Thoughts on Glimmer Fog / Insomnia?

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I wanted to ask how others feel about these relatively new additions.
I was pretty scared of the fog first, as it crept in while I was doing my long trek on the road leading towards the airport, and made sure to drink my herbal tea to get rid of it.
Later I found, that it is not a "seriously debilitating" affliction at all. While trying to sleep with insomnia wakes me up at random intervals, I can just click on sleep again, and maybe in a few tries I can still manage to sleep some. Also, I think my stamina seems to be depleting slower while I have insomnia (have others noticed it, or is it just my mind playing tricks?) - so i can just keep on fishing or collecting sticks or whatever, until I get tired enough to need to sleep. I found the nights usually to have milder weather in FA anyways...
I also find the fog itself quite mesmerizing, especially during twilight it is downright beautiful with the various colors lighting up random spots around. So, in addition to not really can do anything about it (I think there was a separate thread on that from before the handheld was also added), I do not especially find it annoying, or mind it at all. (Experience from Stalker setup)
To be sure: this is not a request to HL to pump it up...;-) just sharing and asking others' opinion.
What do you think?

Edited by AdamvR
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The very first time I ventured into the airfield in my Interloper run and got the insomnia affliction, I was a bit worried because I didn't know anything about it.  I assumed it would mean I would not be able to sleep.  Turns out it's no big deal at all and now I completely ignore it.  I think one time I've experienced several wake-ups in one night.  Otherwise, I've never noticed any effects when I have the affliction other than occasionally waking up early.  The only real issue I can think of is if you're very low on health and need the sleep to recharge, but I guess the herbal tea helps with that.  I'm bothered more by a simple sprain than insomnia.

I don't like the glimmer fog because of how fast it appears and how long it sometimes lasts.  I think the airfield is a neat region and the cabins are awesome, but I very rarely go there now.  I like to explore the area, but I've wasted too much time waiting, either for the glimmer fog or a blizzard that lasts an entire day.  The airfield is a really neat region but my least favorite one to visit.

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Personally, I would like to see a few more options to increase energy quickly and I would make insomnia a regular part of the game. This way every time you drink a coffee or energy drink, the risk of insomnia goes up. Plus, instead of insomnia just waking you up occasionally, I would make it so it stops you from sleeping for a certain amount of time. Insomnia can also be an affliction that stacks. At level 1 you can't sleep for 6 hours and at level 2 you can't sleep for 12 hours, etc.

This would require a few new energy sources like the new burdock root, energy bars, a new soda, etc.

It would also change how glimmer fog works. It can either cause a completely new affliction or no affliction at all. Right now, insomnia is weak.

The reason why I fully support more energy sources is because no one wants to wait for the 'chance' of an aurora, and in general, energy can be tough to manage at times. It's extremely easy to use up too much energy too quickly or have too much excess energy at night.

I also wouldn't mind a way too use up some of that excess energy. For example, how about the option to 'exercise' for 30 minutes. It could be tied to a completely new skill called 'physical conditioning', or a temporary buff that increases stamina regeneration, sprint distance, or carrying capacity. 

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One thing I will say about the region I found funny/confusing is that it specifically says get underground to avoid the fog and it’s literally the only region without a cave system and the caves that are in the region (which are all cool) don’t count as underground the airfield basement being the only safe spot in such a vast area does almost guarantee you’ll get insomnia unless you’re basing at the airport and are close when fog sets 

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This reminds me, I encountered a bug that instantly gives you insomnia and it happens when leaving the basement in the hangar. After almost getting insomnia, I would go into the basement to lower the risk but there were a few occasions where I instantly got insomnia upon leaving the basement. Has this happened to anyone else?

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On 6/11/2023 at 1:55 AM, Enigmaecho said:

One thing I will say about the region I found funny/confusing is that it specifically says get underground to avoid the fog and it’s literally the only region without a cave system and the caves that are in the region (which are all cool) don’t count as underground the airfield basement being the only safe spot in such a vast area does almost guarantee you’ll get insomnia unless you’re basing at the airport and are close when fog sets 

Does the bunker prevent insomnia?

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