I think I'd Pay for a Polar Bear


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I found myself with a plethora of Bear Skins So I crafted my first bearskin coat. I'd looked at stats and always eschewed it mostly for the weight. I did take a hard toll on my hunting knife as well. But on first wearing, a hiding wolf bolted in an opposite direction. The first time seems to work with the Wolf coat too, but he promptly came back and tore my new coat and rabbit fur hat up. At least I know.

Its damn cold here in Stalker and getting colder with even colder places left to explore but I looked in the mirror and I just don't like the style. I think I want a Polar Bear coat. At these temperatures I'm sure they could float to the Island via miniature icebergs.. Since they are bigger, would I need two to craft a coat. I really don't want to have to use the spear btw but I think I'd pay 5 or 10 dollars for Polar bears in game, especially the colder regions.

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I know a lot of people have talked about polar bear coats, but I'm going to tell you, the setting of this game is a thousand kilometers away from where you can find polar bears. If they add polar bears I will not be happy because seeing a polar bear in the BC boreal rainforest is just going to completely destroy the suspension of disbelief. They are just not there. Ask for grizzly and kermode bears; they are found in the part of the world that the game is set in, and kermode bears (which are a subspecies of black bears and are only found in the BC rainforest) will absolutely fulfil your fashion desires; they have a creamy pale fur which is quite beautiful.

Polar bears are absolutely not. You find them up on the Arctic Ocean. Basically, you don't really find polar bears anywhere you can find trees.

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2 hours ago, Leeanda said:

Like you get in far cry?   Special  one offs in that case but why not so many in each area?

I wouldn’t know. The only Far Cry I have played is the original. But yes, that’s kind of what I was saying. Special specimens of the animals that would have upgraded abilities such as thicker fur, more detection range, etc. etc. Once killed, their spawn point would spawn a normal version of the animal for, say, five cycles, and then the albino would return.

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Honestly I would be down for ANY new animals being added. Don't get me wrong, I love TLD, it's my second favorite survival game, but one are area I feel kinda lacking is wildlife variation.

I think even having more types of deer would be a huge step to making wildlife feel more varied.

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On 6/26/2022 at 9:22 PM, stratvox said:

I know a lot of people have talked about polar bear coats, but I'm going to tell you, the setting of this game is a thousand kilometers away from where you can find polar bears. If they add polar bears I will not be happy because seeing a polar bear in the BC boreal rainforest is just going to completely destroy the suspension of disbelief. They are just not there. Ask for grizzly and kermode bears; they are found in the part of the world that the game is set in, and kermode bears (which are a subspecies of black bears and are only found in the BC rainforest) will absolutely fulfil your fashion desires; they have a creamy pale fur which is quite beautiful.

Polar bears are absolutely not. You find them up on the Arctic Ocean. Basically, you don't really find polar bears anywhere you can find trees.

I like your recommendation for the Kermode bears but they look small and getting 2 would be difficult for a paid option. I do think thy would be more fashionable though. 
But as for tree lines, global warming is getting worse, the Auroras seem suspect, perhaps the world has been knocked off its axis, the artic cap has turned into a thousand chunks of floating ice with polar bear families. Which brings me I guess to seals washing up on  Coastal Highways shores.

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8 hours ago, Muestereate said:

global warming is getting worse

Global warming?! In TLD? I don’t mean to seem disrespectful, but I’m pretty sure that Great Bear (and the world) is not warming up anytime soon. And I am pretty sure that the auroras are one of the the effects of whatever happened, not the cause.

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In my short time on the forums, I have come to regard you as something of a friend. Thus, I shall try to avoid stepping on any toes. You have my apologies in advance if I do.

 You are mostly right about global warming being man made, but there are some exceptions. For instance, the end of the Ice Age. Then, humans had no pollution-spewing industry. Their campfires might have warmed the atmosphere a little bit, but the earth eventually recovered from the Ice Age in its own time. So, it stands to reason that at least some of the warming occurring these days is natural. 

And, I think we can all agree that whatever caused the Long Dark was the opposite of global warming! If it was, you would likely see at least some seasonal variation, instead of an endless winter.

Again, you have my sincere apologies if I have stepped on any toes here.

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4 hours ago, conanjaguar said:

In my short time on the forums, I have come to regard you as something of a friend. Thus, I shall try to avoid stepping on any toes. You have my apologies in advance if I do.

 You are mostly right about global warming being man made, but there are some exceptions. For instance, the end of the Ice Age. Then, humans had no pollution-spewing industry. Their campfires might have warmed the atmosphere a little bit, but the earth eventually recovered from the Ice Age in its own time. So, it stands to reason that at least some of the warming occurring these days is natural. 

And, I think we can all agree that whatever caused the Long Dark was the opposite of global warming! If it was, you would likely see at least some seasonal variation, instead of an endless winter.

Again, you have my sincere apologies if I have stepped on any toes here.

Thank you for your kind words and concern.🙂.  I'm a tough old boot though and very hard to offend so no worries about that!  If I'm not happy I'll tell you😁   and as I've said before,the world would be a very odd place if everyone agreed on everything.. 

And yes I agree that it's not entirely man made ,but even in the days of just campfires we were still cutting down plants and trees and culling the wildlife .  We just speeded it up!   As for the game ,honestly I have no idea what's going on but I'm interested to see htls take on it. 

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If we were to pick a real animal that lives up north where TLD is set, then, yes, a mountain lion/cougar would be my pick. But... what if Great Bear had a zoo? Then there would be all kinds of beasties roaming around. Imagine a battle between Timberwolves and Hyenas! Pure fun.

If we are just throwing things out there, then (call me morbid) I would choose the Darkwalker! Just to force me to get over being such a ‘fraidy cat.

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40 minutes ago, conanjaguar said:

If we were to pick a real animal that lives up north where TLD is set, then, yes, a mountain lion/cougar would be my pick. But... what if Great Bear had a zoo? Then there would be all kinds of beasties roaming around. Imagine a battle between Timberwolves and Hyenas! Pure fun.

If we are just throwing things out there, then (call me morbid) I would choose the Darkwalker! Just to force me to get over being such a ‘fraidy cat.

I think I asked for geese when I first joined the forum.  I know they're not the friendliest of creatures but I'd rather tangle with them than a bear.  

I gave up with the darkwalker because of the lighting. I stood there for ages waiting for him to get me. I was more interested in seeing what he looked like than what he was going to do🙂

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Here are some animals I'd love to se added


1) Mountain lion.
I think that there should be one heavily forested region, where cougars spawn. With very few shelters, the player would feel exposed most of the time, when they're outside. And who knows, what lurks behind those trees? When it gets close to you, a suspenseful music starts playing. Mountain lion should be the silent hunter. Hiding, stalking you, making no sound, keeping its distance.
I don't know what the reward for killing one should be. Perhaps, you could craft a hat from its hide? The thing is, you shouldn't be hunting them for fur and meat. They should be hunting you. Maybe, the region has a unique and useful item hidden somewhere deep in the forest (much like the ash canyon does). And those beasts, are the wardens.
Oh, also, no wolves should spawn in that region. That's cougars' terf. And it should have sort of a horror feeling to it. 

2) Birds.
They don't even have to serve any function. Simply by existing they would improve the feeling of wilderness. Right now you can hear many different birds, but you can never see them. Having them flying from one treetop to another would make the world feel so much more alive.

3) Female deer/moose. 
It's kinda weird that all the deer and moose we see have antlers. In case of deer, all Hinterland would have to do is to remove the antlers. And when a deer is spawned there's a 50% chance that it has no antlers. The difference is purely cosmetic. I don't know how it would work with moose, though. Female moose are not as aggressive as males during mating season, but making them neutral until provoked wouldn't be good for game's balance. To fix this problem, here's the next suggestion...

4) Bear cubs and moose calves.
Female moose will always spawn near a calve. That would be a great excuse for them to trample you at first sight. If you kill the mom, its baby would act confused and scared, making you feel like a complete asshole.
Some bears should spawn with one or two cubs. Bear cubs would act like scouting drones. You see, bears usually travel at set paths that you can easily learn. But the cubs can stray from them. If you run into a bear cub, well... You're dead. If you get too close to a bear cub, its mom will immediately spot your position and start running towards you. Not walk slowly, as bears in TLD usually do, but RUN. How does it work? Idk, maternal instincts or something?.. Doesn't matter. What matters is, if you see a bear cub, you should stay away.
Neither baby versions should give you pelts (because they are too small), but you can still harvest meat and guts... If you are a heartless monster that is.

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I think that the moose calves and bear cubs mentioned in your idea should give a small hide. Smaller than an adults’, but big enough to be usable, they would be used to craft smaller things, such as hats, gloves, underwear, and possibly ear wraps. Here is an example of some “baby” clothing.

Bearskin Balaclava: I think that crafting this would actually be fairly simple, just chop the head off a bear and... hollow it out. It would be gruesome but warm. Not recommended for those with allergies.

Mooseskin Gauntlets: Tough and resilient elbow-length gauntlets, perfect for manhandling a wolf. Not so warm, though.

Bearskin Mittens: Warm and fuzzy, if very clumsy. Take them off before fine work.

Mooseskin stockings (for the unaware, stockings were kind of like long socks):
Tough and waterproof, but ungainly.

And, finally
Cougar-hide cape: Very stylish and warm to celebrate the achievement of killing no fewer than FOUR cougars. Don’t get it wet.

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@conanjaguarI don't think it's a good idea. For the same reason I wouldn't want albino animals added. Killing albino animals and cubs for fur... That's poaching. And I don't think it's the kind of behavior the game should encourage.

These ideas are great

33 minutes ago, conanjaguar said:

Mooseskin Gauntlets: Tough and resilient elbow-length gauntlets, perfect for manhandling a wolf. Not so warm, though.

Bearskin Mittens: Warm and fuzzy, if very clumsy. Take them off before fine work.

Mooseskin stockings (for the unaware, stockings were kind of like long socks):
Tough and waterproof, but ungainly.

But I wouldn't want them gated behind killing defenseless moose calves.

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20 minutes ago, Ghurcb said:

@conanjaguarI don't think it's a good idea. For the same reason I wouldn't want albino animals added. Killing albino animals and cubs for fur... That's poaching. And I don't think it's the kind of behavior the game should encourage.

These ideas are great

But I wouldn't want them gated behind killing defenseless moose calves.

Forgive me but how would it encourage poaching?   Half the fun of games is doing that which you wouldn't or couldn't do in reality.  I love killing things in game but I would never hurt anything in real life.  

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Here is part of the disclaimer:

”The Long Dark is a post-disaster survival simulation. Although we strive to provide an experience steeped in realism, the game is not a replacement for proper wilderness survival training. As the result of the geomagnetic disaster which serves as part of the fictional foundation of the game, we have taken liberties with the potrayal of wildlife behaviour. Hinterland Studio Inc. does not condone the wanton destruction of wildlife.”

We already know that Hinterland does not condone the wanton destruction of wildlife. So, why did they give us weapons? If they wanted to, and assuming sufficient ammo, any survivor with a rifle/bow could go and kill twenty deer/wolves/bears/moose/rabbits just for fun.

While I do agree that poaching and killing baby animals in real life is wrong (and I probably could not bring myself to do it, in real life or otherwise), TLD is a game, not a simulation of real life. I don’t think that Will and Astrid will care very much about the laws around hunting when there is a bear in their face.

But, new clothing items, no matter the age of the “skin donor” would be fun additions to TLD.

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