Weak ice/shoreline changes?


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Have the shorelines where the weak ice begins changed in each region? I am asking because I've noticed a change in Coastal Highway.

A few years back, to make beachcombing easier, I laid a trail of stones all along the border of the solid and weak ice on each shoreline in each region. This took quite a while! I have travelled along the inside of this stone route across the map numerous times over the years. 

Now I'm cruising along the coast in Coastal Highway and the weak ice has extended inwards. Do you have any info on the extent of the changes? Is it limited to this region, or do I have to reconstruct this line of stones across every shoreline?



Screenshot (2455).png

Edited by Wish
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I have seen changes on the boundaries of the weak  ice.  It has not been too extensive but one does have to check before venturing out on what used to be strong ice.  I had made a point of marking where items washed up and where weak  ice was and will always be cautious and not assume that what was remained what was.  

I have noticed a few beachcombing spots where there was (for me in Pilgrim) essentially no chance to be able to search anything, as opposed to dash and grab, without taking a dip.  Some kind of nice things that would otherwise be worth searching but not with the risks involved.  

I tried once and that was enough (I do prepare so it was just an inconvenience but I didn't get whatever was in the locker).  So if a locker, suitcase, trunk, or that "fishing boat" with compartments, has weak ice around it I give it a pass.  

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I don't beachcomb too often, and I avoid the trunks or lockers or boats and rarely attempt corpses that need searching, and carcasses that need harvesting unless I have crampons on and get that extra second. I am honestly not sure if the weak ice has been moved, or if the game just gives you slightly more advance warning that you are getting close to weak ice instead of waiting to warn you until you are actually on it. I play mostly vanilla Stalker, and there is enough loot that I rarely need to beachcomb, even in late game in a long run. Perhaps Interloper players have more need to beachcomb, even before late game, and might have more experience with whether edges have been moved or not?

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The boundary and location of weak ice  has definitely shifted.  Not every place but I do know that some spots where I could have searched a trunk or broke up the oar and get the reclaimed wood was no longer viable for anything other than dash and grab or if I could inch up to the boundary and the reach of the cursor could just contact the item, like arrows or hatchet etc.  

I keep my marked boundary pretty well back, just in case I walk on the wrong side of the boundary, and have spent a lot of time marking where things would wash up (I still get surprised even now).  

It is what it is, nowadays.  


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