Drinking blood


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Yeah, so this suggestion is about as morbid as you can get, but, seriously, why are we not able to drink the blood from animals that we kill? TLD is about surviving at all costs, after all.

From a gameplay perspective, this would make sense, and not be too unbalanced. Blood from a freshly-killed animal is still at that animal’s body temperature, so if you were desperate and didn’t have any matches, then drinking a cup of blood could be a desperate measure for a desperate situation.

It would likely give a few calories, as well as a high risk of infection, unless it was cooked first, in which case, it would effectively be another kind of tea.

My proposed amounts of drainable blood (in liters) per creature:

Rabbit: 0.15L.

Deer: 3.5L.

Wolf: 3.2L.

Bear: About 20L.

Moose: 32L.

Now, obviously, bagging a Bear or Moose and draining all the blood out of it would render you overencumbered almost immediately... and, unless you’re Dracula, there is no way you will ever need to drink that much blood.

To avoid this “teeny tiny problem”, I propose the following solution: For every in-game minute an animal bleeds out, it would lose 10% of it’s drainable blood supply.

Now, how would you drain the blood out of a dead animal? I have no idea, but desperater times call for desperate measures.

What does everyone think of this idea?

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19 hours ago, conanjaguar said:

What does everyone think of this idea?

...seems a good way to be exposed to parasites/pathogens.  Like drinking river water, I don't think it's a safe practice... but I've not done any research on the subject, so I can't say I know for sure...

from a gameplay perspective I think even drinking blood fresh from a carcass (never mind storing it for later) would reasonably be comparable to eating raw meat (which in this game is pretty much guaranteed parasites/food poisoning).

I get where the idea is coming from... and it certainly could be a thing... it just seems reasonable to me that it would be kind of risky (like drinking non-potable water or eating raw meats).


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5 hours ago, Sgt Socks said:

What do I think?!!!


Just..... NO!!! 🤢🤮😝😄


5 hours ago, APixelatedLemon said:

This idea sucks.





Get it? 


3 hours ago, Leeanda said:

I get where you're coming from but honestly I wouldn't try it..  sorry.


3 hours ago, ManicManiac said:

...seems a good way to be exposed to parasites/pathogens.  Like drinking river water, I don't think it's a safe practice... but I've not done any research on the subject, so I can't say I know for sure...

from a gameplay perspective I think even drinking blood fresh from a carcass (never mind storing it for later) would reasonably be comparable to eating raw meat (which in this game is pretty much guaranteed parasites/food poisoning).

I get where the idea is coming from... and it certainly could be a thing... it just seems reasonable to me that it would be kind of risky (like drinking non-potable water or eating raw meats).


Ok, I didn’t expect to see such negative feedback... consider this thread deleted.

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6 minutes ago, ManicManiac said:

I wasn't trying to be negative.  Just sharing my thoughts on the idea itself.  I don't think the thread should be delete.


It is pretty morbid and gross, but I think it would add to the gameplay.
It would give players a choice: would you play as the do-gooder who refuses to loot a body, or would you go full on savage?

Personally, I’ve kinda always wanted to role play Dracula...

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@conanjaguar. Please don't delete this thread..  I can see your points it's just not something I could do myself...doesn't mean it's wrong it's just a matter of personal preferences..   as @ManicManiac pointed out it may cause parasites and anything that makes the game harder might appeal to some of those lopers out there. 

 Dracula is kind of cool though.  🙂

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No no, don't delete it you silly sausage. I stand by my reaction but that's because I am super squeamish about the red stuff.

It is a valid suggestion! Absolutely not something I would partake in but some people, if in the situation of our survivors, would do this to survive.

A subject like this will always be divisive but you carefully considered it and that makes it valid.

So don't you fret dear Conan 🧡

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  • 3 weeks later...

It seems a practical thing to use the blood from the kills, and it goes well with one of the spirits of the game : re-use as much as possible. But for this, you'll need to hang high your kill so it can bleed fully, which means either carrying it home where you can have the materials to do so or hanging it to a tree (use of ropes are highly suggested), using pots to keep the blood. If you hang it to a tree, you're sure to lure all of the nearby predators to it. Nothing's easy, nothing's free.

Using the blood as a base for some kind of revigorating soup or tea seems a bloody good idea in itself (pun intended), but you'll have to cook it or face the parasites, just like raw meat but with a much higher percentage.

Seems possible, but might be complex to implement correctly...

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The devs of this game have an aversion to thinking too hard about what's actually happening in their game. Drinking blood would never be added.....but it kinda is already in the game.

In Canada(and most of the world, AFAIK), animals are left hanging with open wounds until they bleed out so the meat we eat is pretty blood free. In this game that does not happen so the meat stays nice and bloody inside. You don't drink it though, you eat it.



I think I would just like to add that not wanting to think about what you're doing in common in our society. It's not just the devs of this game, it's a culturally promoted ignorance of reality that the vast majority support and participate in. I don't want the devs to be singled out.

Edited by odizzido
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