Undressing Corpses


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I know that now as it is human corpses are just another type of containers, but in the future when there will be NPC's this probably would change, and they will be more like harvesting animals so I would like to suggest instead of turning in to cannibalism to make corpses harvest-able for their cloth for example: you can harvest 5 pieces of cloth from this corpse. However having the option to harvest meat and guts from human corpse it will be fine too but prolonged consumption of human meat could turn you in to wendigo :)

To sum up this is how I envision the future human corpses:

MEAT: < 7 >

Guts: < 3 >

Cloth: < 5 > Harvest

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Who's to say that we're not eating human meat these days already. But really eating people when there is animals avaliable? Eugh. Besides unlike dead animals, human corpses are frozen solid. And they won't survive the reheating process.

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Who's to say that we're not eating human meat these days already. But really eating people when there is animals avaliable? Eugh. Besides unlike dead animals, human corpses are frozen solid. And they won't survive the reheating process.

I've heard a story from a Russian friend in colleague that was going on Russian TV's way back maybe 15 years ago, some people ware selling burgers out of a van and it was in fact a human meat. They ware caught by the police mutilating bodies and mincing them into meat and selling them as burgers was this true :)

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Why is everyone talking about "cloth"? As far as I can see, the corpses wear perfectly good clothes, why not make those harvest-able? Sure, the body is frozen still, so you would have to damage it to get a shirt or sweater off in one piece, but shoes and pants should be no problem with a bit of effort. You could even open a seam on a piece of clothing to take it off more easily and then close the seam again before wearing it.

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While eating long pork is actually far better idea, from nutritional point of view, than dear or wolf(since its far easier for digestion to process it), once NPCs will be added, it may have some negative impact on interactions if they see player doing so.

In contradiction to widely spread disinformation, eating human meat is not hazardous, quite the opposite. As long as you stick to actual meat, not guts or brain and properly process it. But those rules apply to any meat.

Altho, with sh!tload of meat available to begin with and completely ridiculous decay rates and no way to preserve meat, theres hardly any point to it.

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Depends on why the human died.

If they died from starvation (or were in very dire calorie state when killed by something else) then they'd make a terrible food source.

If they died in relatively healthy condition, yes. eating the flesh is not going to make you sick.

Still, assuming it was a person with basic western values (As opposed, to, say, someone from papua new guinea where in some tribes culturally they eat their dead) unless you were in absolute imminent risk of starvation, I don't think the survivor would actually do it.

Rummage through pack and pockets? absolutely.

Take clothing? sure.

Meat? probably not.

Harvest gut to use as bowstring? extremely unlikely.

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maybe in the future meat will not be such a easy source to come by. Who knows, however I believe it will spice up the game, for example you might start in a city region where wildlife is non present and there is no fishing too, also the area is almost empty everything has been looted and you are only left with two options loot NPC for their food like cans and sodas or eat the bodies of weaker NPC's with little loot either way I know that is morbid but it will spice up the game quite a lot :)

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Our survivor wouldn't be the first in history to turn to cannibalism in desperate circumstances to stay alive, and given this is a game premised on survival in desperate circumstances, it's tough to think up a convincing argument against including this as a feature aside from the fact it feels icky.

It's for situations like this I ponder a morale system in the game. Burying someone would enforce the survivor's humanity and make him feel he's in control of his situation, but in practical terms he's lost a source of food (and maybe clothing). Eating someone however could lead to guilt and depression (or whatever else).

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The Devs have already said that cannibalism is pretty much not going to happen, thank God.

Absolutely no need. Just ..... give us a way to get rid of corpses.

Just wait for the modders... ;)

this game will really suck if they open it to modders lol

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Even though The Long Dark is a survival game, I think adding the option to eat human flesh would be taking things too far. Thank goodness Hinterland won't be implementing the idea!

You also have to factor in that these corpses have been around for awhile. While I know someone is bound to argue that the flesh would still be good since it's frozen, bacteria is still present. Even cooking said flesh doesn't guarantee you won't get sick.

I think hunting animals and fishing is a better idea.

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Cannibalism is not really an issue right now, theres far more meat running around that one may need. And with stuff spoiling at the speed of light(and no way to preserve it), making long-term stashes is also out of the question.

But. Whole "western values" thing goes out the window in extreme survival situations.

"Im hungry, but after work il make a run to a supermarket and grab me some chow" is nothing compared to "I havent eaten for 3 days and there is no food coming from anywhere". That mild hunger, that so-called western values linger upon is nothing compared to a proper starvation, because latter differs from former by absence of hope - you not just havent eaten for a while, you have no idea IF you will eat any time soon. And then that frozen corpse behind a house, all of a sudden start to look more like a freezer with few pounds of completely acceptable steaks in it.

Real hunger changes whole mindset of otherwise civilized man(our body wannts to live, regardless of our morals). It becomes not about morality, but about simple survival.

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Our survivor wouldn't be the first in history to turn to cannibalism in desperate circumstances to stay alive, and given this is a game premised on survival in desperate circumstances, it's tough to think up a convincing argument against including this as a feature aside from the fact it feels icky.

It's for situations like this I ponder a morale system in the game. Burying someone would enforce the survivor's humanity and make him feel he's in control of his situation, but in practical terms he's lost a source of food (and maybe clothing). Eating someone however could lead to guilt and depression (or whatever else).

I would like this implementation. Like another poster said harvesting a human for gut is extremely unlikely (you psychopath) but if you're desperate enough meat is meat...

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The Devs have already said that cannibalism is pretty much not going to happen, thank God.

Absolutely no need. Just ..... give us a way to get rid of corpses.

Well my point was to make the corpses more than just containers, anyway but people found this topic more interesting I guess if anyone could contribute how else we could interact with corpses that would be great, I guess they will be source for cloth and random foodstuff and tools that the person looted before he/she "expired" please post some ideas other than cannibalism, I would love to read them.

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Cannibalism is not really an issue right now, theres far more meat running around that one may need. And with stuff spoiling at the speed of light(and no way to preserve it), making long-term stashes is also out of the question.

But. Whole "western values" thing goes out the window in extreme survival situations.

"Im hungry, but after work il make a run to a supermarket and grab me some chow" is nothing compared to "I havent eaten for 3 days and there is no food coming from anywhere". That mild hunger, that so-called western values linger upon is nothing compared to a proper starvation, because latter differs from former by absence of hope - you not just havent eaten for a while, you have no idea IF you will eat any time soon. And then that frozen corpse behind a house, all of a sudden start to look more like a freezer with few pounds of completely acceptable steaks in it.

Real hunger changes whole mindset of otherwise civilized man(our body wannts to live, regardless of our morals). It becomes not about morality, but about simple survival.

You are absolutely right. For starters most of us are viewing cannibalism through a western cultural mindset. There are other cultures who don't view it as 'vile'.

You are also right that even though western culture views cannibalism as 'vile' there are probably thousands of examples when people in tough situations consumed the flesh of dead humans to survive. Of course this is generally after going without any food for weeks...something that you just can't do here. But also, suicide rather than starving to death is something that also happens. Yet our survivor cannot shoot hiimself.

I think cannibalism of dead bodies and eating the rifle are both absolutely realistic but absolutely not worth putting in the game. There are 10,000 other equally realistic items that should be implemented before ever even thinking about adding cannibalism to the game.

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I think cannibalism of dead bodies and eating the rifle are both absolutely realistic but absolutely not worth putting in the game.

I agree.

Undressing corpses? Too morbid and also unnecessary, though one can't know what he's willing to do until he's in the pan, so to speak.

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You are also right that even though western culture views cannibalism as 'vile' there are probably thousands of examples when people in tough situations consumed the flesh of dead humans to survive. Of course this is generally after going without any food for weeks...something that you just can't do here. But also, suicide rather than starving to death is something that also happens. Yet our survivor cannot shoot hiimself.

I think cannibalism of dead bodies and eating the rifle are both absolutely realistic but absolutely not worth putting in the game. There are 10,000 other equally realistic items that should be implemented before ever even thinking about adding cannibalism to the game.

Again, question is not about being right or wrong. Absence of hope amplifies feeling of hunger(as with many other basic urges and needs). It literally changes how we think. Its been scientifically proven.\

And actual amount of days is not really that high. For example in 1972 during Andes flight disaster, passengers tried to ration their extremely limited amount of food for about a week, but after hearing on radio that search has been called off(thats where lack of hope comes into play) a few days later, it took them just 2 days(as they have been starving for a while already) to turn their search for nutrients elsewhere...

Count really doesnt extend on weeks, but merely days. Simple as that.

Suicide is actually extremely rare in such cases. Self-preservation and will to survive is an extremely powerful primal motivators and extreme conditions bring those things to the surface.

And yes, its possible to commit a suicide with a rifle. I wont go into details, but its not as hard as it may seem.

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