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Posts posted by stratvox

  1. The main games I'm playing these days are TLD, KSP, and CS.

    Old games? Descent was a serious fave. I have Overload, but I need a better joystick than the one I've got; the one I have is not fun to play with. I'm planning to upgrade my machine sometime over the fall, so after that I may look at getting a better one. Doom and Quake, of course; Quake in particular is one of the funnest deathmatches going. Quad Damage + Invuln = Gibbing Heaven.

    The OG Syndicate was a lot of fun, trying to figure out how to get the missions done with maximum collateral damage.

    ETA: How could I forget the Half-Life series! Some excellent gameplay there. I was sorely disappointed when they finally got around to announcing that there will never be HL2: Ep 3. I still think they should make it; if they actually did it I'm sure they'd make a TON of money.

    I've never played consoles, so there's a pile of games there that I know nothing about, but I did play Pong on the original hardware in my friend's basement when I was in grade six in 1978. I've also played some C64 and Amiga stuff, but what they were actually called... well, it was a long time ago ;)

  2. No. The cold bonus is a time bonus, not a heat bonus. It's based on the environmental temperature of the player while both the player and the fire are outside. If you're within range of the fire, it's based on what the player's environmental temperature would be if there was no fire present. The fire itself gets as hot as it gets based on the amount of fuel fed into it; for example one stick equals one degree centigrade, one cedar equals four, and so on. However, when you put the stick in it'll show you a "time left" on the fire. If the temperature's cold enough, it won't tick down on a one second per second basis; as the environmental temperature drops, it'll do so on the basis of say .8 second time left per second of time passing. Let's say for example that the cold bonus means that each second passes eats .75 seconds of the time left on the fire; if the fire has one hour left, after one hour of time passing in the game, the fire won't go out; instead it'll have fifteen minutes left because 60*0.75=45 minutes consumed of the hour, leaving fifteen minutes showing on the time left on the fire. The fire will in fact last for one hour and twenty minutes before it goes out, because 20*0.75=15, meaning that it'll take twenty minutes for the fire to consume all fifteen minutes of the time left. The further the temperature drops, the more that factor increases. This makes judging exactly how long a fire will last while outdoors harder to figure out, but the benefits far outweigh this unpredictability.

  3. Hey @jeffpeng I pulled the trigger on going with the open source drivers; upgraded to 19.04, installed the mainline kernel tool, the graphics-drivers ppa for the latest'n'greatest mesa stuff, and uninstalled the closed drivers that I installed from AMD.

    Performance in the game is significantly better with the open source drivers than the proprietary ones. The flickering is still there, unfortunately. If the Oct 22 update fixes that problem I'm very much looking forward to spending a lot more time on Great Bear.

  4. I have successfully mapped that place, but it was a LONG time ago and I don't remember how I got there.

    So I can't tell you how to get there, but I can tell you that you can get there. I think you need to get on top of the big rock that's on top of the three way cave and then goat around to get to the location you want... but I can't guarantee that's exactly the right way.

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  5. The key metric is "Get somewhere warm". You need to have a fire going that gets the air temp above zero degrees and be there. You can even be buck nekkid and have your clothing on the floor next to you, but if the air temp is below zero it won't matter what you do, you will continue to develop frostbite until you get somewhere where the air is above zero.

    ETA: this is different from drying clothes next to a fire. Clothing will dry even if the air temp is below zero if it's next to a fire, but frostbite will not resolve until you spend time in a place with the air temp above zero. A Feels Like above zero doesn't cut it.

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  6. In all truth, humans need other humans to remain sane. After years of isolation, people are basically bug out nutso, it's just unavoidable. That guy that's got a guy for 10000 days on interloper... I guarantee you that if you met that survivor in real life you'd instantly recognize that he/she lost their marbles a long long time ago... just not in a way that impaired their ability to continue.

    In the real world, total isolation can make people psychotic in months, not years.

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  7. On 10/3/2019 at 10:56 AM, Ice Hole said:

    Here is a mystery cave. 


    I forgot to take the debug screen shot and have only a slight idea where this is located. 


    The version would be the current Steadfast Ranger. 

    It is not in Hushed River Valley because I have not explored that region in months.  Probably in Pleasant Valley or Coastal Highway or Crumbling Highway or Desolation Point or Raven Falls Ravine or Mystery Lake or Forlorn Muskeg or Broken Railroad or Timberwolf Mountain or Mountain Town.  

    That bad boy is in Mystery Lake, I believe. I think it's in the North Eastern section of the map IIRC, right near the map edge. If you follow the road from the dam towards train unloading, and follow the edge of the map north along the road that splits off and goes to the clearcut, you'll find it around there. 

    I think.

  8. On 10/5/2019 at 11:55 AM, Rexdawn said:

    It would be NICE if it showed the effective remaining time

    The issue here is that the effective remaining time is not really knowable because the as the temperature fluctuates the consumption rate of the wood will change with it. This means that having the temperature drop to -25 in the very late night makes for less remaining effective time than if it drops to -40. As I'm pretty sure the RNG figures that out at the moment of weather changing (which appears to be app. hourly to me) it's not really possible to know what the effective remaining time is. To get into the buzzword compliant weeds of this, a stochastic process driven by random numbers can't really be predicted.

  9. For me, I'm just waiting for it to come. I've not been playing because there's something wrong with (I think) Unity's OpenGL handling in the game which causes almost all of the terrain to flicker under linux. I know that this is a general problem because I'm not the only linux player that's experiencing this. I'm very much hoping that Crossroads Elegy will mean that the problem will be fixed by whichever version of the engine they're building it on and I can get back into the game without getting serious eyestrain after half an hour to an hour of playing.

  10. That's not bug, that's a feature!

    It's the outdoor cold fire bonus. When you have fires burning outdoors, the duration of the fire scales inversely with the temperature... as the temperature drops the fire lasts longer. 

    I don't know about the cabin fever, but it sort of follows from how that particular affliction is supposed to work. Does it not allow the passing of time if you're cooking outside?

    Personally, I've never had cabin fever; I tend to spend a lot of time outdoors just as soon as I'm able because (among other things) the outdoor cold fire bonus can cut way way back on the amount of wood needed to accomplish cooking and boiling water. It's just a case of finding a good sheltered spot to put the fire you're going to use for cooking etc. Also tend to use that for repairing/crafting when I can get away with it. A great location for that is the Fishing Village in CH; it's got an outdoor crafting table and a well placed fire near it (next to the big boulder and between the two trees) will let you craft away outdoors for a long time without ramping up the cabin fever risk.

    Yes, I do tend to gravitate to that place in the second stage early game (i.e. after I've gone to a forge and whipped up a bunch of arrowheads); lots of hunting to get your basic hide clothing up and at 'em in a short period of time (wolves deer bear) so that you can get yourself into the good stuff before the weather shuts down too badly.

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  11. On 9/28/2019 at 9:35 PM, jeffpeng said:

    Not the absolute maximum in terms of warmth, but more mobile while being basically a tank.

    And if you get caught by a surprise whiteout in the vastness of PV, you've got a much longer window of opportunity to get to safety thanks to the wind and water bonuses on the cloak.

  12. 2 hours ago, turtle777 said:

    if I’m traveling, and not hunting, I don’t want to waste an arrow to scare off a wolf that’s come my way. Wolf might run of with the arrow, and I might never find it. 

    Oh, if you live long enough, you're pretty likely to end up finding it. I've found arrows I'd lost more than a year before (in game time) before.

    With cloak, deer pants and boots, rabbit mitts and hat, a bear mauling goes from 90% condition damage to 45%. That's huge.

  13. 44 minutes ago, turtle777 said:

    I'm finding the moose hide cloak fairly useless. More weight than a wolf skin coat, but less warmth / wind protection.

    Seem to provide better water and general protection, but I'm not sure it's worth it.

    Am I missing something ?


    Those are fantastic aspects of it. The armour bonus is particularly sweet, with the right stuff (cloak, deer pants, deer boots, etc) you can go from taking 90% damage from a bear down to 45%. That's a huge win.


    This is pretty much the acme of clothing in TLD. Heavy snow and a brisk wind? Not an issue, because it's going to take all day for the water to get past your cloak, so it's going to take a long time for it to start to seriously wear down your warmth bonus from your clothing.

  14. Yeah, I dunno. According to Phoronix, the updates are flying fast and furious into linux for the 5700XT. It looks to me like they're trying to get the Navi stuff really up to speed because there are at minimum two more parts coming (Navi 12 & 14) and I suspect their plan is to have Navi fully supported by the time they come out in October/November.

    I'm considering moving off 18.04LTS up to 19.04 so I can grab the 5.3 kernel and updated mesa etc from the oibaf ppa and take a look at the state of the art with the open source linux drivers rather than with the stack you can download from AMD now.

    It'll be a boat load of work, though; I've heavily customised by linux setup and have a TON of third party repos; getting all that stuff back up to snuff will be... challenging... and tedious.

  15. I know this is kind of necroing the thread, but I figured I'd put an update in here. I'm not running a Radeon 5700 XT under linux. Nice card, but it didn't solve the issue. I now think it's a Unity issue, and I'm very much hoping that the Ep 3 update in October will fix it.

    I haven't really been playing the game because of it, and I'm really looking forward to checking out Wintermute when Ep 3 lands, assuming that the z-fighting glitches are fixed.

    How're things with you @jeffpeng?

  16. Are you running on linux? There was an issue like that with the version I started with, IIRC Faithful Cartographer. ISTR that I was able to get it going, but I don't really remember exactly what the trick was that I used to do so. I do think that I had to use the keyboard to get into the options menu from the main menu when you start the game and change a setting in the mouse options, but I don't exactly recall what it was.

  17. On 9/26/2019 at 9:37 PM, Deadly Shadow said:

    Edit: im not even that scared of bears, tried killing them before but their fast, and take a long time to bleed out. and im extremely unlucky I shot at a bear 6 times (only missed 1 shot) and its was still running around, feels like passive wildlife makes them immune to bullets or something. idk jus my luck I guess.

    Just hit it once and let it bleed out. It'll take hours, but it will die. Then go looking for it. They usually end up dropping near or in their cave... but not always. Of course, on a nice day, the crows circling over their lifeless form will help you find them.

    Main point is that once you get one successful hit on a bear with either an arrow or the rifle (i.e. the arrow sticks in the bear) it is doomed, and there's no good reason to waste further bullets or condition on your arrows; just let it bleed out and go collect the meat, hide, and guts once it has passed.

    ETA: note well this does NOT work for moose; you have to bring it down directly because they won't bleed out. You've got to keep pumping it into them until they drop to successfully hunt a moose. NB: you really only need to kill two: one for the cloak and one for the satchel. I guess maybe you might need to kill another one after a few thousand days in to make a new satchel but moose cloaks are infinitely renewable; even if it's ruined you can harvest it for a moose hide, and with four cured guts, a workbench, a hatchet or knife, and 16.67 hours, you'll have a 100% moose cloak again.

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  18. Firearms are very restricted in Canada compared to the US. Culturally they hold a very different place in Canada than they do in the US.

    Also, the rifle in the game is inspired by the old Lee-Enfield .303, which was only retired by the CAF for its Canadian Rangers (which patrol Canada's Far North) in 2018. Yep... just a little bit over a year ago. Here's a story about that:

    Looking at the article I think you'll see just how closely the hunting rifle in the game hews to this iconic rifle. I think it was introduced in 1904, but don't quote me on that date.

    When you're thinking about firearms etc in the game remember... it's Canadian, not American, and the people making the game are Canadian, and they've got a good handle on our shared cultural heritage; the church in Milton is clearly inspired by a painting by renowned BC artist Emily Carr... furthermore she's obviously the inspiration for pretty much every tree in the game. The music you hear when you turn on the radio during an aurora is not an actual recording of Glenn Gould but might as well be...

    The idea that you're going to see Hinterland selling firearms or ammunition is simply put not going to happen. 

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  19. If you haven't played the Redux yet, you should definitely fire it up from the beginning again. Redux was a major major overhaul of Story mode and well worth playing, esp. as there are some major changes to the story, as well as how it's presented and how interactions with the NPCs are handled.

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  20. No, there isn't. The best item is the moose cloak.

    Water resistance works on an item by item basis. That's why you want to wear your best waterproofing parts on the outer layers, because they will take longer to get wet, and until they're completely wet the layer(s) under them will remain dry. So, given very inclement weather, you can find yourself in a situation where your legs are soaked but your torso is dry because you've got two pairs of jeans on and a moose cloak over a parka, over a sweater, over a shirt, and the moose hide cloak is only about 20% wet so everything else is still dry.

    Wind protection works additively to give a total number that's used to decide your "Feels Like" temperature, by adding the wind-proofness of the outer-most layer of clothing. This means that a windbreaker under a simple parka will give you worse wind protection than the other way around; the wind protection value of the parka is what's being used to calculate your wind protection number, not the windbreaker.

    Yes, that can be considered problematic when compared to reality, but as they say this is not the real life, this is just fantasy, caught in the landslide, no escape from reality... any way the wind blows doesn't really matter to me.

    • Upvote 2
  21. I enjoyed it last year. Unfortunately work kept me away from most of it, but the parts I did get to play were great. Even the no wildlife day. I really liked the idea of the progression, and needing to spend the days getting your things in order to stock up for the next insult. As it were.

    I'm hoping I'll be in a position to swing getting the play time in each day so I can fully exploit it this year.

  22. Ski goggles and snow masks made out of birchbark, which protect against a new affliction "Snow Blindness". The affliction could be affected by a timer about how much time you're outdoors during clear conditions during the day time. It's a real thing, and ski goggles with their UV coating and crafted snow goggles (two birch bark and a cured gut, requires a knife or hatchet) can protect against it.

    Here's an example of a snow mask made from bone from Alaska:


    Snow masks have been known to be made from birch bark as well, which is already available in game. I think it could be a very cool addition to the game.

    • Upvote 4
  23. Deadman. Pick your preferred mode, select custom, use your mode as the base line and set active and at rest recovery to none. The only way to recover condition is the adrenaline shot... but eating keeps you from losing condition to starvation. Keeping warm keeps you from losing condition to hypothermia. When you can't get them back keeping them topped up is crucial. This mode means you're gonna die, and probably soon... it's all about how long it takes for the game to kill you.

    I would totally vote for deadman as an official mode. Actually what would be really cool would be to be able to play a "Dead Edition" of all of the existing modes, differing only by the complete absence of natural condition recovery, so you know like "Dead Pilgrim" and "Dead Stalker". 

    At any rate, try going custom, picking your preferred mode as the baseline, and set the two different recovery settings to none.

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