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Posts posted by stratvox

  1. On 7/14/2019 at 12:39 PM, jeffpeng said:
    On 7/14/2019 at 10:33 AM, GarySutherland said:

    i have found the Quality tools or Simple tools to be nearly pointless outside of repairing items that don't really breakdown very fast. Perhaps they could be used to further improve other tools in the game, such as crafting better handles for knives or hatchets, allowing for reduced harvesting times and to be more effective in combat. or even upgrading your current clothing, layering them with studs from scrap metal to provide a protection bonus, improving the moosehide satchel with D rings rivets for increase carrying capacity and/or durability.

    Simple and Quality tools significantly speed up the crafting of arrows. This is nowhere mentioned, but if you have them in inventory when crafting arrows (not arrow shafts) you can use them to reduce crafting time by 25% and 50% respectively.

    I think a nice buff for those tools would be to have those tools save time at the crafting table, AND allow crafting arrows without the table, but with no time bonus from simple tools and only a 10% time bonus for quality tools. N.B.- allow crafting of arrows, not arrow shafts.

    • Upvote 1
  2. Yes, sprinting is all about the fatigue, that's for sure. You can wind yourself right out in pretty short order by sprinting a lot.

    Heh, ditching the sprint bar etc kinda reminds me of how fatigue worked in Doom 3, where while you're on the hell levels it doesn't exist and you can run to your heart's content.

    Being able to endlessly sprint during an aurora could make the calorie burn of it really matter though, esp. to people who are trying to maintain the well-fed buff. I can easily see a situation where you suddenly realise you're about to hit empty on the calories and there's no food nearby so Well Fed is gonna go bye-bye.

    Hmmm, another interesting tuning to it: if you're starving during an aurora, you can still run but while you're sprinting your condition damage doubles from 1%/hr to 2%/hr. This is because the "on speed" effect of the aurora will allow you to run while starving but you'll be using up your body while you're doing it, albeit with no discomfort.

    As a side note: since they separated Pain and Sprains as afflictions, if you're wandering about with a sprained ankle and the pain wears off, the survivor should stop complaining about how much it hurts while he's walking.

  3. I have some input for you, with the caveats that I'm not a US citizen, I'm a Canadian, and I Am Not A Lawyer And This Is Not Legal Advice:

    It's pretty much pointless to try to revoke your US citizenship as a Canadian, because our record keeping is good, and we (i.e. the Government of Canada) will share information with the US for tax purposes. This is because the US is unique in the world in taxing their citizens that reside in other countries. You can revoke your citizenship until you're blue in the face, and Uncle Sam is still going to come after you for taxes. My Mom's friend Barb holds dual citizenship, has lived here for decades, and still pays US taxes, albeit at a much lower rate than US residents do.

    The general process is to gain working status in Canada and a job, and then apply for landed immigrant status. That's a process that (as I understand it) generally takes a couple of years to finish. After you become a landed immigrant, you can apply to become a citizen after five years. By this time and assuming there've been no crimes or anything like that this is pretty much a formality with a low rate of denial. This process is distinct from what happens for refugees (that is people who've been accepted as asylum seekers) who have a shorter process due to their inability to return to their country of origin (otherwise they don't qualify as refugees), but I suspect it's going to be a while before Canada starts seeing the US as a place that people can seek asylum from.

  4. Actually a really cool mechanic might be to just simply ditch fatigue as a concept once the aurora is active. You're awake, you can run without getting tired, with the only cost to running being the greater calorie consumption, but no sleep during the aurora so no condition recovery outside of drinking birch bark tea... or permit sleep but you can't recover condition from sleep during an aurora. You could counter balance the buff to fatigue by amping up the predators just a little bit more than they already are during the aurora.

    Could make for some interesting gameplay choices.

  5. I have one wishlist item for sleeping, and that is to permit cancelling sleep when the aurora starts, so if you want to you can get up and experience some of the beauty. It also makes sense from the game perspective because it would just be affecting you in the same way that it affects all the other animals in the world.

    • Upvote 3
  6. 51 minutes ago, UpUpAway95 said:

    However, with the HUD on, I hope they leave the name indicator in place (e.g. New vs. Dusty vs. Banged Up, etc.).  I like being able to just scroll over a bunch of food I've dropped in a pile and have some indication which piece of food I want to pick up... without having to pick up each and every piece to look at it in the close up view to judge the visual condition of each can.

    In hudless mode, you get no names at all. When you pick it up, you see the little 3d revolvable model, but no name, no condition, no mass, no calorie count... nothing. That's why the visual cues are crucial; you can only see the actions you can take (take = rmb, eat = space, leave=lmb) and the model for the item.

    It's actually really interesting how it makes you handle what's happening... you're only cues for condition are the little sayings and sounds you get from the guy (e.g. "The guy who drank is own pee doesn't seem so crazy right now" means "you're about to start losing condition due to thirst so drink some water moron"). I think the menus could also use some re-working in hudless mode to make them more copacetic with with the hudless philosophy of how you experience the game... and it would be to take certain classes of information away from you.


  7. I have tried playing with the HUD turned off, and in fact those kinds of cues are crucial in order to make that viable; right now if you're playing hudless you have to take it and look at it in inventory to know what the condition is because there are no cues at all when you pick it up. I'd prefer it to be the other way around; you can look at it and get a general idea of what the condition is, but even looking in inventory won't actually tell you. Turns eating things into much more of a lottery for the player...

    ...and I can say that playing hudless is quite cool, but the inability to get a handle on item condition that's not super precise (looking up the condition in the inventory screen) by looking at it makes hudless playing not really tenable in the long term. And that's unfortunate because, as I said, playing hudless is very cool indeed.

  8. 23 minutes ago, UpUpAway95 said:

    While I was being a little facetious with my "accelerant, of course" post, I honestly don't see why gas pumps couldn't be an alternative accelerant source in this game... which, as we are frequently reminded, isn't focused on being entirely about realism.  I would envision just being able to get so much of the standard current accelerant out of the pumps in much the same way we currently get so much potable water out of toilets.  To rebalance things, lamp oil could be made exclusive for using in the lamps and for making torches; that is, using lamp oil as an accelerant would no longer be an option in this game.  In that way, accelerant would become an absolutely finitie resources; whereas, lamp oil can be obtained infinitely by fishing.  That accelerant would become finite shouldn't be an issue since the odds of a fire starting increase through leveling and accelerant really isn't needed to improve on those odds when the player has fully leveled the fire starting skill.

    The problem with this is that lamp oil is a significantly better accelerant for lighting a fire than gasoline is in the real world.

  9. 10 hours ago, UTC-10 said:

    Question: Are there any plans to upgrade TLD to 64-bit? 

    Windows 10 indicates TLD is a 32-bit program. My windows 10 is the 64-bit version. I realize that would likely be a substantial effort but to paraphrase the bounty hunter in The Outlaw Josey Wales, "I had to ask".  :) 

    That's interesting. I'm running it under linux and it's definitely an x86_64 executable. There are two executables that ship with the linux version of the game. Here's their readelf output showing the file header info:

    jack@mimas:~/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/TheLongDark$ readelf -h tld.x86
    ELF Header:
      Magic:   7f 45 4c 46 01 01 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 
      Class:                             ELF32
      Data:                              2's complement, little endian
      Version:                           1 (current)
      OS/ABI:                            UNIX - System V
      ABI Version:                       0
      Type:                              EXEC (Executable file)
      Machine:                           Intel 80386
      Version:                           0x1
      Entry point address:               0x808bce0
      Start of program headers:          52 (bytes into file)
      Start of section headers:          26739372 (bytes into file)
      Flags:                             0x0
      Size of this header:               52 (bytes)
      Size of program headers:           32 (bytes)
      Number of program headers:         9
      Size of section headers:           40 (bytes)
      Number of section headers:         30
      Section header string table index: 29
    jack@mimas:~/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/TheLongDark$ readelf -h tld.x86_64 
    ELF Header:
      Magic:   7f 45 4c 46 02 01 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 
      Class:                             ELF64
      Data:                              2's complement, little endian
      Version:                           1 (current)
      OS/ABI:                            UNIX - System V
      ABI Version:                       0
      Type:                              EXEC (Executable file)
      Machine:                           Advanced Micro Devices X86-64
      Version:                           0x1
      Entry point address:               0x45a578
      Start of program headers:          64 (bytes into file)
      Start of section headers:          27125040 (bytes into file)
      Flags:                             0x0
      Size of this header:               64 (bytes)
      Size of program headers:           56 (bytes)
      Number of program headers:         9
      Size of section headers:           64 (bytes)
      Number of section headers:         30
      Section header string table index: 29

     That second program (which is the one that is running when I'm playing the game: tld.x86_64) is definitely a 64 bit program. Take a look in particular at the "Class:" and "Machine:" lines.

    Maybe you're just launching the wrong executable when you start the game? AFAIK Steam should pick the arch-appropriate program when you run it; it definitely does for me when I do fire this game up (and other Unity games like KSP) under Windows. Are you launching from a desktop icon? If so, check which executable you have it pointed at.

    Either way, there's no question that TLD has a 64 bit executable that ships with it, so the problem is almost certainly within your system.


  10. 22 hours ago, devamadhu said:

    I prefer realism over spooky tools that are only really useful for one part of the game, which is why I almost never carry the flashlight around.

    For me it's just weight that has very limited usefulness 95%+ of the time. I have them scattered at my main bases in the various regions so if I happen to be up, need to go out, and there's an aurora on I can pick it up to use it, but by and large they're just on the shelf. 

    • Upvote 1
  11. Loot should not be totally randomized; who wants to find a hacksaw in a dryer?

    However, as the wildlife "die-off" continues into the game by extinguishing spawn points that used to produce wildlife but don't any more (bear caves that stop being bear caves, deer spawns that stop producing, rabbit groves that die, wolf spawns that disappear), as well as by reducing the spawn rate of animals to replace the ones lost to predation, the selection of which spawn points to keep and which ones to flush is definitely a good candidate for total randomization. For example, say a map starts with five rabbit groves, and they decide over time to reduce that number to two. From one run to the next, there's no reason not to completely randomize which rabbit groves fall to the population decline knife. This is quite different from which loot goes where when the game is created.

  12. One thing I can add to this; when you get into the deep game (after say 150 days) and the wildlife population declines really start to bite you can find that places where one expects an animal may very well not have them any more.

    I've only really had one deep game (~745 days now) and it's been interesting seeing where they die. I expect that the "death" of spawn points is randomized... and is actually a really good candidate for total randomization.

    • Upvote 1
  13. Happen to be cruising around TWM right now, filling in some blank spots on the map. There's some serious terrain up here:



    It's interesting. This particular survivor is over two years in, and the dropoff in wildlife has been pretty steep, but the Deer Clearing on TWM is apparently going great guns: there are four deer in this shot, and I saw a bear wander through here as well.


    On my way back to the Mountaineer's Hut, came across the odd couple near the wing:


    So two bears, a moose, plenty of deer... I'm thinking when I retire this guy (assuming I don't end up killing him off in a fit of hubris) that TWM would be a good logical place for him. I was originally thinking of Trapper's, but the simple truth is that there's just not much wildlife left around Trapper's any more. In fact I'm pretty sure that there are no bears at all left in ML, and given my clothing that's a non-starter; I need to kill a bear approximately once a month or so to keep my bear coat and bedroll in shape:


    This outfit is great; I can take a bear mauling and still have over half my condition left when it's over.

    Anyway, I've checked off all the spots on TWM for Faithful Cartographer; tomorrow I will once again leave this place. I've also completed PV, and have only one thing to map in ML. Once I get that done I'll be heading to HRV via MT as I've found I'm missing one or two location triggers on that map. Hopefully that'll be it. If not, it'll be time to go through the maps and the list again to figure out what I screwed up....



    • Upvote 3
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  14. I guess for me the problem with random loot is that the loot distribution will not "make sense". It makes sense to find a lot of tools at the Maintenance Yard and at Hibernia. It makes sense to find firearms at the Hunting Lodge. It makes sense to find storm lanterns and magnifying glasses at the Camp Office (for summer science field trips). It makes sense to find a snare at Trapper's. It makes sense to find a boatload of stuff in the cargo section of the plane on TWM. It makes sense that the only reasonably densely populated regions in Great Bear (MT & CH) are places where lots of clothing and cooking utensils can be found.

    Random loot distribution will mean that they will stop making sense. It's similar to why I don't want to see procedurally generated maps; they won't make sense. While there are some howlers in the geology of the area, by and large the handcrafted maps and loot tables make the layouts of the place make sense, and that adds a lot of versimilitude to the experience of playing the game. Personally, that whole "making sense" thing is part of what makes the game really great.

    I completely echo what you're saying about HRV. I got my ass kicked the first time I went in there and had to go back to MT to recover; after I went back in the second time I was able to get a lot further in. It was a most excellent experience discovering the place for the first time.

    I imagine that in a year or two when all the episodes are done and modding tools have been released, there'll be a rush of new regions designed by the community that will help create that experience over and over again.

    • Upvote 2
  15. 13 minutes ago, Admin said:

    If you've already reached out to the team at then that's the best course of action. They do get a large volume of tickets filed and so may not be immediate but we are best able to prioritize and deal with them that way. These forums are for more peer/player assistance with common issues.

    Aye, I understand, that's why I reported there first. On the gripping hand, I also know that it's the squeaky wheel wot gets the grease :).

    1 hour ago, jeffpeng said:

    iirc 1080p is the most TLD is going at the moment, right?

    Yeah, I don't know. I don't have 4K capable hardware here so it's a little hard for me to know if it can do 4K or not. It'd be great if it did. I kind of suspect that at least in the backend it can (the hi-res screenshots are 7680x4320 which is significantly higher than 4K) but whether the hooks are in to deliver 1440p or 2160p to a monitor is a separate question. The hi-res screenshots certainly seem to show that it could be on the roadmap if it's not capable now... and a wee bit of googling shows people in the Steam forums talking about running at both 1440p and 4K, so I guess we're good if we want to examine the nose hairs in painful crystalline detail on the Old Bear.

  16. Personally, I think that if the textures are up to it this game would be amazing at 4K. OTOH, the price tag is not so amazing....

    I'm currently running a 55" 1080p Sony Bravia... it's great. Still... getting a 4K monitor is down the priority list for me. Maybe this winter....

  17. 15 minutes ago, jeffpeng said:

    The things I play are so undemanding that they are fine on a GTX1050Ti. An RX570 will easily cope with that. But I must admit that I kinda really would love one of those 5700XTs - just not with that dented blower. Maybe you can mount a Morpheus II onto them. That would be perfect and for that I would actually gladly invest a few bucks extra. I'm just terribly opposed to the idea that my PC should be audible at all.

    I'm sort of in the same place. Gotta admit one of the things that appeals is trying to run some of this stuff at 4K, if I can lay hands on a decent 4K monitor that doesn't watch me (i.e. a monitor, not a <koff koff> "smart" tv). I'm also thinking that waiting a bit may mean that we'll get to see parts from some of the other manufacturers, which may have better cooling etc. Overall the fan doesn't bother me that much but options, lower prices, and more mature drivers all sound like they're worth waiting for.

  18. 10 minutes ago, jeffpeng said:

    But yeah. I guess the LLVM GL compiler wine employs (which is just translating DX) works more "nVidia compliant" than the one in Unity.

    As I understand it Proton has a layer that translates DXwhatever video calls into Vulkan that was authored by Valve, and that's the basis of their success with these games, which is why they've managed to make such strong progress in such a short amount of time.

    I'm also torn about waiting for the inevitable price drop on the Vega parts or waiting a couple more months and going Navi.

    Guess it's pretty easy to decide not to spend money right now ;)

  19. @jeffpeng I just tried running TLD under Proton. No Z-fighting on the terrain, performance is adequate. I soft-linked in my linux save game folder into the same place where it exists under the wine prefix for that particular game, in my case by issuing:


    jack@ananke:~/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/compatdata/305620/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/Local Settings/Application Data$ ln -s /home/jack/.local/share/Hinterland/ .

    and it picked everything up and loaded just fine. It seems that the save games and config files are at least arch portable (i.e. x86_64).

    Thought you may be interested by that.

    N.B. I did take a back up of my saves folder, and I'm going to think about whether I wish to continue using this or revert to the linux native version. If you're thinking on trying this I highly recommend issuing something like


    jack@ananke:~/.local/share$ tar -zcvf /space/jack/TLDSaveGameBak.tgz Hinterland

    to make sure you don't destroy your saves and profile if it turns out my success was a fluke.

    There are interesting subtle differences in how the game looks... definitely worth playing with.


    Running the game with "-force-glcore" works, and the flickering returns. Using "-force-vulkan" ends up with the game croaking on startup with a "failed to initialize player" error.

    This points back to your thesis that it's nVidia's bad OpenGL conformance that's leading to these issues.

    I'm waiting to see if the Vega 64 prices drop next week; I may pick one up if they do. If not, I'm looking at the 5700(maybe XT) maybe around September after the drivers have caught up a bit and to see if any other manufacturers start putting out cards. Word is that the state of the drivers is shaky at best in linux land, although generally there's optimism that that will be dealt with reasonably quickly.