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Everything posted by ajb1978

  1. Indeed, I can see both sides of the subscription issue. If you go back to like 1988, you bought a game, you got it as-is in its current condition, forever. Which of course has led to some of the most famous glitches and exploits of all time, like the minus world in Super Mario Bros, or the pause/unpause trick in Mega Man. Fast forward to today, when these bugs and exploits are often patched out of the game. But even beyond that, the game can now continue to evolve beyond the initial release. So yeah, on the one hand, nobody wants to keep paying for a game they already bought. But on the other hand, how much free new content can a player reasonably expect to receive? Well I guess for what it's worth, I'd be on board with paid DLC if it comes to it. And even a subscription is not out of the question, provided new content and special events happened more frequently in exchange. We currently get a major update about every six months, which is awesome because they're free. But I don't see anyone paying a regular subscription fee for that. Something like an Event of the Month club might go over pretty well, where a paid subscription allows you access to an alternate game mode that changes each month (like 4DoN). Kind of delving into Wish List territory here...
  2. So I had a rather frustrating but interesting experience with a wolf just now. I pre-emptively shot him, and he ran off. I encountered him a little while later, limping...and he got the jump on me. I whacked him with the pistol until he ran off. And that SAME wolf surprised me a second time, a second wolf struggle, and after about 3 seconds he dropped dead. So at least the damage is cumulative.
  3. Effective if you can get the drop on them. I had one wolf that I shot with a clean hit, blood trail and everything, and the wolves killed count never went up. It may have been a glitch though. I'm only up to level 3 with the revolver, and so far I've got just one instant-kill. I even had one where the wolf charged me, I shot it square in the face, and it pounced anyway. I fought it off by whacking it with the pistol, and it scampered away and dropped dead a few seconds later. I suspect if I get this thing up to level 5, it may be somewhere between the bow and rifle in terms of stopping power.
  4. Oooh yeah and actually when using a hacksaw or prybar to open locked containers, if the tool is ruined during an attempt to force your way in, there is a chance that the container itself can also be ruined, and you can never again attempt to open it. I would never risk that, unless it's literally life or death.
  5. I'm reminded of the old shareware model of the mid to late 90's, which was essentially this very thing. Doom for instance--the first episode and first 5 weapons were free to distribute, but the remaining episodes (and weapons) were only available to paying customers. The more things change, the more they stay the same!
  6. There's some potty humor here and there, which cracks me up because I'm basically an infant. Like the "ruined" underwear in the bath tub, with matches and accelerant nearby. The prybars hidden behind the toilet. Because I mean come on, if you eat nothing but bear and moose meat for a month straight, you're gonna need a prybar.
  7. Same. I like to think I've been around the block a bit, but I'm still surprised by the occasional little nugget of info. I've been playing this game since 2015 and I didn't know until a year ago, but having a tool kit in your inventory allows you to reduce the time it takes to craft an arrow. For years I'd been just planning my day around it taking 1.5 hours to make each arrow. There's always one more thing to learn, one more thing to discover, one more fact you didn't realize...and that's part of the charm. Edit: Oh and just to clarify a point, the reason I said use fishing tackle until it hits 20% is that's the breakage threshold. Every object has one, and it's usually in the 20-30% range, but once you're within the breakage threshold there's a chance that the item will be destroyed even before it hits 0%. For fishing tackle, it's 20%.
  8. Use fishing tackle until it hits 20%. A 20% fishing tackle is just as good at ice fishing as 100%, but you get several repair attempts out of it first.
  9. Perception of the sprains being more frequent is Baader-Meinhof. As for why players may not like the new system, it's because treatment is more complex. Those are two different things.
  10. Because recovery is more complex and requires additional (mostly) nonrenewable resources for a fast recovery. Formerly to fully recover from a sprain you pop a dose of painkillers or drink rose hip tea, you're good. Now you have to do that, in addition to use a bandage. And while you still have the option of resting 2 or 4 hours to heal wrist or ankle sprains (respectively), the actual injury treatment has become twice as involved and now consumes two nonrenewable resources. (Beachcombing notwithstanding.)
  11. So I'm the worst kind of miser in this game, and it wasn't until I had accumulated over 100 pistol rounds that I allowed myself to finally shoot a wolf. It was a clean hit, the blood sprayed, my skill increased, there was a blood trail. 15 hours later, my wolves killed still shows 0. Hmm...something to keep an eye on.
  12. Oh most likely. Honestly, the way the revolver functions currently is a perfect fit for TLD. This is not a shooter and never has been. There are a lot of things that you CAN do with a revolver, that I'm sure someone somewhere will try to mod in. Like speed loaders to quickly load the entire drum, fanning the hammer to semi-auto it at the expense of accuracy, and yes dual wielding which is also something best left to Hollywood. I mean I've tried shooting a pistol in each hand IRL, and yeah if you take the time and aim with each one sure you can hit targets with reasonable accuracy, but if you try to full on John Woo it, you'll just end up wasting ammo.
  13. Ended up spraining my wrist sooner than I thought. In addition to the revolver, you can now also throw stones with a single wrist sprain. Edit: Today is my lucky day--I found a flare gun in HRV. I did not know that one could spawn there... Well this confirms it, you can wield the flare pistol with a single sprained wrist.
  14. Sweeeet I found a 2nd revolver and while I am not surprised, I am mildly disappointed that I can't dual wield these puppies.
  15. My go-to sprain factory is the 2nd floor of the hunting lodge in broken railroad. Bust down the boxes and just walk right off the 2nd floor onto the 1st. You'll sprain something for sure.
  16. I will need to wait for a sprained wrist to check, but I believe you can wield the revolver with one sprained wrist yes. The rifle and bow are two-handed weapons that you cannot wield with either hand sprained, but the revolver being a one-handed weapon, I suspect this is intentional. Possibly the flare pistol has also been updated, but I'm in HRV right now so that will have to wait.
  17. I haven't noticed any. Rifles are still super awkward to place, lamp oil bottles don't like to be within 10cm of each other, etc.
  18. I think the people complaining are subject to the Baader-Meinhof phenomenon. Sprains are the topic of the day, so now they're hyper-aware of them. I've been keeping track and I'm actually getting FEWER sprains now, because I can now tell when I'm on a risky slope. I looted the entirety of Mountain Town, making 50kg trips back to paradise meadows, and have not gotten one single sprain thanks to the ability to identify dangerous vs. safe slopes. It's Vigilant Flame all over again where some people don't like it because it's different. Give it a couple weeks, the complaints will fade away.
  19. This is my experience as well. I am playing the game as I normally do; looting and spending most of my time encumbered. Sprains are occurring at the rate I would normally expect. Although the new reaction tends to make me jump a bit. Suddenly having the screen jerk to the side, flash red, it's a jump-scare. I could do without that, tbh, but it is more immersive. I haven't yet tried treating a sprain... I just dealt with the injuries and slept it off at the end of the day like I usually do.
  20. I finally found a revolver ! Unfortunately I can't fire it because I sprained my everything a long time ago. Maybe tomorrow....
  21. Yep. And now that it's usable for tea, I'm very hesitant to use it as tinder!
  22. So far I've hoovered up 18 revolver rounds and a small arms skill book....but no actual revolver. The quest continues!
  23. This isn't a survival story..sadly it's the opposite. This guy I work with lives 30 minutes away in another town, and he came upon an accident on the highway on the way home 3 years back. A woman's car had crunched up from the impact, jamming the doors shut and pinning her legs between the dashboard and seat. And she was unconscious too, which it turns out was probably for the best. A small fire had broken out, and he and some others who had stopped tried to pull her out through the window, but she was pinned too tightly. The fire spread too quickly, and they had no choice but to back away leave her. The car was fully engulfed by the time police and fire arrived. It would have been a survivable accident if that fire had been stopped early. So that story convinced me to start carrying a fire extinguisher in my car at all times. And that was the beginning of what turned into a full emergency/survival kit that lives in the boot of my car. Now besides the fire extinguisher I've got a seat belt cutter, road flares, first aid kit, fire starter, shovel, hatchet, knife, fire striker, windproof matches, tinder box, couple MRE's, water sterilization tablets, charcoal filter. Bunch of other stuff too. It's basically a cross between a bug-out-bag and a roadside emergency kit packed into a Rubbermaid bin. I haven't needed any of it for an actual emergency yet, and I hope I never do. But if that time comes, hopefully that one tragedy can help prevent another.
  24. When you click and hold, Will sets the spear into position. You have to hold it in that position and let the bear impale itself, which initiates the button-mash bear struggle. The trick is knowing when to plant the spear, because once you do, Will's stamina plunges rapidly. From a full meter, you can only keep the spear planted for a few seconds. So if you just got done sprinting towards the spear and have no stamina left after grabbing it, you can't effectively use it. If you must sprint to get the spear, make sure you leave at least half your sprint bar left, so that you can hold the spear in position long enough for the bear to impale itself. That's really the only "trick" to it. Knowing when to plant it, so you don't run out of stamina before the bear gets to you. Apart from that, you just have to hold the mouse button down, and wait for the bear to do the work for you. After finishing one bear struggle successfully, DO NOT attempt another until your stamina replenishes completely.
  25. Very nicely done. If TLD had a spin-off game telling the story of life in a major metro area immediately following The Event, I can see this fitting that nicely. Instead of cold weather and wolves, it'd be riots and looters.