RE: KD7BCH - 'There isn't enough to do indoors'

Wasteland Watcher

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.... There isn't enough to do indoors (not enough taskts) to make this work however. Right now the time tradeoffs are barely sensical but there is too much time in the day to get stuff done. The sharpening is a time-sink and an explain away reason for why a blade eventually wears out in TLD.

Timesink the same on the rifle.

I had wondered before about what to do during blizzards (especially at the beginning of a game when I owned basically nothing).

It basically all came down to arranging your inventory of goods if you had a lot of stuff at your player home, sewing an (extra) coat, mittens, pants or other craft activity, using a match to burn your wood store and make water and/or grill all your meat, or finally, just sleep until the blizzard was done.


And on any day that's not a blizzard I go outdoors and just explore. On my 72 day game that got deleted when there was a blackout at home I had only explored 20% of the map. I could probably have gone 500 days before I found every location.

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Sharpening my equipment, 1 hour

Cleaning the gun, 1 hour

Special crafting to pass time 1-2 hours extra snares, fish hooks, fishing line, fishing tackle

"Organizing" the already mostly organized 1 hour I pre-sort everything I bring into the cabin to keep it organized.

Ok so that 1,2,4,5 hours of stuff to do. Now what?

Yes you can make water but you should be doing that normally with your base fuel load whenever you have a lit torch or can make fire from the sun.

Cooked food? If anything you have is raw you should cook it the same week you take is so there wont be massive supplies of dangerous meat laying around going to waste anyway.

As far as dusting and cleaning the house what else is there to do?

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what do you want? A TV set to watch in game?

A large part of the game is collecting survival items and making survival items. One of the indoor things we could need would be to collect our water containers instead of being gifted these. Also water freezes indoors too when the temperature is under 32F so we should also have to boil water we aren't keeping on our person, or in the same room that there was a fire. This water "freeze-unfreeze" effect could work the same way thawing a deer works, you build a fire near the water and presto. Only it could be ambient heat from the fire in the room. Long and short if you haven't build a fire in a room in the last 48 hours all of your water good or bad should be frozen. Other things we could be doing inside, there are tons more crafting options from just the available things we have.

Firebow kit making, from wood and guts...

Solar reflector firestarter, polish the bottom of a soda can, and bingo you have a solar reflector firestarter, this could be like the magnifying glass, only you'd only be able to use it effectively at certain times of the day, so early morning and late afternoon would be no-gos and with varying base success chances approaching mid of midday.

Making your own arrow tips with soda cans...

knitting kit, and knitting your own new hats, right now you can't make a hat but you can make something as complex as boots, A hat is easily 1/4 as difficult to make as boots. Substantial body heat escapes though the head too so it is important.

Meal preparation... Should be able to cut meat into the portion you want, and mix with other ingredients to make something which has a greater sum than its parts. Stews basically and Fish boil type stuff. All of these things would take time and be time sinks giving you something to do which increases your survival even if marginally.

Spear crafting...

Making a portable wing block so your fire doesn't go out when the wind shifts... Tie a few boards together and place perpendicular to the wind blocking it around your fire.

Ability to make a survival shelter. Caught out in Pleasant Valley in a blizzard, well make your own survival shelter in the snow. It will keep you warmer than sitting out next to a rock avoiding the wind.

Etc... Crafting right now is a huge timesink but some of the items are unreasonably sinky, such as the boots, pants, and wolf coat, 20hrs+ without tools yes it might take that amount of time but with a sewing kit or tackle it wouldn't take that long. I suck at sewing and even I could measure with no tools, cut with just a knife and sew the pieces of boots together in 5-10 hours.

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what do you want? A TV set to watch in game?

lol yeah there is always something todo, maybe that radio might start one day.

Other than sitting in your safe comfort hole. try exploring more maps or even start a new run in the alpha sandbox is always good fun. But yeah some new in house activities would be awesome.

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Hmmm...nothing to do?? :?: Wasn`t in last update introduced log diary? ;) You could write notes from recent or past days.As for your own notifications,as well as some kind of journal,or survival book,written by you.:) Lol...if you start writting a diary,there is so much to write,that day will suddenly become too short.:)

Or maybe you are not quite fan of writting down notes,reminders,tips,etc...but,if you have no resistance against writting,then I would encourage you,that you start writting your own story of survival in your logs.And maybe post them later in forums,so others can see,how your days were spent in game...

Just a tiny suggestion of mine. ;)

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Hmmm...nothing to do?? :?: Wasn`t in last update introduced log diary? ;) You could write notes from recent or past days.As for your own notifications,as well as some kind of journal,or survival book,written by you.:) Lol...if you start writting a diary,there is so much to write,that day will suddenly become too short.:)

Or maybe you are not quite fan of writting down notes,reminders,tips,etc...but,if you have no resistance against writting,then I would encourage you,that you start writting your own story of survival in your logs.And maybe post them later in forums,so others can see,how your days were spent in game...

Just a tiny suggestion of mine. ;)

Actually this one of my favorite changes in the last update. I love the journal. I fill it out daily, in the beginning and then when time permits or when interesting events happen. I make notes and well it is quite a nice tool to have in addition it is the closest thing to a luxury item in TLD.

Of course you can always make water during storms. Im just saying right now there is only enough tasks to really saturate part of the free time. There isn't enough to do that "needs" to be done in order to survive.

I would love to be able to pull those notes from the game and post on the forum but Patrick tells me in a post that feature does not exist yet. It is my opinion that we need more time sinky things that make sense to do and that means more craftables. If there were another 10 items to craft that would pretty much cover it. Maybe another step in the curing process, like pattern cutting or prep for making clothing, I don't know. If they ever invent candle making, and candles, I'd be all for candle making with natural materials.

Instead of the jars this guy is using. How about the 200 empty soda cans, or soup/dogfood/peaches/pork, all of these could be reused once opened, filled with fat, from the meat on a kill, and lit and burned for hours. To make soda cans ready we could dump 5 minutes into the work table with a tool box and cut the top off, or just use the knife dulling it 1% per can prepared. Another great craft that could an hour or two to make and provide light in match level proximity with hardly any durability against wind at all outdoors or even in the mines.

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Make a checker board out of cat tails in the lobby of the Camp office. Use arrow heads and bullets for checkers and play against yourself. (I say at the camp office because I know it fits).

If you were actually stranded long term, you would probably try something like this to relieve boredom, or like me, try it just to see if you can.

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