My first stalker run.


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If it wasn't for this forum and the good people on here I'd be in serious trouble that's for sure..  

I know what you mean.. places like the bear cave in ash canyon.  That's a tricky one and no mistake.  Even on pilgrim I feel like I'm trapped even though I know I'm safe.  

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4 hours ago, Sgt Socks said:

😄 Don't worry chick, if I don't have a gun I'm hopeless. 800+ hours since 2016 and I cannot master the bow or the stones! And I'm a pretty fair gamer. Oh well, we can sit by the fire together chewing cattails 😁

I can sympathize with the bow... Long distance flukes and missing a bears backside when it's 5 feet away from you is my usual way😁 

I'll bring the tea and chocolate bars 🙂

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I spent a good part of this morning looking for the prepper cache. High winds made it very slow going but at least it was warm.. I eventually found it ,it was the one I decided not to look for when I first arrived in pv.  Murphy's law.. 

I did manage to find one bunny though before I set out but one isn't going to get me my hat.  From the barn I followed the river up to the crash site and saw nothing . No deer,wolves or any more rabbits.   There wasn't much up there except another earwrap  and a few dinners. 

As the cache was near the community hall I ducked in there for a quick look but found very little.  I was about to leave but a blizzard blew up and I was forced to spend the night there.   I need a hammer and hacksaw so thought I'd go to the big barn to check,and to pick up the arrows too.  Finally I saw one wolf,it ran off after a random revolver shot though and didn't reappear when I came back out.  

I decided ,after being somehow very overweight again, that I needed to head to ash and get the backpack.  I followed the river up until I got level with the bear cave and just as I was about to get off the river a wolf turned up.. I had no time to do anything but fire a random shot. It missed ,of course. And I got a thorough mauling.  Unfortunately I can't pick the right melee weapon so ended up being stuck using the revolver. Not good enough..  I checked for damage only to find I was ok(no blood loss or infection anyway) Unfortunately I lost my brand new earwraps  and one of my hats. The mukluks  took quite a bit too . I headed into the bear cave to fix them and take a quick breather..   I thought I'd check out the cave and picnic site on the way to the climb and found a nearly new bow and one arrow and my second mre.  I also picked up the bedroll as the bearskin one is going to be more of a problem to carry with all the rope climbs I'm going to be doing.. I made my way up to the abandoned cache and sorted out my pack.  I'm going to have to travel as light as possible for a while.... Not being overburdened is by far my biggest challenge yet🙂. I read the last few hours of a cooking book and turned in for the night.. I woke to blue skies for a change but by the time I'd climbed the rope and reached twm the clouds were thick and getting dark..  I did see moose rubbings but no moose ,which I would've expected on stalker,so I may have taken them off.  😒 

I've just arrived at the hut and finished having a look around.. a hacksaw and a tin of dog food was my lot really.  I'm just about to get a fire going to boil up water and make plenty of coffee. While I  have 3 stims on me I'd rather save them for dire emergencies. 

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I left the hut to windy snow ,still not getting cold though.  Maybe I'm just being lucky or my clothes are warmer than I think.  I headed down the canyon and opened the two containers down there. Lots of coffee and tea and plenty of boxes of crackers. That's what I'd been hoping for, plenty of food that's light to carry.   I left some in the cave with the hacksaw to keep my weight down and headed off to ssh canyon.  The weather was pretty much the same when I got there but the wind had died down a bit.  I spied the first wolf just before he saw me ,I fired a shot off and he ran.  I followed the Middle of the river ,going slowly as I'm not familiar with most of the wolf spawn sites in ash.  I saw nothing else until I got to the cabin near the waterfall,but I skirted round the back and I went unnoticed.  By the time I'd looked around a blizzard had blown up,so I spent some time reading and boiling more water..   why do they get so thirsty when doing nothing or sleeping?  I've never been dehydrated after a few hours sleep..🙂.  Early next morning I set off for the mine.  It was very uneventful until I got near the waterfall cave.  I'm glad I had a lit torch instead of the revolver or I would've had a mauling.   It was a quiet pleasant walk to the rope climb down to the mine. Sadly no bearskin coat but a cooking book and red thermals were pretty good .  

Finally ,the precious extra carry weight I craved.🙂.  It was still early by the time I'd been through the mine so I slept for a couple of hours . I decided to head to miners folly so used my first stim to get up the rope and more than halfway back before the effects wore off.   I'm now looting the area and sorting out my gear ready to head back to them..  I may be stuck here though,I can hear the wind picking up.  But I have a few books to read.  

Edited by Leeanda
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Oh my goodness, those damn Bears! I'm so glad you survived relatively  unscathed.

Hooray on the technical backpack! As a fellow "kitchen sink loot goblin" I know how bloody marvellous that extra inventory weight will be.

But I have to raise my rabbit hat to you chick. Ash Canyon 🤢 I've spent quite a lot of time there over the years but I get claustrophobic and panicky, so I stay away. Having said that I do play on difficulties where more regular Moose spawns occur so I *usually* manage to craft the Moose bag.

Speaking of Moose. I *think* the fact you are seeing rubbings means you haven't turned them off. The fact you saw rubbings but no Moose doesn't surprise me; they are a rare spawn. The rubbings mean they *may* spawn there but its pure luck whether you will be there at the same time. I've had the best Moose luck in ML, at the dam and Trapper's. But even then, some runs I only see one or two the whole game despite wide exploration. I will keep my fingers crossed for you, imagine all that carry space with the backpack and bag!! 😁

I am extremely impressed with your first Stalker run. You're a natural.

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I left miners folly mid afternoon in high winds. Luckily torches aren't needed up there and with bears off anyway there's no real threat yet.    I was expecting an ambush near the exit to twm but I saw nothing,no deer or rabbits either.  I'm either very lucky or the game has decided to turn to pilgrim settings.  Where is everything?🙂. No deer carcasses and  hardly an corpses either.  Most unusual. 

I picked up the hacksaw and bits I'd left in canyon cave and headed back to twm hut. I sorted out my gear,read for a few hours and went to sleep.  The next morning I left all non essentials in the cabin ,including the rifle and set off for the summit.  I used a torch as it seems safer than the revolver and just as I started to get followed by a wolf the wind picked up instantly.  It blew out near the containers so took a flare out just in case.  It wasn't needed though,the wolf never came close enough but it followed me all the way to the log bridge.  I made my way up to the summit stopping in the caves on the way to look for food but found none.  I'm glad I picked so many cat tails on my travels.  Apart from one deer and a wolf carcass I saw no animals at all... There's usually one at deer clearing and up near secluded corner climb but not today.  

I slept in the cave until fully rested and made the climb to the summit.   There's quite a lot more loot than I thought there would be.   Obviously I packed my backpack to extremes😁. I'm not turning my nose up at all those free hides,there's enough for hat,gloves and a wolf coat.  I did have to decide whether to loose some ration packs or leave the hammer but food is becoming an issue already so I left the hammer behind.  I know where it is if I have no luck finding one in FM or Broken railroad.  I spent the night in the plane while another blizzard raged on.  The trip back to the hut was uneventful,nothing except one deer in the distance.  I sorted my gear out and thought about making the hat until remembered I need guts.🙂. I waited most of the morning for a wolf or deer to turn up but the lake was quiet. I did some fishing so I would smell and hopefully attract a wolf ,I wandered around the lake with the high scent bar and still nothing..  I spent the evening cooking and reading while another blizzard blew through the hut.  Literally,I'm not sure if that's supposed to happen but I've not noticed it on pilgrim.  

The next morning I went out to blue but cold skies hoping to find something I could kill,and just as I was about to give up I saw a wolf munching on a rabbit.  I took a shot but only grazed him and he ran off. It turns out he had a craving for bunnies as I found three uneaten laying around,so I took them back to the hut and harvested them.  I went back out to look for the wolf and came across another one. He made a beeline straight for me but I I shot him head on and luckily  he went down.  

I've just taken his guts and  got a fire going ready to cook the rabbits and boil more water.   When that's done I shall look for the dead wolf and open the containers in the birch area.  It's been a busy but good day today.  I may take another trip up the mountain and bring down some of that loot I had to leave behind.   

Old habit's die hard😁

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Just now, Sgt Socks said:

Oh my goodness, those damn Bears! I'm so glad you survived relatively  unscathed.

Hooray on the technical backpack! As a fellow "kitchen sink loot goblin" I know how bloody marvellous that extra inventory weight will be.

But I have to raise my rabbit hat to you chick. Ash Canyon 🤢 I've spent quite a lot of time there over the years but I get claustrophobic and panicky, so I stay away. Having said that I do play on difficulties where more regular Moose spawns occur so I *usually* manage to craft the Moose bag.

Speaking of Moose. I *think* the fact you are seeing rubbings means you haven't turned them off. The fact you saw rubbings but no Moose doesn't surprise me; they are a rare spawn. The rubbings mean they *may* spawn there but its pure luck whether you will be there at the same time. I've had the best Moose luck in ML, at the dam and Trapper's. But even then, some runs I only see one or two the whole game despite wide exploration. I will keep my fingers crossed for you, imagine all that carry space with the backpack and bag!! 😁

I am extremely impressed with your first Stalker run. You're a natural.

Thank you.  I'm not sure about that though.  Maybe just some lucky bugs at the moment.  I'm still overweight even with the backpack😁Just can't stop hoarding everything 😁.  No matter how desperate though ,I won't go to hrv for the moosehide satchel.  If indeed he doesn't show up elsewhere..  the only guaranteed place I see them is bleak and I don't fancy running into those timbers just yet.

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I didn't find the wolf and due to either a bug or my eyes playing tricks on me,I didn't see the hacksaw on the table until I got back,but I didn't open the containers either.🙂.  Id just got back in the cabin when a blizzard blew up so I was forced to stay inside for most of the day.  There wasn't much to do so I checked all my gear then read til late before going to sleep.  I woke to grey windy weather and looking onto the ice saw nothing again.  My impatience was beginning to get the better of me so decided to leave the few guts there and go back to pv.  I was so overburdened that I could hardly move so had to leave a few MREs behind.  I always goat down to PV from there so I didn't need to be underweight to get back.  I did need to be able to walk though🙂

It was unusually quiet on the road until I got past the derelict cabins. A wolf turned up from round behind a rock but not that close really. However instead of just the bark then the growls it went straight into attack mode and I didn't have time to get a proper shot at it. . I got a thorough mauling. Nearly half my life gone but only minimal damage to my snow pants.   I tended my wounds and carried on until I got to the hall,where I planned to rest for a while. But I changed my mind (I'm fickle too in this game)🙂 as there was still some daylight left ,so I headed back to the farm.  Expecting wolves to be around I was disappointed to find nothing except one bunny near the shed. Id hoped I could sniper them from the porch .  I stashed about 70% of my gear and went to bed to the sounds of my first PV blizzard.  It was the first thing I heard when I woke next morning too.  Got to love PV 😁. Luckily it didn't last long and I stepped out into a crisp bright world. I had a quick look round the farm and the fields but could see nothing anywhere.   I'm now on the porch wondering what or where to go next. Do I stay and wait for a little bit or do I head off to forlorn to make some arrowheads.   I'll just have to wait and see what mood I'm in when I play tomorrow.  


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5 hours ago, Leeanda said:

I'm still overweight even with the backpack😁Just can't stop hoarding everything 😁

Hehehe... me too. Even if I had ten technical backpacks I'd end up encumbered! Hey, a girl can never have too many sticks right? 🤪

5 hours ago, Leeanda said:

No matter how desperate though ,I won't go to hrv for the moosehide satchel.  If indeed he doesn't show up elsewhere..  the only guaranteed place I see them is bleak and I don't fancy running into those timbers just yet.

I'm *never* desperate enough to go to HRV full stop! I'd rather make twenty back and forward trips across various regions. Or fade into The Long Dark. I hate HRV and Ash Canyon with a vengeance.

I hear you about the Timbers. I have to seriously psyche myself up for BI. I always seems to get the Bears just after tangling with the Timbers. Not good for one's nerves!

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3 minutes ago, Leeanda said:

However instead of just the bark then the growls it went straight into attack mode and I didn't have time to get a proper shot at it. . I got a thorough mauling. Nearly half my life gone but only minimal damage to my snow pants.   

Oh yes.... that's them Stalker wolves 🙈

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2 minutes ago, Leeanda said:

I could understand it if it was close already but it wasn't .     At least they don't run quite as fast as yogi does though..

It's the increased aggression and smell range on Stalker that does it. You quite often don't even get the chance to lead them on a merry dance while they growl at you.

Yeah I know, those Bears can bloody move for big heavy beasts! I nearly wet myself today when I left the little trailer by the rope in CH and *immediately* heard that roar. Thankfully I was so close to the door I just turned round and stayed inside for about 3 hours gibbering in the corner 😄

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26 minutes ago, Sgt Socks said:

Hehehe... me too. Even if I had ten technical backpacks I'd end up encumbered! Hey, a girl can never have too many sticks right? 🤪

I'm *never* desperate enough to go to HRV full stop! I'd rather make twenty back and forward trips across various regions. Or fade into The Long Dark. I hate HRV and Ash Canyon with a vengeance.

I hear you about the Timbers. I have to seriously psyche myself up for BI. I always seems to get the Bears just after tangling with the Timbers. Not good for one's nerves!

🙂Including the kitchen sink..  

I don't mind ash ,it's grown on me these last few months but hrv... Nope.. I'm with you all the way on that one. Thelma and Louise off the nearest cliff🙂 

5 minutes ago, Sgt Socks said:

It's the increased aggression and smell range on Stalker that does it. You quite often don't even get the chance to lead them on a merry dance while they growl at you.

Yeah I know, those Bears can bloody move for big heavy beasts! I nearly wet myself today when I left the little trailer by the rope in CH and *immediately* heard that roar. Thankfully I was so close to the door I just turned round and stayed inside for about 3 hours gibbering in the corner 😄

I didn't know that,thank you for the heads up.  

I'm glad you made it back inside...  Pity there's no Tena Ladies in the game,I'm sure some of us could make good use of them😁

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11 minutes ago, Leeanda said:

🙂Including the kitchen sink..  

And the plumbing, never know when we might need those pipes. Oh and all the cleaning stuff, all those guts do not make for a sanitary environment. Oh and and and.... EVERYTHING!!! Just in case 😁

13 minutes ago, Leeanda said:

don't mind ash ,it's grown on me these last few months 

I might have to do a Pilgrim run on it again. If I can learn the routes I'd feel much better. It genuinely does make me panic!

15 minutes ago, Leeanda said:

but hrv... Nope.. I'm with you all the way on that one. Thelma and Louise off the nearest cliff🙂 

Haha love it! Yeah we'll do it in style chick, no dull fading into The Long Dark for us. Go big or home!

18 minutes ago, Leeanda said:

I didn't know that,thank you for the heads up.  

You're welcome my darling. Yes, they can smell you from a million miles away, and they have higher aggression. Plus I believe they are set to close spawn so that's often the encounters where they're on you before your brain can even process the growl. Hence why my frazzled nerves couldn't take Stalker anymore 😳

21 minutes ago, Leeanda said:

Pity there's no Tena Ladies in the game,I'm sure some of us could make good use of them

STOP IT! You keep making me laugh so much I will need a Tena!!!!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

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9 minutes ago, Sgt Socks said:

And the plumbing, never know when we might need those pipes. Oh and all the cleaning stuff, all those guts do not make for a sanitary environment. Oh and and and.... EVERYTHING!!! Just in case 😁

I might have to do a Pilgrim run on it again. If I can learn the routes I'd feel much better. It genuinely does make me panic!

Haha love it! Yeah we'll do it in style chick, no dull fading into The Long Dark for us. Go big or home!

You're welcome my darling. Yes, they can smell you from a million miles away, and they have higher aggression. Plus I believe they are set to close spawn so that's often the encounters where they're on you before your brain can even process the growl. Hence why my frazzled nerves couldn't take Stalker anymore 😳

STOP IT! You keep making me laugh so much I will need a Tena!!!!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

I didn't really look at that many of the settings so I didn't notice them.  I mostly checked the afflictions and the waking when cold/attacked ones ,things like that. Should've checked them all really .   

LoL.   Might come in handy for the dysentery too😁

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4 minutes ago, Leeanda said:

I didn't really look at that many of the settings so I didn't notice them.  I mostly checked the afflictions and the waking when cold/attacked ones ,things like that. Should've checked them all really.

Even if you had I don't think it would have prepared you for the Stalker wolves chick. When I went up from Voyageur I checked everything and it was still like being thrown into lake of starving piranhas with no warning. I still bear the scars!

7 minutes ago, Leeanda said:

LoL.   Might come in handy for the dysentery too😁

Ah of course.... that's why someone has made a toilet roll mod...

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Well again thank you .🙂.  It's slower going even without the high fatigue. I seem to spend so much time scanning around I feel like I don't get much done.. 

On pilgrim it takes me two days from ash spawn start to twm summit but it took me about 15 on stalker.  Being impatient and fickle is more of a challenge than the wolves..  except the timbers of course, those things are nuts. 

I've never heard anyone say they've had dysentery but that loo roll would be good for starting fires though.  Or wiping away those sniffles when you wring a bunnies neck..   I hate doing that ,I tend to shoot them as far away as possible so I can't hear the squeak.

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16 minutes ago, Leeanda said:

.It's slower going even without the high fatigue. I seem to spend so much time scanning around I feel like I don't get much done.. 

I think this was one of the biggest reasons why I quit playing Stalker and started making custom games where it was more difficult weather wise rather than from the wolves. I also took the Timberwolves out. Its not that I want an easy game, but I do want to be able to appreciate the scenery, settings and exploration. For me that's where the magic lies. Irl I'm hyper vigilant and it is exhausting, I don't want it in my game! After a few tries I found a really good balance (for me) - much harder weather, less wolves and far spawning, no Timberwolves, lots of bears. Yes the bears scare me more but it's the proliferation of aggressive wolves which makes it a game of watching for them and little else. I know not everyone feels that way, but that's why there are different modes and the custom game. You can tailor it to your own preferences.

16 minutes ago, Leeanda said:

I've never heard anyone say they've had dysentery but that loo roll would be good for starting fires though.

Lol yes it would make excellent tinder! I think I got dysentery once when I drank unboiled water by mistake, but I'm not even sure about that. It definitely not one of the common afflictions.

16 minutes ago, Leeanda said:

Or wiping away those sniffles when you wring a bunnies neck..   I hate doing that ,I tend to shoot them as far away as possible so I can't hear the squeak.

Oh god I know what you mean! I think that's why I stopped trying to master the stone throwing. I only snare the rabbits, never shoot or stone them. And I only do the snaring when I really have to! The bunnies never jump out on you and try and tear your throat out or pound you into the ground with no provocation. I don't like killing them 🥺

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9 minutes ago, Sgt Socks said:

I think this was one of the biggest reasons why I quit playing Stalker and started making custom games where it was more difficult weather wise rather than from the wolves. I also took the Timberwolves out. Its not that I want an easy game, but I do want to be able to appreciate the scenery, settings and exploration. For me that's where the magic lies. Irl I'm hyper vigilant and it is exhausting, I don't want it in my game! After a few tries I found a really good balance (for me) - much harder weather, less wolves and far spawning, no Timberwolves, lots of bears. Yes the bears scare me more but it's the proliferation of aggressive wolves which makes it a game of watching for them and little else. I know not everyone feels that way, but that's why there are different modes and the custom game. You can tailor it to your own preferences.

Lol yes it would make excellent tinder! I think I got dysentery once when I drank unboiled water by mistake, but I'm not even sure about that. It definitely not one of the common afflictions.

Oh god I know what you mean! I think that's why I stopped trying to master the stone throwing. I only snare the rabbits, never shoot or stone them. And I only do the snaring when I really have to! The bunnies never jump out on you and try and tear your throat out or pound you into the ground with no provocation. I don't like killing them 🥺

I'm beginning to see what you mean.. on pilgrim the main problem with timbers is that bugged yapping at the cannery during aurora.  Episode three though I had no problem coping with them,even in the blizzard lugging bodies around.. I actually enjoyed that.   

It's no cop out to reduce /take anything off🙂. I don't like bear attacks so I take them off or have passive on.even then I only shoot them from a very safe spot. If you can't enjoy the game then it's pointless playing.  The beauty of the game is the beauty of the game🙂  

After this run is done I might tweak pilgrim with a few stalker settings myself..   

Makes you wonder if anyone's had dysentery?  Maybe it's bugged and no one noticed😁  

I have to admit I don't like shooting them or wolves really . I do use them for archery levelling though but I do make full use of them too.  I won't waste anything.  Poor little bunnies.   

Bear and moose though...gun happy girl on the rampage😁

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I decided to head to forlorn this morning,at least to see if the hammer was there.  I got through pv and most of mystery lake without seeing anything except one bunny at the barn  and a wolf in the distance past camp office.  I got stuck in there for the rest of the day though as a long blizzard blew up.  After reading for a few hours and sorting out my gear I fell asleep to the roaring outside. 

It only just stopped by the time I was ready to leave next morning,so I set off in still windy weather.  I haven't had a chance to use a torch for quite a while so I've been carrying flares instead.  I managed to skirt past the wolf near the tunnel and arrived at forlorn to even heavier winds and thick murky snow.  I was again expecting wolves everywhere but saw nothing until I got to the broken tower.  

I fired a shot off and carried on while he ran around in the cave.   It wasn't long before another wolf turned up though so I lit a flare and sidled past him and down to the farmstead.  It followed me and hung around outside for a few minutes then yelped and ran off.   I spent the rest of the day alone,boiling water and making coffees ready for the forging session.  I was glad for the dog food that was there as I've been running out of food a lot lately.  After I'd finished sorting things out I'd planned to go and do a spot of hunting,if I could find anything,but an aurora turned up and I didn't want to risk it with so few supplies nearby. 

I watched the aurora for a few hours and then went to bed.  I woke to a blizzard,not something I usually see in forlorn ,but I had a day of forging ahead so spent my time making arrowheads.  I did make the slight mistake of eating the best condition food before bed  , which I would pay for later on.🙂.   I left forlorn next morning ,only briefly thinking of going to broken railroad,but I headed back to mystery lake to visit the cache and pick up what was left of the food and the only tin of gunpowder I've found so far.  It was then that I got the food poisoning. I nipped into trappers to pick up the cured guts I had there and headed to the office.  I was followed most of the way by a wolf . I think he was trying to sell me something.🙂

I picked up the gear from the cache and made my way past the wolves on the lake until I got to the hunters blind.. there I met another wolf who wanted to get friendly ,he followed me most of the way to the trailers before suddenly losing interest.  But as soon as he stopped growling another wolf started. I wanted to get in and out the trailer without him being there when I came out so threw the flare at his feet.  He stood there glitching ,unable to make his mind up ,so I took one tiny step forward toward the flare . 

That's when he made his choice and gave me a good mauling.  And taught me a valuable lesson,glitch or no glitch ,don't try and get your flare back😁

I nipped inside the trailer and bandaged my wound and drank my herbal tea. . I passed an hour and then  made my way through the dam.. I've just left her inside the exit ready to head back to pv then on to coastal.  I'm expecting to get some maulings there so maybe a bottle of antiseptic might come in handy despite the weight.   Never thought I'd be worried about being overburdened though.😁

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One thing you might find helpful, if you haven't done already, is to change the struggle input to push and hold, rather than the carpal tunnel inducing quick clicks. At least I found that helpful.

I'm 50 days into my first interloper run, and I must say I do not miss the crazy amount of wolves on stalker. I do find the lack of loot somewhat depressing. Somehow, I think my preferred mix now is a custom game with interloper everything, but with guns and stalker loot. I plan to soldier on to 100 days on interloper, and then see if I want to keep going with it.

Best of luck on your run :)

Edited by Jotunheim
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