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Posts posted by stratvox

  1. 15 hours ago, MarrowStone said:

    Using surround sound on your headphones for a game is ill advised. Last time I tried that in TLD there's a constant "tube" sound and sources directly behind you are silent. 

    Aye. Surround sound is absolutely dependent on having more than two speakers; it really needs five. Personally, I think four full range speaks at FL FR BL BR would be better than having tops at those positions plus a sub, but maybe that's just me.

  2. That was fixed years ago. I don't recall ever being able to not hack up cedar limbs with a hacksaw. It just takes longer and wastes way too much metal. Crafting improvised hatchets is significantly cheaper in both time and metal for hacking up tree limbs than using and repairing hacksaws.

  3. Those appear when there's been a change of elevation in the terrain, I think, where an object was resting on the terrain before the change. That's why they're concentrated around the areas where major changes to the maps were made. Objects that were in locations where the terrain was lowered float, objects that were in locations where it was raised are below ground level and not visible to the player.

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  4. Did you get the linux native build from GOG? I think it's only available on Steam because Steam offers the ability to manage the files in the game on the part of the dev; for example, at the beginning of 4DON, I downloaded a big pile, then could play, and at the end I once again downloaded a huge pile, and then it was gone. I'm pretty sure that was swapping out the executable and delivering extra resource files to support the game mode, and then reverting to the standard build when it was over.

    Functionally, it's similar to why the Time Capsule is only available on Steam; with Steam, it's possible to manage multiple versions of the same game on a per user basis while swapping between them.

  5. I like the charcoal maps; I think the art dimension of them plus the fact that they're really a map without things to tell you where you are outside of committing  a mapping action (i.e. they behave like a paper map you hold in your hand) is good. I'd be very very disappointed if they started putting map HUD stuff on it, personally. One of the truly winning aspects of this game is that it refuses hand-holding. This makes you need to figure out how to navigate the way you actually would in a similar situation... by learning the lay of the land and navigating by landmarks.

    Just Say No to a location and direction marker!

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  6. 8 hours ago, ThePancakeLady said:

    I know you are trying to be funny here, but as a Mom whose kid actually has Epilepsy... that's a bit rude, and serious misinformation. You do';t "contract" Epilepsy. It isn't contagious, and isn't something you get from playing a game that has serious z-fighting or flickering issues when run on a particular OS. Though a game or webpage or screen with those issues can trigger seizures of various severities, for people who actually have the medical condition.

    Yeah, honestly, that comment about "contracting Epilepsy" is a tad unfeeling and callous. And my daughter, plays the game just fine, with her Epilepsy, on PC (Windows 10) and XBox One. But can't use the new Steam Library UI, thanks to the icons having images that change 1 time/second if she hovers her mouse over one of them, before getting off of that page. We're all thrilled that her Depakote dosage has been raised, and she had Keppra added to her meds to see if the combo prevents the Absence seizures she has from using the new Steam Library UI, before the potential liver damage from the meds catches up with her.  And she's thrilled that the sleep-deprived EEG she had to have recently caused her to have 24 consecutive seizures during the test, meaning her driver's licence is suspended util she is seizure-free for a year, with or without meds. 


    Yeah, you did irritate me with that little "funny" comment. Thoughtless thing to say.

    He probably meant "induce" which would be accurate. You seriously haven't seen what it's currently like in the native linux version of the game. Given what I know about the kinds of things that can induce seizures I wouldn't be surprised if the effect was easily measurable for an epileptic: it's that bad. I was unable to play the game for more than about half an hour after the most recent sets of updates because I'd get a headache.

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  7. A very weird era indeed. I'm thinking of trying it with some of the other games I have to see if it ends up being better.

    Interestingly, there was a period of time in the mid-nineties where that was true of some games but with OS/2 taking the place of linux. Descent w/ kali for tcpip networking on OS/2 ran rings around the windows versions. After the leaked quake sources resulted in an unofficial OS/2 port (97 maybe?), quake on OS/2 was also really really good, definitely way better performing than quake with windows 95.

  8. On 11/12/2019 at 3:29 PM, jeffpeng said:

    Yeah but that one I am pretty sure about is outside of HL's capabilities to fix.

    Aye, I agree completely, which is why I haven't complained. I imagine that if they were to update to a more recent version of the engine that'd fix it, but of course that's a HUGE job for them.

    Maybe we'll see it with the December survival update... one can hope :)

  9. I've generally found that as of about two or three weeks ago, the open source radeon stuff surpassed the AMD drivers at least when it comes to my 5700xt. 

    It's a seriously impressive card. Fun facts... it's actually better to lock the framerate to my output device for pretty much any game I play because the card is so fast that it's updating frames several times every sixtieth of a second!

  10. Yeah, I'm pretty convinced it's Unity too. Currently I'm playing the windows version using proton; it's a much better experience. I hope that Unity manages to get it together and that Raph and Hinterland manage to get themselves onto a non-broken version of unity soon. The proton-dxvk-windows version runs well, but my experience so far is that performance overall is better with the native linux client... plus I don't have to go spelunking deep into a wine tree to find the screenshots I've taken while playing.

  11. On 11/2/2019 at 7:19 AM, DaPepster said:

    The .303 would be a good choice for the rifle in the game, considering history,

    This is really the reason right there. The Lee-Enfield .303 is an iconic rifle of Canada's north; it was in continuous use by the Rangers (a CF unit that patrols Canada's north) for over a century, only being obsoleted within the last twenty years or so; IIRC that was in 1997. 

    ETA: that said, Raph's point about the firearms' function within the game is well taken.

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  12. On 10/31/2019 at 1:12 PM, LkP said:

    @stratvox thanks. Last time I tried, the problem came from vulkan. But I'll give it a try again.

    Which particular version of linux are you running? Ubuntu? Debian? Centos? Are you running nvidia or amd?

    My main area of familiarity is ubuntu; there are things you can do that can radically improve the library situation through the use of PPAs.

  13. On 10/28/2019 at 4:30 AM, LkP said:

    off-topic but... if you can explain how you did this setup, would be much appreciated :)

    It was really simple, actually. You get yourself on the Steam beta so you can access the "Steamplay compatibility tool". Then you open TLD's properties in the Steam client, and on the bottom of the first tab you'll see an entry for "Force the use of a particular steamplay compatibility tool". Pick the latest version Proton in the drop down. It'll download about 350 MBs for Proton, and then it'll download about another half gig for the Windows executables, then when you start the game it'll load it into Proton, which is a tool that combines Wine with the VKDX tool, which translates DX calls into Vulkan api calls.

    The player's save files aren't quite in the same location. I used a soft link to link the windows save game directory to the linux one in the file system, so they're always in sync with each other.

    Proton works incredibly well; I've played Prey, TLD, Homeworld Remastered & Deserts of Kharak, they all work well and with good performance... which is not to say that I don't want the native linux version of TLD to work properly because proton does cost some performance.

    You can go check out on the latest reports on game compatibility at if you're interested in a game that's only available on Windows.

  14. Just now, Admin said:

    Hi @stratvox, please make a report in our support portal about these camera anomalies, if you haven't already. That's the best place to log these issues.

    Thank you. 

    Sure. I'm going to have to wait until this evening though. I'm also running an unusual setup; I'm running the windows version in linux using the steam compatibility tool w/ VKDX because there are rendering issues in the linux version wrt opengl and z-fighting on distant terrain which ends up leading to a lot of eyestrain after playing for an hour or thereabouts.

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  15. I've also noticed that every once in a while the camera will suddenly drop to floor level and then come back up again slowly as if you're coming out of a crouch, but without the crouch button getting pushed. Noticed it a few times; once while wandering about in MT in the back "street" that goes to the bank manager's house(I'm playing all three episodes from the beginning) as well as once inside when coming to the top of a set of stairs in one of the MT houses.

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