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Posts posted by stratvox

  1. 3 hours ago, MrWolf said:

    I started a new custom game with Interloper settings and set timberwolf spawns to none.  I scrolled through the rest of the settings and saw that rifle was "no", but revolver was "yes".  I wonder if that's a bug or is there actually a chance of a revolver spawn in Interloper?

    Given that the revolver was introduced specifically to be able to be featured in ep 3 with Astrid and her timberwolf encounters, it would make sense to make it available specifically to deal with the new region.

    That's actually kind of interesting; that'll mean people on long runs will want to tour the world again to look for the things that go with crafting firearms. Part of the rationale for the new mechanic is to give later game goals; maybe the idea is that going into BI will be suicide in an early loper run, but could be viably attempted after the player has kitted out, so they can access crafted firearms and tools.

    I've got to get into the cannery so I can figure out what the capabilities are in there. It occurs to me that the tools depicted would be capable of making high quality hatchets and knives; you can make excellent knives with those machines and old sawmill blades, for example, far better as a knife that what could be done with scrap metal and a forge. Finding a broken revolver that can be repaired could be a big motivator for trying to get in there.

    • Upvote 3
  2. You definitely want a ranged weapon. I did my first timberwolf encounter with a bow and arrows, and won, but I can really see how a revolver would be absolutely superior to the bow. I imagine you could do it with a rifle, but the long "swing" time (i.e. swinging from side to side to line up shots) will make it difficult.

  3. There's another slight issue with putting them in FM. It's a muskeg, which means it's a swamp. Beavers build where there's running water; more to the point, they build where you can *hear* running water (this has been tested and verified by Science!-ence!-ence!) You're not going to find beaver dams in FM because that's not the kind of terrain where you'd find them. A beaver dam blocking the outflow from Monolith Lake into the river that runs down towards the waterfall is the kind of place where one'd find a beaver dam. There's no obvious egress for the water in FM, but if there was that'd be the other place where one might find beaver dams. Hmmm, I guess you might be able to create a beaver dam micro-environment on Hat Creek in FM; that spot where the rocks narrow seems like it'd be a good candidate for damming and creating a beaver pond up in behind it. Down in the ravine in Ravine, or somewhere on the various rivers in HRV, or along the western side of TWM where there are rivers that flow down towards Crystal Lake, or any number of places in PV where the waters flow into the "square of rivers" from elevation would also be good candidates.

    Having that kind of environment would be a cool addition, but... retrofitting them into appropriate places on existing maps would be a big job. I could see it being pretty cool to introduce them into the game, though.

    Speaking as a dyed-in-the-wool Canadian, I personally don't have a big problem with the idea of hunting, killing, eating, and wearing beavers. 


    /me is having a hard time restraining himself from getting all up in the innuendo on this topic.

    • Like 1
  4. On 12/9/2019 at 3:57 PM, RossBondReturns said:

    I'm setting up survivors near the potential new transitions.

    But I'm hoping to enter the new region with my 200+ Day Voyageur Survivor.


    I took my 765 day guy in. No firearms, just bow and arrows. Went in from the ravine first. Took a beating taking down the timberwolf pack up there, but I successfully saw them off. I was deeply concerned for a while there that I was gonna lose him, but then a couple lucky bow shots took down two of the three and broke the pack. I'm still working on hunting down the last guy before leaving to mosey over to FM to find the other entrance.

    Side note: if you break the pack up on the plateau up there, deer start spawning.

    Also, the new wolves look great; I really hope we eventually get a new hide (timberwolf hide with new resources making it look different). I endorse the suggestion made elsewhere that a Timberwolf Cowl would make an awesome addition to the hide clothing options.

    • Like 1
  5. 4 hours ago, MuTT7 said:

    Hinterland you set the bar for all other game studios to follow.

    I wonder if Raph gets Luigi death stares from the other studios whenever he hits the conventions? :D


    QUALITY OF LIFE: Campfire, Emergency Shelter Breakdown

    By popular demand, we’ve added the ability to break down Campfire rings and Emergency Shelters, for those players who like to pack out what they pack in.

    @Admin I'm one of those; I was brought up on low impact camping on various trips through Algonquin, Temagami, and Killarney. Thank you!

  6. 14 hours ago, Asinine said:

    So while I would have totally attributed it to thermal reasons, I have had 0 issues (with the sudden fps drop) since I got the Radeon.

    I was playing the new stuff on an office machine (ssshhhhhh don't tell anyone ;) ) yesterday and it has my old video card (nvidia 1060), and I was getting them then... at home, not a hint of it (5700xt).

    I think they're hitting some limits on those older cards. My guess is VRAM limits on the card, and the slowdown is because it's needing to load textures from system RAM; this 1060 on the machine I'm typing on has 3GB, while my radeon has 8GB.

  7. 9 hours ago, Drifter Man said:

    It is is is!

    I also go through phases - sometimes I play TLD a lot and then I just take a break - but It's practically the only game I've been playing for the past 4 years. I haven't finished Wintermute though. I started twice or three times, but it never made me come back.

    Yeah. I've been finding the redux to be much better; I reckon I'm about two-thirds of the way through Ep. 2. I am going to continue, but it is a bit of a slog. I do have high expectations for the cave bear encounter, though. Given the good things I've heard about Ep. 3 I'm also looking forward to checking that out.

    In the meantime, I'm looking forward to firing up my long run guy and heading to the new region to check it out. If it's possible to use the milling machine to rescue hatchets and knives that's a big deal, though in a way it's not so great wrt Voyageur. As a way to possibly introduce knives, hatchets, rifles, and revolvers to Interloper it's ... interesting.

  8. 1 hour ago, UpUpAway95 said:

    Nah, I associate the Coonskin cap more with Davey Crockett and Tennessee (i.e. American imagery, not Canadian).  Beavers are  Canada's "national animal."   This may be what would make Hinterland perhaps hesitate to portray it in game as a food and hide/fur resource.  As I said above, though, I personally like the idea of adding it to the game.

    Not only that, but beavers can be dangerous. They have killed people before. They're not like rabbits.

    • Upvote 1
  9. 2 hours ago, jeffpeng said:

    As for your super harsh FPS drop .... no idea. Since it vanishes after reloading I'm inclined to assume that it's a game issue, not a driver issue per se.

    This could be thermally related. If the 5700(xt) thinks it's getting hot, it'll throttle the card pretty hard.

    I've found with my 5700xt that turning on vertical sync results in smoother result overall; the card barely breathes hard rendering this game at 1080p@60Hz, so you just don't see big drops because even when it has to work harder for a particular scene as it's got a lot of thermal headroom available before the card throttles itself.

  10. @Drifter Man Aye, I'm not plowing in the hours like I used to either. I'm looking forward to what we've got coming up though. I can see myself hammering in a couple hundred pretty easy as I really learn the new region (and more strongly familiarize myself with the new stuff in PV in survival).

    I've been winding my slow way through Wintermute. I didn't do redux, so I'm doing the whole thing. However, I'm busy enough lately that I'm having a hard time getting the free hours in to plow my way through.

    At any rate, I can hardly wait for the new update. It's going to be fun fun fun.

  11. 2 hours ago, Drifter Man said:

    You may have too much confidence in that particular freak :)

    That aside, it's fantastic how much new stuff Hinterland is showering us with - again - and how they balance it to keep different kinds of survivors happy.

    Drifterman! So good to see you again!

  12. I endorse this idea. It'd be esp. useful when playing hudless, which I did for a good long stretch of time. I liked it, but it did make certain things more challenging. There are a few bugs in hudless mode too, but I'd need to play it again to see if they're still there. I may do that when the new update drops.

  13. 12 hours ago, Murpharoo said:

    Thanks @Wolven. Just not sure I'm brave enough to reinstall in case 440 days worth of effort is lost 😬.

    So many bugs currently. My favourite game is losing its shine especially when 1000's of my carefully placed items across the whole game world were amalgamated in to a few Lost and Found Boxes 😖

    Yeah. All the bases I'd set up in caves scattered across the island, all are now deathtraps if I assume I can run there for succor. While losing the meat (disappears in the box because zero condition) was bad, it's the loss of the firewood (some of my boxes have over a hundred kilos of wood in them!) that'll be deadly if I run for one in a blizzard.

    I understand why they did it, but... man. I'd be far better off if I'd just lost the stuff I'd stashed near what is now Thompson's Crossing.

    • Upvote 1
  14. On 11/26/2019 at 3:52 PM, ajb1978 said:

    This is one of those things that yes I would like to see it added at some point, but I also acknowledge that the return on investment is very poor.  It takes a LOT of work creating a fully rendered and animated 3D character model for every possible clothing item, and it also introduces some problems do you accurately show someone shooting a revolver while wearing rabbitskin mitts?  Short answer: You don't.  So you'd have to do something about that, like decide to not render mittens and instead just assume the character takes off a mitten when you draw the weapon.  Or implement some thing that only allows you to fire a weapon if you're bare-handed, or wearing gloves or gauntlets.  Thrown flares, torches, and stones would be usable with mittens, but that's it.  And another rabbit hole is do you change up the 3D model's condition depending on how damaged it is?  Wet or frozen?

    It's a great polish item, don't get me wrong, and I'd enjoy it.  I just think there's better uses for that dev time.

    I'm with  you. It'd be really cool to have to take off say rabbitskin mitts and put on say driving gloves to use a revolver or weapon. I think the gauntlets could use an update too; they strongly resemble the CAF old-school gauntlets, and there are two kinds of those; one that's a straight mitt and one that's a mitt/glove hybrid with a place to put your forefinger so you can use firearms while wearing them.

  15. 15 hours ago, MarrowStone said:

    Using surround sound on your headphones for a game is ill advised. Last time I tried that in TLD there's a constant "tube" sound and sources directly behind you are silent. 

    Aye. Surround sound is absolutely dependent on having more than two speakers; it really needs five. Personally, I think four full range speaks at FL FR BL BR would be better than having tops at those positions plus a sub, but maybe that's just me.