Bears skin coat once again requires 2 skins. WHY??


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8 hours ago, hozz1235 said:

Get lvl 5 archery, know the bear spawn areas = easy kill.  The Spruce Falls Bridge in MT is excellent.  Easiest place in game to hunt bear, IMO.

Nah. That does seem to be a popular place to hunt a bear, and all those cars and the narrow approach do make things fairly easy, but the bear can definitely still get you, and the bridge is just too far away from anywhere that's worth having a meat pile, or even for curing the hide. I've logged 2.5Khrs in the game, and I've only bothered downing that bear a few times, simply because it just isn't really worth it.

For my money, the best place on the island for hunting bears is from the deck of the Riken. The wreck itself makes for a fairly decent local base anyway so it's a good place to have a store of food, the bear's main patrol route goes right past the prow of the boat, and if you stay up on the deck there's no way the bear can get to you (saving some odd glitch, of course). Worst that'll happen is that it gets frustrated and runs off in a huff before you take your shot, but it usually comes straight back anyway and you can get another chance. And even if you don't drop it next to the boat itself, 9 times out of 10 it'll die somewhere up on the road back to its cave, so you don't even really have to hunt for where it fell.

Next best is the kitchen porch at PV farm, which is almost (but not quite) as safe, and as that's usually my main base, that's usually where I bag bears. I've ended up with almost a ton of bear meat on the front porch in some runs.

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1 minute ago, artmunki said:

That does seem to be a popular place to hunt a bear, and all those cars and the narrow approach do make things fairly easy, but the bear can definitely still get you, and the bridge is just too far away from anywhere that's worth having a meat pile, or even for curing the hide.

If you shoot crouched near a car, you just shoot and duck in the car.  As for curing, yeah, it's a small hike to either the cave or the trailer, but not that bad.

Yup, the Rikken and PV porch are also excellent places.  I guess the reason I prefer the bridge is because the bear is consistently there!  The other 2 areas have a much larger roaming area for the bear so can be hard to find (in my experience) at those specific points.

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1 minute ago, hozz1235 said:

If you shoot crouched near a car, you just shoot and duck in the car.  As for curing, yeah, it's a small hike to either the cave or the trailer, but not that bad.

Yup, the Rikken and PV porch are also excellent places.  I guess the reason I prefer the bridge is because the bear is consistently there!  The other 2 areas have a much larger roaming area for the bear so can be hard to find (in my experience) at those specific points.

That's very true actually. If you need to bag a bear for whatever reason, that's the one place on the island you can be totally sure to find one.

I tend to cycle back to PV farm every few months in normal play, and generally just bag the bear if it happens to be nearby when I'm there. Same goes for the Riken really, but I usually stick about in DP for at least one or two blizzards (for beachcombing), and that bear's route is nowhere near as long as the PV farm one so it's much more likely to pass by while I'm there.

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15 hours ago, artmunki said:

Nah. That does seem to be a popular place to hunt a bear, and all those cars and the narrow approach do make things fairly easy, but the bear can definitely still get you, and the bridge is just too far away from anywhere that's worth having a meat pile, or even for curing the hide. I've logged 2.5Khrs in the game, and I've only bothered downing that bear a few times, simply because it just isn't really worth it.

For my money, the best place on the island for hunting bears is from the deck of the Riken. The wreck itself makes for a fairly decent local base anyway so it's a good place to have a store of food, the bear's main patrol route goes right past the prow of the boat, and if you stay up on the deck there's no way the bear can get to you (saving some odd glitch, of course). Worst that'll happen is that it gets frustrated and runs off in a huff before you take your shot, but it usually comes straight back anyway and you can get another chance. And even if you don't drop it next to the boat itself, 9 times out of 10 it'll die somewhere up on the road back to its cave, so you don't even really have to hunt for where it fell.

Next best is the kitchen porch at PV farm, which is almost (but not quite) as safe, and as that's usually my main base, that's usually where I bag bears. I've ended up with almost a ton of bear meat on the front porch in some runs.

I like the road that leads the power plant in Black rock if I'm out that way but once on pilgrim I cornered the bear at the end of the road by the wrecked part that's supposed to lead to Narrow Bridge. Thought I'd be a genius and shoot him with an arrow and get an easy kill...nope, got mauled and dropped not only my bow but some meat that was my only food at the time. Up til then I didn't think the wildlife would do that on Pilgrim. I figured they'd just flee. Same thing happened to me in ML on a snowbank with a wolf when he was just trying to eat a deer. I shot, he attacked. Lesson apparently not leaned.

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On 9/29/2023 at 12:48 PM, Bloodskye said:

I like the road that leads the power plant in Black rock if I'm out that way but once on pilgrim I cornered the bear at the end of the road by the wrecked part that's supposed to lead to Narrow Bridge. Thought I'd be a genius and shoot him with an arrow and get an easy kill...nope, got mauled and dropped not only my bow but some meat that was my only food at the time. Up til then I didn't think the wildlife would do that on Pilgrim. I figured they'd just flee. Same thing happened to me in ML on a snowbank with a wolf when he was just trying to eat a deer. I shot, he attacked. Lesson apparently not leaned.

I just had a bear chase me all the way up a fallen tree in HRV, where I expected to be completely safe from it - rather took me by surprise. Those predators do keep you on your toes!

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On 9/30/2023 at 10:31 AM, artmunki said:

I just had a bear chase me all the way up a fallen tree in HRV, where I expected to be completely safe from it - rather took me by surprise. Those predators do keep you on your toes!

If you can get out on one of the smaller branches, they shouldn't be able to reach you there (IME).

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I really like the walking meat supply in the CH. When you wake up, go out from the Quonset. Then you hear bear comming down from the hills. Wait near cars and here you are. You have a bear delivered right to your doorstep. It implies of course you down him right away. Once I got bear like this. Harvested it during the day. Next day I went out from the garage and voila: a moose. The game spoiled me that day.

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On 10/2/2023 at 2:32 PM, hozz1235 said:

If you can get out on one of the smaller branches, they shouldn't be able to reach you there (IME).

I've always been safe on fallen trees before now, even on that particular tree, so it just took me totally by surprise when it joined me up there. I'll be much more careful in future.  ^_^

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