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Posts posted by stratvox

  1. You should consider linux. You have to exercise more care when buying hardware (I find that Asus, Samsung, Dell, and Lenovo are generally good options when buying laptops intended for linux; stay away from MSI and HP, and stay away from "budget" hardware), but after you set it up properly your install will be good for literally years, generally without the need to reinstall periodically to restore performance. When you set up linux, it stays set up. I'm a professional sysadmin (my main platforms are linux and solaris) so I definitely have the skill set, but you can get 90% of the way there pretty quickly if you apply yourself to overcoming the early learning curve. Oh, and get back to the days of using command prompts; there are certain things that are far more easily achieved with command prompts than GUIs.

    I'm serious about this; I'm still running the home that I first installed on a computer around ten years ago; as I've upgraded my systems I just move it on to the next machine and everything is as it was. This particular machine has moved from Ubuntu 16.04 -> 18.04 without needing reinstallation at any time. In my line of work, when we talk about stability, it's not just "not crashing" that we mean. Unix and variants are just a lot more stable than Windows installations... and TLD runs like a champ under linux.

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  2. So, I had to go find the hilltop cave. I started a throwaway pilgrim to start on ML so I can just jog over and start looking for it. Along the way up I came across the Clothes Bunker; first time I'd ever been in there. That place is great!

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  3. Thanks for the kind words s7mar7in! If you go to you can see the decay rates laid out for you. Bedrolls decay faster than most clothes under all circumstances, and quite a lot faster than some. Also the difference in decay rate between stored (i.e. rolled up) and deployed is stark. If you leave a bearskin bedroll deployed for 24 hours, you'll lose 1.6% of condition (0.068%*24), but rolled up you'll lose 0.274% condition. Stored cloth bedrolls decay more slowly than bearskin bedrolls, do, but deployed cloth bedrolls decay significantly faster (2.4%/day deployed). As noted above, there are modifiers to those decay rates based on game difficulty.

    Either way, I tend to go for the bearskin bedroll. Yes it weighs more, but makes nights caught outdoors much more survivable. Given that my guy seems to be sleeping ten to twelve hours a night the lower deployed rate helps it last longer. That extra 7C bonus can make even the coldest nights survivable in a cave and even be nice and toasty upon awakening. I had to spend the night on a ledge two thirds of the way up on that loooong rope climb on TWM, and the bedroll saw me through with no trouble. Yes, I got lucky, but even with getting lucky with the weather I'm pretty sure I'd've frozen to death with the cloth bedroll. When I got up my felt temperature was -9; bearskin gives you +12: result happiness. With a net -4 if I'd had cloth: result misery and probably death.

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  4. 2 hours ago, MrWolf said:

    Nice pics!  I spent a while in that same cave, it's beautiful up there.  Have you noticed crows circling above the cave?  They were always there for me when the weather was decent.  I couldn't figure out if they were up there because of the body in the cave, or if there's something up there.  It looks like there might be an open area above the falls, but I couldn't find a way to get up there.

    Yeah I noticed that too. There's a wolf carcass in the cave on my run, and it's weird because it keeps respawning when I arrive there after being gone for a few days or weeks, but is not harvestable. I figure that's what's bringing the crows: the reincarnating wolf carcass of Lake Cave. Even when it's not there, its potentiality keeps the crows coming back.

  5.  Aurora on Monolith Lake. I'm in the Lake Cave next to the waterfall. I go take some pics.

    Just outside the cave.


    I scramble up to get up to the lookouts.


    First I look down the valley:


    It looks like it drops off the end of the world.

    I look across.


    I move around to the other side and look down on the path that goes to the Pensive Lookout.


    I keep going on around until I can look back over towards the lake.


    That's all the views up here and I'm getting cold. I head back to my cave to sleep the night.

    The next day is snowy. I'm getting a little low on wood (I like to have a few days on hand if I can swing it). I go head over to the Pensive Lookout to get some wood; you can often find fir out there.

    The snow is pretty thick, but it's not too windy for a change.


    I look up the valley.


    I set myself to a fir limb. When I'm done the weather has gone downhill considerably.


    I start to book. The weather continues to worsen as I trudge upwind towards the Lake Cave.


    When I get down to the lake, I look west and catch the sun's last gleam through the murk.


    Beautiful, even with the snow blowing in my eyes.

    Just as I get to the cave, the snow stops. I look south over the lake. The skies are already nearly clear. It's amazing how quickly the weather can change up here.screen_e8a4bbf7-db4c-454b-8513-60748a1be5fb_hi.thumb.png.aea0b551f1b8529c709c59270696f8fc.png

    I sit in the entrance to my cave and look out at the clearing evening sky. The wind is just whistling out there, even if it's stopped snowing.


    The fire went out, so I thought I'd just look out without it... when I'm here it's usually burning so it looks quite different.

    The wind dies down so I decide to have some fun before bed. I light the fire, get a torch, and play with light and the waterfall.



    I yawn... at the late stage of the day I'm quite tired. I head to bed.


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  6. I have not seen that. Try grabbing a cured gut and going to a crafting table and seeing if you can craft the bow (i.e. little green checkmark). I've had a similar situation with coats because I'd dropped a gut and it was incomplete but in my inventory.

  7. Hi. I'm pretty sure you're leaving it unrolled in the shelter or whatever during the day. Don't do that. Even if you're going to leave it behind in your shelter (cave, house, whatever) always pick it up in the morning and then drop it rolled up if you're going to not have it with you. If you leave it unrolled it will decay very very quickly. Learned that one the hard way... ;)

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  8. That's a good question. There's no way a player is dragging those huts around; just think about how much an iron pot-bellied stove weighs. Not gonna happen. Only thing I can think of is

    • They're there for the initial winter;
    • They all sink to the bottom of the lakes/ocean come spring; and
    • The fishing mechanic gets a major overhaul, which would need to happen anyway.

    One thing that would be awesome would be the introduction of canoes, both found and hand crafted: could be a use for birchbark resources. They'd add a lot to a non-winter fishing mechanism, not to mention one's ability to move around with a lot of gear; you'd be able to pull a boatload of stuff down from the dam to the camp cabin in Mystery Lake, for example. Yes, it would be time consuming ferrying it all to the river, and then ferrying it up to the cabin from the shore, but it'd be doable.

  9. I haven't done one of these in a while. I'm hanging out in the Forest Cave on PV.

    Woke up nice and early:


    Decided to go climb around those rocks out in front there and look out over the valley. It's nearly windless out, with the stillness you only get in the early early morning. I get over there, and look east along the ridge:


    Then I turn and look west, towards the Radio Tower:


    I settle in to watch the sun rise, but a few minutes later an eastern wind picks up:


    I turn again to the east and face into the wind to get a feel for it:


    I can tell that weather is coming. I climb around the formation because I noticed some fir logs over that way that had fallen in the night. I start chopping one up, and just as I'm close to breaking the last long piece that east wind brings a whiteout. I'm only steps away from my cave, and get back there and feed the fir into the fire, and turn to look out:


    It doesn't look like I'm going too far this morning. The moose hide I have drying in the back of the cave should be ready to use to fix my cloak. I guess I'll turn to getting it in shape and see how the weather is when I'm done.

    It's odd. As best as I can tell, it's been ten months since I crashed here, and yet there's been no spring... and the weather seems to be getting slowly worse. Is this the dawn of a new ice age? If it is, what will become of me... of us?

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  10. On 5/5/2018 at 2:01 PM, Jacksy said:

    Think i will convert my moose coat in to the moose satchel then.

    The moose cloak is awesome on TWM where shelter is hard to find; makes it take much longer to get wet to frozen clothing and is a real life saver. The moose satchel is also extremely awesome there because of all the rope climbs. With the new region coming with no shelters at all the moose cloak will be key to surviving when the weather turns nasty.

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