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Posts posted by ThePancakeLady

  1. On 4/20/2024 at 5:39 PM, Willow said:

    Tld has a few natural resources and I think there should be more

    hear me out, items like the hatchet or knife aren’t renewable or repairable forever, I thus think maybe something such as Birch polypore shroom (a mushroom that when hardened can be used as a wield stone to sharpen items)

    But they kind of are- with the milling machine. We can repair hacksaws,  hatchets and knives there, and repair or restore all of the firearms except the distress pistol.

    Rather than adding a new mushroom, I would rather see them add schist to specific mines or caves, or at the base of some mountains or large rocky outcrops. Not a common find like regular stones are, but a more uncommon stone found in those locations. Use it to sharpen hatchets or knives, or use it like a regular stone to bean a bear in the head with (be ready to runnnnnnnnnnnn!).

    It would basically tie into this note-

    On 4/22/2024 at 11:03 AM, artmunki said:

    There's a backer-submitted note left behind somewhere - I think in the PV farmhouse, but I'm not totally sure - that talks about what sort of water-smoothed rock you should look for to use as a sharpening stone. But of course, that's not something you can actually do in the game, even tho it would totally make sense, presumably because keeping your gear in good repair is intended as part of the survival struggle. If they haven't added something as simple as that, which is actually referenced in the game, I can't really see them adding something with as many possible uses as polypore this late in the day, unfortunately.

    -and would make sense in the game. A primitive sharpening stone to replace a worn out whetstone. Much more limited uses than polypores could possibly have, so less chance to end up with something that could end up being very redundant or OP (and that people who insist on "realism" would yell about if it didn't have every possible use added into the game). I agree with @artmunki on this.

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  2. Spoilered in case any new players see this and don't want any spoilery information about Wintermute Story Mode:


    He was a bush pilot. and in the beginning of Episode 1 Will says his Dad was also a pilot who used to fly to Great Bear Island fairly often, but no one went there anymore because of the earthquakes.

    If you play Wintermute Episode 1 some of your questions may be answered, while other ones are left open for you to interpret the way you see fit. I don't remember anything being said about his education, but there is a Certificate of Aviation (pilot's license) on the wall of his office. He also seems to like his booze a bit, maybe a bit too much.

    The old Fandom Wiki had a lengthy biography for both Will and Astrid, but Astrid was called a different name, and other details do not match with anything in Episodes 1 & 2 (original or Redux), so I would not consider it to be an accurate biography for him, or any of the other characters in Story Mode.

    The only thing that is clear, is he likes to drink, he's a bush pilot, and his father was also- the plane hangar he is in may be a family business that he now owns.



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  3. Since I just got back, I am catching up on threads and saw this one.

    I have a game I suck at, but am really enjoying anyway. It's not really a survival game, but has survival elements to it in some ways.

    City/colony builder, some customizations to the three difficulty settings, plus a Pacifist Mode hat removes the hostile wildlife and constant attacks by Raider camps. Similar to TLD- "easy" to learn, but hard to master (if you aren't using mods to give you God Mode or unlimited gold to buy everything instead of producing it in your town).

    Farthest Frontier by Crate Entertainment.

    I tried Banished and once upon a time I tried Settlement Survival, but neither really stuck with me and made me want to keep going back and trying again to see if I could do better. Farthest Frontier has been similar to The Long Dark for me- I really wasn't into survival games, let alone ones with permadeath- but TLD caught me and held. FF had the same effect for me- a genre I never really enjoyed before, but one game just grabbed me and held on.

    (It's still in Early Access, so it's still changing and growing, also built in Unity, so it can have many of the same Unity quirks as TLD at times, but still- nearly 300 hours in for me, and I keep wanting to go back and keep playing.)

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  4. The only use I have found for using fishing lures is trying to catch the new rare fish. Fish with fishing tackle + bait in the ice hole, have 2 tip-ups with lures set up to try to catch Rockfish for Dockworker's Pie. And I've had fairly good luck with that. If I don't want or need Rockfish or the other more rare fish, I stash the lures and just use bait harvested from the lowest condition fish I catch or find washed up.

    Lures increase your chances to catch the rare fish, bait increases the chance to catch bigger fish. Again, I use bait fairly often, I use lures only if I really want or need Rockfish for Dockworker's Pie (which has a reasonably good amount of Vitamin C, and is honestly just something different to cook that is more interesting than just plain cooked fish). YMMV, of course.

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  5. It's always extremely satisfying to me to climb the broken stairs at the Destroyed Forestry Lookout and get lucky enough to find this, after the rest of the location has almost no loot (over 100 days into this save, so... I wasn't expecting much).

    Not glorious or grand, just a nice "Yippee!" moment that made going there feel good. 

    Until the blizzard hit, lol.


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  6. I have to say- I like the travois (and associated increased Maple Saplings spawns)- mainly to give me a way to haul a big kill home or carry a lot of sticks and firewood back to base in one trip, provided the wolves aren't watching.

    The new maps are amazing. Brutal, but amazing.

    And of course- the new cooking and foods. (Pancakes!!!!)🥞🥞🥞🥞🥞

    The Oak trees are a nice addition too, and I really like the new clothing items and the enhanced beachcombing- I never  was a fan of beachcombing before, but now I am all over it.

    Not a *huge* fan of Scurvy, but don't hate it either. Still getting used to dealing with it after years of having the same basic playstyle and strategies. 


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  7. 3 hours ago, piddy3825 said:

    now there's a player name I haven't seen on the forums for quite some time!  glad to see you back, been a while for sure!  

    Ah, I have been here, just not posting. For a long long time. Just a lot going on IRL, and most of my time is on the Steam forums, since I am already there and logged in to play this game and to try to work away some of my huge backlog there.

    Thank you for welcoming me back here @piddy3825! I appreciate it!

    Now I just have to find it somewhere deep inside myself to *want* to be active again, anywhere (not just here). The every growing negativity (waves arms wildly) everywhere these days has made me step back from the forums here and on Steam. It's nice to have a familiar person welcome me back, and I kind of regret not being active here for so long.

    Be warned- I have *tons* of screenshots... encouraging me may result in most of them flooding this thread. I'll try my best to be good and hold off. For now. Maybe. 😬

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  8. @ManicManiac- heh. One fellow on the Steam forums played The Hunted Part1, and thought outside of the box on it. He traveled the entire Great Bear Island (prior to Bleak Inlet), or at least a great deal of it, to see if the bear would follow him, and hunt him in regions outside of the "normal" Challenge regions. He went to the Summit in TWM... and yep. Reported the bear appeared at the Summit. I played Nomad, and dragged it out by going everywhere but where I was supposed to stay 3 nights at. At least the non-timed Challenges can be really fun to try in completely different ways, no timer ticking away. Speedruns are a possibility too. I know several have posted incredible times on As The Dead Sleep, and some really impressive times for Whiteout and Hopeless Rescue. 


    Not sure custom Settings would be good for Challenges since there is an achievement/trophy for completing all of them (except As The dead Sleep). I like that we are all on an even playing field, no one being able to turn settings down to "easy peasy" and play them in "almost God Mode". 


    Would love to see some new challenges someday, though. Either from Hinterland, or from modders, after we get official modding support. I am sure there are some really good ideas for new Challenges floating around out there.

  9. 1 hour ago, Gazbeard said:

    Never had either of those crashes fixed in this patch, and never heard of other people getting them, nor have viewers reported or mentioned them on any of my videos or livestreams.

    Nothing personal @Gazbeard, but not everyone watches streams of the game, some of us just play it. And I am guessing reports were filed through the Support Portal, and their QA people were able to reproduce the crashes.  I haven't had any crashes either, but that doesn't mean they weren't happening for some players on some platforms. Or they would not have needed to be hotfixed, lol.

    I expect we'll see a few more hotfixes as the next few weeks go by, there were a number of reports of various issues, by a number of people on the Steam forums. None of which I have experienced either, but again, that doesn't mean these bugs aren't happening for some people. Just like I have never had the "levitating bear melee on weak ice" one in FM. Apparently you have.

    Thanks to Hinterland for working hard to fix any and all bugs, as they get reported. 

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  10. I suspect that when her daughter died, she may have done something to herself.

    Whether that was a literal "clawing her own eyes out" in grief, or a failed attempt at suicide, that left her blind (OD on pills?), or some sort of fight with her ex husband that resulted in her being injured and blinded. So many things that it could be. 

    4 hours ago, acada said:

    Recently I noticed a bullet holes in her house. Right in the main room. Something like somebody was standing in the room entrance and somebody else shoot from the chair near fireplace. It never occurred to me before.

    The dead prisoner in the shed... I suspect the bullet holes are from he and perhaps Hobbs breaking in, and her shooting at them. She hit at least the one, for sure.


    Interesting question. I suspect we may never know the answer, but are left to form our own thoughts on it. I think I am going to go with her clawing her own eyes out in grief when Lily died. 

  11. So, then, if you harvest the wolf after it dies, you are handling guts and hides tainted with a poisonous substance, and the meat would be poison to you too. So, poisoned wolves = character gets poisoned too if they touch it, or harvest it (poisoned blood all over your clothes, face, hands...), or eat it. Cooking does not always nullify the effects of poison. All depends on the type of poison. And the character should have a high chance of poisoning themselves while preparing the poisoned bait, or the poison itself. I would also expect dead crows, and dead bears. You food supply just got cut down and made inedible, because -poisoned bait.

    And no, I don;t support this either. Why bother getting weapons, or hunting with them, if you can just drop poisoned fish or rabbit or venison all over the place, as decoys? Instead of using the decoy to distract the wolf and give you a chance to get away? Would make the game far too simple and "safe". Kill wolves the old-fashioned way. With a gun or a bow and arrows, or in a fair fight... in a struggle with the correct weapon. Having poison for wolves would make Stalker insanely easy, Loper too. And would be pointless in Pilgrim, altogether. Barely worth it in Voyageur, IMHO.

    We are not supposed to feel 100% safe, and we aren't supposed to be the Apex Predator anymore. It's a new world... and we aren't in charge anymore.

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  12. You can one-shot a Moose. It's not common, but often a single shot, revolver, rifle or arrow to the nose drops them. There may be other critical-hit spots that will one-shot them too, but nose s the only one that has worked for me. With an arrow, and with a rifle round. Never had the nerves to try it with the revolver.

    If you got the moose with a one-shot using the revolver, you got lucky. Damned lucky. It never was meant to be a weapon for killing, it even says it is not meant for hunting in the item description. It's meant as a defensive weapon, to scare off wolves, or for use in struggles as a blunt object, with a chance at a shot to the wolf's face, if you fill the meter enough. The Revolver was too OP when it was first added, we were blasting things with it, left and right. So Hinterland adjusted it a bit, a while ago. Not a new thing.

    Moose do not bleed out, but you can crit them, if you are lucky. That big nose makes an obvious target when they are charging you, lol.

  13. 19 hours ago, MarrowStone said:

    It's a great mod idea for the future at least.

    Yes to that. This, and many others things will be added when we have fully supported modding in the game.

    Things like Pancakes, too.  ;) 

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  14. Yeah. No.

    No werewolves, no zombies, no vampires, no Bigfoot. 

    Mention of legends, sure. But... not as actual enemies or NPCs in the game.
    There's enough of those kinds of games out there already. 
    This game does not need to be like "all those other games". 


    Just... no.

    4DoN? Maybe. But, the "fright" of that event is all about total darkness, all the time, and where each player's mind goes when dealing with it. 
    Not turning the game into a bloody-horror-jumpscare-shmup. How do you think you our survivors would have to deal with werewolves? Tickle them til they leave us alone, and stop eating our Pumpkin pies and candy bars?

    Eh, I'll pass. Regular wolves are enough to deal with in 4DoN, thanks.

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  15. We aren't really sure where "North" is on the World map (some seeming inconsistencies with the Cardinal Directions noted by several players over the years, pointing out sunrise and moonrise inconsistencies on some maps...). And we don't know how accurate Jeri is when he says "North of...". True North? NE? NW? Or some variation thereof? And the new region I am suggesting, connecting TWM and DP would not be Perseverance Mills. @Jimmy puts it closer to where I would imagine it.  The old (original by Hinterland, and changed to the new one we see now.. so the Wind Rose is likely not even close to being accurate...) World Map shows a road going from DP, up past TWM. And the red area on the map is shown as being a possible future area. With many regions now on the World map not shown at all (or possibly shown but not named). The area to the right of TWM, between DP and TWM, with the long road shown... that is where I imagine the new connecting region I am suggesting to be. That road being the one on the other side of the DP Broken Bridge we cannot reach right now. I do imagine the red area on the original map now being Episode 4 or 5, rather than the originally envisioned Episode 3 location, which is now PV (with some changes to the size and shape of the region, perhaps).



    Make sense? The old and new maps are not that much different. The new map seems to be skewed slightly, no Wind Rose, and stretched, to include FM, BR, MT. HRV and BI. But that road from DP up past TWM is what keeps me thinking there is going to be something on the other side of the DP Broken Bridge, as shown in a screenshot from the Fandom Wiki (because searching my now over 6000 screenshot large collection of shots from the game is just a bt too time consuming right now, to find one that shows the location well...).


  16. On 1/20/2020 at 9:55 AM, acada said:

    Astrid ended up in Coastal Highway if I am not mistaken. Will was heading from Mystery Lake to dam and this path leads to Coastal Highway as well. It can lead them to Desolation Point and they may find path over broken bridge. BUT Coastal Highway has Fallen Rocks on the opposite side. The road there clearly was leading somewhere. Maybe one can find goat or mole path to the other side. But it would be another "end" region.

    I still hope for big map Perseverance Mill.

    And the cave in FM that now leads to BI was blocked at the back too, before they added BI,and opened the cave up. The tunnel leading into FM was blocked by fallen rock slabs before FM was added, ad they removed them and opened the tunnel up into FM. Landslides and fallen rocks can be removed when they add a new region, and open up a connection/transition to the new region. Any place I see a path or cave blocked by snow, rocks, or fallen trees... may be a future path cleared to connect to a new region.

    And I agree, I hope Perseverance Mills is a large map. But I have a feeling that it will not be coastal, that it will sit along a river and maybe a road, above Mystery Lake, between Milton and Pleasant Valley/TWM. 

  17. 4 hours ago, Plankeye101 said:

    [Gameplay] Added additional checks to ensure Badges and Feats are not removed when moving between game versions


    So what can we do if we lost all our badges and feats during the previous hotfix?

    Contact Hinterland Support via the Support Portal. They may or may not be able to restore lost Feat and Badges. 

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