Part 4 - Poisoned Affliction

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  • Obtained by being bitten by a poisoned wolf in the ZC.
    • 100% chance when bitten?  I'm guessing not, sort of like torn clothes.  Perhaps higher clothing protection rating will reduce the chance of poisoning?
    • Although not specifically mentioned, could we also become poisoned by eating Poisoned Wolf Meat?

Effects of Poisoning

  • I'm guessing effects will be similar to Food Poisoning (Condition loss over time, perhaps without the fatigue) but the player CAN die from this.


  • Once poisoned, likely cures will be antibiotics and reishi tea.
  • Perhaps some recovery time needed as well?


Edited by hozz1235
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3 minutes ago, Just some guy being a dude said:

I’m guessing that you can also get it from the puddles of toxic waste if you walk in it for too long or inhaling toxic gas if their is any.maybe they’ll add a new medicine to get rid of the affliction? 

Perhaps.  I'm thinking of the gas as the same mechanic currently in BR Abandoned Mine, which is why we will need to find the respirator asap to explore.  There may be pockets of fresh air that we need to sprint to between the gas clouds if we don't have the respirator.

Re: toxic pools - sounds like that will be just really hard (condition loss) on our footwear.  What if we have no shoes on? ;)  Player condition loss?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Antibiotics and the like won't deal with poisoning. 

There would have to be a treatment for it that 1) purges the toxin from the body in a day or 2) provides support to the body  (stops poisoned condition loss) while the toxin is naturally purged which may take several days. 

That would likely involve a new medication and possibly a new naturally occurring  item that can be found (this for the long-term player).  None of the existing meds available fit the bill.  

There might even be a salve that could be introduced to deal with exposure to these toxic waste pools to speed up healing from exposure separate from toxic poisoning due to animal bites (I think it is a stretch but this is a game, the toxin would have to be pretty potent, imo, for a bite to really injure the character that way).  

Have to see what the devs meant. 

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Poisoning typically happens either slowly, in which case debilitating effects build up over time and take a long time to recover. Or it can happen very acutely, in which case by the time you even notice you're poisoned it might be too late to do anything about it. I'm guessing it's gonna be more like the former, where poison gradually builds up in your system over time, imposing cumulative debuffs. For sake of argument, say all of your subconditions start getting redlined. So day 1 your cap is 99%. Day 2 your cap is 98%. Not bad, you can deal with it. But let it go a week, now your best is 93% and you're starting to feel it. After two weeks it's DEFINITELY noticeable in your day-to-day. Stick around for two months, and you're barely holding together capping out at about 1/3 of your normal strength clear across the board. Can't keep food and water down, can't sleep for more than a couple hours at all and then you're lying awake restless, etc.

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19 hours ago, UTC-10 said:

Antibiotics and the like won't deal with poisoning. 

True, but bacterial complications typically go along with poison.

I suggested Reishi because one of it's purported benefits is as a poison cure:


Reishi mushroom is a fungus. Some people describe it as "tough" and "woody" with a bitter taste. The above-ground part and portions of the below-ground parts are used as medicine.

Reishi mushroom is used for aging, boosting the immune system; viral infections such as the flu (influenza), swine flu, and avian flu; lung conditions including asthma and bronchitis; heart disease and contributing conditions such as high blood pressure and high cholesterol; diabetes; kidney disease; cancer; polyps (growths) in the colon or rectum, and liver disease. It is also used for HIV/AIDS, altitude sickness, symptoms in the urinary tract in men, chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), trouble sleeping (insomnia), stomach ulcers, poisoning, and herpes pain. Other uses include reducing stress and preventing and treating different kinds of fatigue.

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15 hours ago, hozz1235 said:

Yes, thanks for mentioning that!  I like the idea of using natural substances found in the existing game as cures.

I suppose an abridged recipe could work. Charcoal + hammer = activated charcoal. I mean we can reload casings without primers, so why not.

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Activated Charcoal:

  1. Activated Charcoal Process (at home)
  2. Powder the charcoal. ...
  3. Make a 25% solution (by weight) of calcium chloride. ...
  4. Make a paste with the calcium chloride solution and your powdered charcoal.
  5. Spread the paste to dry.
  6. Rinse with clean water.
  7. Bake at 225 degrees F for 30 minutes

For poisoning however, this is for INGESTED substances.  The idea at the mines is absorption I would assume.  In this case it could be more like a biological agent- causing SLUDGEM. Salivation, lacrimation, Urination, etc.  

If that’s the case, it would potentially be a very rapid onset requiring something along the lines of atropine.  I would think a healthy supply of emergency Stims, heavy water consumption, and rest would be the treatment.  Also as mentioned previously, inability to keep food/water down would cause steady condition reduction that would require management like food poisoning, parasites, etc. 

The far territory has a lot of military overtones, possibly an addition of an IFAK kit (found in a a bunker) with a poison antidote supply?

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The process is probably way too far along but I think that it would have been better to have toxic meat which could be from any normal meat source which would be meat tainted by some level  of poisonous toxins.  The critter shows outward signs of ill health though the meat would have the title of tainted [animal] meat.  Kind of like intestinal parasites, it could be consumed as the dose is the poison and could be anywhere from something like food poisoning (an acute affliction) to something more chronic (a condition loss over time like intestinal parasites except for a period of time for the toxin to be purged from the body). 

Treatment for the acute affliction might be to induce vomiting to get the toxin out of the body (I know that that should not always the remedy because it come back out can be just damaging IRL but the game lacks proper medical facilities to 'realistically' do otherwise) and maybe something like activated carbon or a medication (new) that happens to mitigate the effects or maybe just have to tough it out.  

Much more complex to be sure.  Definitely needs a lot of thought and tuning if it became a reality.  Just a thought. 

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