Need to evict my unwanted roommate


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Got a guy who spends all his time in the Mystery Lake cabin right at the top of the stairs. He's quiet and keeps to himself, but the dude doesn't contribute and certainly never pays rent. Bit of a layabout really.

He was there when I moved into the cabin, but frankly I wish he'd go. He's getting a bit, well stinky, when I fire up the stove. :roll:

Ok, for those who have no idea what I'm talking about, there's a frozen corpse at the top of the stairs at the Mystery Lake cabin. Ordinarily, I'd take him outside, but can't interact with him. I took all usable items so he is "Empty". I assumed he would disappear after a set time, but he's still there after a week. I could use him as an extra storage space, but cramming cooked venison into him is just wrong on so many levels. If the bodies are outside, I can use them as navigation markers, but inside is just creepy.

I actually moved home base because of this. Getting off the lake in the middle of a storm at night, climbing the stairs by torchlight to be greeted by a corpse... Yeah. If we could drag the corpses a limited distance I could take him downstairs and hide him behind the counter. However, I think once empty (and inside an occupied space) they should fade away at some point.

It's the only decent thing to do.


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On 2/22/2016 at 11:15 PM, shadragon said:

I could use him as an extra storage space, but cramming cooked venison into him is just wrong on so many levels. If the bodies are outside, I can use them as navigation markers, but inside is just creepy.

I actually moved home base because of this. Getting off the lake in the middle of a storm at night, climbing the stairs by torchlight to be greeted by a corpse... Yeah. If we could drag the corpses a limited distance I could take him downstairs and hide him behind the counter. However, I think once empty (and inside an occupied space) they should fade away at some point.

It's the only decent thing to do.


lol I agree with you. If I start a new sandbox in ML with the intent of CO as home, I start over if there's a body there... because there is NO option to remove it.

You see, two years ago a retired fellow who was my next-next door neighbor passed away but no one knew for 10 days. The door to the apartment was propped open but held shut by a chain lock (many do that here in summer if they don't want to use their air conditioner) and you had to pass his door on the way to the elevator.
It's a smell I will never forget.

Now, even though it's just in games, I can't stand going into rooms with decomposing bodies...

I wish bodies would rot away in The Long Dark...but realistically they wouldn't because they are essentially in a freezer:/

Now a bit off topic but (even though it'd take up extra memory) I wish that animal carcasses would last as long as they might in a real frozen wilderness. I wonder how long that is?

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Guessing how long an animal carcass would last would be difficult. Other animals getting into it would eat away a good portion (if not all) of the easily accessible meat and the freeze/thaw cycles (sun still heats things even in winter) would spoil a lot of what's left. Still, if you were desperate there may be some good meat even after several days. If you don't care about the meat it would depend entirely on when the wolves get to it. The birds will pick the animal clean in short order but it would take a wolf or bear to tear apart the ligaments and "disassemble" the carcass. So, weeks maybe?

As for the original post... this is definitely something that needs to be done! I'd give a +1 but I've already maxed out my allotment for the day :)

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1 hour ago, cekivi said:

Guessing how long an animal carcass would last would be difficult. Other animals getting into it would eat away a good portion (if not all) of the easily accessible meat and the freeze/thaw cycles (sun still heats things even in winter) would spoil a lot of what's left. Still, if you were desperate there may be some good meat even after several days. If you don't care about the meat it would depend entirely on when the wolves get to it. The birds will pick the animal clean in short order but it would take a wolf or bear to tear apart the ligaments and "disassemble" the carcass. So, weeks maybe?

As for the original post... this is definitely something that needs to be done! I'd give a +1 but I've already maxed out my allotment for the day :)

Same here on not being able to add any more +1s ;)

So... bodies outdoors would probably last two weeks even though it's freezing? Or just one week due to birds eating it?
It'd be neat if we would see crows flying off of bodies instead of just flying over them showing that they are indeed eating.
And even better if the bodies would be gone after a while, but replaced by bones.

And for would be grisly (but fascinating) for the bodies to mummify.

I realized they are hard at work on Story Mode so hopefully after Season One is accomplished they can add a few small features such as these later :)


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Maybe they're preparing for April fools, when those corpses suddenly come to life ;)

But yeah, I really don't like it either. I'd rather spend a full day having to slowly drag a corpse outside (in case of the dam) than passing it each time or even having to sleep next to it. Especially those houses where the top floor is one room with a corpse sitting in front of the bed I really dislike. I plunder those and immediately leave again.

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4 hours ago, cekivi said:

The frozen bodies can last all winter until something big enough to rip into it gets to the carcass. Plus, if it freezes before the birds get to it than it will last considerably longer.

Also, yea! Can now up-vote to my heart's content! :)

Wow, thanks for the info! I guess I'll just have to put up with them being around for the first 160 days of my sandbox :P

3 hours ago, Ysidro said:

Maybe they're preparing for April fools, when those corpses suddenly come to life ;)

But yeah, I really don't like it either. I'd rather spend a full day having to slowly drag a corpse outside (in case of the dam) than passing it each time or even having to sleep next to it. Especially those houses where the top floor is one room with a corpse sitting in front of the bed I really dislike. I plunder those and immediately leave again.!:p

I've decided that, for Mystery Lake, to live at the Logging Camp. I've never found a body inside any of those :)
As a matter of fact I've spent the last three (in-game) days moving all my supplies from Camp Office to the Logging Camp.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 3/1/2016 at 1:40 AM, Ysidro said:

I'm a hoarder, so I tend to go to the dam. From there I move everything to the next zone (and I do mean everything!), which means I need plenty of storage space wherever I settle down.

You and me both!
Everything from Mystery Lake gets stored in the Dam and then I make 3~6 trips to get everything to the next zone.

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On 2/27/2016 at 11:21 AM, Rusty_Old_F250 said:

Maybe just a "drag outside option? Selecting it will give you a screen similar to the one when you are crafting an item, etc and some sound effects of the character moving a heavy object. Then poor Bob is sitting outside leaning against the wall or something


I like this one - that way you can choose to move or to not spend the calories because you're not sticking around.  

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It really bothers me that bodies sit around.  It would be difficult to bury them, though, as there is likely to be permafrost in the ground.

I don't know how people can use them as storage containers - the thought of stuffing my game meat in their pockets makes me too squeamish! :P 

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