So what about Paradise Meadows farm key?


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Hey, you might remember how in one of the previous updates bodies would start to disappear. And because of this, the key to Paradise Meadows farm could be lost. So, after the bug was fixed, if I lost this key, that means it's lost forever, right? Is there no way to get in (except for using the console)?

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well in any case if you didn't find the key cuz of the bug, i would research all the spots where the key (or body with it) may spawn.

If you still can't find it, then you can only get it from console (aka it's gone since i think in a vanilla game you can't access console commands).

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22 hours ago, Karl Grylls said:

Not sure, but.... didn't the fix applies only to new games? Older saves are not affected? Can someone approve or correct me?

I had a game started before the fix just in Milton and I didn't find the key, then I went to Hushed River and when they released the update I went back to Milton and the key was already there, maybe you should try to exit and enter the map and look for it again.

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30 minutes ago, hozz1235 said:

If the key doesn't exist in your save (old or new), I would submit a support ticket.  HL should be aware.

Nah, it's an old save, and the bug is fixed already. I've just been wondering if there's a way to get that key if it didn't spawn in that old version. But if not, that's fine.

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Same thing here. Coming back after almost a year to The Long Dark, I was happy when I found out they finally fixed the missing key bug. So I went to MT to finally get my sweet loot, but it's just not there in my save. Nothing in the truck, nothing in the tractor and no corpses behind the house or in the barn. It really messes with my ocd, cuz this is the perfect Stalker run: a complete base in every single major region, Faithful Cartographer, all vistas, but can't get inside that damn house :(

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