Screenshot for Screenshot Saturday

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Bit like pilgrim then! Take the sprains off? They are really annoying!

Don't worry about the rancid meat I got a bit of food poisoning this morning! Ate an entire raw fish😥! Could have sworn I cooked it!😀. Second time I've done that!.

Might be a bit late for dinner though I'm stuck in a blizzard in Ash at the moment.

Got any 🌭?

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I found sprains annoying too. Until i found out, that the chance to get one is increased when you're loaded and are taking steep slopes. It's more a problem of myself since i'm always loaded up with gear and never get below 25 k. Probably i should play Interloper then....:D

The cabin fever on the other hand.... well, i like the idea behind it. But is it realistic after that short amount of time? No. I guess you are fine with increasing the time you can stay indoors. After i spent awhile indoors, i want to leave and see something else anyway! So it doesn't need the actual mechanic to get me outside. My impression that i'm getting reading the forum is, that most players turn it off anyway. So for me that's a sign that this mechanic needs a rework. I don't know if the times differ from Stalker to Interloper, but that alone would be helpful imo


//ups, that's the screenshot section here. Sry for posting a discussion here

Edited by Karl Grylls
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I actually have sprains enabled, but because I want Astrid to suffer. Any time she gets a sprain, I never treat it and no painkillers either! Huff it out, beautiful! She even burned herself on electrical wires at the dam and I let her walk it out encumbered! She's fine now.

Leeanda, I think theres some uncooked fish in the drawer I left and forgot to cook.

Edited by Stinky socks
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You are a little devil aren't you!😄. First the bunnies now Astrid! What are we gonna do with you?

Apart from falling in the ice you get away with it! Me- I behave and what do I get? Food poisoning ,constant blizzards with exceptional high winds inbetween! I went round in a massive circle (by  accident) in Ash and all the animals have done their disappearing act!

So I'm coming to bleak to join you if your still there!?good job I killed both moose there the other day or I'd probably get trampled on!


Oh and stop laughing 😂

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Sprains are very annoying! Not sure how many people do take it off on custom but quite s few I should imagine! I'm always spraining myself even on the smallest bumps or mounds of snow!

It's understandable to some extent but it's just too much too often! And it's not like you get unlimited painkillers!

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Just passed through there! It's my main base too but I had so much lead had to go to mystery!

Now wondering whether to go back to PV or on to bleak!?. Best weather I've had all week is strangely enough in PV😄

If your still at PV wanna share some mouldy moose meat!? It's definitely cooked!😃

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Sorry I'm having a "not explaining myself  very well" kind of day! I'm upsetting people unintentionally 😭

Tried to help a friend earlier and that did not go well!😭. Should keep my mouth shut! Maybe with a large piece of moose meat or a whole bunny!😄


How's the day going with you? Had any good kills? No more swimming in the lakes?



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No, I understood fabulously! The 'I dont know what you're talking about' was a joke, like well y'know....

When you did something bad nd asked what happened, you say that like you have no clue what it's about, but you know what it's about. Followed by that nervous look....yeah. lol

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😀! I see! That's what happens when I write these things early in the morning! 

Should have waited until after my tenth cup of tea 😂  can't wait until I get my new mattress then I might be asleep all night and not half the day🐑! Got a spare stim? Can't find any of mine!

Edited by Leeanda
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