvest it for training, but the next bear should be enough.

    BareSkin32- D16 [Cinderella ]

    -Quarter the bear, then fire training


    - find 2 others arrows at broken bridge, also find a hammer and hacksaw in Hibernia so I go get some saplings in case I need to fight boredom later


    -some science gets edgy, I once end up at 9% and another time with a collection of frostbites risks, another time with hypo. Nothing that can't be taken care of with a good sleep in Voyager.


    • Like 2
  23. Just now, tulkawen said:

    You don't lose calories without the opener once you're certain level, it might apply to keeping the cans too or not?

    Yes that's cooking3, but you still smash the cans. Losing 0% of calories has nothing to do with the process. You smash it, you lose it. Makes sens, right?

    There's no chance I get the achievement of having all level 5 skills, since I don't use the bow and don't have enough cartridges to shoot. But cooking is nice, so should be Fire. About the bow, you're right, but I just found a hacksaw and a hammer, so maybe, in the future... the training will not chance many things anyway.

    Just now, tulkawen said:

    Somebody came back from 2% health? That sounds like a story. B|

    Legend says a man came back from the dead 3 times in a row, his shall  be named Deadman 10:


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